Query q = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT e FROM employees e WHERE e.age > :age AND e.salary > :salary"); q.setParameter("age", 30); q.setParameter("salary", 60000); ListIn this example, we created a Query object by calling the createQuery() method on an instance of the EntityManager class. We then specified the query using a JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) string, which selects all employees from the "employees" table where age is greater than 30 and salary is greater than $60,000. We used the setParameter() method to set the value of the "age" and "salary" parameters, which were marked in the JPQL string by the ":" symbol. Finally, we called getResultList() to retrieve a List object containing all the Employee objects that matched our query. The javax.persistence.Query package is part of the Java Persistence API (JPA), which is a specification for object-relational mapping (ORM) in Java. It allows Java developers to map Java objects to relational database tables, and provides a standard interface for retrieving and manipulating data using an object-oriented approach.employees = q.getResultList();