/*     */ public boolean equals(Object paramObject) {
   /* 474 */ if ((paramObject != null) && ((paramObject instanceof NameImpl))) {
     /* 475 */ NameImpl localNameImpl = (NameImpl) paramObject;
     /* 476 */ if (localNameImpl.size() == size()) {
       /* 477 */ Enumeration localEnumeration1 = getAll();
       /* 478 */ Enumeration localEnumeration2 = localNameImpl.getAll();
       /* 479 */ while (localEnumeration1.hasMoreElements())
       /*     */ {
         /* 481 */ String str1 = (String) localEnumeration1.nextElement();
         /* 482 */ String str2 = (String) localEnumeration2.nextElement();
         /* 483 */ if (this.syntaxTrimBlanks) {
           /* 484 */ str1 = str1.trim();
           /* 485 */ str2 = str2.trim();
           /*     */ }
         /* 487 */ if (this.syntaxCaseInsensitive) {
           /* 488 */ if (!str1.equalsIgnoreCase(str2)) /* 489 */ return false;
           /*     */ }
         /* 491 */ else if (!str1.equals(str2)) {
           /* 492 */ return false;
           /*     */ }
         /*     */ }
       /* 495 */ return true;
       /*     */ }
     /*     */ }
   /* 498 */ return false;
   /*     */ }
 /*     */ public int compareTo(NameImpl paramNameImpl) /*     */ {
   /* 510 */ if (this == paramNameImpl) {
     /* 511 */ return 0;
     /*     */ }
   /*     */
   /* 514 */ int i = size();
   /* 515 */ int j = paramNameImpl.size();
   /* 516 */ int k = Math.min(i, j);
   /*     */
   /* 518 */ int m = 0;
   int n = 0;
   /*     */
   /* 520 */ while (k-- != 0) {
     /* 521 */ String str1 = get(m++);
     /* 522 */ String str2 = paramNameImpl.get(n++);
     /*     */
     /* 525 */ if (this.syntaxTrimBlanks) {
       /* 526 */ str1 = str1.trim();
       /* 527 */ str2 = str2.trim();
       /*     */ }
     /* 529 */ if (this.syntaxCaseInsensitive) {
       /* 530 */ str1 = str1.toLowerCase();
       /* 531 */ str2 = str2.toLowerCase();
       /*     */ }
     /* 533 */ int i1 = str1.compareTo(str2);
     /* 534 */ if (i1 != 0) {
       /* 535 */ return i1;
       /*     */ }
     /*     */ }
   /*     */
   /* 539 */ return i - j;
   /*     */ }
Example #3
  * Determines whether a compound name is a suffix of this compound name. A compound name 'n' is a
  * suffix if it it is equal to getSuffix(size()-n.size())--in other words, this compound name ends
  * with 'n'. If n is null or not a compound name, false is returned.
  * <p>Implementation note: Currently the syntax properties of n are not used when doing the
  * comparison. They might be in the future.
  * @param n The possibly null compound name to check.
  * @return true if n is a CompoundName and is a suffix of this compound name, false otherwise.
 public boolean endsWith(Name n) {
   if (n instanceof CompoundName) {
     return (impl.endsWith(n.size(), n.getAll()));
   } else {
     return false;
Example #4
  * Adds the components of a compound name -- in order -- at a specified position within this
  * compound name. Components of this compound name at or after the index of the first new
  * component are shifted up (away from index 0) to accommodate the new components.
  * <p>Implementation note: Currently the syntax properties of suffix is not used or checked. They
  * might be in the future.
  * @param n The non-null components to add.
  * @param posn The index in this name at which to add the new components. Must be in the range
  *     [0,size()].
  * @return The updated CompoundName, not a new one. Cannot be null.
  * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If posn is outside the specified range.
  * @exception InvalidNameException If n is not a compound name, or if the addition of the
  *     components violates the syntax of this compound name (e.g. exceeding number of components).
 public Name addAll(int posn, Name n) throws InvalidNameException {
   if (n instanceof CompoundName) {
     impl.addAll(posn, n.getAll());
     return this;
   } else {
     throw new InvalidNameException("Not a compound name: " + n.toString());
Example #5
  * Adds the components of a compound name -- in order -- to the end of this compound name.
  * <p>Implementation note: Currently the syntax properties of suffix is not used or checked. They
  * might be in the future.
  * @param suffix The non-null components to add.
  * @return The updated CompoundName, not a new one. Cannot be null.
  * @exception InvalidNameException If suffix is not a compound name, or if the addition of the
  *     components violates the syntax of this compound name (e.g. exceeding number of components).
 public Name addAll(Name suffix) throws InvalidNameException {
   if (suffix instanceof CompoundName) {
     return this;
   } else {
     throw new InvalidNameException("Not a compound name: " + suffix.toString());
Example #6
  * Deletes a component from this compound name. The component of this compound name at position
  * 'posn' is removed, and components at indices greater than 'posn' are shifted down (towards
  * index 0) by one.
  * @param posn The index of the component to delete. Must be in the range [0,size()).
  * @return The component removed (a String).
  * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If posn is outside the specified range (includes case
  *     where compound name is empty).
  * @exception InvalidNameException If deleting the component would violate the compound name's
  *     syntax.
 public Object remove(int posn) throws InvalidNameException {
   return impl.remove(posn);
Example #7
  * Adds a single component at a specified position within this compound name. Components of this
  * compound name at or after the index of the new component are shifted up by one (away from index
  * 0) to accommodate the new component.
