private static Font findFont(String name) { for (Font font : GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAllFonts()) { if (font.getName().equals(name)) { return font; } } return null; }
/** * Used to create the top panel describing the current feedback question * * @param fb Feedback question to describe * @return Panel with title and description */ public JPanel createQuestionDataPanel(AbstractFeedbackType fb) { JPanel questionPanel = new JPanel(); questionPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); questionPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.LIGHT_GRAY)); GridBagConstraints leftBoxConst = new GridBagConstraints(); leftBoxConst.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_START; leftBoxConst.gridx = 0; leftBoxConst.gridy = 0; leftBoxConst.gridheight = 2; JLabel titleLabel = new JLabel(fb.getTitle()); GridBagConstraints titleLabelConst = new GridBagConstraints(); titleLabelConst.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; titleLabelConst.gridx = 1; titleLabelConst.gridy = 0; titleLabelConst.weightx = 1.0; Font titleLabelFont = titleLabel.getFont(); titleLabel.setFont( new Font( titleLabelFont.getName(), Font.BOLD, titleLabelFont.getSize() + 4)); // increase label font size by 2 JLabel descLabel = new JLabel(fb.getDescription()); GridBagConstraints descLabelConst = new GridBagConstraints(); descLabelConst.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; descLabelConst.gridx = 1; descLabelConst.gridy = 1; descLabelConst.weightx = 1.0; JLabel exclLabel = new JLabel("!"); exclLabel.setAlignmentX(RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); exclLabel.setToolTipText("Response is mandatory"); try { exclLabel.setFont(loadGlyphFont(titleLabelFont.getSize() + 4)); exclLabel.setText("\ue101"); } catch (FontFormatException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } GridBagConstraints rightBoxConst = new GridBagConstraints(); rightBoxConst.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_END; rightBoxConst.gridx = 2; rightBoxConst.gridy = 0; rightBoxConst.gridheight = 2; rightBoxConst.ipadx = 4; questionPanel.add(new JPanel(), leftBoxConst); questionPanel.add(titleLabel, titleLabelConst); questionPanel.add(descLabel, descLabelConst); questionPanel.add(fb.isMandatory() ? exclLabel : new JPanel(), rightBoxConst); return questionPanel; }
public void loadState(UISettings object) { XmlSerializerUtil.copyBean(object, this); // Check tab placement in editor if (EDITOR_TAB_PLACEMENT != TABS_NONE && EDITOR_TAB_PLACEMENT != SwingConstants.TOP && EDITOR_TAB_PLACEMENT != SwingConstants.LEFT && EDITOR_TAB_PLACEMENT != SwingConstants.BOTTOM && EDITOR_TAB_PLACEMENT != SwingConstants.RIGHT) { EDITOR_TAB_PLACEMENT = SwingConstants.TOP; } // Check that alpha delay and ratio are valid if (ALPHA_MODE_DELAY < 0) { ALPHA_MODE_DELAY = 1500; } if (ALPHA_MODE_RATIO < 0.0f || ALPHA_MODE_RATIO > 1.0f) { ALPHA_MODE_RATIO = 0.5f; } setSystemFontFaceAndSize(); // 1. Sometimes system font cannot display standard ASCII symbols. If so we have // find any other suitable font withing "preferred" fonts first. boolean fontIsValid = isValidFont(new Font(FONT_FACE, Font.PLAIN, FONT_SIZE)); if (!fontIsValid) { @NonNls final String[] preferredFonts = {"dialog", "Arial", "Tahoma"}; for (String preferredFont : preferredFonts) { if (isValidFont(new Font(preferredFont, Font.PLAIN, FONT_SIZE))) { FONT_FACE = preferredFont; fontIsValid = true; break; } } // 2. If all preferred fonts are not valid in current environment // we have to find first valid font (if any) if (!fontIsValid) { Font[] fonts = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAllFonts(); for (Font font : fonts) { if (isValidFont(font)) { FONT_FACE = font.getName(); break; } } } } if (MAX_CLIPBOARD_CONTENTS <= 0) { MAX_CLIPBOARD_CONTENTS = 5; } fireUISettingsChanged(); }
public void setFont(Font f) { if (f != null) { String str = f.getName(); int style = f.getStyle(); String size = "" + f.getSize(); for (int i = 0; i < fontList.getModel().getSize(); i++) { String listStr = ((String) fontList.getModel().getElementAt(i)).toLowerCase(); if (listStr.equals(str.toLowerCase())) { Object value = fontList.getModel().getElementAt(i); fontList.setSelectedValue(value, true); fontBox.setText((String) value); break; } } switch (style) { case Font.PLAIN: styleList.setSelectedIndex(0); break; case Font.ITALIC: styleList.setSelectedIndex(2); break; case Font.BOLD: styleList.setSelectedIndex(1); break; case Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC: styleList.setSelectedIndex(3); break; } boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < sizeList.getModel().getSize(); i++) { String listStr = ((String) sizeList.getModel().getElementAt(i)).toLowerCase(); if (listStr.equals(size.toLowerCase())) { Object value = sizeList.getModel().getElementAt(i); sizeList.setSelectedValue(value, true); sizeBox.setText((String) value); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { sizeBox.setText(size); } } }
