/** Transform an InputStream to a TinyTree. */ public static DocumentInfo readTinyTree( Configuration configuration, InputStream inputStream, String systemId, boolean handleXInclude, boolean handleLexical) { final TinyBuilder treeBuilder = new TinyBuilder(); { final TransformerXMLReceiver identityHandler = getIdentityTransformerHandler(configuration); identityHandler.setResult(treeBuilder); final XMLReceiver xmlReceiver; if (handleXInclude) { // Insert XIncludeContentHandler xmlReceiver = new XIncludeProcessor.XIncludeXMLReceiver( null, identityHandler, null, new TransformerURIResolver(XMLUtils.ParserConfiguration.PLAIN)); } else { xmlReceiver = identityHandler; } XMLUtils.inputStreamToSAX( inputStream, systemId, xmlReceiver, XMLUtils.ParserConfiguration.PLAIN, handleLexical); } return (DocumentInfo) treeBuilder.getCurrentRoot(); }
/** This main function is used for the ant task helpdocs. Don't change for testing!! */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 4) { System.out.println( "Usage: java ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.utils.XMLUtils originalXMLFile xslFile targetFile\n"); System.out.println("with: "); System.out.println(" originalXMLFile the original XML file to be transformed"); System.out.println( " (Note: if it's a directory will generate all xml files in dir)"); System.out.println(" xslFile the XSL file used to generate the file(s)"); System.out.println(" targetDir the target directory for the XML/HTML/etc."); System.out.println( " extension filename extension for the new files (.xml, .html, etc.)\n"); return; } File origFile = new File(args[0]); File xslFile = new File(args[1]); File targetFile = new File(args[2]); String extension = args[3]; /* File origFile = new File ("docs/XML/xmlForHtml/docs"); File xslFile = new File ("docs/XML/helpViewer/helpdocs.xsl"); File targetFile = new File ("../temp/tmm"); String extension = ".html"; */ logger.logComment("Result: " + XMLUtils.transform(origFile, xslFile, targetFile, extension)); }
/** Transform an InputStream to a dom4j Document. */ public static Document readDom4j( InputStream inputStream, String systemId, boolean handleXInclude, boolean handleLexical) { final LocationSAXContentHandler dom4jResult = new LocationSAXContentHandler(); { final XMLReceiver xmlReceiver; if (handleXInclude) { // Insert XIncludeContentHandler xmlReceiver = new XIncludeProcessor.XIncludeXMLReceiver( null, dom4jResult, null, new TransformerURIResolver(XMLUtils.ParserConfiguration.PLAIN)); } else { xmlReceiver = dom4jResult; } XMLUtils.inputStreamToSAX( inputStream, systemId, xmlReceiver, XMLUtils.ParserConfiguration.PLAIN, handleLexical); } return dom4jResult.getDocument(); }