private void cancelButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { cont.remove(this); cont.setCurrent(previous); cont.add(cont.getCurrent()); cont.revalidate(); cont.repaint(); }
private void repaintViewport() { if (!isDisplayable() || !isVisible()) return; Container p = getParent(); if (p instanceof JBViewport) { p.repaint(); } }
public void setWidth(int width) { int height = 50; editorPane.setSize(width, 2000); try { height = (int) editorPane.modelToView(editorPane.getDocument().getLength() - 1).getY() + 25; } catch (BadLocationException e) { } editorPane.setSize(width, height); sp.setSize(width + 1, height + 1); sp.revalidate(); editorPane.revalidate(); cp.repaint(); }
private void saveButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String animal = animalField.getText(); String color = colorField.getText(); String name = nameField.getText(); try { facade.addNewTrial(animal, color, name); } catch (Exception ex) { showError(); ex.printStackTrace(); return; } cont.remove(this); cont.setCurrent(previous); cont.add(cont.getCurrent()); cont.revalidate(); cont.repaint(); }
void validate() { Container parent = SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JCollapsiblePaneContainer.class, JCollapsiblePane.this); if (parent != null) { parent = ((JCollapsiblePaneContainer) parent).getValidatingContainer(); } else { parent = getParent(); } if (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent) parent).revalidate(); } else { parent.invalidate(); } parent.doLayout(); parent.repaint(); } }
public void run() { if (url == null) { // restore the original cursor html.setCursor(cursor); Container parent = html.getParent(); parent.repaint(); } else { Document doc = html.getDocument(); try { html.setPage(url); } catch (IOException ioe) { html.setDocument(doc); getToolkit().beep(); } finally { url = null; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this); } } }
private void setBounds(Point location, Dimension size) { if (myView != null) { if (size == null) { size = myView.getSize(); } if (location == null) { location = myView.getLocation(); } else { Component parent = myView instanceof Window ? null : myView.getParent(); if (parent != null) { SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(location, parent); } } myView.setBounds(location.x, location.y, size.width, size.height); if (myView.isVisible()) { myView.invalidate(); myView.validate(); myView.repaint(); } } }
public void run() { if (url == null) { // restore the original cursor html.setCursor(cursor); // PENDING(prinz) remove this hack when // automatic validation is activated. Container parent = html.getParent(); parent.repaint(); } else { Document doc = html.getDocument(); try { html.setPage(url); } catch (IOException ioe) { html.setDocument(doc); getToolkit().beep(); } finally { // schedule the cursor to revert after // the paint has happended. url = null; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this); } } }
public void showPinObj(PushpinIF pobj, boolean on) { Component comp = (Component) pobj; if (comp == null) return; Container p = comp.getParent(); if (!on) { pobj.setPopup(false, true); if (p != null && p != tabbedPane) { p.remove(comp); p.validate(); p.repaint(); } if (popupComp == comp) popupComp = null; return; } if (popupComp != null) { if (popupComp != comp) { ((PushpinIF) popupComp).setPopup(false, true); p = popupComp.getParent(); if (p != null && p != tabbedPane) { p.remove(popupComp); } } popupComp = null; } /* if (!isShowing()) { return; } */ if (comp.isShowing()) { return; } Container p2 = null; p = pinPanel.getParent(); while (p != null) { if (p instanceof JLayeredPane) p2 = p; p = p.getParent(); } if (p2 == null) return; if (!isShowing()) { VnmrjIF vif = Util.getVjIF(); vif.raiseToolPanel(on); setVisible(true); } popupComp = comp; p = p2; pobj.setPopup(true, true); /* Point pt0 = p.getLocationOnScreen(); Point pt1 = getLocationOnScreen(); */ Point pt1 = getLocation(); Dimension dim = getSize(); int y0 = (int) ((float) dim.height * pobj.getRefY()); int h = (int) ((float) dim.height * pobj.getRefH()); int x = pt1.x + 2; int y = pt1.y + y0; p.add(comp, JLayeredPane.MODAL_LAYER); comp.setBounds(x, y, dim.width, dim.height - y0); ((JComponent) p).validate(); /* p.repaint(); */ }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { step.setWidth(200); cp.repaint(); System.out.println(step.getSize()); }
