/** * Check if the server is ok * * @return status code */ protected int checkIfServerIsOk() { try { StringBuffer buff = getUrl(REQ_TEXT); appendKeyValue(buff, PROP_FILE, FILE_PUBLICSRV); URL url = new URL(buff.toString()); URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection(); InputStream is = urlc.getInputStream(); is.close(); return STATUS_OK; } catch (AddeURLException ae) { String aes = ae.toString(); if (aes.indexOf("Invalid project number") >= 0) { LogUtil.userErrorMessage("Invalid project number"); return STATUS_NEEDSLOGIN; } if (aes.indexOf("Invalid user id") >= 0) { LogUtil.userErrorMessage("Invalid user ID"); return STATUS_NEEDSLOGIN; } if (aes.indexOf("Accounting data") >= 0) { return STATUS_NEEDSLOGIN; } if (aes.indexOf("cannot run server 'txtgserv") >= 0) { return STATUS_OK; } LogUtil.userErrorMessage("Error connecting to server. " + ae.getMessage()); return STATUS_ERROR; } catch (Exception exc) { logException("Connecting to server:" + getServer(), exc); return STATUS_ERROR; } }
public boolean shutdown(int port, boolean ssl) { try { String protocol = "http" + (ssl ? "s" : ""); URL url = new URL(protocol, "", port, "shutdown"); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty("servicemanager", "shutdown"); conn.connect(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); int n; char[] cbuf = new char[1024]; while ((n = br.read(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length)) != -1) sb.append(cbuf, 0, n); br.close(); String message = sb.toString().replace("<br>", "\n"); if (message.contains("Goodbye")) { cp.appendln("Shutting down the server:"); String[] lines = message.split("\n"); for (String line : lines) { cp.append("..."); cp.appendln(line); } return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { } cp.appendln("Unable to shutdown CTP"); return false; }
/** Capture an image for all ViewManagers */ public void captureAll() { List vms = getViewManagers(); String filename = FileManager.getWriteFile(FileManager.FILTER_IMAGE, FileManager.SUFFIX_JPG); if (filename == null) { return; } String root = IOUtil.stripExtension(filename); String ext = IOUtil.getFileExtension(filename); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("<html>"); sb.append("Since there were multiple images they were written out as:<ul>"); for (int i = 0; i < vms.size(); i++) { ViewManager vm = (ViewManager) vms.get(i); String name = vm.getName(); if ((name == null) || (name.trim().length() == 0)) { name = "" + (i + 1); } if (vms.size() != 1) { filename = root + name + ext; } sb.append("<li> " + filename); vm.writeImage(filename); } sb.append("</ul></html>"); if (vms.size() > 1) { GuiUtils.showDialog("Captured Images", GuiUtils.inset(new JLabel(sb.toString()), 5)); } }
private void commit() { String serverName = (String) server.getSelectedItem(); if (serverName == null || serverName.equals("")) { vlog.error("No server name specified!"); if (VncViewer.nViewers == 1) if (cc.viewer instanceof VncViewer) { ((VncViewer) cc.viewer).exit(1); } ret = false; endDialog(); } // set params if (opts.via != null && opts.via.indexOf(':') >= 0) { opts.serverName = serverName; } else { opts.serverName = Hostname.getHost(serverName); opts.port = Hostname.getPort(serverName); } // Update the history list String valueStr = UserPreferences.get("ServerDialog", "history"); String t = (valueStr == null) ? "" : valueStr; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(t, ","); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().append((String) server.getSelectedItem()); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String str = st.nextToken(); if (!str.equals((String) server.getSelectedItem()) && !str.equals("")) { sb.append(','); sb.append(str); } } UserPreferences.set("ServerDialog", "history", sb.toString()); UserPreferences.save("ServerDialog"); }
protected String getFeatureText() { String txt = ""; try { txt = ((HTMLDocument) getDocument()).getText(0, getDocument().getLength()).trim(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(txt, "/"); int ntok = 0; while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String tokTxt = "/" + tok.nextToken().trim(); int ind = tokTxt.indexOf("="); if (ntok != 0 && ind > -1 && qualifier.contains(tokTxt.substring(0, ind + 1))) buff.append("\n" + tokTxt); else buff.append(tokTxt); ntok++; } txt = buff.toString(); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { ble.printStackTrace(); } return txt; }