  * @param comp The non-null component to add.
  * @param posn The index at which to add the new component. Must be in the range [0,size()].
  * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If posn is outside the specified range.
  * @return The updated CompoundName, not a new one. Cannot be null.
  * @exception InvalidNameException If adding comp at the specified position would violate the
  *     compound name's syntax.
 public Name add(int posn, String comp) throws InvalidNameException {
   impl.add(posn, comp);
   return this;
Example #8
  * Adds a single component to the end of this compound name.
  * @param comp The non-null component to add.
  * @return The updated CompoundName, not a new one. Cannot be null.
  * @exception InvalidNameException If adding comp at end of the name would violate the compound
  *     name's syntax.
 public Name add(String comp) throws InvalidNameException {
   return this;
Example #9
  * Determines whether obj is syntactically equal to this compound name. If obj is null or not a
  * CompoundName, false is returned. Two compound names are equal if each component in one is
  * "equal" to the corresponding component in the other.
  * <p>Equality is also defined in terms of the syntax of this compound name. The default
  * implementation of CompoundName uses the syntax properties jndi.syntax.ignorecase and
  * jndi.syntax.trimblanks when comparing two components for equality. If case is ignored, two
  * strings with the same sequence of characters but with different cases are considered equal. If
  * blanks are being trimmed, leading and trailing blanks are ignored for the purpose of the
  * comparison.
  * <p>Both compound names must have the same number of components.
  * <p>Implementation note: Currently the syntax properties of the two compound names are not
  * compared for equality. They might be in the future.
  * @param obj The possibly null object to compare against.
  * @return true if obj is equal to this compound name, false otherwise.
  * @see #compareTo(java.lang.Object obj)
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   // %%% check syntax too?
   return (obj != null && obj instanceof CompoundName && impl.equals(((CompoundName) obj).impl));
Example #10
  * Retrieves a component of this compound name.
  * @param posn The 0-based index of the component to retrieve. Must be in the range [0,size()).
  * @return The component at index posn.
  * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if posn is outside the specified range.
 public String get(int posn) {
   return (impl.get(posn));
Example #11
  * Retrieves the components of this compound name as an enumeration of strings. The effects of
  * updates to this compound name on this enumeration is undefined.
  * @return A non-null enumeration of the components of this compound name. Each element of the
  *     enumeration is of class String.
 public Enumeration<String> getAll() {
   return (impl.getAll());
Example #12
  * Determines whether this compound name is empty. A compound name is empty if it has zero
  * components.
  * @return true if this compound name is empty, false otherwise.
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return (impl.isEmpty());
Example #13
  * Retrieves the number of components in this compound name.
  * @return The nonnegative number of components in this compound name.
 public int size() {
   return (impl.size());
Example #14
  * Compares this CompoundName with the specified Object for order. Returns a negative integer,
  * zero, or a positive integer as this Name is less than, equal to, or greater than the given
  * Object.
  * <p>If obj is null or not an instance of CompoundName, ClassCastException is thrown.
  * <p>See equals() for what it means for two compound names to be equal. If two compound names are
  * equal, 0 is returned.
  * <p>Ordering of compound names depend on the syntax of the compound name. By default, they
  * follow lexicographical rules for string comparison with the extension that this applies to all
  * the components in the compound name and that comparison of individual components is affected by
  * the jndi.syntax.ignorecase and jndi.syntax.trimblanks properties, identical to how they affect
  * equals(). If this compound name is "lexicographically" lesser than obj, a negative number is
  * returned. If this compound name is "lexicographically" greater than obj, a positive number is
  * returned.
  * <p>Implementation note: Currently the syntax properties of the two compound names are not
  * compared when checking order. They might be in the future.
  * @param obj The non-null object to compare against.
  * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this Name is less than, equal to, or
  *     greater than the given Object.
  * @exception ClassCastException if obj is not a CompoundName.
  * @see #equals(java.lang.Object)
 public int compareTo(Object obj) {
   if (!(obj instanceof CompoundName)) {
     throw new ClassCastException("Not a CompoundName");
   return impl.compareTo(((CompoundName) obj).impl);
Example #15
  * Computes the hash code of this compound name. The hash code is the sum of the hash codes of the
  * "canonicalized" forms of individual components of this compound name. Each component is
  * "canonicalized" according to the compound name's syntax before its hash code is computed. For a
  * case-insensitive name, for example, the uppercased form of a name has the same hash code as its
  * lowercased equivalent.
  * @return An int representing the hash code of this name.
 public int hashCode() {
   return impl.hashCode();
Example #16
  * Creates a compound name whose components consist of a suffix of the components in this compound
  * name. The result and this compound name share the same syntax. Subsequent changes to this
  * compound name does not affect the name that is returned.
  * @param posn The 0-based index of the component at which to start. Must be in the range
  *     [0,size()].
  * @return A compound name consisting of the components at indexes in the range [posn,size()). If
  *     posn is equal to size(), an empty compound name is returned.
  * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If posn is outside the specified range.
 public Name getSuffix(int posn) {
   Enumeration comps = impl.getSuffix(posn);
   return (new CompoundName(comps, mySyntax));
Example #17
  * Generates the string representation of this compound name, using the syntax rules of the
  * compound name. The syntax rules are described in the class description. An empty component is
  * represented by an empty string.
  * <p>The string representation thus generated can be passed to the CompoundName constructor with
  * the same syntax properties to create a new equivalent compound name.
  * @return A non-null string representation of this compound name.
 public String toString() {
   return (impl.toString());