public static Element parseWithCRC(InputStream inputStream) throws XMLStreamException, CRCMismatchException { XMLInputFactory xif = XMLInputFactory.newFactory(); Element element = parse(xif.createXMLStreamReader(inputStream)); checkCRC(element); element.removeChildren(CRC_ELEMENT); return element; }
private static void checkCRC(Element element) throws CRCMismatchException { Element CRCElement = element.getChild(CRC_ELEMENT); if (CRCElement != null) { String crc = CRCElement.getText(); // the length in bytes is the number of characters divided by 2 int crcLength = crc.length() / 2; if (!crc.equals(element.getHash(crcLength, CRC_ELEMENT))) { throw new CRCMismatchException(); } } }
// public static void write(OutputStream stream, Element element, int hashLength) throws // XMLStreamException { // XMLOutputFactory xof = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); // IndentingXMLStreamWriter xtw = new // IndentingXMLStreamWriter(xof.createXMLStreamWriter(stream)); // writeXMLStreamWriter(xtw, element, hashLength); // } // private static void writeXMLStreamWriter(XMLStreamWriter xtw, Element element, int hashLength) throws XMLStreamException { if (hashLength > 0) { String hash = element.getHash(hashLength); Element hashElement = new Element(CRC_ELEMENT); hashElement.setText(hash); element.addChild(hashElement); } writeElement(xtw, element); xtw.writeEndDocument(); xtw.flush(); xtw.close(); if (hashLength > 0) { element.removeChildren(CRC_ELEMENT); } }
private static Element parseElement(XMLStreamReader xsr) throws XMLStreamException { // xsr points to a START_ELEMENT event. Create the element and read all its attributes // Then read all its children events Element element = new Element(xsr.getLocalName()); // text that will be added to the element. Text can come in different events, so we add it here // and add it to the element at the end StringBuilder elementText = new StringBuilder(); int attributeCount = xsr.getAttributeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) { element.putAttribute(xsr.getAttributeLocalName(i), xsr.getAttributeValue(i)); } while (xsr.hasNext()) {; if (xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { // element is closed. Move the cursor and return it // check if there is some text to add before (empty text is not added, but added text is not // trimmed) // we set empty text also if the element has no children if (!elementText.toString().trim().isEmpty() || !element.hasChildren()) { element.setText(elementText.toString()); } //; return element; } else if (xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS) { // an attribute of the current element elementText.append(xsr.getText()); } else if (xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { // new element begins -> read it recursively and add it to the current element element.addChild(parseElement(xsr)); } } // we reached the end of the document without the tag end -> error parsing throw new XMLStreamException( "End of the document unexpectedly reached. Element " + element.getName() + " not closed"); }
private static void writeElement(XMLStreamWriter xtw, Element element) throws XMLStreamException { xtw.writeStartElement(element.getName()); for (String attributeName : element.getAttributeNames()) { xtw.writeAttribute(attributeName, element.getAttributeValue(attributeName)); } if (element.hasText()) { xtw.writeCharacters(element.getText()); } else { for (Element child : element.getChildren()) { writeElement(xtw, child); } } xtw.writeEndElement(); }