public void doActionOnButton3() { // Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees( 44d, 46d, -123.3d, -123.2d ); ArrayList<LatLon> latlons = new ArrayList<LatLon>(); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.50d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.51d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.52d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.53d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.54d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.55d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.56d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.57d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.58d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.59d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.60d, -123.3d)); ElevationModel model = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().getElevationModel(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (LatLon ll : latlons) { double e = model.getElevation(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude()); sb.append("\n").append(e); } Logging.logger().info(sb.toString()); }
protected void _save() { jEdit.setBooleanProperty("view.showToolbar", showToolbar.isSelected()); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < listModel.getSize(); i++) { if (i != 0) buf.append(' '); Button button = (Button) listModel.elementAt(i); buf.append(button.actionName); jEdit.setProperty(button.actionName + ".icon", button.iconName); } jEdit.setProperty("view.toolbar", buf.toString()); }
// this.finalized() needs to be called before // getColumnCount()/getRowCount()/toString() public void finalized() { int num_lines; strbuf2str = strbuf.toString(); num_lines = this.getNumOfLines(); if (num_lines <= 3) num_rows = 3; else num_rows = 4; }
protected void writeAuditTrail(String strPath, String strUser, StringBuffer sbValues) { BufferedReader reader = WFileUtil.openReadFile(strPath); String strLine; ArrayList aListData = WUtil.strToAList(sbValues.toString(), false, "\n"); StringBuffer sbData = sbValues; String strPnl = (this instanceof DisplayTemplate) ? "Data Template " : "Data Dir "; if (reader == null) { Messages.postDebug("Error opening file " + strPath); return; } try { while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { // if the line in the file is not in the arraylist, // then that line has been deleted if (!aListData.contains(strLine)) WUserUtil.writeAuditTrail(new Date(), strUser, "Deleted " + strPnl + strLine); // remove the lines that are also in the file or those which // have been deleted. aListData.remove(strLine); } // Traverse through the remaining new lines in the arraylist, // and write it to the audit trail for (int i = 0; i < aListData.size(); i++) { strLine = (String) aListData.get(i); WUserUtil.writeAuditTrail(new Date(), strUser, "Added " + strPnl + strLine); } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private String replace(String string, Properties table) { try { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{\\w+\\}"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { String group = matcher.group(); String key = group.substring(2, group.length() - 1).trim(); String repl = table.getProperty(key); if (repl == null) repl = matcher.quoteReplacement(group); matcher.appendReplacement(sb, repl); } matcher.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { return string; } }
/** * A utility method to make a name=value part of the adde request string * * @param buf The buffer to append to * @param name The property name * @param value The value */ protected void appendKeyValue(StringBuffer buf, String name, String value) { if ((buf.length() == 0) || (buf.charAt(buf.length() - 1) != '?')) { buf.append("&"); } buf.append(name); buf.append("="); buf.append(value); }
/** * Read the groups from the public.srv file on the server * * @return List of groups */ protected List readGroups() { List groups = new ArrayList(); try { String dataType = getDataType(); String type = ((dataType.length() > 0) ? "TYPE=" + dataType : "TYPE=NOTYPE"); StringBuffer buff = getUrl(REQ_TEXT); appendKeyValue(buff, PROP_FILE, FILE_PUBLICSRV); List lines = readTextLines(buff.toString()); // System.err.println ("lines:" + StringUtil.join("\n",lines)); if (lines == null) { return null; } Hashtable seen = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { String line = lines.get(i).toString(); if (line.indexOf(type) < 0) { continue; } List toks = StringUtil.split(line, ",", true, true); if (toks.size() == 0) { continue; } String tok = (String) toks.get(0); int idx = tok.indexOf("="); if (idx < 0) { continue; } if (!tok.substring(0, idx).trim().equals("N1")) { continue; } String group = tok.substring(idx + 1).trim(); if (seen.get(group) != null) { continue; } seen.put(group, group); groups.add(group); } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return groups; }
