Example #1
  protected void toXml(Record record) throws SAXException {
    if (!MarcFactory.newInstance().validateRecord(record)) {
      throw new MarcException("Marc record didn't validate");
    char temp[];
    AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
    if (indent) handler.ignorableWhitespace("\n  ".toCharArray(), 0, 3);

    handler.startElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, RECORD, RECORD, atts);

    if (indent) handler.ignorableWhitespace("\n    ".toCharArray(), 0, 5);

    handler.startElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, LEADER, LEADER, atts);
    Leader leader = record.getLeader();
    temp = leader.toString().toCharArray();
    handler.characters(temp, 0, temp.length);
    handler.endElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, LEADER, LEADER);

    for (ControlField field : record.getControlFields()) {
      atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "tag", "tag", "CDATA", field.getTag());

      if (indent) handler.ignorableWhitespace("\n    ".toCharArray(), 0, 5);

      handler.startElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, CONTROL_FIELD, CONTROL_FIELD, atts);
      temp = getDataElement(field.getData());
      handler.characters(temp, 0, temp.length);
      handler.endElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, CONTROL_FIELD, CONTROL_FIELD);

    for (DataField field : record.getDataFields()) {
      atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "tag", "tag", "CDATA", field.getTag());
      atts.addAttribute("", "ind1", "ind1", "CDATA", String.valueOf(field.getIndicator1()));
      atts.addAttribute("", "ind2", "ind2", "CDATA", String.valueOf(field.getIndicator2()));

      if (indent) handler.ignorableWhitespace("\n    ".toCharArray(), 0, 5);

      handler.startElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, DATA_FIELD, DATA_FIELD, atts);
      for (Subfield subfield : field.getSubfields()) {
        atts = new AttributesImpl();
        atts.addAttribute("", "code", "code", "CDATA", String.valueOf(subfield.getCode()));

        if (indent) handler.ignorableWhitespace("\n      ".toCharArray(), 0, 7);

        handler.startElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, SUBFIELD, SUBFIELD, atts);
        temp = getDataElement(subfield.getData());
        handler.characters(temp, 0, temp.length);
        handler.endElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, SUBFIELD, SUBFIELD);

      if (indent) handler.ignorableWhitespace("\n    ".toCharArray(), 0, 5);

      handler.endElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, DATA_FIELD, DATA_FIELD);

    if (indent) handler.ignorableWhitespace("\n  ".toCharArray(), 0, 3);

    handler.endElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, RECORD, RECORD);
  private static void serializeEntry(TransformerHandler hd, Entry entry) throws SAXException {

    AttributesImpl entryAttributes = new AttributesImpl();

    for (Iterator<String> it = entry.getAttributes().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      String key = it.next();

      entryAttributes.addAttribute("", "", key, "", entry.getAttributes().getValue(key));

    hd.startElement("", "", ENTRY_ELEMENT, entryAttributes);

    StringList tokens = entry.getTokens();

    for (Iterator<String> it = tokens.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {

      hd.startElement("", "", TOKEN_ELEMENT, new AttributesImpl());

      String token = it.next();

      hd.characters(token.toCharArray(), 0, token.length());

      hd.endElement("", "", TOKEN_ELEMENT);

    hd.endElement("", "", ENTRY_ELEMENT);
Example #3
  public String serialize(List<Book> books) throws Exception {
    SAXTransformerFactory factory =
        (SAXTransformerFactory) TransformerFactory.newInstance(); // 取得SAXTransformerFactory实例
    TransformerHandler handler = factory.newTransformerHandler(); // 从factory获取TransformerHandler实例
    Transformer transformer = handler.getTransformer(); // 从handler获取Transformer实例
    transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); // 设置输出采用的编码方式
    transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); // 是否自动添加额外的空白
    transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "no"); // 是否忽略XML声明

    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    Result result = new StreamResult(writer);

    String uri = ""; // 代表命名空间的URI 当URI无值时 须置为空字符串
    String localName = ""; // 命名空间的本地名称(不包含前缀) 当没有进行命名空间处理时 须置为空字符串

    handler.startElement(uri, localName, "books", null);

