@Nullable private ProblemDescriptor createDescription( @NotNull PsiTypeCastExpression cast, @NotNull InspectionManager manager, boolean onTheFly) { PsiExpression operand = cast.getOperand(); PsiTypeElement castType = cast.getCastType(); if (operand == null || castType == null) return null; PsiElement parent = cast.getParent(); while (parent instanceof PsiParenthesizedExpression) { parent = parent.getParent(); } if (parent instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) { if (IGNORE_ANNOTATED_METHODS) { final PsiElement gParent = parent.getParent(); if (gParent instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) { final PsiMethod psiMethod = ((PsiMethodCallExpression) gParent).resolveMethod(); if (psiMethod != null && NullableNotNullManager.isNotNull(psiMethod)) { final PsiClass superClass = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(operand.getType()); final PsiClass containingClass = psiMethod.getContainingClass(); if (containingClass != null && superClass != null && containingClass.isInheritor(superClass, true)) { for (PsiMethod method : psiMethod.findSuperMethods(superClass)) { if (NullableNotNullManager.isNullable(method)) { return null; } } } } } } } else if (parent instanceof PsiExpressionList) { final PsiElement gParent = parent.getParent(); if (gParent instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression && IGNORE_SUSPICIOUS_METHOD_CALLS) { final String message = SuspiciousCollectionsMethodCallsInspection.getSuspiciousMethodCallMessage( (PsiMethodCallExpression) gParent, operand.getType(), true, new ArrayList<PsiMethod>(), new IntArrayList()); if (message != null) { return null; } } } String message = InspectionsBundle.message( "inspection.redundant.cast.problem.descriptor", "<code>" + operand.getText() + "</code>", "<code>#ref</code> #loc"); return manager.createProblemDescriptor( castType, message, myQuickFixAction, ProblemHighlightType.LIKE_UNUSED_SYMBOL, onTheFly); }
private static String createInitializerReplacementText( PsiType varType, PsiExpression initializer) { final PsiType initializerType = initializer.getType(); final PsiClassType rawType = initializerType instanceof PsiClassType ? ((PsiClassType) initializerType).rawType() : null; final PsiClassType rawVarType = varType instanceof PsiClassType ? ((PsiClassType) varType).rawType() : null; if (rawType != null && rawVarType != null && rawType.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_UTIL_ARRAY_LIST) && rawVarType.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_UTIL_LIST)) { return "toList()"; } else if (rawType != null && rawVarType != null && rawType.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_UTIL_HASH_SET) && rawVarType.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_UTIL_SET)) { return "toSet()"; } else if (rawType != null) { return "toCollection(" + rawType.getClassName() + "::new)"; } else { return "toCollection(() -> " + initializer.getText() + ")"; } }
private static boolean isCollectCall(PsiStatement body, final PsiParameter parameter) { PsiIfStatement ifStatement = extractIfStatement(body); final PsiMethodCallExpression methodCallExpression = extractAddCall(body, ifStatement); if (methodCallExpression != null) { final PsiReferenceExpression methodExpression = methodCallExpression.getMethodExpression(); final PsiExpression qualifierExpression = methodExpression.getQualifierExpression(); PsiClass qualifierClass = null; if (qualifierExpression instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) { if (ReferencesSearch.search(parameter, new LocalSearchScope(qualifierExpression)) .findFirst() != null) { return false; } final PsiElement resolve = ((PsiReferenceExpression) qualifierExpression).resolve(); if (resolve instanceof PsiVariable) { if (ReferencesSearch.search( resolve, new LocalSearchScope(methodCallExpression.getArgumentList())) .findFirst() != null) { return false; } } qualifierClass = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(qualifierExpression.getType()); } else if (qualifierExpression == null) { final PsiClass enclosingClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(body, PsiClass.class); if (PsiUtil.getEnclosingStaticElement(body, enclosingClass) == null) { qualifierClass = enclosingClass; } } if (qualifierClass != null && InheritanceUtil.isInheritor( qualifierClass, false, CommonClassNames.JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTION)) { while (ifStatement != null && PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(body, ifStatement, false)) { final