private String physReadTextFile(File file) { // physically read text file try { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file))); StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(); while (input.ready()) { tmp.append(input.readLine()); tmp.append("\n"); } return tmp.toString(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // not sure how this can happen showErrorDialog("Unable to load \"" + file.getName() + "\" (file not found)"); } catch (IOException e) { // This happens if e.g. file already exists and // we do not have write permissions showErrorDialog("Unable to load \"" + file.getName() + "\" (I/O error)"); } return new String(""); }
// For Real Primitive public void setPrimitiveText(final Primitive prime) { this.setCoordsText(prime.getVertices(), ""); String info_str; info_str = prime.toInfoBoxString().trim(); if (info_str.length() > 0) { strbuf.append("\n" + info_str); num_rows++; } Drawable prime_parent; prime_parent = prime.getParent(); if (prime_parent != null) { info_str = prime_parent.toInfoBoxString().trim(); if (info_str.length() > 0) { strbuf.append("\n" + info_str); num_rows++; } } }
private boolean checkServer(int port, boolean ssl) { try { URL url = new URL("" + port); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.connect(); int length = conn.getContentLength(); StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); int size = 256; char[] buf = new char[size]; int len; while ((len = isr.read(buf, 0, size)) != -1) text.append(buf, 0, len); isr.close(); if (programName.equals("ISN")) return !shutdown(port, ssl); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } }
/** Add import statements to the current tab for all of packages inside the specified jar file. */ public void handleImportLibrary(String jarPath) { // make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder sketch.ensureExistence(); // import statements into the main sketch file (code[0]) // if the current code is a .java file, insert into current // if (current.flavor == PDE) { if (mode.isDefaultExtension(sketch.getCurrentCode())) { sketch.setCurrentCode(0); } // could also scan the text in the file to see if each import // statement is already in there, but if the user has the import // commented out, then this will be a problem. String[] list = Base.packageListFromClassPath(jarPath); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { buffer.append("import "); buffer.append(list[i]); buffer.append(".*;\n"); } buffer.append('\n'); buffer.append(getText()); setText(buffer.toString()); setSelection(0, 0); // scroll to start sketch.setModified(true); }
public void doActionOnButton2() { ArrayList<LatLon> latlons = new ArrayList<LatLon>(); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.50d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.51d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.52d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.53d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.54d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.55d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.56d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.57d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.58d, -123.3d)); // latlons.add( LatLon.fromDegrees( 45.59d, -123.3d ) ); latlons.add(LatLon.fromDegrees(45.60d, -123.3d)); Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(44d, 46d, -123d, -121d); // Sector sector = Sector.boundingSector( latlons ); double[] elevations = new double[latlons.size()]; // request resolution of DTED2 (1degree / 3600 ) double targetResolution = Angle.fromDegrees(1d).radians / 3600; double resolutionAchieved = this.wwd .getModel() .getGlobe() .getElevationModel() .getElevations(sector, latlons, targetResolution, elevations); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (double e : elevations) { sb.append("\n").append(e); } sb.append("\nresolutionAchieved = ").append(resolutionAchieved); sb.append(", requested resolution = ").append(targetResolution); Logging.logger().info(sb.toString()); }