    AttributesImpl attrs = new AttributesImpl(); // 负责存放元素的属性信息
    char[] ch = null;
    for (Book book : books) {
      attrs.clear(); // 清空属性列表
          String.valueOf(book.getId())); // 添加一个名为id的属性(type影响不大,这里设为string)
      handler.startElement(uri, localName, "book", attrs); // 开始一个book元素
      // 关联上面设定的id属性

      handler.startElement(uri, localName, "name", null); // 开始一个name元素
      // 没有属性
      ch = String.valueOf(book.getName()).toCharArray();
      handler.characters(ch, 0, ch.length); // 设置name元素的文本节点
      handler.endElement(uri, localName, "name");

      handler.startElement(uri, localName, "price", null); // 开始一个price元素
      // 没有属性
      ch = String.valueOf(book.getPrice()).toCharArray();
      handler.characters(ch, 0, ch.length); // 设置price元素的文本节点
      handler.endElement(uri, localName, "price");

      handler.endElement(uri, localName, "book");
    handler.endElement(uri, localName, "books");

    return writer.toString();
  void prepareTreeHeader() {

    PrintWriter printWriter;

    try {
      printWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(treeFilename));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      printWriter = new PrintWriter(new StringWriter());

    StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(printWriter);
    SAXTransformerFactory tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) SAXTransformerFactory.newInstance();

    try {

      hdTree = tf.newTransformerHandler();

      Transformer serializer = hdTree.getTransformer();
      serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); // "ISO-8859-1");
      serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
      serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.STANDALONE, "yes");
      serializer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "4");



      AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "version", "CDATA", "1.0");
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "xmln:xsi", "CDATA", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "CDATA", "tree.xsd");

      String ourText = " Generated by JaCoP solver; " + getDateTime() + " ";
      char[] comm = ourText.toCharArray();
      hdTree.comment(comm, 0, comm.length);

      hdTree.startElement("", "", "tree", atts);

      atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "id", "CDATA", "0");
      hdTree.startElement("", "", "root", atts);
      hdTree.endElement("", "", "root");

    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (SAXException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
Example #5
   * Generate the sitemap files.
   * @throws IOException if the files could not be created.
   * @throws SAXException if a xml error occurs.
  public void generate() throws IOException, SAXException {

    int totalCount = 0;

    AttributesImpl schemaLocation = new AttributesImpl();

    transformerHandler.startPrefixMapping("xsd", XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
    transformerHandler.startPrefixMapping("xsi", XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI);


    transformerHandler.startElement(NS, "", "sitemapindex", schemaLocation);

    for (final PageProvider provider : providers) {

      LOG.info("Processing " + provider.getName());

      final SiteMap group = new SiteMap(provider.getName());

      try {
        for (final Page page : provider) {
          if (null != page) {
      } finally {
        LOG.info(group.getCount() + " entries processed for " + provider.getName());
        totalCount += group.getCount();

      for (final SiteMap.SiteMapFile map : group.getSiteMaps()) {
        transformerHandler.startElement("", "", "sitemap", new AttributesImpl());
        addElement("loc", uri.resolve(map.getFileName()).toString());
        addElement("lastmod", formatDateW3c((new Date())));
        transformerHandler.endElement("", "", "sitemap");

    transformerHandler.endElement(NS, "", "sitemapindex");

    LOG.info("All done (" + totalCount + " entries)");
Example #6
      public SiteMapFile(int count) throws IOException, SAXException {
        this.fileName = name + '_' + count + ".xml";
        writer = new FileWriter(new File(location, fileName));
        final StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(writer);

        try {
          transformerHandler = tf.newTransformerHandler();

          Transformer serializer = transformerHandler.getTransformer();

          serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); //
          serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml");
          serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");


          AttributesImpl schemaLocation = new AttributesImpl();

          transformerHandler.startPrefixMapping("xsd", XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
          transformerHandler.startPrefixMapping("xsi", XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI);


          transformerHandler.startElement(NS, "", "urlset", schemaLocation);
        } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
Example #7
  public void write(HttpServletResponse response) {
    StreamResult streamResult;
    SAXTransformerFactory tf;
    TransformerHandler hd;
    Transformer serializer;

    try {
      try {
        streamResult = new StreamResult(response.getWriter());
        tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) SAXTransformerFactory.newInstance();
        hd = tf.newTransformerHandler();
        serializer = hd.getTransformer();

        serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "utf-8");
            OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, "http://labs.omniti.com/resmon/trunk/resources/resmon.dtd");
        serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");

        AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
        hd.startElement("", "", "ResmonResults", atts);
        for (ResmonResult r : s) {
        hd.endElement("", "", "ResmonResults");
      } catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
      } catch (SAXException se) {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
 public void create(Properties ctx, TransformerHandler document) throws SAXException {
   int AD_Column_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, X_AD_Column.COLUMNNAME_AD_Column_ID);
   AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
   X_AD_Column m_Column = new X_AD_Column(ctx, AD_Column_ID, getTrxName(ctx));
   createColumnBinding(atts, m_Column);
   document.startElement("", "", "column", atts);
   document.endElement("", "", "column");
 public void create(Properties ctx, TransformerHandler document) throws SAXException {
   int AD_Ref_List_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, X_AD_Ref_List.COLUMNNAME_AD_Ref_List_ID);
   X_AD_Ref_List m_Ref_List = new X_AD_Ref_List(ctx, AD_Ref_List_ID, getTrxName(ctx));
   AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
   createRefListBinding(atts, m_Ref_List);
   document.startElement("", "", "referencelist", atts);
   document.endElement("", "", "referencelist");
 public void create(Properties ctx, TransformerHandler document) throws SAXException {
   int AD_Workflow_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, X_AD_Workflow.COLUMNNAME_AD_Workflow_ID);
   int AD_Role_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, X_AD_Role.COLUMNNAME_AD_Role_ID);
   AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
   createWorkflowAccessBinding(atts, AD_Workflow_ID, AD_Role_ID);
   document.startElement("", "", "workflowaccess", atts);
   document.endElement("", "", "workflowaccess");
Example #11
  * Writes the root start tag to the result.
  * @throws SAXException
 protected void writeStartDocument() {
   try {
     AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
     handler.startElement(Constants.MARCXML_NS_URI, COLLECTION, COLLECTION, atts);
   } catch (SAXException e) {
     throw new MarcException("SAX error occured while writing start document", e);
 public void create(Properties ctx, TransformerHandler document) throws SAXException {
   String SQLStatement = Env.getContext(ctx, X_AD_Package_Exp_Detail.COLUMNNAME_SQLStatement);
   String DBType = Env.getContext(ctx, X_AD_Package_Exp_Detail.COLUMNNAME_DBType);
   AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
   createSQLStatmentBinding(atts, SQLStatement, DBType);
   document.startElement("", "", "SQLStatement", atts);
   document.endElement("", "", "SQLStatement");
  public void create(Properties ctx, TransformerHandler document) throws SAXException {
    int AD_Form_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, "AD_Form_ID");
    if (forms.contains(AD_Form_ID)) return;

    X_AD_Form m_Form = new X_AD_Form(ctx, AD_Form_ID, null);
    AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
    createFormBinding(atts, m_Form);
    document.startElement("", "", "form", atts);
    document.endElement("", "", "form");
Example #14
      private void addElement(final String element, final String string) throws SAXException {
        final AttributesImpl noAttributes = new AttributesImpl();

        transformerHandler.startElement("", "", element, noAttributes);

        if (string != null) {
          transformerHandler.characters(string.toCharArray(), 0, string.length());

        transformerHandler.endElement("", "", element);
   * Save the specified object.
   * @param object The node to load from.
   * @param hd The XML object.
  public void save(final EncogPersistedObject object, final TransformerHandler hd) {
    try {
      final AttributesImpl atts = EncogPersistedCollection.createAttributes(object);

      final BasicNetwork network = (BasicNetwork) object;
      hd.startElement("", "", network.getClass().getSimpleName(), atts);
      hd.startElement("", "", "layers", atts);
      for (final Layer layer : network.getLayers()) {
        if (layer instanceof EncogPersistedObject) {
          final EncogPersistedObject epo = (EncogPersistedObject) layer;
          final Persistor persistor =
          persistor.save(epo, hd);
      hd.endElement("", "", "layers");
      hd.endElement("", "", network.getClass().getSimpleName());
    } catch (final SAXException e) {
      throw new NeuralNetworkError(e);
  void generateSuccessNode(int searchNodeId) {
    try {
      AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "id", "CDATA", "" + searchNodeId);
      hdTree.startElement("", "", "succ", atts);
      hdTree.endElement("", "", "succ");

