/** This draws the "Flush 3D Border" which is used throughout the Metal L&F */ static void drawFlush3DBorder(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h) { g.translate(x, y); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControlDarkShadow()); g.drawRect(0, 0, w - 2, h - 2); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControlHighlight()); g.drawRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControl()); g.drawLine(0, h - 1, 1, h - 2); g.drawLine(w - 1, 0, w - 2, 1); g.translate(-x, -y); }
static void drawDefaultButtonBorder(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean active) { drawButtonBorder(g, x + 1, y + 1, w - 1, h - 1, active); g.translate(x, y); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControlDarkShadow()); g.drawRect(0, 0, w - 3, h - 3); g.drawLine(w - 2, 0, w - 2, 0); g.drawLine(0, h - 2, 0, h - 2); g.translate(-x, -y); }
static void drawDefaultButtonPressedBorder(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h) { drawPressed3DBorder(g, x + 1, y + 1, w - 1, h - 1); g.translate(x, y); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControlDarkShadow()); g.drawRect(0, 0, w - 3, h - 3); g.drawLine(w - 2, 0, w - 2, 0); g.drawLine(0, h - 2, 0, h - 2); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControl()); g.drawLine(w - 1, 0, w - 1, 0); g.drawLine(0, h - 1, 0, h - 1); g.translate(-x, -y); }
/** special paint handler for merged cell regions */ protected void paintSpans(Graphics g, int rowMin, int rowMax, int colMin, int colMax) { Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(); Iterator cell = grid.getSpanModel().getSpanIterator(); while (cell.hasNext()) { CellSpan span = (CellSpan) cell.next(); Rectangle cellBounds = grid.getCellBounds(span.getRow(), span.getColumn()); // Only paint cell if visible if (span.getLastRow() >= rowMin && span.getLastColumn() >= colMin && span.getFirstRow() <= rowMax && span.getFirstColumn() <= colMax) { paintCell(g, cellBounds, span.getRow(), span.getColumn()); // Paint grid line around cell if (grid.getShowGrid()) { g.setColor(grid.getGridColor()); g.drawRect(cellBounds.x, cellBounds.y, cellBounds.width, cellBounds.height); } } } }
protected void paintFocus( Graphics g, AbstractButton b, Rectangle viewRect, Rectangle textRect, Rectangle iconRect) { Rectangle focusRect = new Rectangle(); String text = b.getText(); boolean isIcon = b.getIcon() != null; // If there is text if (text != null && !text.equals("")) { if (!isIcon) { focusRect.setBounds(textRect); } else { focusRect.setBounds(iconRect.union(textRect)); } } // If there is an icon and no text else if (isIcon) { focusRect.setBounds(iconRect); } g.setColor(getFocusColor()); g.drawRect((focusRect.x - 1), (focusRect.y - 1), focusRect.width + 1, focusRect.height + 1); }
static void drawDisabledBorder(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h) { g.translate(x, y); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControlShadow()); g.drawRect(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1); g.translate(-x, -y); }