/** * ************************************************************************ Initialize Table * access - create SQL, dateColumn. <br> * The driving table is "hdr", e.g. for hdr.C_BPartner_ID=.. The line table is "lin", e.g. for * lin.M_Product_ID=.. You use the dateColumn/qtyColumn variable directly as it is table specific. * <br> * The sql is dependent on MatchMode: - If Matched - all (fully or partially) matched records are * listed - If Not Matched - all not fully matched records are listed * * @param display (Invoice, Shipment, Order) see MATCH_* * @param matchToType (Invoice, Shipment, Order) see MATCH_* */ private static void tableInit() { m_sql = new StringBuffer(); if (tableInit_option == 0) { m_sql.append( "SELECT value,tab.M_Product_ID,tab.Name " + "FROM M_Product tab " + "WHERE XX_VMR_VENDORPRODREF_ID=" + LineRefProv.getXX_VMR_VendorProdRef_ID() + " " + "AND ISACTIVE='Y' " + "AND M_ATTRIBUTESET_ID = " + Env.getCtx().getContextAsInt("#XX_L_P_ATTRIBUTESETST_ID")); /*//Si caracteristica larga es null if(LineRefProv.getXX_VMR_LongCharacteristic_ID()!=0) { m_sql.append("AND XX_VMR_LONGCHARACTERISTIC_ID="+LineRefProv.getXX_VMR_LongCharacteristic_ID()+" "); } else{ m_sql.append("AND XX_VMR_LONGCHARACTERISTIC_ID IS NULL "); }*/ m_orderBy = " order by M_Product_ID"; } else if (tableInit_option == 1) { m_sql.append( "SELECT value,tab.M_Product_ID,tab.Name " + "FROM M_Product tab " + "WHERE tab.M_Product_ID IN " + "(select M_Product from XX_VMR_REFERENCEMATRIX where XX_VMR_PO_LINEREFPROV_ID=" + (Integer) LineRefProv.getXX_VMR_PO_LineRefProv_ID() + ")"); } else if (tableInit_option == 2) { m_sql.append( "SELECT value,tab.M_Product_ID,tab.Name " + "FROM M_Product tab " + "WHERE XX_VMR_VENDORPRODREF_ID = 0 AND M_PRODUCT_ID = 0"); } } // tableInit
// For Real Composite public void setCompositeText(final Composite cmplx) { Coord[] cmplx_coords; cmplx_coords = new Coord[] {cmplx.getStartVertex(), cmplx.getFinalVertex()}; this.setCoordsText(cmplx_coords, ""); String info_str; info_str = cmplx.toInfoBoxString().trim(); if (info_str.length() > 0) { strbuf.append("\n" + info_str); num_rows++; } Drawable cmplx_parent; cmplx_parent = cmplx.getParent(); if (cmplx_parent != null) { info_str = cmplx_parent.toInfoBoxString().trim(); if (info_str.length() > 0) { strbuf.append("\n" + info_str); num_rows++; } } }
/** * Fill the table using m_sql * * @param table table */ private static void tableLoad(MiniTable table) { // log.finest(m_sql + " - " + m_groupBy); String sql = MRole.getDefault() .addAccessSQL(m_sql.toString(), "tab", MRole.SQL_FULLYQUALIFIED, MRole.SQL_RO) + m_groupBy + m_orderBy; log.finest(sql); try { Statement stmt = DB.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); table.loadTable(rs); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } } // tableLoad
/** * Get the miscellaneous URL keywords * * @return the key value pairs */ public String getMiscKeywords() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); appendMiscKeyValues(buff); return buff.toString(); }
/** * Write the file by writing the values from the labels, and the values list. * * @param strFile the file to be written. * @param aListLabels arraylist of texfields of labels. * @param aListValues arraylist of texfields of values. */ protected void writeFile( String strUser, String strFile, ArrayList aListLabels, ArrayList aListValues) { String strPath = FileUtil.openPath(strFile); String strLabel = ""; String strValue = ""; StringBuffer sbValues = new StringBuffer(); JTextField txfLabel = null; JTextField txfValue = null; boolean bNewFile = false; int nFDAMode = Util.getPart11Mode(); // if it's the part11 pnl and the mode is nonFDA, // then don't write the file for this panel // the other way is not true. if (this instanceof DisplayParentDirectory) { if ((isPart11Pnl() && nFDAMode == Util.NONFDA)) { return; } } if (strPath == null) { strPath = FileUtil.savePath(strFile); bNewFile = true; } if (strPath == null || aListLabels == null) return; if (aListValues == null) aListValues = new ArrayList(); // Get the list of the textfields for values and labels. int nLblSize = aListLabels.size(); int nValueSize = aListValues.size(); ArrayList<String> labelList = new ArrayList<String>(); // Get the value from each textfield, and add it to the buffer. for (int i = 0; i < nLblSize; i++) { txfLabel = (JTextField) aListLabels.get(i); txfValue = (i < nValueSize) ? (JTextField) aListValues.get(i) : null; strLabel = (txfLabel != null) ? txfLabel.getText() : null; strValue = (txfValue != null) ? txfValue.getText() : ""; // We need to be sure they don't have two data directories with // the same labels. Save the label list if we are writing to // the "data" file. if (strFile.indexOf("data") != -1) { if (labelList.contains(strLabel)) { Messages.postError( "The Data Directory specifications " + "must not have duplicate Label names. " + "The Label \"" + strLabel + "\" is duplicated. " + "Skipping the second instance. Please " + "specify a new Label."); continue; } else labelList.add(strLabel); } if (strLabel == null || strLabel.trim().length() <= 0 || strValue.equals(INFOSTR)) continue; // for user template tab, don't need to parse the value if (!