private static Pair<String, Integer> getSystemFontFaceAndSize() { final Pair<String, Integer> fontData = UIUtil.getSystemFontData(); if (fontData != null) { return fontData; } if (SystemInfo.isWindows) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral final Font font = (Font) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getDesktopProperty("win.messagebox.font"); if (font != null) { return Pair.create(font.getName(), font.getSize()); } } return Pair.create("Dialog", 12); }
@Override public void _setTextBadge(IdeFrame frame, String text) { if (!isValid(frame)) { return; } Object icon = null; if (text != null) { try { int size = 55; BufferedImage image = UIUtil.createImage(size, size, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics(); int roundSize = 40; g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g.setPaint(ERROR_COLOR); g.fillRoundRect( size / 2 - roundSize / 2, size / 2 - roundSize / 2, roundSize, roundSize, size, size); g.setColor(Color.white); Font font = g.getFont(); g.setFont(new Font(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), 22)); FontMetrics fontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics(); int width = fontMetrics.stringWidth(text); g.drawString( text, size / 2 - width / 2, size / 2 - fontMetrics.getHeight() / 2 + fontMetrics.getAscent()); ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Sanselan.writeImage(image, bytes, ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ICO, new HashMap()); icon = Win7TaskBar.createIcon(bytes.toByteArray()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error(e); } } try { Win7TaskBar.setOverlayIcon(frame, icon, icon != null); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error(e); } }
public void adjustFont(int w, int h) { if (h <= 0) return; int oldH = rHeight; if (font == null) { font = getFont(); fontH = font.getSize(); rHeight = fontH; } nHeight = h; if (fontH >= h) rHeight = h - 2; else rHeight = fontH; if ((rHeight < 10) && (fontH > 10)) rHeight = 10; if (oldH != rHeight) { // Font curFont = font.deriveFont((float) rHeight); Font curFont = DisplayOptions.getFont(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), rHeight); setFont(curFont); } if (rHeight > h) rHeight = h; }
/** * Update the font in the default style of the document. * * @param font the new font to use or null to remove the font attribute from the document's style */ private void updateFont(Font font) { StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) getComponent().getDocument(); Style style = doc.getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE); if (style == null) { return; } if (font == null) { style.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.FontFamily); style.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize); style.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.Bold); style.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.Italic); } else { StyleConstants.setFontFamily(style, font.getName()); StyleConstants.setFontSize(style, font.getSize()); StyleConstants.setBold(style, font.isBold()); StyleConstants.setItalic(style, font.isItalic()); } }
private void establishFontMetrics() { final BufferedImage img = createBufferedImage(1, 1); final Graphics2D graphics = img.createGraphics(); graphics.setFont(myNormalFont); final float lineSpace = mySettingsProvider.getLineSpace(); final FontMetrics fo = graphics.getFontMetrics(); myDescent = fo.getDescent(); myCharSize.width = fo.charWidth('W'); myCharSize.height = fo.getHeight() + (int) (lineSpace * 2); myDescent += lineSpace; myMonospaced = isMonospaced(fo); if (!myMonospaced) {"WARNING: Font " + myNormalFont.getName() + " is non-monospaced"); } img.flush(); graphics.dispose(); }
private void updateText() { Font font = getFont(); String styleString; switch (font.getStyle()) { case Font.PLAIN: styleString = jEdit.getProperty("font-selector.plain"); break; case Font.BOLD: styleString = jEdit.getProperty("font-selector.bold"); break; case Font.ITALIC: styleString = jEdit.getProperty("font-selector.italic"); break; case Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC: styleString = jEdit.getProperty("font-selector.bolditalic"); break; default: styleString = "UNKNOWN!!!???"; break; } setText(font.getName() + ' ' + font.getSize() + ' ' + styleString); }
