@Override public String convert(NodeInfo source) { switch (source.getNodeKind()) { case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: return ""; case Node.TEXT_NODE: case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return "text()"; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: return "comment()"; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return "processing-instruction('" + source.getDisplayName() + "')"; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: String prefix = nsContext.getPrefix(source.getURI()); String name = source.getLocalPart(); return StringUtil.isEmpty(prefix) ? name : prefix + ':' + name; case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE: if (Namespaces.URI_XMLNS.equals(source.getURI())) return "namespace::" + source.getLocalPart(); prefix = nsContext.getPrefix(source.getURI()); name = source.getLocalPart(); return '@' + (StringUtil.isEmpty(prefix) ? name : prefix + ':' + name); case NodeType.NAMESPACE: return "namespace::" + source.getLocalPart(); default: return null; } }
private String orderByPhrase() { List<String> orderByList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { Collection<AnnotationValue> orderBys = ModelUtil.getAnnotationValue(method, mirror, "orderBy"); for (AnnotationValue orderByValue : orderBys) { AnnotationMirror orderByMirror = (AnnotationMirror) orderByValue.getValue(); String columnProperty = ModelUtil.getAnnotationValue(method, orderByMirror, "column"); ColumnProperty column = columns.findByProperty(columnProperty); if (column == null) throw new AnnotationError(method, mirror, "invalid column property: " + columnProperty); Order order = Order.valueOf( ((VariableElement) ModelUtil.getAnnotationValue(method, orderByMirror, "order")) .getSimpleName() .toString()); orderByList.add("\"+" + column.columnName(true) + "+\" " + order.keyword); } } catch (AnnotationError ex) { // ignore } return orderByList.size() > 0 ? " ORDER BY " + StringUtil.join(orderByList.iterator(), ", ") : ""; }
public static String suggestFile(URI uri, String extension) { String path = uri.getPath(); String tokens[] = StringUtil.getTokens(path, "/", true); String file = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; int dot = file.indexOf("."); if (dot == -1) return file + '.' + extension; else return file.substring(0, dot + 1) + extension; }
public static URL toURL(String systemID) { if (StringUtil.isWhitespace(systemID)) return null; systemID = systemID.trim(); try { return new URL(systemID); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { return FileUtil.toURL(new File(systemID)); } }
protected CharSequence[] defaultSQL(Iterator<VariableElement> iter) { int paramCount = method.getParameters().size(); List<String> code = new ArrayList<String>(); CollectionUtil.addAll( code, "java.util.List<String> __conditions = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(" + paramCount + ");", "java.util.List<Object> __params = new java.util.ArrayList<Object>(" + paramCount + ");"); List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> where = new ArrayList<String>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { VariableElement param = iter.next(); String paramName = param.getSimpleName().toString(); boolean primitive = ModelUtil.isPrimitive(param.asType()); if (paramName.indexOf('_') == -1) { ColumnProperty column = getColumn(param); where.add("\"+" + column.columnName(true) + "+\"=?"); params.add(column.toNativeTypeCode(paramName)); if (!primitive) CollectionUtil.addAll(code, "if(" + paramName + "!=null){", PLUS); CollectionUtil.addAll( code, "__conditions.add(" + where.get(where.size() - 1).substring(2) + "\");", "__params.add(" + column.toNativeTypeCode(paramName) + ");"); if (!primitive) CollectionUtil.addAll(code, MINUS, "}"); iter.remove(); } else { int underscore = paramName.indexOf('_'); String hint = paramName.substring(0, underscore); String propertyName = paramName.substring(underscore + 1); ColumnProperty column = getColumn(param, propertyName); String hintValue = HINTS.get(hint); if (hintValue != null) { where.add("\"+" + column.columnName(true) + "+\"" + hintValue); params.add(column.toNativeTypeCode(paramName)); if (!primitive) CollectionUtil.addAll(code, "if(" + paramName + "!=null){", PLUS); CollectionUtil.addAll( code, "__conditions.add(" + where.get(where.size() - 1).substring(2) + "\");", "__params.add(" + column.toNativeTypeCode(paramName) + ");"); if (!primitive) CollectionUtil.addAll(code, MINUS, "}"); iter.remove(); } else if ("from".equals(hint)) { iter.remove(); final VariableElement nextParam = iter.next(); final String nextParamName = nextParam.getSimpleName().toString(); boolean nextPrimitive = ModelUtil.isPrimitive(nextParam.asType()); if (!nextParamName.equals("to_" + propertyName)) throw new AnnotationError( method, "the next parameter of " + paramName + " must be to_" + propertyName); if (param.asType() != nextParam.asType()) throw new AnnotationError( method, paramName + " and " + nextParamName + " must be of same type"); where.add("\"+" + column.columnName(true) + "+\" BETWEEN ? and ?"); params.add(column.toNativeTypeCode(paramName)); params.add(column.toNativeTypeCode(nextParamName)); if (!primitive || !nextPrimitive) { String condition = ""; if (!primitive) condition = paramName + "!=null"; if (!nextPrimitive) { if (condition.length() > 0) condition += " && "; condition += nextParamName + "!=null"; } CollectionUtil.addAll(code, "if(" + condition + "){", PLUS); } CollectionUtil.addAll( code, "__conditions.add(" + where.get(where.size() - 1).substring(2) + "\");", "__params.add(" + column.toNativeTypeCode(paramName) + ");", "__params.add(" + column.toNativeTypeCode(nextParamName) + ");"); if (!primitive || !nextPrimitive) CollectionUtil.addAll(code, MINUS, "}"); iter.remove(); } else throw new AnnotationError(param, "invalid hint: " + hint); } } Boolean ignoreNullConditions = false; try { ignoreNullConditions = ModelUtil.getAnnotationValue(method, mirror, "ignoreNullConditions"); } catch (AnnotationError ex) { // ignore } if (ignoreNullConditions) { String orderByPhrase = orderByPhrase(); if (orderByPhrase.length() > 0) initialQuery = ""; String queryInitialValue; if (initialQuery == null) queryInitialValue = "null"; else queryInitialValue = '"' + initialQuery + '"'; CollectionUtil.addAll( code, "String __query = " + queryInitialValue + ";", "if(__conditions.size()>0)", PLUS, "__query " + (initialQuery == null ? "" : "+") + "= \" WHERE \" + " + StringUtil.class.getName() + ".join(__conditions.iterator(), \" AND \");", MINUS); if (orderByPhrase.length() > 0) { CollectionUtil.addAll(code, "__query += \"" + orderByPhrase + "\";"); } CollectionUtil.addAll(code, "__query", "__params.toArray()"); return code.toArray(new CharSequence[code.size()]); } else { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); if (initialQuery != null) query.append(initialQuery).append(' '); if (where.size() > 0) query.append("WHERE ").append(StringUtil.join(where.iterator(), " AND ")); query.append(orderByPhrase()); return new CharSequence[] {query, StringUtil.join(params.iterator(), ", ")}; } }