(this instanceof DisplayTemplate)) strValue = getValue(strUser, strValue); strLabel = strLabel.trim(); if (strValue != null) strValue = strValue.trim(); // sbValues.append("\""); sbValues.append(strLabel); // sbValues.append("\" "); sbValues.append(File.pathSeparator); sbValues.append(strValue); sbValues.append("\n"); } if (Util.isPart11Sys()) writeAuditTrail(strPath, strUser, sbValues); // write the data to the file. BufferedWriter writer = WFileUtil.openWriteFile(strPath); WFileUtil.writeAndClose(writer, sbValues); // if it's a template file, then make it writable for everyone. if (bNewFile) { String strCmd = "chmod 755 "; if (this instanceof DisplayTemplate) strCmd = "chmod 777 "; if (Util.iswindows()) strPath = UtilB.windowsPathToUnix(strPath); String[] cmd = {WGlobal.SHTOOLCMD, WGlobal.SHTOOLOPTION, strCmd + strPath}; WUtil.runScriptInThread(cmd); } }
// For Shadow Primitive public void setShadowText(final Shadow shade, final Category type) { this.setEndCoordsText( shade.getStartVertex(), shade.getFinalVertex(), shade.getEarliestTime(), shade.getLatestTime(), shade.getVertices().length); strbuf.append("\n\n"); this.setCoordsText(shade.getVertices(), " (ave)"); strbuf.append("\n"); StringBuffer linebuf; Topology shade_topo; CategoryWeight[] twgts; CategoryWeight twgt; String twgt_str; int print_status; int idx; shade_topo = shade.getCategory().getTopology(); // linebuf = new StringBuffer( "Number of Real Drawables = " ); linebuf = new StringBuffer("Number of Real "); linebuf.append(shade_topo + "s = "); linebuf.append(shade.getNumOfRealObjects()); if (num_cols < linebuf.length()) num_cols = linebuf.length(); num_rows++; strbuf.append("\n" + linebuf.toString()); strbuf.append("\n"); print_status = getPrintStatus(shade_topo); strbuf.append("\n" + CategoryWeight.getPrintTitle(print_status)); twgts = shade.arrayOfCategoryWeights(); for (idx = 0; idx < twgts.length; idx++) { twgt = twgts[idx]; twgt_str = twgt.toInfoBoxString(print_status); if (twgt.getCategory().equals(type)) { twgt_str += " <---"; if (num_cols < twgt_str.length() + 6) num_cols = twgt_str.length() + 6; } else { if (num_cols < twgt_str.length()) num_cols = twgt_str.length(); } num_rows++; strbuf.append("\n" + twgt_str); } }
private static String toString(Node node) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); renderNode(sb, node); return sb.toString(); }
// Recursively walk the tree and write the nodes to a StringWriter. private static void renderNode(StringBuffer sb, Node node) { if (node == null) { sb.append("null"); return; } switch (node.getNodeType()) { case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); Node root = ((Document) node).getDocumentElement(); renderNode(sb, root); break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: String name = getNodeNameWithNamespace(node); NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); if (attributes.getLength() == 0) { sb.append("<" + name + ">"); } else { sb.append("<" + name + " "); int attrlen = attributes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < attrlen; i++) { Node attr = attributes.item(i); String attrName = getNodeNameWithNamespace(attr); sb.append(attrName + "=\"" + escapeChars(attr.getNodeValue())); if (i < attrlen - 1) sb.append("\" "); else sb.append("\">"); } } NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { renderNode(sb, children.item(i)); } } sb.append("</" + name + ">"); break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: sb.append(escapeChars(node.getNodeValue())); break; case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: sb.append("<![CDATA[" + node.getNodeValue() + "]]>"); break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: sb.append("<?" + node.getNodeName() + " " + escapeChars(node.getNodeValue()) + "?>"); break; case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: sb.append("&" + node.getNodeName() + ";"); break; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: // Ignore document type nodes break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: sb.append("<!--" + node.getNodeValue() + "-->"); break; } return; }