    } catch (SAXException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
   * Save the specified object.
   * @param object The object to save.
   * @param hd The XML object.
  public void save(final EncogPersistedObject object, final TransformerHandler hd) {
    try {
      final BasicNeuralDataSet set = (BasicNeuralDataSet) object;

      final AttributesImpl atts = EncogPersistedCollection.createAttributes(object);
      hd.startElement("", "", "BasicNeuralDataSet", atts);

      for (final NeuralDataPair pair : set) {
        hd.startElement("", "", this.pairXML, atts);
        hd.startElement("", "", this.inputXML, atts);
        for (int i = 0; i < pair.getInput().size(); i++) {
          hd.startElement("", "", this.valueXML, atts);
          final String data = "" + pair.getInput().getData(i);
          hd.characters(data.toCharArray(), 0, data.length());
          hd.endElement("", "", this.valueXML);
        hd.endElement("", "", this.inputXML);
        hd.startElement("", "", this.idealXML, atts);
        for (int i = 0; i < pair.getIdeal().size(); i++) {
          hd.startElement("", "", this.valueXML, atts);
          final String data = "" + pair.getIdeal().getData(i);
          hd.characters(data.toCharArray(), 0, data.length());
          hd.endElement("", "", this.valueXML);
        hd.endElement("", "", this.idealXML);
        hd.endElement("", "", this.pairXML);

      hd.endElement("", "", "BasicNeuralDataSet");
    } catch (final SAXException e) {
      throw new NeuralNetworkError(e);
  void generateTrycNode(int searchNodeId, int parentNode, PrimitiveConstraint c) {
    try {
      AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "id", "CDATA", "" + searchNodeId);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "parent", "CDATA", "" + parentNode);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "choice", "CDATA", c.toString());
      hdTree.startElement("", "", "tryc", atts);
      hdTree.endElement("", "", "tryc");

    } catch (SAXException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  void generateFailNode(int searchNodeId, int parentNode, String name, int size, int value) {
    try {
      AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "id", "CDATA", "" + searchNodeId);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "parent", "CDATA", "" + parentNode);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "name", "CDATA", name);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "size", "CDATA", "" + size);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "value", "CDATA", "" + value);
      hdTree.startElement("", "", "fail", atts);
      hdTree.endElement("", "", "fail");

    } catch (SAXException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
   * Serializes the given entries to the given {@link java.io.OutputStream}.
   * <p>After the serialization is finished the provided {@link java.io.OutputStream} remains open.
   * @param out stream to serialize to
   * @param entries entries to serialize
   * @param casesensitive indicates if the written dictionary should be case sensitive or case
   *     insensitive.
   * @throws java.io.IOException If an I/O error occurs
  public static void serialize(OutputStream out, Iterator<Entry> entries, boolean casesensitive)
      throws IOException {
    StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(out);
    SAXTransformerFactory tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) SAXTransformerFactory.newInstance();

    TransformerHandler hd;
    try {
      hd = tf.newTransformerHandler();
    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
      throw new AssertionError("The Transformer configuration must be valid!");

    Transformer serializer = hd.getTransformer();
    serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, CHARSET);
    serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");


    try {

      AttributesImpl dictionaryAttributes = new AttributesImpl();

          "", "", ATTRIBUTE_CASE_SENSITIVE, "", String.valueOf(casesensitive));
      hd.startElement("", "", DICTIONARY_ELEMENT, dictionaryAttributes);

      while (entries.hasNext()) {
        Entry entry = entries.next();

        serializeEntry(hd, entry);

      hd.endElement("", "", DICTIONARY_ELEMENT);