PsiExpression condition = ifStatement.getCondition(); if (condition != null && isConditionDependsOnUpdatedCollections(condition, qualifierExpression)) return false; ifStatement = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(ifStatement, PsiIfStatement.class); } final PsiElement resolve = methodExpression.resolve(); if (resolve instanceof PsiMethod && "add".equals(((PsiMethod) resolve).getName()) && ((PsiMethod) resolve).getParameterList().getParametersCount() == 1) { final PsiExpression[] args = methodCallExpression.getArgumentList().getExpressions(); if (args.length == 1) { if (args[0] instanceof PsiCallExpression) { final PsiMethod method = ((PsiCallExpression) args[0]).resolveMethod(); return method != null && !method.hasTypeParameters() && !isThrowsCompatible(method); } return true; } } } } return false; }
@Override public void visitThrowStatement(PsiThrowStatement statement) { super.visitThrowStatement(statement); final PsiCatchSection catchSection = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(statement, PsiCatchSection.class, true, PsiClass.class); if (catchSection == null) { return; } final PsiParameter parameter = catchSection.getParameter(); if (parameter == null) { return; } @NonNls final String parameterName = parameter.getName(); if (PsiUtil.isIgnoredName(parameterName)) { return; } final PsiExpression exception = statement.getException(); if (exception == null) { return; } if (ignoreCantWrap) { final PsiType thrownType = exception.getType(); if (thrownType instanceof PsiClassType) { final PsiClassType classType = (PsiClassType) thrownType; final PsiClass exceptionClass = classType.resolve(); if (exceptionClass != null) { final PsiMethod[] constructors = exceptionClass.getConstructors(); final PsiClassType throwableType = TypeUtils.getType(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_THROWABLE, statement); boolean canWrap = false; outer: for (PsiMethod constructor : constructors) { final PsiParameterList parameterList = constructor.getParameterList(); final PsiParameter[] parameters = parameterList.getParameters(); for (PsiParameter constructorParameter : parameters) { final PsiType type = constructorParameter.getType(); if (throwableType.equals(type)) { canWrap = true; break outer; } } } if (!canWrap) { return; } } } } final ReferenceFinder visitor = new ReferenceFinder(parameter); exception.accept(visitor); if (visitor.usesParameter()) { return; } registerStatementError(statement); }
private static String createMapperFunctionalExpressionText( PsiParameter parameter, PsiExpression expression) { String iteration = ""; if (!isIdentityMapping(parameter, expression)) { iteration += ".map("; iteration += compoundLambdaOrMethodReference( parameter, expression, "java.util.function.Function", new PsiType[] {parameter.getType(), expression.getType()}); iteration += ")"; } return iteration; }
private void checkExpression(@NotNull PsiExpression expression) { if (expression.getParent() instanceof PsiParenthesizedExpression) { return; } final PsiType expressionType = expression.getType(); if (expressionType == null || expressionType.equals(PsiType.VOID) || !TypeConversionUtil.isPrimitiveAndNotNull(expressionType)) { return; } final PsiPrimitiveType primitiveType = (PsiPrimitiveType) expressionType; final PsiClassType boxedType = primitiveType.getBoxedType(expression); if (boxedType == null) { return; } final PsiType expectedType = ExpectedTypeUtils.findExpectedType(expression, false); if (expectedType == null || ClassUtils.isPrimitive(expectedType)) { return; } if (!expectedType.isAssignableFrom(boxedType)) { // JLS 5.2 Assignment Conversion // check if a narrowing primitive conversion is applicable if (!(expectedType instanceof PsiClassType) || !PsiUtil.isConstantExpression(expression)) { return; } final PsiClassType classType = (PsiClassType) expectedType; final String className = classType.getCanonicalText(); if (!convertableBoxedClassNames.contains(className)) { return; } if (!PsiType.BYTE.equals(expressionType) && !PsiType.CHAR.equals(expressionType) && !PsiType.SHORT.equals(expressionType) && !PsiType.INT.equals(expressionType)) { return; } } if (ignoreAddedToCollection && isAddedToCollection(expression)) { return; } registerError(expression); }
