private void collectValidationPointsForPortTypes() { for (QName ptName : portTypeRefNames) { PortType portType = getPortType(ptName); if (portType == null) { vResults.addError(new Message("NO_PORTTYPE", LOG, ptName)); continue; } XNode vPortTypeNode = getXNode(portType); for (Operation operation : getOperations(portType).values()) { XNode vOperationNode = getOperationXNode(vPortTypeNode, operation.getName()); if (operation.getInput() == null) { vResults.addError( new Message("WRONG_MEP", LOG, operation.getName(), portType.getQName())); continue; } javax.wsdl.Message inMsg = operation.getInput().getMessage(); if (inMsg == null) { addWarning( "Operation " + operation.getName() + " in PortType: " + portType.getQName() + " has no input message"); } else { XNode vInMsgNode = getXNode(inMsg); vInMsgNode.setFailurePoint(getInputXNode(vOperationNode, operation.getInput().getName())); vNodes.add(vInMsgNode); messageRefNames.add(inMsg.getQName()); } if (operation.getOutput() != null) { javax.wsdl.Message outMsg = operation.getOutput().getMessage(); if (outMsg == null) { addWarning( "Operation " + operation.getName() + " in PortType: " + portType.getQName() + " has no output message"); } else { XNode vOutMsgNode = getXNode(outMsg); vOutMsgNode.setFailurePoint( getOutputXNode(vOperationNode, operation.getOutput().getName())); vNodes.add(vOutMsgNode); messageRefNames.add(outMsg.getQName()); } } for (Iterator<?> iter = operation.getFaults().values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Fault fault = (Fault); javax.wsdl.Message faultMsg = fault.getMessage(); XNode vFaultMsgNode = getXNode(faultMsg); vFaultMsgNode.setFailurePoint(getFaultXNode(vOperationNode, fault.getName())); vNodes.add(vFaultMsgNode); messageRefNames.add(faultMsg.getQName()); } } } }
private void convertPortType(PortType portType, Binding binding) throws IOException { String comment = ""; if (portType.getDocumentationElement() != null) { comment = portType.getDocumentationElement().getNodeValue(); } Style style = Style.DOCUMENT; for (ExtensibilityElement element : (List<ExtensibilityElement>) binding.getExtensibilityElements()) { if (element instanceof SOAPBinding) { if ("rpc".equals(((SOAPBinding) element).getStyle())) { style = Style.RPC; } } else if (element instanceof HTTPBinding) { style = Style.HTTP; } } Interface iface = new Interface(portType.getQName().getLocalPart(), comment); List<Operation> operations = portType.getOperations(); for (Operation operation : operations) { if (operation.getOutput() == null) { iface.addOneWayOperation(convertOperation(operation, style)); } else { iface.addRequestResponseOperation(convertOperation(operation, style)); } } interfaces.put(, iface); }
private void setMexRole(MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl mex) { Operation operation = getMyRoleOperation(mex.getOperationName()); mex.getDAO().setPartnerLinkModelId(_plinkDef.getId()); mex.setPortOp(_plinkDef.myRolePortType, operation); mex.setPattern( operation.getOutput() == null ? MessageExchange.MessageExchangePattern.REQUEST_ONLY : MessageExchange.MessageExchangePattern.REQUEST_RESPONSE); }
private boolean checkR2201Output(final Operation operation, final BindingOperation bop) { int outmessagePartsCount = wsdlHelper.getOutMessageParts(operation).size(); SoapBody soapBody = SOAPBindingUtil.getBindingOutputSOAPBody(bop); if (soapBody != null) { List<?> parts = soapBody.getParts(); int boundPartSize = parts == null ? outmessagePartsCount : parts.size(); SoapHeader soapHeader = SOAPBindingUtil.getBindingOutputSOAPHeader(bop); boundPartSize = soapHeader != null && soapHeader.getMessage().equals(operation.getOutput().getMessage().getQName()) ? boundPartSize - 1 : boundPartSize; if (parts != null) { Iterator<?