public static void main(String[] args) { Example4 ef = new Example4(); try { final String molS = "C1C2=CC=CC=C2C3=C4CC5=CC=CC=C5C4=C6CC7=CC=CC=C7C6=C13"; Molecule mol = MolImporter.importMol(molS); PolarizabilityPlugin plugin = new PolarizabilityPlugin(); plugin.setMolecule(mol);; ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); java.text.NumberFormat nf = java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(3); for (int i = 0; i < mol.getAtomCount(); i++) { values.add(Float.valueOf(nf.format(((Double) plugin.getResult(i)).floatValue()))); } mol.hydrogenize(true); for (int i = 0; i < mol.getExplicitHcount(); i++) { values.add(new Double(0)); } ef.setPlugin(plugin); JFrame frame = ef.createSpaceFrame(mol, values); frame.setTitle("Polarizability"); u = ef.getClass().getResource("/chemaxon/marvin/space/gui/mspace16.gif"); frame.setIconImage( Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage((java.awt.image.ImageProducer) u.getContent())); frame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
// initialize data hash table servers // read server addresses from file and initialize the servers private void initServers() { try { path = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(clientSettingFile); FileReader fr = new FileReader(path.getFile()); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); try { String[] portMap = br.readLine().split(","); mServerCount = portMap.length; mPortMap = new int[mServerCount]; for (int i = 0; i < mServerCount; i++) { mPortMap[i] = Integer.parseInt(portMap[i]); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } mDhtServerArray = new IDistributedHashTable[mServerCount]; for (int i = 0; i < mServerCount; i++) { try { mDhtServerArray[i] = (IDistributedHashTable) Naming.lookup("rmi://localhost:" + mPortMap[i] + "/DistributedHashTable"); appendOutput("server: " + (i + 1) + " is connected"); } catch (Exception e) { appendOutput("initServers: " + (i + 1) + " " + e.getMessage()); } } }
/** Shows JSort help in the jEdit help viewer */ private void showHelp() { helpUrl = TextToolsSortDialog.class.getResource("TextTools.html"); if (helpUrl == null) { Log.log(Log.NOTICE, this, "Help URL is null, cannot display help"); } else { new; } } // }}}
// =================================================== // ObjHtmlPanel.Listener public void linkSelected( href, String target) { String url = href.toExternalForm(); int slash = url.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash > 0) url = url.substring(slash + 1); Job t = actionMap.get(url); fapp.guiRun().run(this, new Job(t.getPermissions(), t.getCBRunnable())); }
// =================================================== // ObjHtmlPanel.Listener public void linkSelected( href, String target) { String url = href.toExternalForm(); int slash = url.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash > 0) url = url.substring(slash + 1); Job job = actionMap.get(url); if (job != null) app.guiRun().run(this, job); }