private void checkExpression(PsiExpression expression) { if (expression == null) return; final PsiType type = expression.getType(); if (!(type instanceof PsiClassType)) return; if (IGNORE_TOSTRING && MethodUtils.isToString(PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(expression, PsiMethod.class))) return; if (IGNORE_EXCEPTION && (ExceptionUtils.isExceptionArgument(expression) || PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType( expression, PsiThrowStatement.class, true, PsiCodeBlock.class, PsiClass.class) != null)) return; if (IGNORE_ASSERT && PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType( expression, PsiAssertStatement.class, true, PsiCodeBlock.class, PsiClass.class) != null) { return; } if (IGNORE_NONNLS && NonNlsUtils.isNonNlsAnnotatedUse(expression)) return; final PsiClassType classType = (PsiClassType) type; if (type.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT)) return; final PsiClass referencedClass = classType.resolve(); if (referencedClass == null || referencedClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter) return; if (referencedClass.isEnum() || referencedClass.isInterface()) return; if (referencedClass.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.ABSTRACT) && !(expression instanceof PsiSuperExpression)) return; if (hasGoodToString(referencedClass)) return; registerError(expression); }
@Override public void doFix(Project project, ProblemDescriptor descriptor) { final PsiExpression expression = (PsiExpression) descriptor.getPsiElement(); final PsiType expectedType = ExpectedTypeUtils.findExpectedType(expression, false); if (expectedType == null) { return; } final String expectedTypeText = expectedType.getCanonicalText(); final String classToConstruct; if (s_boxingClasses.containsValue(expectedTypeText)) { classToConstruct = expectedTypeText; } else { final PsiType type = expression.getType(); if (type == null) { return; } final String expressionTypeText = type.getCanonicalText(); classToConstruct = s_boxingClasses.get(expressionTypeText); } if (shortcutReplace(expression, classToConstruct)) { return; } final PsiExpression strippedExpression = ParenthesesUtils.stripParentheses(expression); if (strippedExpression == null) { return; } @NonNls final String expressionText = strippedExpression.getText(); @NonNls final String newExpression; if ("true".equals(expressionText)) { newExpression = "java.lang.Boolean.TRUE"; } else if ("false".equals(expressionText)) { newExpression = "java.lang.Boolean.FALSE"; } else { newExpression = classToConstruct + ".valueOf(" + expressionText + ')'; } replaceExpression(expression, newExpression); }
@Override public void visitTypeCastExpression(@NotNull PsiTypeCastExpression expression) { super.visitTypeCastExpression(expression); final PsiExpression operand = expression.getOperand(); if (operand == null) { return; } final PsiType operandType = operand.getType(); if (operandType == null) { return; } final PsiType type = expression.getType(); if (type == null) { return; } final PsiType expectedType = ExpectedTypeUtils.findExpectedType(expression, true); if (expectedType == null) { return; } if (expectedType.equals(type)) { return; } final PsiClass resolved = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(expectedType); if (resolved != null && !resolved.isPhysical()) { return; } if (expectedType.isAssignableFrom(operandType)) { // then it's redundant, and caught by the built-in exception return; } if (isTypeParameter(expectedType)) { return; } if (expectedType instanceof PsiArrayType) { final PsiArrayType arrayType = (PsiArrayType) expectedType; final PsiType componentType = arrayType.getDeepComponentType(); if (isTypeParameter(componentType)) { return; } } if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType || expectedType instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) { return; } if (PsiPrimitiveType.getUnboxedType(type) != null || PsiPrimitiveType.getUnboxedType(expectedType) != null) { return; } if (expectedType instanceof PsiClassType) { final PsiClassType expectedClassType = (PsiClassType) expectedType; final PsiClassType expectedRawType = expectedClassType.rawType(); if (type.equals(expectedRawType)) { return; } if (type instanceof PsiClassType) { final PsiClassType classType = (PsiClassType) type; final PsiClassType rawType = classType.rawType(); if (rawType.equals(expectedRawType)) { return; } } if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) { return; } } if (ignoreInMatchingInstanceof && InstanceOfUtils.hasAgreeingInstanceof(expression)) { return; } final PsiTypeElement castTypeElement = expression.getCastType(); if (castTypeElement == null) { return; } registerError(castTypeElement, expectedType); }