/** Reads the file, and sets the label and the values in the hashmap. */ protected void setHM(String strPath, HashMap hmPnl) { BufferedReader reader = WFileUtil.openReadFile(strPath); boolean bFileEmpty = true; boolean bPart11Pnl = isPart11Pnl(); boolean bDefaultFile = isDefaultFile(); // if the file is empty, then create an empty set of textfields. if (reader == null) { // displayNewTxf("",""); return; } String strLine = null; StringTokenizer strTok; try { // read the file, and create a new set of textfields, // with the values from the file. while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { String strLabel = ""; String strValue = ""; bFileEmpty = false; if (strLine.startsWith("#") || strLine.startsWith("@") || strLine.startsWith("%") || strLine.startsWith("\"@")) continue; if (strLine.startsWith("\"")) strTok = new StringTokenizer(strLine, "\""); else strTok = new StringTokenizer(strLine, File.pathSeparator + ",\n"); if (!strTok.hasMoreTokens()) continue; strLabel = strTok.nextToken(); // the format for the part11 Default file is a little different // only parse out the part11Dir, and don't display other defaults if (bPart11Pnl && bDefaultFile) { if (!strLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("part11Dir")) continue; } if (strTok.hasMoreTokens()) { while (strTok.hasMoreTokens()) { strValue += strTok.nextToken(); if (strTok.hasMoreTokens()) strValue += " "; } } // append "/data/$name" to part11Dir if (bPart11Pnl && bDefaultFile && strLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("part11Dir")) { StringBuffer sbDir = new StringBuffer(strValue); if (sbDir.lastIndexOf(File.separator) < sbDir.length() - 1) sbDir.append(File.separator); sbDir.append("data" + File.separator + "$"); sbDir.append(WGlobal.NAME); strValue = sbDir.toString(); } // displayNewTxf(strLabel, strValue); if (strLabel != null && strLabel.trim().length() > 0) hmPnl.put(strLabel, strValue); } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.writeStackTrace(e); // e.printStackTrace(); Messages.postDebug(e.toString()); } }
/** Reflow XML */ public void doFormat() { Vector parts = new Vector(); char[] chars = original.toCharArray(); int index = 0; int first = 0; String part = null; while (index < chars.length) { // Check for start of tag if (chars[index] == '<') { // Did we have data before this tag? if (first < index) { part = new String(chars, first, index - first); part = part.trim(); // Save non-whitespace data if (part.length() > 0) { parts.addElement(part); } } // Save the start of tag first = index; } // Check for end of tag if (chars[index] == '>') { // Save the tag part = new String(chars, first, index - first + 1); parts.addElement(part); first = index + 1; } // Check for end of line if ((chars[index] == '\n') || (chars[index] == '\r')) { // Was there data on this line? if (first < index) { part = new String(chars, first, index - first); part = part.trim(); // Save non-whitespace data if (part.length() > 0) { parts.addElement(part); } } first = index + 1; } index++; } // Reflow as XML StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); Object[] list = parts.toArray(); int indent = 0; int pad = 0; index = 0; while (index < list.length) { part = (String) list[index]; if (buf.length() == 0) { // Just add first tag (should be XML header) buf.append(part); } else { // All other parts need to start on a new line buf.append('\n'); // If we're at an end tag then decrease indent if (part.startsWith("</")) { indent--; } // Add any indent for (pad = 0; pad < indent; pad++) { buf.append(" "); } // Add the tag or data buf.append(part); // If this is a start tag then increase indent if (part.startsWith("<") && !part.startsWith("</") && !part.endsWith("/>")) { indent++; // Check for special <tag>data</tag> case if ((index + 2) < list.length) { part = (String) list[index + 2]; if (part.startsWith("</")) { part = (String) list[index + 1]; if (!part.startsWith("<")) { buf.append(part); part = (String) list[index + 2]; buf.append(part); index = index + 2; indent--; } } } } } index++; } formatted = new String(buf); }
private void setEndCoordsText( final Coord start_vtx, final Coord final_vtx, double earliest_time, double latest_time, int coords_length) { StringBuffer linebuf; Coord vertex; YaxisTreeNode node; TreeNode[] nodes; Integer lineID; double duration; int idx, ii; duration = latest_time - earliest_time; linebuf = new StringBuffer(); linebuf.append("duration (max) = " + tfmt.format(duration)); if (num_cols < linebuf.length()) num_cols = linebuf.length(); num_rows++; strbuf.append(linebuf.toString()); idx = 0; linebuf = new StringBuffer("[" + idx + "]: "); vertex = start_vtx; lineID = new Integer(vertex.lineID); node = (YaxisTreeNode) map_line2treenodes.get(lineID); nodes = node.getPath(); linebuf.append("time (min) = " + fmt.format(earliest_time)); for (ii = 1; ii < nodes.length; ii++) linebuf.append(", " + y_colnames[ii - 1] + " = " + nodes[ii]); if (num_cols < linebuf.length()) num_cols = linebuf.length(); num_rows++; strbuf.append("\n" + linebuf.toString()); idx = coords_length - 1; linebuf = new StringBuffer("[" + idx + "]: "); vertex = final_vtx; lineID = new Integer(vertex.lineID); node = (YaxisTreeNode) map_line2treenodes.get(lineID); nodes = node.getPath(); linebuf.append("time (max) = " + fmt.format(latest_time)); for (ii = 1; ii < nodes.length; ii++) linebuf.append(", " + y_colnames[ii - 1] + " = " + nodes[ii]); if (num_cols < linebuf.length()) num_cols = linebuf.length(); num_rows++; strbuf.append("\n" + linebuf.toString()); }
