protected void drawToolTip( DrawContext dc, java.awt.Rectangle viewport, String text, int x, int y, ToolTipAttributes attributes) { java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D textBounds = this.computeTextBounds(dc, text, attributes.getFont()); java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bgBounds = this.computeBackgroundBounds( dc, textBounds.getWidth(), textBounds.getHeight(), attributes.getInsets()); java.awt.Point screenPoint = this.adjustDrawPointToViewport(x, y, bgBounds, viewport); java.awt.geom.Point2D textTranslation = this.computeTextTranslation(dc, textBounds, attributes.getInsets()); GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility. OGLStackHandler stackHandler = new OGLStackHandler(); stackHandler.pushModelview(gl); try { gl.glTranslated( screenPoint.getX() + bgBounds.getX(), screenPoint.getY() + bgBounds.getY(), 0); this.drawToolTipInterior(dc, bgBounds.getWidth(), bgBounds.getHeight(), attributes); this.drawToolTipOutline(dc, bgBounds.getWidth(), bgBounds.getHeight(), attributes); gl.glTranslated(textTranslation.getX(), textTranslation.getY(), 0); this.drawToolTipText(dc, text, 0, 0, attributes); } finally { stackHandler.pop(gl); } }
protected void drawToolTipInterior( DrawContext dc, double width, double height, ToolTipAttributes attributes) { GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility. this.applyColor(dc, attributes.getInteriorColor(), attributes.getInteriorOpacity()); // Draw a filled rectangle with the background dimensions. gl.glRectd(0, 0, width, height); }
protected void drawToolTipText( DrawContext dc, String text, int x, int y, ToolTipAttributes attributes) { java.awt.Color textColor = this.modulateColorOpacity(attributes.getTextColor(), attributes.getTextOpacity()); TextRenderer textRenderer = this.getTextRenderer(dc, attributes.getFont()); textRenderer.begin3DRendering(); textRenderer.setColor(textColor); textRenderer.draw(text, x, y); textRenderer.end3DRendering(); }
protected void drawToolTipOutline( DrawContext dc, double width, double height, ToolTipAttributes attributes) { GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility. this.applyColor(dc, attributes.getOutlineColor(), attributes.getOutlineOpacity()); gl.glLineWidth((float) getOutlineWidth()); // Draw a line loop around the background rectangle. Inset the lines slightly to compensate for // OpenGL's line // rasterization algorithm. We want the line to straddle the rectangle pixels. double inset = 0.5; gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_LINE_LOOP); gl.glVertex2d(inset, inset); gl.glVertex2d(width - inset, inset); gl.glVertex2d(width - inset, height - inset); gl.glVertex2d(inset, height - inset); gl.glEnd(); }