> partsIte = parts.iterator(); while (partsIte.hasNext()) { String partName = (String); boolean isDefined = false; for (Part part : wsdlHelper.getOutMessageParts(operation)) { if (partName.equalsIgnoreCase(part.getName())) { isDefined = true; break; } } if (!isDefined) { addErrorMessage( getErrorPrefix("WSI-BP-1.0 R2201") + "Operation '" + operation.getName() + "' soapBody parts : " + partName + " not found in the message, wrong WSDL"); return false; } } } else { if (wsdlHelper.getOutMessageParts(operation).size() > 1) { addErrorMessage( getErrorPrefix("WSI-BP-1.0 R2210") + "Operation '" + operation.getName() + "' more than one part bound to body"); return false; } } if (boundPartSize > 1) { addErrorMessage( getErrorPrefix("WSI-BP-1.0 R2201") + "Operation '" + operation.getName() + "' more than one part bound to body"); return false; } } return true; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean isOneWayOnly() { PortType portType = _plinkDef.myRolePortType; if (portType == null) { return false; } for (Operation operation : (List<Operation>) portType.getOperations()) { if (operation.getOutput() != null) { return false; } } return true; }
public boolean checkR2203And2204() { Collection<Binding> bindings = CastUtils.cast(def.getBindings().values()); for (Binding binding : bindings) { String style = SOAPBindingUtil.getCanonicalBindingStyle(binding); if (binding.getPortType() == null) { return true; } // for (Iterator<?> ite2 = binding.getPortType().getOperations().iterator(); ite2.hasNext(); ) { Operation operation = (Operation); BindingOperation bop = wsdlHelper.getBindingOperation(def, operation.getName()); if (operation.getInput() != null && operation.getInput().getMessage() != null) { Message inMess = operation.getInput().getMessage(); for (Iterator<?> ite3 = inMess.getParts().values().iterator(); ite3.hasNext(); ) { Part p = (Part); if ( && p.getTypeName() == null && !isHeaderPart(bop, p)) { addErrorMessage( "An rpc-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in its soapbind:body element(s), only to " + "wsdl:part element(s) that have been defined " + "using the type attribute."); return false; } if ( && p.getElementName() == null) { addErrorMessage( "A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in each of its soapbind:body element(s)," + "only to wsdl:part element(s)" + " that have been defined using the element attribute."); return false; } } } if (operation.getOutput() != null && operation.getOutput().getMessage() != null) { Message outMess = operation.getOutput().getMessage(); for (Iterator<?> ite3 = outMess.getParts().values().iterator(); ite3.hasNext(); ) { Part p = (Part); if (style.equalsIgnoreCase( && p.getTypeName() == null && !isHeaderPart(bop, p)) { addErrorMessage( "An rpc-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in its soapbind:body element(s), only to " + "wsdl:part element(s) that have been defined " + "using the type attribute."); return false; } if (style.equalsIgnoreCase( && p.getElementName() == null) { addErrorMessage( "A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in each of its soapbind:body element(s)," + "only to wsdl:part element(s)" + " that have been defined using the element attribute."); return false; } } } } } return true; }