    } catch (SAXException e) {
      // TODO update after Java6 upgrade
      throw (IOException)
          new IOException("Error during serialization: " + e.getMessage()).initCause(e);
  void generateFailcNode(int searchNodeId, int parentNode, String name, int size, Domain dom) {

    try {
      AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "id", "CDATA", "" + searchNodeId);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "parent", "CDATA", "" + parentNode);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "name", "CDATA", name);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "size", "CDATA", "" + size);
      // TODO, BUG? Why in the function above generateTrycNode, originally function filter*(dom) was
      // called and here
      // our toString() for dom is being called.
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "choice", "CDATA", "" + dom);
      hdTree.startElement("", "", "failc", atts);
      hdTree.endElement("", "", "failc");

    } catch (SAXException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  void generateTrycNode(int searchNodeId, int parentNode, String name, int size, Domain dom) {
    try {
      AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "id", "CDATA", "" + searchNodeId);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "parent", "CDATA", "" + parentNode);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "name", "CDATA", name);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "size", "CDATA", "" + size);
      if (dom instanceof IntDomain)
        atts.addAttribute("", "", "choice", "CDATA", "" + intDomainToString((IntDomain) dom));
      if (dom instanceof SetDomain) {
        atts.addAttribute("", "", "choice", "CDATA", "" + setDomainToString((SetDomain) dom));
      hdTree.startElement("", "", "tryc", atts);
      hdTree.endElement("", "", "tryc");

    } catch (SAXException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
Example #23
      public void addPage(final Page page) throws SAXException {
        transformerHandler.startElement("", "", "url", new AttributesImpl());

        addElement("loc", page.getLocation().toString());

        if (null != page.getLastModified()) {
          addElement("lastmod", formatDateW3c(page.getLastModified()));

        if (0.5 != page.getPriority()) { // 0.5 is the default and we don't want to waste tags.
          addElement("priority", Double.toString(page.getPriority()));

        if (null != page.getFrequency()) {
          addElement("changefreq", page.getFrequency().name().toLowerCase());

        transformerHandler.endElement("", "", "url");

  public void create(Properties ctx, TransformerHandler document) throws SAXException {
    int AD_PrintFormat_ID =
        Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, X_AD_Package_Exp_Detail.COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintFormat_ID);
    PackOut packOut = (PackOut) ctx.get("PackOutProcess");

    if (formats.contains(AD_PrintFormat_ID)) return;
    AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
    String sql = null;
    sql =
        "SELECT AD_PrintFormat_ID "
            + "FROM AD_PrintFormat "
            + "WHERE (AD_PrintFormat_ID IN "
            + "(SELECT AD_PrintFormatChild_ID FROM AD_PrintFormatItem WHERE AD_PrintFormat_ID = "
            + AD_PrintFormat_ID
            + " AND PrintFormatType = 'P' GROUP BY AD_PrintFormatChild_ID) OR AD_PrintFormat_ID = "
            + AD_PrintFormat_ID
            + ")";

    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, getTrxName(ctx));
    try {
      ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while (rs.next()) {

        X_AD_PrintFormat m_Printformat =
            new X_AD_PrintFormat(ctx, rs.getInt("AD_PrintFormat_ID"), null);

        if (m_Printformat.getAD_PrintPaper_ID() > 0)
          packOut.createPrintPaper(m_Printformat.getAD_PrintPaper_ID(), document);

        createPrintFormatBinding(atts, m_Printformat);
        document.startElement("", "", "printformat", atts);

        String sql2 =
            "SELECT * FROM AD_PrintFormatItem WHERE AD_PrintFormat_ID= "
                + m_Printformat.getAD_PrintFormat_ID()
                + " ORDER BY "
                + X_AD_PrintFormatItem.COLUMNNAME_SeqNo
                + ","
                + X_AD_PrintFormatItem.COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintFormatItem_ID;
        PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null;
        pstmt2 = DB.prepareStatement(sql2, getTrxName(ctx));
        try {
          ResultSet rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery();
          while (rs2.next()) {
            createItem(ctx, document, rs2.getInt("AD_PrintFormatItem_ID"));
          pstmt2 = null;
        } finally {
          try {
            if (pstmt2 != null) pstmt2.close();
          } catch (Exception e) {
          pstmt2 = null;
        document.endElement("", "", "printformat");
      pstmt = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
      if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e;
      else if (e instanceof SQLException)
        throw new DatabaseAccessException("Failed to export print format.", e);
      else if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e;
      else throw new RuntimeException("Failed to export print format.", e);
    } finally {
      try {
        if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close();
      } catch (Exception e) {
      pstmt = null;
  public void create(Properties ctx, TransformerHandler document) throws SAXException {
    int AD_Process_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, "AD_Process_ID");
    if (processes.contains(AD_Process_ID)) return;
    PackOut packOut = (PackOut) ctx.get("PackOutProcess");
    String sqlW = "SELECT AD_Process_ID FROM AD_PROCESS WHERE AD_PROCESS_ID = " + AD_Process_ID;

    AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
    PreparedStatement pstmt1 = null;
    pstmt1 = DB.prepareStatement(sqlW, getTrxName(ctx));
    try {
      ResultSet rs1 = pstmt1.executeQuery();
      while (rs1.next()) {
        X_AD_Process m_Process = new X_AD_Process(ctx, rs1.getInt("AD_Process_ID"), null);
        log.log(Level.INFO, "AD_ReportView_ID: " + m_Process.getAD_Process_ID());

        if (m_Process.isReport() && m_Process.getAD_ReportView_ID() > 0) {
          packOut.createReportview(m_Process.getAD_ReportView_ID(), document);
        if (m_Process.isReport() && m_Process.getAD_PrintFormat_ID() > 0) {

          packOut.createPrintFormat(m_Process.getAD_PrintFormat_ID(), document);
        if (m_Process.getAD_Workflow_ID() > 0) {

          packOut.createWorkflow(m_Process.getAD_Workflow_ID(), document);
        if (m_Process.getAD_Form_ID() > 0) {

          packOut.createForm(m_Process.getAD_Form_ID(), document);
        if (m_Process.getAD_Browse_ID() > 0) {

          packOut.createBrowse(m_Process.getAD_Browse_ID(), document);

        createProcessBinding(atts, m_Process);
        document.startElement("", "", "process", atts);
        // processpara tags
        String sqlP =
                + AD_Process_ID
                + " ORDER BY "
                + X_AD_Process_Para.COLUMNNAME_SeqNo
                + ","
                + X_AD_Process_Para.COLUMNNAME_AD_Process_Para_ID;
        PreparedStatement pstmtP = null;
        pstmtP = DB.prepareStatement(sqlP, getTrxName(ctx));
        try {
          ResultSet rsP = pstmtP.executeQuery();
          while (rsP.next()) {
            if (rsP.getInt("AD_Reference_ID") > 0)
              packOut.createReference(rsP.getInt("AD_Reference_ID"), document);
            if (rsP.getInt("AD_Reference_Value_ID") > 0)
              packOut.createReference(rsP.getInt("AD_Reference_Value_ID"), document);
            if (rsP.getInt("AD_Val_Rule_ID") > 0)
              packOut.createDynamicRuleValidation(rsP.getInt("AD_Val_Rule_ID"), document);

            createProcessPara(ctx, document, rsP.getInt("AD_Process_Para_ID"));
          pstmtP = null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.log(Level.SEVERE, "getProcess_Para", e);
          if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e;
          else if (e instanceof SQLException)
            throw new DatabaseAccessException("Failed to export process.", e);
          else if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e;
          else throw new RuntimeException("Failed to export process.", e);
        } finally {
          try {
            if (pstmtP != null) pstmtP.close();
          } catch (Exception e) {
          pstmtP = null;
        document.endElement("", "", "process");
      pstmt1 = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "getProcess", e);
    } finally {
      try {
        if (pstmt1 != null) pstmt1.close();
      } catch (Exception e) {
      pstmt1 = null;
  void generateVisualizationNode(int searchNodeId, boolean tryNode) {

    int visualizerState = 1;

    try {
      AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "id", "CDATA", "" + visualisationNodeId);
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "tree_node", "CDATA", "" + searchNodeId);
      hdVis.startElement("", "", "state", atts);

      if (tracedVar.size() != 0) {
        AttributesImpl visAtts = new AttributesImpl();
        visAtts.addAttribute("", "", "id", "CDATA", "" + visualizerState);
        hdVis.startElement("", "", "visualizer_state", visAtts);

