/** Modified by Gabriele Bianchi 04/01/2006 */ public void run() { StringBuffer connectorStringBuffer; if (Datas.isSSL) { connectorStringBuffer = new StringBuffer("ssl://"); } else { connectorStringBuffer = new StringBuffer("socket://"); } connectorStringBuffer.append(_hostname); connectorStringBuffer.append(":"); connectorStringBuffer.append(_port); connectorStringBuffer.append(""); String connectorString = connectorStringBuffer.toString().trim(); System.out.println(connectorString); try { if (Datas.isSSL) { connection = (SecureConnection) Connector.open(connectorString); } else { connection = (StreamConnection) /*Connector.open*/ getConnectionForRequest(connectorString); } if (connection != null) { SocketConnection sc = (SocketConnection) connection; sc.setSocketOption(SocketConnection.KEEPALIVE, 2); } _cm.notifyConnect(connection, this.openInputStream(), this.openOutputStream()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Connessione non riuscita:" + e.getMessage()); _cm.notifyNoConnectionOn("I can't connect, server is unreachable"); DebugStorage.getInstance().Log(0, "Can't connect, server is unreachable", e); } return; }
private String getContent(String url) { HttpConnection httemp = null; InputStream istemp = null; String content = ""; try { httemp = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url); httemp.setRequestProperty("Connection", "cl" + "ose"); if (HttpConnection.HTTP_OK != httemp.getResponseCode()) { throw new IOException(); } istemp = httemp.openInputStream(); int length = (int) httemp.getLength(); if (-1 != length) { byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; istemp.read(bytes); content = new String(bytes); } else { ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (true) { int ch = istemp.read(); if (-1 == ch) break; bytes.write(ch); } content = new String(bytes.toByteArray()); bytes.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { content = "Error: " + e.getMessage(); } try { httemp.close(); istemp.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } return StringConvertor.removeCr(content); }
/** * Task execution code: <br> * ---------- <br> * Performed operations: <br> * * <ul type="disc"> * <li>Add alarm to position strings, if necessary; * <li>Send string; * <li>Check the number of sent strings. * </ul> */ public void run() { list = new BCListenerCustom(); list.addInfoStato(infoS); BearerControl.addListener(list); while (!infoS.isCloseUDPSocketTask()) { // if(false){ if ((infoS.getInfoFileString(TrkState).equals("ON") || (infoS.getInfoFileString(TrkState)).equalsIgnoreCase("ON,FMS")) && infoS.getInfoFileString(GPRSProtocol).equals("UDP") && ((infoS.getInfoFileInt(TrkIN) != infoS.getInfoFileInt(TrkOUT)) || !infoS.getDataRAM().equals(""))) { exitTRKON = false; try { // Indicates if GPRS SOCKET is ACTIVE // System.out.println("TT*UDPSocketTask: START"); infoS.setIfsocketAttivo(true); destAddressUDP = "datagram://" + infoS.getInfoFileString(DestHost) + ":" + infoS.getInfoFileString(DestPort); /* * Once this task has been started, it is completely * finished before proceeding to a re-use, even if the * timeout expires (so there may be a FIX GPRS timeout * expired!) */ try { try { while (!InfoStato.getCoda()) Thread.sleep(1L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (infoS.getInfoFileInt(TrkIN) == infoS.getInfoFileInt(TrkOUT)) { outText = infoS.getDataRAM(); ram = true; } else { ram = false; temp = infoS.getInfoFileInt("TrkOUT"); System.out.println("TT*UDPSocketTask: pointer out - " + temp); if ((temp >= codaSize) || (temp < 0)) temp = 0; outText = infoS.getRecord(temp); new LogError("TT*UDPSocketTask: pointer out - " + temp + " " + outText); System.out.println("TT*UDPSocketTask: data in queue: " + outText); } System.out.println("TT*UDPSocketTask: string to send through GPRS:\r\n" + this.outText); ctrlSpeed = infoS.getSpeedForTrk(); if (debug_speed) { ctrlSpeed = infoS.getSpeedGree(); System.out.println("SPEED " + ctrlSpeed); } try { val_insensibgps = Integer.parseInt(infoS.getInfoFileString(InsensibilitaGPS)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { val_insensibgps = 0; } // new LogError("Actual speed: " + ctrlSpeed + ". Val insens: " + val_insensibgps); if (ram) { // System.out.println("ACTUAL SPEED: " + this.ctrlSpeed); // System.out.println("outText.indexOf(ALARM) " + (this.outText.indexOf("ALARM") > // 0)); // System.out.println("outText.indexOf(ALIVE) " + (this.outText.indexOf("ALIVE") > // 0)); // System.out.println("SPEED LIMIT: " + this.val_insensibgps); // System.out.println("PREVIOUS MESSAGE IS ALIVE: " + this.infoS.getPreAlive()); // System.out.println("SPEED LIMIT: " + this.val_insensibgps); // System.out.println("PREVIOUS SPEED: " + this.infoS.getPreSpeedDFS()); if (this.ctrlSpeed > this.val_insensibgps) { System.out.println("Speed check ok."); infoS.settrasmetti(true); if (this.infoS.getInvioStop()) { infoS.setApriGPRS(true); } infoS.setInvioStop(false); } else { if ((outText.indexOf("ALARM") > 0) || (outText.indexOf("ALIVE") > 0)) { System.out.println("Alarm"); infoS.settrasmetti(true); infoS.setApriGPRS(true); } else { if ((!infoS.getPreAlive()) && (ctrlSpeed <= val_insensibgps) && (infoS.getPreSpeedDFS() > val_insensibgps)) { System.out.println( "Speed check less then insensitivity, previous speed is greater"); infoS.settrasmetti(true); if (infoS.getInvioStop() == true) { infoS.setApriGPRS(true); } infoS.setInvioStop(false); } else { System.out.println("Speed check failed."); if (infoS.getInvioStop() == false) { System.out.println("Send stop coordinate."); infoS.settrasmetti(true); infoS.setInvioStop(true); infoS.setChiudiGPRS(true); // new LogError("Send stop."); } } } } if (this.outText.indexOf("ALIVE") > 0) { System.out.println("ALIVE MESSAGE"); infoS.setPreAlive(true); } else { infoS.setPreAlive(false); System.out.println("NO ALIVE MESSAGE"); } } else { // new LogError("From store."); infoS.settrasmetti(true); infoS.setChiudiGPRS(false); } // new LogError("Transmission status: " + infoS.gettrasmetti()); if (infoS.gettrasmetti() == true) { infoS.settrasmetti(false); if (infoS.getApriGPRS() == true) { close = false; infoS.setTRKstate(true); try { semAT.getCoin(5); infoS.setATexec(true); mbox2.write("at^smong\r"); while (infoS.getATexec()) { Thread.sleep(whileSleep); } infoS.setATexec(true); mbox2.write("at+cgatt=1\r"); while (infoS.getATexec()) { Thread.sleep(whileSleep); } semAT.putCoin(); } catch (Exception e) { } // Open GPRS Channel try { udpConn = (UDPDatagramConnection) Connector.open(destAddressUDP); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("TT*UDPSocketTask: Connector.open"); } infoS.setApriGPRS(false); } try { // mem2 = r.freeMemory(); // System.out.println("Free memory after allocation: " + mem2); if ((outText == null) || (outText.indexOf("null") >= 0)) { outText = infoS.getInfoFileString(Header) + "," + infoS.getInfoFileString(IDtraker) + defaultGPS + ",<ERROR>*00"; buff = outText.getBytes(); } System.out.println("OPEN DATAGRAM"); System.out.println(outText); dgram = udpConn.newDatagram(outText.length()); buff = new byte[outText.length()]; System.out.println("SEND DATAGRAM"); buff = outText.getBytes(); new LogError("outText = " + outText); dgram.setData(buff, 0, buff.length); udpConn.send(dgram); int gprsCount = 0; answer = ""; String ack = infoS.getInfoFileString(Ackn); if (!infoS.getInfoFileString(Ackn).equals("")) { while (true) { dgram.reset(); dgram.setLength(infoS.getInfoFileString(Ackn).length() + 1); udpConn.receive(dgram); byte[] data = dgram.getData(); answer = new String(data); answer = answer.substring(0, ack.length()); if (debug) { System.out.println("ACK: " + answer); } if (answer.equals(ack)) { new LogError("ACK"); if (debug) System.out.println("ACK RECEIVED"); break; } else { if (debug) System.out.println("WAITING ACK"); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } gprsCount++; } if (gprsCount > 15) { new LogError("NACK"); infoS.setReboot(); errorSent = true; break; } } } } catch (Exception err) { System.out.println("TT*UDPSocketTask: Exception err"); new LogError("TT*UDPSocketTask: Exception during out text" + err.getMessage()); infoS.setReboot(); errorSent = true; break; } // new LogError(outText); if (debug) System.out.println(outText); if (infoS.getChiudiGPRS() == true) { infoS.setTRKstate(false); try { System.out.println("TT*UDPSocketTask: close UDP"); udpConn.close(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { infoS.setChiudiGPRS(false); } infoS.setChiudiGPRS(false); } } System.out.println("BEARER: " + infoS.getGprsState()); if (!infoS.getGprsState()) { errorSent = true; System.out.println("BEARER ERROR"); new LogError("BEARER ERROR"); } if (ram) { if (!errorSent) { infoS.setDataRAM(""); } } else { if (!errorSent) { temp++; if (temp >= codaSize || temp < 0) temp = 0; infoS.setInfoFileInt(TrkOUT, "" + temp); file.setImpostazione(TrkOUT, "" + temp); InfoStato.getFile(); file.writeSettings(); InfoStato.freeFile(); } errorSent = false; } InfoStato.freeCoda(); infoS.setIfsocketAttivo(false); Thread.sleep(100); if (errorSent) { close = true; semAT.putCoin(); // release AT interface infoS.setIfsocketAttivo(false); infoS.setApriGPRS(false); infoS.setChiudiGPRS(false); } // r.gc(); // request garbage collection // mem2 = r.freeMemory(); // System.out.println("Free memory after collecting" + " discarded Integers: " + mem2); } catch (IOException e) { close = true; String msgExcept = e.getMessage(); System.out.println("TT*UDPSocketTask: exception: " + msgExcept); // new LogError("SocketGPRStask