private joliex.wsdl.impl.Operation convertOperation(Operation operation, Style style) throws IOException { String comment = ""; if (operation.getDocumentationElement() != null) { operation.getDocumentationElement().getNodeValue(); } String responseTypeName = null; String requestTypeName = convertOperationMessage(operation.getInput().getMessage(), operation.getName(), style); if (operation.getOutput() != null) { responseTypeName = convertOperationMessage(operation.getOutput().getMessage(), operation.getName(), style); } Map<String, Part> parts; List<Pair<String, String>> faultList = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); Map<String, Fault> faults = operation.getFaults(); for (Entry<String, Fault> entry : faults.entrySet()) { String faultName = entry.getKey(); String faultTypeName = null; parts = entry.getValue().getMessage().getParts(); if (parts.size() > 1) { String typeName = faultName = faultTypeName; TypeInlineDefinition faultType = new TypeInlineDefinition( URIParsingContext.DEFAULT, typeName, NativeType.VOID, jolie.lang.Constants.RANGE_ONE_TO_ONE); for (Entry<String, Part> partEntry : parts.entrySet()) { Part part = partEntry.getValue(); if (part.getElementName() == null) { if (part.getTypeName() == null) { throw new IOException( "Could not parse message part " + entry.getKey() + " for operation " + operation.getName() + "."); } TypeDefinitionLink link = new TypeDefinitionLink( URIParsingContext.DEFAULT, part.getName(), jolie.lang.Constants.RANGE_ONE_TO_ONE, XsdUtils.xsdToNativeType(part.getTypeName().getLocalPart()).id()); faultType.putSubType(link); } else { TypeDefinitionLink link = new TypeDefinitionLink( URIParsingContext.DEFAULT, part.getName(), jolie.lang.Constants.RANGE_ONE_TO_ONE, part.getElementName().getLocalPart()); faultType.putSubType(link); } } typeDefinitions.add(faultType); } else { for (Entry<String, Part> e : parts.entrySet()) { Part part = e.getValue(); if (part.getElementName() == null) { if (part.getTypeName() == null) { throw new IOException( "Could not parse message part " + e.getKey() + " for operation " + operation.getName() + ", fault " + entry.getKey() + "."); } faultTypeName = XsdUtils.xsdToNativeType(part.getTypeName().getLocalPart()).id(); } else { faultTypeName = part.getElementName().getLocalPart(); NativeType nativeType = XsdUtils.xsdToNativeType(faultTypeName); if (nativeType != null) { faultTypeName =; } } } } faultList.add(new Pair<String, String>(faultName, faultTypeName)); } return new joliex.wsdl.impl.Operation( operation.getName(), requestTypeName, responseTypeName, faultList, comment); }
public ReplyAction readReplyAction(Element replyElem, CompositeActivity parent) { ReplyAction replyAction = new ReplyAction(); // partner link String partnerLinkName = replyElem.getAttribute(BpelConstants.ATTR_PARTNER_LINK); PartnerLinkDefinition partnerLink = parent.findPartnerLink(partnerLinkName); if (partnerLink == null) { bpelReader.getProblemHandler().add(new ParseProblem("partner link not found", replyElem)); return replyAction; } replyAction.setPartnerLink(partnerLink); // port type Role myRole = partnerLink.getMyRole(); // BPEL-181 detect absence of my role if (myRole == null) { bpelReader .getProblemHandler() .add(new ParseProblem("partner link does not indicate my role", replyElem)); return replyAction; } PortType portType = bpelReader.getMessageActivityPortType(replyElem, partnerLink.getMyRole()); // operation Operation operation = bpelReader.getMessageActivityOperation(replyElem, portType); if (operation.getStyle() != OperationType.REQUEST_RESPONSE) { bpelReader .getProblemHandler() .add(new ParseProblem("not a request/response operation", replyElem)); return replyAction; } replyAction.setOperation(operation); // message exchange // BPEL-74: map the empty message exchange to null for compatibility with Oracle replyAction.setMessageExchange( XmlUtil.getAttribute(replyElem, BpelConstants.ATTR_MESSAGE_EXCHANGE)); // fault name Message replyMessage; Attr faultNameAttr = replyElem.getAttributeNode(BpelConstants.ATTR_FAULT_NAME); if (faultNameAttr != null) { QName faultName = XmlUtil.getQNameValue(faultNameAttr); replyAction.setFaultName(faultName); Fault