void handleScanFiles(JTextField field, String[] extensions) { String[] dataFiles = scanDataFolderForFilesByType(extensions); if (dataFiles == null || dataFiles.length == 0) return; String[] oldFileList = field.getText().trim().split(","); ArrayList<String> newFileList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String c : oldFileList) { c = c.trim(); if (!c.equals("") && newFileList.indexOf(c) == -1) // TODO check exists() here? { newFileList.add(c); } } for (String c : dataFiles) { c = c.trim(); if (!c.equals("") && newFileList.indexOf(c) == -1) { newFileList.add(c); } } Collections.sort(newFileList); String finalFileList = ""; int i = 0; for (String s : newFileList) { finalFileList += (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + s; i++; } field.setText(finalFileList); }
private void parseDirective(String directive) { if (directive == null) { System.err.println("Directive is null."); return; } String[] pair = directive.split("="); if (pair == null || pair.length != 2) { System.err.println("Unable to parse directive: \"" + directive + "\" Ignored."); return; } String key = pair[0].trim(), value = pair[1].trim(); // clean these, might have too much whitespace around commas if (validKeys.indexOf(key) == FONT || validKeys.indexOf(key) == PRELOAD) { value = value.replaceAll("[\\s]*,[\\s]*", ","); } if (validKeys.indexOf(key) == -1) { System.err.println("Directive key not recognized: \"" + key + "\" Ignored."); return; } if (value.equals("")) { System.err.println("Directive value empty. Ignored."); return; } value = value.replaceAll("^\"|\"$", "").replaceAll("^'|'$", ""); // System.out.println( key + " = " + value ); boolean v; switch (validKeys.indexOf(key)) { case CRISP: v = value.toLowerCase().equals("true"); crispBox.setSelected(v); break; case FONT: fontField.setText(value); break; case GLOBAL_KEY_EVENTS: v = value.toLowerCase().equals("true"); globalKeyEventsBox.setSelected(v); break; case PAUSE_ON_BLUR: v = value.toLowerCase().equals("true"); pauseOnBlurBox.setSelected(v); break; case PRELOAD: preloadField.setText(value); break; case TRANSPARENT: v = value.toLowerCase().equals("true"); // transparentBox.setSelected(v); break; } }
/** * removes a user from the user list * * @param un the name of the user to be removed */ public void userDel(String un) { users.remove(users.indexOf(un)); if (ignores.contains(un)) { ignores.remove(ignores.indexOf(un)); } if (afks.contains(un)) { afks.remove(afks.indexOf(un)); } if (admins.contains(un)) { admins.remove(admins.indexOf(un)); } updateList(); serverMessage(un + " has left " + server.channel); privates.serverMessage(un, un + " has left"); }
/** * changes the name of a user, updating list of admins, afks, ignoes, and master user list * * @param on old username * @param nn new username */ public void rename(String on, String nn) { if (admins.contains(on)) { admins.remove(admins.indexOf(on)); admins.add(nn); } if (afks.contains(on)) { afks.remove(afks.indexOf(on)); afks.add(nn); } if (ignores.contains(on)) { ignores.remove(ignores.indexOf(on)); ignores.add(nn); } users.remove(on); users.add(nn); updateList(); serverMessage(on + " renamed to " + nn); }
// Mutators public void vote(String candidate) { // update the array of votes to reflect the user selection int index = _candidates.indexOf(candidate); if (index != -1) { _votes[index]++; System.out.println("Voted for: " + _candidates.get(index)); System.out.println("Current votes: " + _votes[index]); } else { System.out.println("No vote"); } }
private ProgressIndicatorEx removeFromMaps(@NotNull InlineProgressIndicator progress) { final ProgressIndicatorEx original = myInline2Original.get(progress); myInline2Original.remove(progress); myOriginal2Inlines.remove(original, progress); if (myOriginal2Inlines.get(original) == null) { final int originalIndex = myOriginals.indexOf(original); myOriginals.remove(originalIndex); myInfos.remove(originalIndex); } return original; }
String[] scanDataFolderForFilesByType(String[] extensions) { ArrayList files = new ArrayList(); File dataFolder = editor.getSketch().getDataFolder(); if (!dataFolder.exists()) return null; // TODO no folder present .. warn? for (String ext : extensions) { String[] found = listFiles(dataFolder, true, ext); if (found == null || found.length == 0) continue; for (String f : found) { if (files.indexOf(f) == -1) files.add(f); } } return (String[]) files.toArray(new String[0]); }
// Accessors public int getIndex(String candidate) { return _candidates.indexOf(candidate); }
public int indexOf(Figure figure) { return children.indexOf(figure); }
public void setEnabled(String strTxt, boolean bEnabled) { if (m_aListValues != null && m_aListValues.contains(strTxt)) { setEnabled(m_aListValues.indexOf(strTxt), bEnabled); } }