public int showCustomDialog(Frame f, Font fontArg, Color foreColorArg, Color backColorArg) { this.setLocationRelativeTo(f); String s = fontArg.getName(); fontCombo.setSelectedItem((Object) s); int style = fontArg.getStyle(); if ((style & Font.ITALIC) == 0) italic.setSelected(false); else italic.setSelected(true); if ((style & Font.BOLD) == 0) bold.setSelected(false); else bold.setSelected(true); int size = fontArg.getSize(); sizeCombo.setSelectedItem((Object) ("" + size)); example.setFont(fontArg); example.setForeground(MenuBar.shapeLBG.getBackground()); // show the dialog this.setVisible(true); return response; }
ParentDirectoryRenderer() { plainFont = UIManager.getFont("Tree.font"); if (plainFont == null) plainFont = jEdit.getFontProperty("metal.secondary.font"); boldFont = new Font(plainFont.getName(), Font.BOLD, plainFont.getSize()); }
public void fillPopupMenu() { JMenuItem item; TextImageIcon textIcon; StatementHistory history; int rowCount = 0; int numRows = 0; Insets margin = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Get the font defined in the displayOptions panel for menus Font ft = DisplayOptions.getFont("Menu1"); // We need a fairly small font, so make it 2 smaller. int size = ft.getSize(); // If larger than 12, subtract 2 if (size > 12) size -= 2; Font font = DisplayOptions.getFont(ft.getName(), ft.getStyle(), size); // This flag is used so that we only fill the menu when needed if (menuAlreadyFilled) return; menuAlreadyFilled = true; history = sshare.statementHistory(); ArrayList list = history.getNamedStatementList(); Color bgColor = Util.getBgColor(); // Only show the Saved Statements section if there are some. if (list != null && list.size() != 0) { item = popup.add("Saved Statements"); rowCount++; // item.setForeground(; // item.setBackground(bgColor); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); popup.add(item); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ArrayList nameNlabel = (ArrayList) list.get(i); // first item in nameNlabel is name and second is label item = popup.add(" " + (String) nameNlabel.get(1)); rowCount++; item.setActionCommand("save:" + (String) nameNlabel.get(0)); // item.setBackground(bgColor); item.addActionListener(popActionListener); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); } } // the rest of menu (return object types, statement types, etc.) ShufflerService shufflerService = sshare.shufflerService(); ArrayList objTypes = shufflerService.getAllMenuObjectTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < objTypes.size(); i++) { String objType = (String) objTypes.get(i); // Do not display menu for DB_AVAIL_SUB_TYPES if (objType.equals(Shuf.DB_AVAIL_SUB_TYPES)) continue; // addSeparator looks bad using GridLayout because it creates rows // and columns which are all equal in size. It cannot have a row // with a separator which is a different height than the other // rectangles it creates. So just use dashes. item = popup.add(separator); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); rowCount++; item = popup.add(shufflerService.getCategoryLabel(objType)); rowCount++; // item.setForeground(; item.setActionCommand("title:" + objType); // item.setBackground(bgColor); item.addActionListener(popActionListener); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); ArrayList menuStrings = shufflerService.getmenuStringsThisObj(objType); // If current rowCount plus the next section size is too big, // specify the numRows to the current value of rowCount -1. // That is, put this next section in a new column. // 47 is emperical number of rows to fit 90% full screen. if (numRows == 0 && rowCount - 1 + menuStrings.size() > 44) { numRows = rowCount - 2; } for (int j = 0; j < menuStrings.size(); j++) { String menuString = (String) menuStrings.get(j); item = popup.add(" " + menuString); rowCount++; item.setActionCommand("command:" + objType + "/" + menuString); // item.setBackground(bgColor); item.addActionListener(popActionListener); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); } // The spotter menu changes dynamically when // the list of saved statements changes. history.addStatementListener( new StatementAdapter() { public void saveListChanged() { refreshSaveMenu(); } }); } if (numRows == 0) numRows = rowCount; GridLayoutCol lm = new GridLayoutCol(numRows, 0); popup.setLayout(lm); }
