/** * Remove the currently display gui and insert the given one. * * @param comp The new gui. */ private void addToContents(JComponent comp) { handlerHolder.removeAll(); comp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 300)); handlerHolder.add(comp, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (myContents != null) { myContents.invalidate(); myContents.validate(); myContents.repaint(); } }
/** Listener to handle button actions */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Check if the user pressed the remove button if (e.getSource() == remove_button) { int row = table.getSelectedRow(); model.removeRow(row); table.clearSelection(); table.repaint(); valueChanged(null); } // Check if the user pressed the remove all button if (e.getSource() == remove_all_button) { model.clearAll(); table.setRowSelectionInterval(0, 0); table.repaint(); valueChanged(null); } // Check if the user pressed the filter button if (e.getSource() == filter_button) { filter.showDialog(); if (filter.okPressed()) { // Update the display with new filter model.setFilter(filter); table.repaint(); } } // Check if the user pressed the start button if (e.getSource() == start_button) { start(); } // Check if the user pressed the stop button if (e.getSource() == stop_button) { stop(); } // Check if the user wants to switch layout if (e.getSource() == layout_button) { details_panel.remove(details_soap); details_soap.removeAll(); if (details_soap.getOrientation() == JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT) { details_soap = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); } else { details_soap = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); } details_soap.setTopComponent(request_panel); details_soap.setRightComponent(response_panel); details_soap.setResizeWeight(.5); details_panel.add(details_soap, BorderLayout.CENTER); details_panel.validate(); details_panel.repaint(); } // Check if the user is changing the reflow option if (e.getSource() == reflow_xml) { request_text.setReflowXML(reflow_xml.isSelected()); response_text.setReflowXML(reflow_xml.isSelected()); } }
private void resetPanel() { cal = new GregorianCalendar( Integer.parseInt(yearSpi.getValue().toString()), monthBox.getSelectedIndex(), Integer.parseInt(lastLabel.getText())); startPoint_x = 20; startPoint_y = 10; panel.removeAll(); panel.repaint(); initCalPanel(); }
private void setToComponent(final JComponent cmp, final boolean requestFocus) { myMatchingCountPanel.removeAll(); myMatchingCountPanel.add(cmp, BorderLayout.CENTER); myMatchingCountPanel.revalidate(); myMatchingCountPanel.repaint(); if (requestFocus) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { myPatternField.getTextField().requestFocusInWindow(); } }); } }
TimerControls(ControlBar creator) { parent = creator; super.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 172)); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pausePlay = new JButton("Play"); speed = makeJSlider(); pausePlay.addActionListener(this); speed.addChangeListener(this); super.add(pausePlay, BorderLayout.WEST); super.add(speed, BorderLayout.EAST); super.add(new JLabel(" Simulation Speed Controls"), BorderLayout.NORTH); super.repaint(); super.setVisible(true); }
ControlBar(MainWindow creator) { parent = creator; super.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(720, 172)); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // add timer, save, and heatmap controls to the bar tc = new TimerControls(this); sc = new SaveControls(parent.getGrid(), this); hc = new HeatMapControls(this); add(tc, BorderLayout.WEST); add(hc, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(sc, BorderLayout.EAST); super.repaint(); super.setVisible(true); System.out.println("Done Constucting"); }
SaveControls(Grid currentGrid, ControlBar creator) { parent = creator; grid = currentGrid; super.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 172)); setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 0)); fileName = new JTextField("SaveName"); save = new JButton("Save"); load = new JButton("Load"); save.addActionListener(this); load.addActionListener(this); super.add(fileName); super.add(save); super.add(load); super.repaint(); super.setVisible(true); }
protected void removeButton(ButtonBar bb) { bBar.remove(bb); bar.remove(bb); bar.repaint(); }