/** * This method represents the window in which the preferred parameters for the obix components can * be chosen. * * @param chosenComponents The list of {@link ObixObject} which have been chosen in the previous * window. * @return The container in which the preferred parameters for the obix components can be chosen. */ private Container chooseParameters(List<ObixObject> chosenComponents) { Container pane = new Container(); pane.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); pane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); Font titelF = new Font("Courier", Font.BOLD, 30); title = new JLabel("Please choose the appropriate Parameters for the datapoints"); title.setFont(titelF); c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; c.gridwidth = 10; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0; pane.add(title, c); List<String> parametersList = Configurator.getInstance().getAvailableParameterTypes(); String[] parameterTypes = new String[parametersList.size()]; parameterTypes = parametersList.toArray(parameterTypes); for (ObixObject o : chosenComponents) { c.gridy++; c.insets = new Insets(30, 10, 0, 0); JLabel uriLabel = new JLabel(o.getObixUri()); uriLabel.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.ITALIC, 15)); c.gridx = 0; c.gridwidth = 10; pane.add(uriLabel, c); c.gridwidth = 1; c.insets = new Insets(10, 10, 0, 0); JLabel parameter1Label = new JLabel("Parameter 1 Type:"); c.gridy++; pane.add(parameter1Label, c); JLabel parameter1ObixUnitLabel = new JLabel("OBIX unit: " + o.getObixUnitUri()); c.gridx++; pane.add(parameter1ObixUnitLabel, c); JComboBox parameter1comboBox = new JComboBox(parameterTypes); c.gridx++; pane.add(parameter1comboBox, c); JButton param1AddStateButton = new JButton("Add State"); Box vBox1 = Box.createVerticalBox(); vBox1.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; JLabel parameter1UnitLabel = new JLabel("Set Parameter 1 Unit:"); c.gridx++; pane.add(parameter1UnitLabel, c); JTextField parameter1UnitTextField = new JTextField(o.getParameter1().getParameterUnit()); parameter1UnitTextField.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 20)); parameter1UnitTextField.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(500, 20)); c.gridx++; pane.add(parameter1UnitTextField, c); JLabel parameter1ValueTypeLabel = new JLabel("valueType: " + o.getParameter1().getValueType()); c.gridx++; pane.add(parameter1ValueTypeLabel, c); int param1UnitLabelxPosition = c.gridx; int param1UnitLabelyPosition = c.gridy; for (StateDescription s : o.getParameter1().getStateDescriptions()) { JLabel stateNameLabel = new JLabel("State Name: "); JTextField stateNameTextfield = new JTextField(20); stateNameTextfield.setText(s.getName().getName()); vBox1.add(stateNameLabel); vBox1.add(stateNameTextfield); JLabel stateValueLabel = new JLabel("State Value: "); JTextField stateValueTextfield = new JTextField(20); stateValueTextfield.setText(s.getValue().getValue()); vBox1.add(stateValueLabel); vBox1.add(stateValueTextfield); JLabel stateURILabel = new JLabel("State URI: "); JTextField stateURITextfield = new JTextField(20); stateURITextfield.setText(s.getStateDescriptionUri()); vBox1.add(stateURILabel); vBox1.add(stateURITextfield); JButton deleteStateButton = new JButton("Delete State"); vBox1.add(deleteStateButton); JSeparator horizontalLine = new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL); vBox1.add(horizontalLine); vBox1.add(horizontalLine); StateRepresentation stateRepresentation = (new StateRepresentation( param1AddStateButton, deleteStateButton, stateNameLabel, stateNameTextfield, stateValueLabel, stateValueTextfield, stateURILabel, stateURITextfield, horizontalLine, vBox1, o.getParameter1())); addDeleteStateListener(stateRepresentation); listOfStateRepresentations.add(stateRepresentation); pane.revalidate(); pane.repaint(); } addParameterBoxListener( parameter1comboBox, param1UnitLabelxPosition, param1UnitLabelyPosition, parameter1UnitLabel, parameter1UnitTextField, pane, param1AddStateButton, vBox1); /** Add state to parameter 1 function listener */ param1AddStateButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JLabel stateNameLabel = new JLabel("State Name: "); JTextField stateNameTextfield = new JTextField(20); vBox1.add(stateNameLabel); vBox1.add(stateNameTextfield); JLabel stateValueLabel = new JLabel("State Value: "); JTextField stateValueTextfield = new JTextField(20); vBox1.add(stateValueLabel); vBox1.add(stateValueTextfield); JLabel stateURILabel = new JLabel("State URI: "); JTextField stateURITextfield = new JTextField(20); vBox1.add(stateURILabel); vBox1.add(stateURITextfield); JButton deleteStateButton = new JButton("Delete State"); vBox1.add(deleteStateButton); JSeparator horizontalLine = new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL); vBox1.add(horizontalLine); vBox1.add(horizontalLine); StateRepresentation stateRepresentation = (new StateRepresentation( param1AddStateButton, deleteStateButton, stateNameLabel, stateNameTextfield, stateValueLabel, stateValueTextfield, stateURILabel, stateURITextfield, horizontalLine, vBox1, o.getParameter1())); addDeleteStateListener(stateRepresentation); listOfStateRepresentations.add(stateRepresentation); pane.revalidate(); pane.repaint(); } }); c.gridy++; c.gridx = 0; JLabel parameter2Label = new JLabel("Parameter 2 Type:"); pane.add(parameter2Label, c); JComboBox parameter2comboBox = new JComboBox(parameterTypes); c.gridx++; c.gridx++; pane.add(parameter2comboBox, c); JLabel parameter2UnitLabel = new JLabel("Set Parameter 2 Unit: "); c.gridx++; pane.add(parameter2UnitLabel, c); JTextField parameter2UnitTextField = new JTextField(o.getParameter2().getParameterUnit()); parameter2UnitTextField.