public void restart() { final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData( DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(myDescriptor.getComponent())); if (ExecutorRegistry.getInstance() .isStarting(project, myExecutor.getId(), myRunner.getRunnerId())) { return; } try { final ExecutionEnvironment old = myEnvironment; myRunner.execute( myExecutor, new ExecutionEnvironment( old.getRunProfile(), old.getExecutionTarget(), project, old.getRunnerSettings(), old.getConfigurationSettings(), myDescriptor, old.getRunnerAndConfigurationSettings())); } catch (RunCanceledByUserException ignore) { } catch (ExecutionException e1) { Messages.showErrorDialog( project, e1.getMessage(), ExecutionBundle.message("restart.error.message.title")); } }
@Override public void done() { try { StringBuilder result = get(); textArea.setText(result.toString()); statusLine.setText("Done"); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } catch (CancellationException ex) { textArea.setText(""); statusLine.setText("Cancelled"); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { statusLine.setText("" + ex.getCause()); } cancelItem.setEnabled(false); openItem.setEnabled(true); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) { final Project project = e.getProject(); LOG.assertTrue(project != null); final VirtualFile file = getFile(project); if (file != null) { try { final ImportRunProfile profile = new ImportRunProfile(file, project); SMTRunnerConsoleProperties properties = profile.getProperties(); if (properties == null) { properties = myProperties; "Failed to detect test framework in " + file.getPath() + "; use " + (properties != null ? properties.getTestFrameworkName() + " from toolbar" : "no properties")); } final Executor executor = properties != null ? properties.getExecutor() : ExecutorRegistry.getInstance().getExecutorById(DefaultRunExecutor.EXECUTOR_ID); ExecutionEnvironmentBuilder builder = ExecutionEnvironmentBuilder.create(project, executor, profile); final RunConfiguration initialConfiguration = profile.getInitialConfiguration(); final ProgramRunner runner = initialConfiguration != null ? RunnerRegistry.getInstance().getRunner(executor.getId(), initialConfiguration) : null; if (runner != null) { builder = builder.runner(runner); } builder.buildAndExecute(); } catch (ExecutionException e1) { Messages.showErrorDialog(project, e1.getMessage(), "Import Failed"); } } }
public static void handleExecutionError( @NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final String toolWindowId, @NotNull String taskName, @NotNull ExecutionException e) { if (e instanceof RunCanceledByUserException) { return; } LOG.debug(e); String description = e.getMessage(); if (description == null) { LOG.warn("Execution error without description", e); description = "Unknown error"; } HyperlinkListener listener = null; if ((description.contains("87") || description.contains("111") || description.contains("206")) && e instanceof ProcessNotCreatedException && !PropertiesComponent.getInstance(project).isTrueValue("dynamic.classpath")) { final String commandLineString = ((ProcessNotCreatedException) e).getCommandLine().getCommandLineString(); if (commandLineString.length() > 1024 * 32) { description = "Command line is too long. In order to reduce its length classpath file can be used.<br>" + "Would you like to enable classpath file mode for all run configurations of your project?<br>" + "<a href=\"\">Enable</a>"; listener = new HyperlinkListener() { @Override public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent event) { PropertiesComponent.getInstance(project).setValue("dynamic.classpath", "true"); } }; } } final String title = ExecutionBundle.message("error.running.configuration.message", taskName); final String fullMessage = title + ":<br>" + description; if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { LOG.error(fullMessage, e); } if (listener == null && e instanceof HyperlinkListener) { listener = (HyperlinkListener) e; } final HyperlinkListener finalListener = listener; final String finalDescription = description; UIUtil.invokeLaterIfNeeded( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (project.isDisposed()) { return; } ToolWindowManager toolWindowManager = ToolWindowManager.getInstance(project); if (toolWindowManager.canShowNotification(toolWindowId)) { //noinspection SSBasedInspection toolWindowManager.notifyByBalloon( toolWindowId, MessageType.ERROR, fullMessage, null, finalListener); } else { Messages.showErrorDialog(project, UIUtil.toHtml(fullMessage), ""); } NotificationListener notificationListener = finalListener == null ? null : new NotificationListener() { @Override public void hyperlinkUpdate( @NotNull Notification notification, @NotNull HyperlinkEvent event) { finalListener.hyperlinkUpdate(event); } }; ourNotificationGroup .createNotification( title, finalDescription, NotificationType.ERROR, notificationListener) .notify(project); } }); }