private void browseAction() { if (selectedPath == null) { selectedPath = System.getenv("ROPE_SOURCES_DIR"); if (selectedPath != null) { File dir = new File(selectedPath); if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) { String message = String.format( "The sources path set in environment variable ROPE_SOURCES_DIR is not avaliable.\n%s", selectedPath); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "ROPE", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); selectedPath = null; } else { System.out.println("Source folder path set from ROPE_SOURCES_DIR: " + selectedPath); } } if (selectedPath == null) { selectedPath = System.getProperty("user.dir"); System.out.println("Source folder path set to current directory: " + selectedPath); } } Vector<RopeFileFilter> filters = new Vector<RopeFileFilter>(); filters.add( new RopeFileFilter( new String[] {".a", ".asm", ".aut", ".s"}, "Assembly files (*.a *.asm *.aut *.s)")); filters.add(new RopeFileFilter(new String[] {".m", ".mac"}, "Macro files (*.m *.mac)")); filters.add(new RopeFileFilter(new String[] {".lst"}, "List files (*.lst)")); filters.add(new RopeFileFilter(new String[] {".txt"}, "Text files (*.txt)")); RopeFileChooser chooser = new RopeFileChooser(selectedPath, null, filters); chooser.setDialogTitle("Source document selection"); chooser.setFileFilter(filters.firstElement()); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES); File file =, fileText); if (file != null) { if (loadSourceFile(file)) { mainFrame.showExecWindow(baseName); } } }
private void adjustConfiguration(Element root, File dir) { // If this is an ISN installation and the Edge Server // keystore and truststore files do not exist, then set the configuration // to use the keystore.jks and truststore.jks files instead of the ones // in the default installation. If the Edge Server files do exist, then // delete the keystore.jks and truststore.jks files, just to avoid // confusion. if (programName.equals("ISN")) { Element server = getFirstNamedChild(root, "Server"); Element ssl = getFirstNamedChild(server, "SSL"); String rsnaroot = System.getenv("RSNA_ROOT"); rsnaroot = (rsnaroot == null) ? "/usr/local/edgeserver" : rsnaroot.trim(); String keystore = rsnaroot + "/conf/keystore.jks"; String truststore = rsnaroot + "/conf/truststore.jks"; File keystoreFile = new File(keystore); File truststoreFile = new File(truststore); cp.appendln(, "Looking for " + keystore); if (keystoreFile.exists() || truststoreFile.exists()) { cp.appendln(, "...found it [This is an EdgeServer installation]"); // Delete the default files, just to avoid confusion File ks = new File(dir, "keystore.jks"); File ts = new File(dir, "truststore.jks"); boolean ksok = ks.delete(); boolean tsok = ts.delete(); if (ksok && tsok) cp.appendln(, "...Unused default SSL files were removed"); else { if (!ksok) cp.appendln(, "...Unable to delete " + ks); if (!tsok) cp.appendln(, "...Unable to delete " + ts); } } else { cp.appendln(, "...not found [OK, this is a non-EdgeServer installation]"); ssl.setAttribute("keystore", "keystore.jks"); ssl.setAttribute("keystorePassword", "edge1234"); ssl.setAttribute("truststore", "truststore.jks"); ssl.setAttribute("truststorePassword", "edge1234"); cp.appendln(, "...SSL attributes were updated for a non-EdgeServer installation"); } } }
public boolean loadSourceFile(File file) { boolean result = false; selectedPath = file.getParent(); BufferedReader sourceFile = null; String directoryPath = file.getParent(); String sourceName = file.getName(); int idx = sourceName.lastIndexOf("."); fileExt = idx == -1 ? "" : sourceName.substring(idx + 1); baseName = idx == -1 ? sourceName.substring(0) : sourceName.substring(0, idx); String basePath = directoryPath + File.separator + baseName; DataOptions.directoryPath = directoryPath; sourcePath = file.getPath(); AssemblerOptions.sourcePath = sourcePath; AssemblerOptions.listingPath = basePath + ".lst"; AssemblerOptions.objectPath = basePath + ".cd"; String var = System.getenv("ROPE_MACROS_DIR"); if (var != null && !var.isEmpty()) { File dir = new File(var); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { AssemblerOptions.macroPath = var; } else { AssemblerOptions.macroPath = directoryPath; } } else { AssemblerOptions.macroPath = directoryPath; } DataOptions.inputPath = AssemblerOptions.objectPath; DataOptions.outputPath = basePath + ".out"; DataOptions.readerPath = null; DataOptions.punchPath = basePath + ".pch"; DataOptions.tape1Path = basePath + ".mt1"; DataOptions.tape2Path = basePath + ".mt2"; DataOptions.tape3Path = basePath + ".mt3"; DataOptions.tape4Path = basePath + ".mt4"; DataOptions.tape5Path = basePath + ".mt5"; DataOptions.tape6Path = basePath + ".mt6"; this.setTitle("EDIT: " + sourceName); fileText.setText(sourcePath); if (dialog == null) { dialog = new AssemblerDialog(mainFrame, "Assembler options"); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension dialogSize = dialog.getSize(); dialog.setLocation( (screenSize.width - dialogSize.width) / 2, (screenSize.height - dialogSize.height) / 2); } dialog.initialize(); AssemblerOptions.command = dialog.buildCommand(); sourceArea.setText(null); try { sourceFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; while ((line = sourceFile.readLine()) != null) { sourceArea.append(line + "\n"); } sourceArea.setCaretPosition(0); optionsButton.setEnabled(true); assembleButton.setEnabled(true); saveButton.setEnabled(true); setSourceChanged(false); undoMgr.discardAllEdits(); result = true; } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (sourceFile != null) { sourceFile.close(); } } catch (IOException ignore) { } } return result; }