IOException: " + e); infoS.setIfsocketAttivo(false); infoS.setApriGPRS(false); infoS.setChiudiGPRS(false); } catch (EmptyStackException e) { close = true; // System.out.println("exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); // new LogError("SocketGPRStask EmptyStackException"); infoS.setIfsocketAttivo(false); infoS.setApriGPRS(false); infoS.setChiudiGPRS(false); } // catch } catch (Exception e) { close = true; // new LogError("SocketGPRSTask generic Exception"); infoS.setIfsocketAttivo(false); infoS.setApriGPRS(false); infoS.setChiudiGPRS(false); } if (close) { try { semAT.getCoin(5); infoS.setATexec(true); mbox2.write("at^smong\r"); while (infoS.getATexec()) { Thread.sleep(whileSleep); } semAT.putCoin(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { // System.out.println("***************CLOSE******************"); try { udpConn.close(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } // System.out.println("***************CLOSED******************"); infoS.setTRKstate(false); infoS.setEnableCSD(true); semAT.getCoin(5); // Close GPRS channel // System.out.println("SocketGPRSTask: KILL GPRS"); infoS.setATexec(true); mbox2.write("at+cgatt=0\r"); while (infoS.getATexec()) { Thread.sleep(whileSleep); } semAT.putCoin(); Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } catch (IOException e) { } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println("WAIT - DISCONNECT GPRS"); for (countDownException = 0; countDownException < 100; countDownException++) { if (infoS.isCloseUDPSocketTask()) break; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } infoS.setApriGPRS(true); } } else { try { if (infoS.getInfoFileString(TrkState).equals("OFF")) { infoS.setTRKstate(false); infoS.setEnableCSD(true); semAT.putCoin(); // release AT interface try { semAT.getCoin(5); // Close GPRS channel // System.out.println("SocketGPRSTask: TRK OFF KILL GPRS"); infoS.setATexec(true); mbox2.write("at+cgatt=0\r"); while (infoS.getATexec()) { Thread.sleep(whileSleep); } semAT.putCoin(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } // while } // run
/** * Get the list of suites for the user to install. The suites that are listed are the links on a * web page that end with .jad. */ public void run() { StreamConnection conn = null; InputStreamReader in = null; String errorMessage; long startTime; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { parent.displayProgressForm( Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.AMS_DISC_APP_GET_INSTALL_LIST), "", url, 0, Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.AMS_GRA_INTLR_CONN_GAUGE_LABEL)); conn = (StreamConnection) Connector.open(url, Connector.READ); in = new InputStreamReader(conn.openInputStream()); try { parent.updateProgressForm( "", 0, Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.AMS_DISC_APP_GAUGE_LABEL_DOWNLOAD)); parent.installList = SuiteDownloadInfo.getDownloadInfoFromPage(in); if (parent.installList.size() > 0) { parent.installListBox = new List( Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.AMS_DISC_APP_SELECT_INSTALL), Choice.IMPLICIT); // Add each suite for (int i = 0; i < parent.installList.size(); i++) { SuiteDownloadInfo suite = (SuiteDownloadInfo) installList.elementAt(i); parent.installListBox.append(suite.label, (Image) null); } parent.installListBox.addCommand(parent.backCmd); parent.installListBox.addCommand(parent.installCmd); parent.installListBox.setCommandListener(parent); /* * We need to prevent "flashing" on fast development * platforms. */ while (System.currentTimeMillis() - parent.lastDisplayChange < GraphicalInstaller.ALERT_TIMEOUT) ; parent.display.setCurrent(parent.installListBox); return; } errorMessage = Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.AMS_DISC_APP_CHECK_URL_MSG); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { errorMessage = Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.AMS_DISC_APP_URL_FORMAT_MSG); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage = ex.getMessage(); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage = Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.AMS_DISC_APP_CONN_FAILED_MSG); } finally { if (parent.progressForm != null) { // end the background thread of progress gauge. Gauge progressGauge = (Gauge) parent.progressForm.get(parent.progressGaugeIndex); progressGauge.setValue(Gauge.CONTINUOUS_IDLE); } try { conn.close(); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.WARNING) { Logging.report(Logging.WARNING, LogChannels.LC_AMS, "close threw an Exception"); } } } Alert a = new Alert( Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.ERROR), errorMessage, null, AlertType.ERROR); a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); parent.display.setCurrent(a, parent.urlTextBox); }