public void setMetricsResults(MetricDisplaySpecification displaySpecification, MetricsRun run) { final MetricCategory[] categories = MetricCategory.values(); for (final MetricCategory category : categories) { final JTable table = tables.get(category); final String type = MetricsCategoryNameUtil.getShortNameForCategory(category); final MetricTableSpecification tableSpecification = displaySpecification.getSpecification(category); final MetricsResult results = run.getResultsForCategory(category); final MetricTableModel model = new MetricTableModel(results, type, tableSpecification); table.setModel(model); final Container tab = table.getParent().getParent(); if (model.getRowCount() == 0) { tabbedPane.remove(tab); continue; } final String longName = MetricsCategoryNameUtil.getLongNameForCategory(category); tabbedPane.add(tab, longName); final MyColumnListener columnListener = new MyColumnListener(tableSpecification, table); final TableColumnModel columnModel = table.getColumnModel(); columnModel.addColumnModelListener(columnListener); final int columnCount = columnModel.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { final TableColumn column = columnModel.getColumn(i); column.addPropertyChangeListener(columnListener); } setRenderers(table, type); setColumnWidths(table, tableSpecification); } }
public MetricCategory getSelectedCategory() { final Component component = tabbedPane.getSelectedComponent(); for (MetricCategory category : MetricCategory.values()) { final JTable table = tables.get(category); if (table.getParent().getParent().equals(component)) { return category; } } return null; }
public void removeDiffOverlay(MetricDisplaySpecification displaySpecification) { final MetricCategory[] categories = MetricCategory.values(); for (final MetricCategory category : categories) { final JTable table = tables.get(category); final MetricTableModel model = (MetricTableModel) table.getModel(); model.setPrevResults(null); final Container tab = table.getParent().getParent(); if (model.getRowCount() == 0) { tabbedPane.remove(tab); continue; } final String longName = MetricsCategoryNameUtil.getLongNameForCategory(category); tabbedPane.add(tab, longName); final String shortName = MetricsCategoryNameUtil.getShortNameForCategory(category); setRenderers(table, shortName); final MetricTableSpecification specification = displaySpecification.getSpecification(category); setColumnWidths(table, specification); } hasOverlay = false; }
public static void main(String args[]) { // style that is necessary try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } catch (InstantiationException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) { } // Standard preparation for a frame fmain = new JFrame("Schedule Appointments"); // Create and name frame fmain.setSize(330, 375); // Set size to 400x400 pixels pane = fmain.getContentPane(); pane.setLayout(null); // Apply null layout fmain.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Close when X is clicked // controls and portions of Calendar lmonth = new JLabel("January"); lyear = new JLabel("Change year:"); cyear = new JComboBox(); prev = new JButton("<<"); next = new JButton(">>"); canc = new JButton("Cancel"); mcal = new DefaultTableModel() { public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int mColIndex) { return false; } }; Cal = new JTable(mcal); scal = new JScrollPane(Cal); pcal = new JPanel(null); canc.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { System.exit(0); } }); // action listeners for buttons and the like prev.addActionListener(new btnPrev_Action()); next.addActionListener(new btnNext_Action()); cyear.addActionListener(new cmbYear_Action()); Cal.addMouseListener(new mouseCont()); // Adding the elements to the pane pane.add(pcal); pcal.add(lmonth); pcal.add(cyear); pcal.add(prev); pcal.add(next); pcal.add(canc); pcal.add(scal); // Setting where the elements are on the pane pcal.setBounds(0, 0, 320, 335); lmonth.setBounds(160 - lmonth.getPreferredSize().width / 2, 25, 100, 25); canc.setBounds(10, 305, 80, 20); cyear.setBounds(215, 305, 100, 20); prev.setBounds(10, 25, 50, 25); next.setBounds(260, 25, 50, 25); scal.setBounds(10, 50, 300, 250); // Make frame visible fmain.setResizable(false); fmain.setVisible(true); // Inner workings for the day mechanism GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); // Create calendar rday = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // Get day rmonth = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH); // Get month ryear = cal.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR); // Get year currentMonth = rmonth; // Match month and year currentYear = ryear; // Add days String[] days = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; // All of the days for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { mcal.addColumn(days[i]); } Cal.getParent().setBackground(Cal.getBackground()); // Set background // No resize/reorder Cal.getTableHeader().setResizingAllowed(false); Cal.getTableHeader().setReorderingAllowed(false); // Single cell selection Cal.setColumnSelectionAllowed(true); Cal.setRowSelectionAllowed(true); Cal.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); // Set row/column count Cal.setRowHeight(38); mcal.setColumnCount(7); mcal.setRowCount(6); // Placing the dates in the cells for (int i = ryear - 100; i <= ryear + 100; i++) { cyear.addItem(String.valueOf(i)); } // Refresh calendar refreshCalendar(rmonth, ryear); // Refresh calendar }