private VirtualMachine launch(DebuggerInfo info) throws DebuggerException { // create process & read password for local debugging // create main class & arguments ............................................... StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(mainClassName); String[] infoArgs = info.getArguments(); int i, k = infoArgs.length; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) sb.append(" \"").append(infoArgs[i]).append('"'); // NOI18N String main = new String(sb); // create connector .............................................................. VirtualMachineManager vmm = Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager(); java.util.List lcs = vmm.launchingConnectors(); k = lcs.size(); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) if (((LaunchingConnector) lcs.get(i)).name().indexOf("RawCommandLineLaunch") >= 0) // NOI18N break; if (i == k) { finishDebugger(); throw new DebuggerException( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("EXC_Cannot_find_launcher")) .format( new Object[] { "RawCommandLineLaunch" // NOI18N })); } LaunchingConnector lc = (LaunchingConnector) lcs.get(i); String transport = lc.transport().name(); // create commandLine & NbProcessDescriptor .............................. NbProcessDescriptor debugerProcess; if (info instanceof ProcessDebuggerInfo) debugerProcess = ((ProcessDebuggerInfo) info).getDebuggerProcess(); else debugerProcess = ProcessDebuggerType.DEFAULT_DEBUGGER_PROCESS; // generate password String password; if (transport.equals("dt_shmem")) { // NOI18N connector = getAttachingConnectorFor("dt_shmem"); password = generatePassword(); args = connector.defaultArguments(); ((Argument) args.get("name")).setValue(password); } else { try { java.net.ServerSocket ss = new java.net.ServerSocket(0); password = "" + ss.getLocalPort(); // NOI18N ss.close(); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { finishDebugger(); throw new DebuggerException( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("EXC_Cannot_find_empty_local_port")) .format(new Object[] {e.toString()})); } connector = getAttachingConnectorFor("dt_socket"); args = connector.defaultArguments(); ((Argument) args.get("port")).setValue(password); } HashMap map = Utils.processDebuggerInfo( info, "-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=" + // NOI18N transport + ",address=" + // NOI18N password + ",suspend=y ", // NOI18N main); MapFormat format = new MapFormat(map); String commandLine = format.format( debugerProcess.getProcessName() + " " + // NOI18N debugerProcess.getArguments()); println(commandLine, ERR_OUT); /* We mus wait on process start to connect... try { process = debugerProcess.exec (format); } catch (java.io.IOException exc) { finishDebugger (); throw new DebuggerException ( new MessageFormat (bundle.getString ("EXC_While_create_debuggee")). format (new Object[] { debugerProcess.getProcessName (), exc.toString () }), exc ); } return connect ( null, connector, args );*/ /* S ystem.out.println ("attaching: "); Utils.showConnectors (vmm.attachingConnectors ()); S ystem.out.println ("launching: "); Utils.showConnectors (vmm.launchingConnectors ()); S ystem.out.println ("listening: "); Utils.showConnectors (vmm.listeningConnectors ());*/ // set debugger-start arguments Map params = lc.defaultArguments(); ((Argument) params.get("command")) .setValue( // NOI18N commandLine); ((Argument) params.get("address")) .setValue( // NOI18N password); // launch VM try { return lc.launch(params); } catch (VMStartException exc) { showOutput(process = exc.process(), ERR_OUT, ERR_OUT); finishDebugger(); throw new DebuggerException( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("EXC_While_create_debuggee")) .format( new Object[] {format.format(debugerProcess.getProcessName()), exc.toString()}), exc); } catch (Exception exc) { finishDebugger(); throw new DebuggerException( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("EXC_While_create_debuggee")) .format( new Object[] {format.format(debugerProcess.getProcessName()), exc.toString()}), exc); } }
private static String generatePassword() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) sb.append((char) (random.nextInt(26) + 'a')); return new String(sb); }