@Override public void updateUI() { if (getUI() == null || !(getUI() instanceof WebComboBoxUI)) { try { setUI((WebComboBoxUI) ReflectUtils.createInstance(WebLookAndFeel.comboBoxUI)); } catch (final Throwable e) { Log.error(this, e); setUI(new WebComboBoxUI()); } } else { setUI(getUI()); } }
private static Component createSourceButton(final WebLookAndFeelDemo owner, Example example) { final Class classType = example.getClass(); WebButton sourceButton = WebButton.createIconWebButton(JarEntry.javaIcon); TooltipManager.setTooltip( sourceButton, JarEntry.javaIcon, ReflectUtils.getJavaClassName(classType), TooltipWay.up); sourceButton.setRolloverDecoratedOnly(true); sourceButton.setFocusable(false); sourceButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { owner.showSource(classType); } }); return new CenterPanel(sourceButton, false, true); }
public static JarStructure createJarStructure(final WebProgressDialog progress) { // Download listener in case of remote jar-file (for e.g. demo loaded from .jnlp) FileDownloadListener listener = new FileDownloadListener() { private int totalSize = 0; @Override public void sizeDetermined(int totalSize) { // Download started this.totalSize = totalSize; updateProgress(0); } @Override public void partDownloaded(int totalBytesDownloaded) { // Some part loaded updateProgress(totalBytesDownloaded); } @Override public boolean shouldStopDownload() { return false; } private void updateProgress(int downloaded) { // Updating progress text progress.setText( "<html>Loading source files... <b>" + FileUtils.getFileSizeString(downloaded, 1) + "</b> of <b>" + FileUtils.getFileSizeString(totalSize, 1) + "</b> done</html>"); } @Override public void fileDownloaded(File file) { // Updating progress text progress.setText("Creating source files structure..."); } @Override public void fileDownloadFailed(Throwable e) { // Updating progress text progress.setText("Filed to download source files"); } }; // Creating structure using any of classes contained inside jar progress.setText("Creating source files structure..."); List<String> extensions = Arrays.asList(".java", ".png", ".gif", ".jpg", ".txt", ".xml"); List<String> packages = Arrays.asList("com/alee", "licenses"); JarStructure jarStructure = ReflectUtils.getJarStructure(ExamplesManager.class, extensions, packages, listener); // Updating some of package icons jarStructure.setPackageIcon( WebLookAndFeelDemo.class.getPackage(), new ImageIcon(WebLookAndFeel.getImages().get(0))); for (ExampleGroup exampleGroup : getExampleGroups()) { jarStructure.setClassIcon(exampleGroup.getClass(), (ImageIcon) exampleGroup.getGroupIcon()); } return jarStructure; }