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 20)); parameter2UnitTextField.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(500, 20)); c.gridx++; pane.add(parameter2UnitTextField, c); JLabel parameter2ValueTypeLabel = new JLabel("valueType: " + o.getParameter2().getValueType()); c.gridx++; pane.add(parameter2ValueTypeLabel, c); JButton param2AddStateButton = new JButton("Add State"); Box vBox2 = Box.createVerticalBox(); vBox2.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; int param2UnitLabelxPosition = c.gridx; int param2UnitLabelyPosition = c.gridy; addParameterBoxListener( parameter2comboBox, param2UnitLabelxPosition, param2UnitLabelyPosition, parameter2UnitLabel, parameter2UnitTextField, pane, param2AddStateButton, vBox2); /** Add state to parameter 2 function listener */ param2AddStateButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JLabel stateNameLabel = new JLabel("State Name: "); JTextField stateNameTextfield = new JTextField(20); vBox2.add(stateNameLabel); vBox2.add(stateNameTextfield); JLabel stateValueLabel = new JLabel("State Value: "); JTextField stateValueTextfield = new JTextField(20); vBox2.add(stateValueLabel); vBox2.add(stateValueTextfield); JLabel stateURILabel = new JLabel("State URI: "); JTextField stateURITextfield = new JTextField(20); vBox2.add(stateURILabel); vBox2.add(stateURITextfield); JButton deleteStateButton = new JButton("Delete State"); vBox2.add(deleteStateButton); JSeparator horizontalLine = new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL); vBox2.add(horizontalLine); vBox2.add(horizontalLine); StateRepresentation stateRepresentation = (new StateRepresentation( param2AddStateButton, deleteStateButton, stateNameLabel, stateNameTextfield, stateValueLabel, stateValueTextfield, stateURILabel, stateURITextfield, horizontalLine, vBox2, o.getParameter2())); addDeleteStateListener(stateRepresentation); listOfStateRepresentations.add(stateRepresentation); pane.revalidate(); pane.repaint(); } }); parameter1comboBox.setSelectedItem(o.getParameter1().getParameterType()); parameter2comboBox.setSelectedItem(o.getParameter2().getParameterType()); representationRows.add( new RepresentationRow( o, parameter1comboBox, parameter2comboBox, parameter1UnitTextField, parameter2UnitTextField)); } JButton acceptButton = new JButton("Accept"); c.insets = new Insets(50, 0, 0, 0); c.gridwidth = 10; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy++; pane.add(acceptButton, c); /** Accept button listener */ Action acceptAction = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { for (StateRepresentation s : listOfStateRepresentations) { if (s.getStateNameTextField().getText().isEmpty() || s.getStateUriTextField().getText().isEmpty() || s.getStateValueTextField().getText().isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Each state parameter field must contain a text! " + "There are some empty parameter fields, please change them before proceeding."); return; } } for (ObixObject o : chosenComponents) { o.getParameter1().getStateDescriptions().clear(); o.getParameter2().getStateDescriptions().clear(); } for (StateRepresentation s : listOfStateRepresentations) { // Save created State ArrayList<String> types = new ArrayList<String>(); types.add("&colibri;AbsoluteState"); types.add("&colibri;DiscreteState"); Value val = new Value(); val.setValue(s.getStateValueTextField().getText()); val.setDatatype(s.getParameter().getValueType()); Name name = new Name(); name.setName(s.getStateNameTextField().getText()); StateDescription state = new StateDescription(s.getStateUriTextField().getText(), types, val, name); s.getParameter().addStateDescription(state); } List<ObixObject> chosenObjects = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); for (RepresentationRow r : GuiUtility.this.getRepresentationRows()) { r.getObixObject() .getParameter1() .setParameterType((String) r.getParam1TypeComboBox().getSelectedItem()); r.getObixObject() .getParameter2() .setParameterType((String) r.getParam2TypeComboBox().getSelectedItem()); chosenObjects.add(r.getObixObject()); if (!r.getParam1UnitTextField().getText().isEmpty()) { r.getObixObject() .getParameter1() .setParameterUnit(r.getParam1UnitTextField().getText()); } if (!r.getParam2UnitTextField().getText().isEmpty()) { r.getObixObject() .getParameter2() .setParameterUnit(r.getParam2UnitTextField().getText()); } } representationRows.clear(); cards.removeAll(); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(interactionWindow(chosenObjects)); scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(16); scrollPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(20, 20, 20, 20)); cards.add(scrollPane); // Display the window. mainFrame.pack(); } }; acceptButton.addActionListener(acceptAction); return pane; }