fault = operation.getFault(faultName.getLocalPart()); if (fault == null) { bpelReader.getProblemHandler().add(new ParseProblem("fault not found", replyElem)); return replyAction; } replyMessage = fault.getMessage(); } else replyMessage = operation.getOutput().getMessage(); // variable VariableDefinition variable = bpelReader.getMessageActivityVariable( replyElem, BpelConstants.ATTR_VARIABLE, parent, replyMessage); replyAction.setVariable(variable); // correlations Element correlationsElement = XmlUtil.getElement(replyElem, BpelConstants.NS_BPEL, BpelConstants.ELEM_CORRELATIONS); if (correlationsElement != null) replyAction.setCorrelations( bpelReader.readCorrelations(correlationsElement, parent, variable)); return replyAction; }
protected void addPortTypeTransformers( PortType portType, boolean provider, StringBuffer transformers, javax.wsdl.Definition wsdl, ResourceLocator locator, String srcFolder) { String attr1 = (provider ? "from" : "to"); String attr2 = (provider ? "to" : "from"); for (Object opobj : portType.getOperations()) { if (opobj instanceof javax.wsdl.Operation) { javax.wsdl.Operation op = (javax.wsdl.Operation) opobj; String qname = ""; String javaType = ""; String javaPackage = ""; javax.wsdl.Part p = (javax.wsdl.Part) op.getInput().getMessage().getParts().values().iterator().next(); qname = p.getElementName().toString(); javaType = getJavaType(wsdl, p.getElementName(), locator); if (javaType != null) { int ind = javaType.lastIndexOf('.'); if (ind != -1) { javaPackage = javaType.substring(0, ind); } } transformers.append("\t\t<xform:transform.jaxb\r\n"); transformers.append("\t\t\t" + attr1 + "=\"" + qname + "\"\r\n"); transformers.append("\t\t\t" + attr2 + "=\"java:" + javaType + "\"\r\n"); transformers.append("\t\t\tcontextPath=\"" + javaPackage + "\"/>\r\n"); if (op.getOutput() != null) { p = (javax.wsdl.Part) op.getOutput().getMessage().getParts().values().iterator().next(); qname = p.getElementName().toString(); javaType = getJavaType(wsdl, p.getElementName(), locator); if (javaType != null) { int ind = javaType.lastIndexOf('.'); if (ind != -1) { javaPackage = javaType.substring(0, ind); } } transformers.append("\t\t<xform:transform.jaxb\r\n"); transformers.append("\t\t\t" + attr2 + "=\"" + qname + "\"\r\n"); transformers.append("\t\t\t" + attr1 + "=\"java:" + javaType + "\"\r\n"); transformers.append("\t\t\tcontextPath=\"" + javaPackage + "\"/>\r\n"); } for (Object faultObj : op.getFaults().values()) { if (faultObj instanceof javax.wsdl.Fault) { javax.wsdl.Fault fault = (javax.wsdl.Fault) faultObj; p = (javax.wsdl.Part) fault.getMessage().getParts().values().iterator().next(); qname = p.getElementName().toString(); String javaFaultType = getJavaType(wsdl, p.getElementName(), locator); String pack = JavaGeneratorUtil.getJavaPackage(fault.getMessage().getQName().getNamespaceURI()); javaType = pack + "." + JavaGeneratorUtil.getJavaClassName( fault.getMessage().getQName().getLocalPart()); String transformerClassName = getFaultTransformerClassName(javaType, provider); String faultTransClass = pack + "." + transformerClassName; transformers.append("\t\t< class=\"" + faultTransClass + "\"\r\n"); transformers.append("\t\t\t" + attr2 + "=\"" + qname + "\"\r\n"); transformers.append("\t\t\t" + attr1 + "=\"java:" + javaType + "\"/>\r\n"); // Create transformer class String folder = pack.replace('.',; String javaFile = folder + + transformerClassName; jFile = new + + javaFile + ".java"); jFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { fos = new; generateFaultTransformer(qname, javaType, javaFaultType, provider, fos); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to create fault transformer", e); } } } } } }