        // variable visualization
        for (int i = 0; i < tracedVar.size(); i++) {

          AttributesImpl vAtts = new AttributesImpl();
          vAtts.addAttribute("", "", "index", "CDATA", "" + (int) (i + 1));
          if (tracedVar.get(i)
              instanceof uk.ac.stir.cs.homer.homerPolicyServer.overlap.JaCoP.core.IntVar) {
            IntVar v = (IntVar) tracedVar.get(i);
            if (v.singleton()) { // IntVar
              vAtts.addAttribute("", "", "value", "CDATA", "" + v.value());
              hdVis.startElement("", "", "integer", vAtts);
              hdVis.endElement("", "", "integer");
            } else {
              vAtts.addAttribute("", "", "domain", "CDATA", intDomainToString((IntDomain) v.dom()));
              hdVis.startElement("", "", "dvar", vAtts);
              hdVis.endElement("", "", "dvar");
          } else { // setVar
            SetVar v = (SetVar) tracedVar.get(i);
            if (v.singleton()) { // IntVar
                  "", "", "value", "CDATA", "" + setDomainToString((SetDomain) v.dom()));
              hdVis.startElement("", "", "sinteger", vAtts);
              hdVis.endElement("", "", "sinteger");
            } else {
              // TODO, BUG? Why the same thing is written to low and high attribute?
              vAtts.addAttribute("", "", "low", "CDATA", setDomainToString((SetDomain) v.dom()));
              vAtts.addAttribute("", "", "high", "CDATA", setDomainToString((SetDomain) v.dom()));
              hdVis.startElement("", "", "svar", vAtts);
              hdVis.endElement("", "", "svar");

        if (varIndex.get(selectedVar) != null) {
          AttributesImpl vFocus = new AttributesImpl();
          vFocus.addAttribute("", "", "index", "CDATA", "" + (int) (varIndex.get(selectedVar) + 1));
          vFocus.addAttribute("", "", "group", "CDATA", "" + "default");
          if (tryNode) {
            vFocus.addAttribute("", "", "type", "CDATA", "");
            hdVis.startElement("", "", "focus", vFocus);
            hdVis.endElement("", "", "focus");
          } else { // fail node
            vFocus.addAttribute("", "", "value", "CDATA", "" + selectedValue);
            hdVis.startElement("", "", "failed", vFocus);
            hdVis.endElement("", "", "failed");
        hdVis.endElement("", "", "visualizer_state");

      hdVis.endElement("", "", "state");


    } catch (SAXException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  void prepareVizHeader() {

    PrintWriter printWriter;

    try {
      printWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(visFilename));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      printWriter = new PrintWriter(new StringWriter());

    StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(printWriter);
    SAXTransformerFactory tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) SAXTransformerFactory.newInstance();

    try {

      hdVis = tf.newTransformerHandler();

      Transformer serializer = hdVis.getTransformer();
      serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); // "ISO-8859-1");
      serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
      serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.STANDALONE, "yes");
      serializer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "4");



      AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "version", "CDATA", "1.0");
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "xmlns:xsi", "CDATA", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
      atts.addAttribute("", "", "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "CDATA", "visualization.xsd");

      String ourText = " Generated by JaCoP solver; " + getDateTime() + " ";
      char[] comm = ourText.toCharArray();
      hdVis.comment(comm, 0, comm.length);

      hdVis.startElement("", "", "visualization", atts);

      // visualizer
      if (tracedVar.size() != 0) {
        AttributesImpl visAtt = new AttributesImpl();
        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "id", "CDATA", "1");
        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "type", "CDATA", "vector");
        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "display", "CDATA", "expanded");
        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "group", "CDATA", "default");
        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "x", "CDATA", "0");
        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "y", "CDATA", "0");

        int minV = minValue(tracedVar), maxV = maxValue(tracedVar);
        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "width", "CDATA", "" + tracedVar.size());
        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "height", "CDATA", "" + (int) (maxV - minV + 1));

        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "min", "CDATA", "" + minV);
        visAtt.addAttribute("", "", "max", "CDATA", "" + maxV);

        hdVis.startElement("", "", "visualizer", visAtt);
        hdVis.endElement("", "", "visualizer");

      generateVisualizationNode(0, true);

    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (SAXException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block