public void update(AnActionEvent e) { super.update(e); final Project project = e.getData(DataKeys.PROJECT); final VirtualFile file = e.getData(DataKeys.VIRTUAL_FILE); boolean visible = project != null && file != null && !file.isDirectory() && file.getFileType() == CppSupportLoader.CPP_FILETYPE && !Communicator.isHeaderFile(file); boolean enabled = visible; if (!visible) { visible = ActionPlaces.MAIN_MENU.equals(e.getPlace()); } e.getPresentation().setEnabled(enabled); e.getPresentation().setVisible(visible); if (visible) { final String s = "Do c&ompile for " + (file != null ? file.getName() : "selected c/c++ fileToCompile"); e.getPresentation().setText(s); e.getPresentation().setDescription(s); } }
// get gitRepository // check for existing git repo // check available repos and privateRepo access (net) // Show dialog (window) // create GitHub repo (net) // create local git repo (if not exist) // add GitHub as a remote host // make first commit // push everything (net) @Override public void actionPerformed(final AnActionEvent e) { final Project project = e.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT); final VirtualFile file = e.getData(CommonDataKeys.VIRTUAL_FILE); if (project == null || project.isDisposed() || !GithubUtil.testGitExecutable(project)) { return; } shareProjectOnGithub(project, file); }
public void update(AnActionEvent e) { final Project project = e.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT); if (project == null || project.isDefault()) { setVisibleEnabled(e, false, false); return; } setVisibleEnabled(e, true, true); }
@Override public void update(AnActionEvent event) { final Presentation presentation = event.getPresentation(); final Project project = event.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT); presentation.setEnabled(project != null); presentation.setVisible( ActionPlaces.isMainMenuOrActionSearch(event.getPlace()) && !PlatformUtils.isCidr()); }
@Override public void update(final AnActionEvent e) { final DataContext dataContext = e.getDataContext(); final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); final Change[] changes = e.getData(getChangesKey()); final Presentation presentation = e.getPresentation(); presentation.setVisible(VcsDataKeys.CHANGES.getData(dataContext) != null); presentation.setEnabled(enabled(project, changes)); }
public void setSelected(AnActionEvent e, boolean state) { T change = ObjectUtils.tryCast(e.getData(VcsDataKeys.CURRENT_CHANGE), myClass); if (change == null) return; if (state) { myViewer.includeChange(change); } else { myViewer.excludeChange(change); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(final AnActionEvent e) { final Project project = e.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT); if (project != null) { RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings = chooseTempSettings(project); if (settings != null) { final RunManager runManager = RunManager.getInstance(project); runManager.makeStable(settings); } } }
public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent event) { Project project = event.getData(PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT); Icon i = getQuestionIcon(); //Prompt the user for their choice of dimension filters (only one-at-a-time atm) String dimension = showInputDialog(project, "What dimesion would you like to filter by?", "Dimension name",i); String value = showInputDialog(project, "What choice would you like to make in dimension " + dimension + "?", "Chocie", i); //Grab the file and store it's current state before making any modifications //TODO: this will have to account for if a partial selection has already been made on the file VirtualFile f = event.getData(DataKeys.VIRTUAL_FILE); String name = f.getName(); //Perform the modification to the file, store it's new state, and display to the user Choice c = new Choice(dimension, value); //TODO: rather than passing in names, pass in some representation of the original file and the modified file FileVariation fv = new FileVariation(name, name, c); variedFiles.add(fv); }
public void actionPerformed(final AnActionEvent e) { LogModel model = myConsole.myProjectModel; for (Notification notification : model.getNotifications()) { notification.expire(); model.removeNotification(notification); } model.setStatusMessage(null, 0); final Editor editor = e.getData(CommonDataKeys.EDITOR); if (editor != null) { editor.getDocument().deleteString(0, editor.getDocument().getTextLength()); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) { final Project project = e.getData(PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT); if (project == null) return; Runnable searchEverywhere = mySearchEverywhereRunnable; mySearchEverywhereRunnable = null; hideHints(); if (searchEverywhere != null) {; return; } final RelativePoint popupPosition = JBPopupFactory.getInstance().guessBestPopupLocation(e.getDataContext()); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).commitAllDocuments(); FeatureUsageTracker.getInstance().triggerFeatureUsed("navigation.goto.usages"); UsageTarget[] usageTargets = e.getData(UsageView.USAGE_TARGETS_KEY); final Editor editor = e.getData(PlatformDataKeys.EDITOR); if (usageTargets == null) { chooseAmbiguousTargetAndPerform( project, editor, new PsiElementProcessor<PsiElement>() { @Override public boolean execute(@NotNull final PsiElement element) { startFindUsages(element, popupPosition, editor, USAGES_PAGE_SIZE); return false; } }); } else { PsiElement element = ((PsiElementUsageTarget) usageTargets[0]).getElement(); if (element != null) { startFindUsages(element, popupPosition, editor, USAGES_PAGE_SIZE); } } }
public void actionPerformed(final AnActionEvent e) { final DataContext dataContext = e.getDataContext(); final Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext); final Change[] changes = e.getData(getChangesKey()); if (!enabled(project, changes)) { return; } final Change change = changes[0]; final CalculateAndShow worker = new CalculateAndShow(project, change, e.getPresentation().getText()); ProgressManager.getInstance().run(worker); }
@Override public void update(final AnActionEvent e) { final Presentation presentation = e.getPresentation(); final Project project = e.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT); if (project == null) { disable(presentation); return; } RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings = chooseTempSettings(project); if (settings == null) { disable(presentation); } else { presentation.setText( ExecutionBundle.message( "", settings.getName())); presentation.setDescription(presentation.getText()); presentation.setVisible(true); presentation.setEnabled(true); } }
@Override public void update(AnActionEvent e) { Presentation presentation = e.getPresentation(); Project project = e.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT); if (ActionPlaces.isMainMenuOrActionSearch(e.getPlace())) { presentation.setDescription( ExecutionBundle.message("")); } try { if (project == null || project.isDisposed() || !project.isInitialized()) { updatePresentation(null, null, null, presentation); presentation.setEnabled(false); } else { updatePresentation( ExecutionTargetManager.getActiveTarget(project), RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project).getSelectedConfiguration(), project, presentation); presentation.setEnabled(true); } } catch (IndexNotReadyException e1) { presentation.setEnabled(false); } }
@Override public void update(AnActionEvent e) { Editor editor = e.getData(CommonDataKeys.EDITOR); e.getPresentation().setEnabled(editor != null && editor.getDocument().getTextLength() > 0); }
@NotNull public static Notification get(@NotNull AnActionEvent e) { //noinspection ConstantConditions return e.getData(KEY); }
public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) { Change change = e.getData(VcsDataKeys.CURRENT_CHANGE); askAndMove(myProject, Collections.singletonList(change), null); }
@Override protected boolean isEnabled(AnActionEvent e) { Change change = e.getData(VcsDataKeys.CURRENT_CHANGE); if (change == null) return false; return super.isEnabled(e); }
public boolean isSelected(AnActionEvent e) { T change = ObjectUtils.tryCast(e.getData(VcsDataKeys.CURRENT_CHANGE), myClass); if (change == null) return false; return myViewer.isIncluded(change); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent event) { final Project project = event.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT); LOG.assertTrue(project != null); final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor = new FileChooserDescriptor(false, true, false, false, false, false) { @Override public Icon getIcon(VirtualFile file) { if (file.isDirectory()) { if (file.findChild( InspectionApplication.DESCRIPTIONS + "." + StdFileTypes.XML.getDefaultExtension()) != null) { return AllIcons.Nodes.InspectionResults; } } return super.getIcon(file); } }; descriptor.setTitle("Select Path"); descriptor.setDescription("Select directory which contains exported inspections results"); final VirtualFile virtualFile = FileChooser.chooseFile(descriptor, project, null); if (virtualFile == null || !virtualFile.isDirectory()) return; final Map<String, Map<String, Set<OfflineProblemDescriptor>>> resMap = new HashMap<>(); final String[] profileName = new String[1]; final Runnable process = () -> { final VirtualFile[] files = virtualFile.getChildren(); try { for (final VirtualFile inspectionFile : files) { if (inspectionFile.isDirectory()) continue; final String shortName = inspectionFile.getNameWithoutExtension(); final String extension = inspectionFile.getExtension(); if (shortName.equals(InspectionApplication.DESCRIPTIONS)) { profileName[0] = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( (Computable<String>) () -> OfflineViewParseUtil.parseProfileName( LoadTextUtil.loadText(inspectionFile).toString())); } else if (XML_EXTENSION.equals(extension)) { resMap.put( shortName, ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new Computable<Map<String, Set<OfflineProblemDescriptor>>>() { @Override public Map<String, Set<OfflineProblemDescriptor>> compute() { return OfflineViewParseUtil.parse( LoadTextUtil.loadText(inspectionFile).toString()); } })); } } } catch (final Exception e) { // all parse exceptions SwingUtilities.invokeLater( () -> Messages.showInfoMessage( e.getMessage(), InspectionsBundle.message("offline.view.parse.exception.title"))); throw new ProcessCanceledException(); // cancel process } }; ProgressManager.getInstance() .runProcessWithProgressAsynchronously( project, InspectionsBundle.message("parsing.inspections.dump.progress.title"), process, () -> SwingUtilities.invokeLater( () -> { final String name = profileName[0]; showOfflineView( project, name, resMap, InspectionsBundle.message("offline.view.title") + " (" + (name != null ? name : InspectionsBundle.message("offline.view.editor.settings.title")) + ")"); }), null, new PerformAnalysisInBackgroundOption(project)); }
public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent anActionEvent) { invoke( anActionEvent.getData(DataKeys.PROJECT), anActionEvent.getData(DataKeys.VIRTUAL_FILE), null); }
@Nullable public static XDebuggerTree getTree(final AnActionEvent e) { return e.getData(XDEBUGGER_TREE_KEY); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) { Project project = e.getData(PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT); if (project == null) { LOGGER.error("actionPerformed (genVCs): no project for " + e); return; } VirtualFile resolveFile = getRESOLVEFileFromEvent(e);"prove actionPerformed " + (resolveFile == null ? "NONE" : resolveFile)); if (resolveFile == null) return; String title = "RESOLVE Prove"; boolean canBeCancelled = true; commitDoc(project, resolveFile); Editor editor = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project).getSelectedTextEditor(); if (editor == null) return; RunRESOLVEOnLanguageFile gen = new RunRESOLVEOnLanguageFile(resolveFile, project, title); MyProverListener pl = new MyProverListener(); VCOutputFile vco = generateVCs(resolveFile, editor, project); // give each action an instance of the prover listener and make Update() print the result as it // comes back produce if (vco == null) return; RESOLVEPluginController controller = RESOLVEPluginController.getInstance(project); VerifierPanel verifierPanel = controller.getVerifierPanel(); verifierPanel.createVerifierView2( vco.getFinalVCs(), pl); // TODO: maybe make this take in a list of VCs addVCGutterIcons(vco, editor, project, pl); controller.getVerifierWindow().show(null); // runProver List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add(resolveFile.getPath()); args.add("-lib"); args.add(RunRESOLVEOnLanguageFile.getContentRoot(project, resolveFile).getPath()); args.add("-prove"); RESOLVECompiler compiler = new RESOLVECompiler(args.toArray(new String[args.size()])); compiler.addProverListener(pl); // TODO: Instead of this being anon, make a separate static class and add an error listener to // 'compiler' that (make it accessible // right here though so the UI part below can stop and update remaining (unproved) vcs if the // compiler does indeed suffer some // catastrophic failure: npe, etc. Task.Backgroundable proverTask = new Task.Backgroundable(project, "Proving") { @Override public void run(@NotNull final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) { compiler.processCommandLineTargets(); } }; ProgressManager.getInstance().run(proverTask); // TODO: Different status icons for different proof results. running = true; Task.Backgroundable task = new Task.Backgroundable(project, "Updating Presentation") { @Override public void run(@NotNull final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) { Map<String, Boolean> processed = new HashMap<>(); for (VC vc : vco.getFinalVCs()) { processed.put(vc.getName(), false); } while (pl.vcIsProved.size() != vco.getFinalVCs().size()) { // if (proverTask.getNotificationInfo().)//TODO: Put something here that breaks out of // this if the compiler crashes.. for (VC vc : vco.getFinalVCs()) { if (pl.vcIsProved.containsKey(vc.getName()) && !processed.get(vc.getName())) { processed.put(vc.getName(), true); long dur = pl.vcMetrics.get(vc.getName()).getProofDuration(); ConditionCollapsiblePanel section = verifierPanel.vcSelectorPanel.vcTabs.get(vc.getNumber()); section.changeToFinalState( pl.vcIsProved.get(vc.getName()) ? ConditionCollapsiblePanel.State.PROVED : ConditionCollapsiblePanel.State.NOT_PROVED, dur); } } } running = false; } }; ProgressManager.getInstance().run(task); }