protected void dolayout(String strDir, String strFreq, String strTraynum) { // TopBar String strTitle = gettitle(strFreq); Color color = DisplayOptions.getColor("Heading3"); // Center Panel JPanel panelCenter = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints( 0, 0, 1, 1, 0.2, 0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0); ImageIcon icon = getImageIcon(); // panelCenter.add(new JLabel(icon)); addComp(panelCenter, new JLabel(icon), gbc, 0, 0); strTitle = getSampleName(strDir, strTraynum); m_lblSampleName = new JLabel(strTitle); if (strTitle == null || !strTitle.trim().equals("")) strTitle = "3"; Font font = m_lblSampleName.getFont(); font = DisplayOptions.getFont(font.getName(), Font.BOLD, 300); m_lblSampleName.setFont(font); m_lblSampleName.setForeground(color); // panelCenter.add(m_lblSampleName); m_pnlSampleName = new JPanel(new CardLayout()); m_pnlSampleName.add(m_lblSampleName, OTHER); addComp(panelCenter, m_pnlSampleName, gbc, 1, 0); m_pnlSampleName.setVisible(false); m_pnlTrays = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 0)); // Vast panels VBox pnlVast1 = new VBox(m_pnlTrays, "1"); m_pnlTrays.add(pnlVast1); m_pnlVast[0] = pnlVast1; VBox pnlVast2 = new VBox(m_pnlTrays, "2"); m_pnlTrays.add(pnlVast2); m_pnlVast[1] = pnlVast2; VBox pnlVast3 = new VBox(m_pnlTrays, "3"); m_pnlTrays.add(pnlVast3); m_pnlVast[2] = pnlVast3; VBox pnlVast4 = new VBox(m_pnlTrays, "4"); m_pnlTrays.add(pnlVast4); m_pnlVast[3] = pnlVast4; VBox pnlVast5 = new VBox(m_pnlTrays, "5"); m_pnlTrays.add(pnlVast5); m_pnlVast[4] = pnlVast5; m_pnlSampleName.add(m_pnlTrays, VAST); // Login Panel JPanel panelThird = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JPanel panelLogin = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); panelThird.add(panelLogin); Object[] aStrUser = getOperators(); m_cmbUser = new JComboBox(aStrUser); BasicComboBoxRenderer renderer = new BasicComboBoxRenderer(); m_cmbUser.setRenderer(renderer); m_cmbUser.setEditable(true); m_passwordField = new JPasswordField(); // *Warning, working around a Java problem* // When we went to the T3500 running Redhat 5.3, the JPasswordField // fields sometimes does not allow ANY entry of characters. Setting // the enableInputMethods() to true fixed this problem. There are // comments that indicate that this could cause the typed characters // to be visible. I have not found that to be a problem. // This may not be required in the future, or could cause characters // to become visible in the future if Java changes it's code. // GRS 8/20/09 m_passwordField.enableInputMethods(true); m_lblLogin = new VLoginLabel(null, "Incorrect username/password \n Please try again ", 0, 0); m_lblLogin.setVisible(false); okButton.setActionCommand("enter"); okButton.addActionListener(this); cancelButton.setActionCommand("cancel"); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); helpButton.setActionCommand("help"); helpButton.addActionListener(this); m_passwordField.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) enterLogin(); } }); // These is some wierd problem such that sometimes, the vnmrj command // area gets the focus and these items in the login box do not get // the focus. Even clicking in these items does not bring focus to // them. Issuing requestFocus() does not bring focus to them. // I can however, determing if either the operator entry box or // the password box has focus and if neither does, I can unshow and // reshow the panel and that fixes the focus. So, I have added this // to the mouseClicked action. If neither has focus, it will // take focus with setVisible false then true. comboTextField = m_cmbUser.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); m_passwordField.addMouseListener(this); comboTextField.addMouseListener(this); m_lblUsername = new JLabel(Util.getLabel("_Operator")); addComp(panelLogin, m_lblUsername, gbc, 0, 0); addComp(panelLogin, m_cmbUser, gbc, 1, 0); m_lblPassword = new JLabel(Util.getLabel("_Password")); addComp(panelLogin, m_lblPassword, gbc, 0, 1); addComp(panelLogin, m_passwordField, gbc, 1, 1); gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gbc.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; addComp(panelLogin, m_lblLogin, gbc, 2, 0); setPref(); Container container = getContentPane(); JPanel panelLoginBox = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panelLoginBox.add(panelCenter, BorderLayout.CENTER); panelLoginBox.add(panelThird, BorderLayout.SOUTH); container.add(panelLoginBox, BorderLayout.CENTER); }