Example #1
   * Restarts the recording for a specific SSRC.
   * @param ssrc the SSRC for which to restart recording. RTP packet of the new recording).
  private void resetRecording(long ssrc, long timestamp) {
    ReceiveStreamDesc receiveStream = findReceiveStream(ssrc);

    // we only restart audio recordings
    if (receiveStream != null && receiveStream.format instanceof AudioFormat) {
      String newFilename = getNextFilename(path + "/" + ssrc, AUDIO_FILENAME_SUFFIX);

      // flush the buffer contained in the MP3 encoder
      String s = "trying to flush ssrc=" + ssrc;
      Processor p = receiveStream.processor;
      if (p != null) {
        s += " p!=null";
        for (TrackControl tc : p.getTrackControls()) {
          Object o = tc.getControl(FlushableControl.class.getName());
          if (o != null) ((FlushableControl) o).flush();

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        logger.info("Restarting recording for SSRC=" + ssrc + ". New filename: " + newFilename);

      receiveStream.dataSink = null;

      // flush the FMJ jitter buffer
      // DataSource ds = receiveStream.receiveStream.getDataSource();
      // if (ds instanceof net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.rtp.DataSource)
      //    ((net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.rtp.DataSource)ds).flush();

      receiveStream.filename = newFilename;
      try {
        receiveStream.dataSink =
                receiveStream.dataSource, new MediaLocator("file:" + newFilename));
      } catch (NoDataSinkException ndse) {
        logger.warn("Could not reset recording for SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + ndse);
        removeReceiveStream(receiveStream, false);

      try {
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.warn("Could not reset recording for SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + ioe);
        removeReceiveStream(receiveStream, false);

      audioRecordingStarted(ssrc, timestamp);
  /** Try different transcoded formats for concatenation. */
  public boolean tryTranscode(
      ProcInfo pInfo[], int procID, int type, int trackID, Format candidate) {
    if (procID >= pInfo.length) return true;

    boolean matched = false;
    TrackControl tc = pInfo[procID].tracksByType[type][trackID].tc;
    Format supported[] = tc.getSupportedFormats();

    for (int i = 0; i < supported.length; i++) {
      if (candidate.matches(supported[i])
          && tryTranscode(pInfo, procID + 1, type, trackID, candidate)) {
        matched = true;

    return matched;
Example #3
   * Implements {@link ControllerListener#controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent)}. Handles events from
   * the <tt>Processor</tt>s that this instance uses to transcode media.
   * @param ev the event to handle.
  public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent ev) {
    if (ev == null || ev.getSourceController() == null) {

    Processor processor = (Processor) ev.getSourceController();
    ReceiveStreamDesc desc = findReceiveStream(processor);

    if (desc == null) {
      logger.warn("Event from an orphaned processor, ignoring: " + ev);

    if (ev instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent) {
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            "Configured processor for ReceiveStream ssrc="
                + desc.ssrc
                + " ("
                + desc.format
                + ")"
                + " "
                + System.currentTimeMillis());

      boolean audio = desc.format instanceof AudioFormat;

      if (audio) {
        ContentDescriptor cd = processor.setContentDescriptor(AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR);
        if (!AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR.equals(cd)) {
              "Failed to set the Processor content "
                  + "descriptor to "
                  + AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR
                  + ". Actual result: "
                  + cd);
          removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      for (TrackControl track : processor.getTrackControls()) {
        Format trackFormat = track.getFormat();

        if (audio) {
          final long ssrc = desc.ssrc;
          SilenceEffect silenceEffect;
          if (Constants.OPUS_RTP.equals(desc.format.getEncoding())) {
            silenceEffect = new SilenceEffect(48000);
          } else {
            // We haven't tested that the RTP timestamps survive
            // the journey through the chain when codecs other than
            // opus are in use, so for the moment we rely on FMJ's
            // timestamps for non-opus formats.
            silenceEffect = new SilenceEffect();

              new SilenceEffect.Listener() {
                boolean first = true;

                public void onSilenceNotInserted(long timestamp) {
                  if (first) {
                    first = false;
                    // send event only
                    audioRecordingStarted(ssrc, timestamp);
                  } else {
                    // change file and send event
                    resetRecording(ssrc, timestamp);
          desc.silenceEffect = silenceEffect;
          AudioLevelEffect audioLevelEffect = new AudioLevelEffect();
              new SimpleAudioLevelListener() {
                public void audioLevelChanged(int level) {
                  activeSpeakerDetector.levelChanged(ssrc, level);

          try {
            // We add an effect, which will insert "silence" in
            // place of lost packets.
            track.setCodecChain(new Codec[] {silenceEffect, audioLevelEffect});
          } catch (UnsupportedPlugInException upie) {
            logger.warn("Failed to insert silence effect: " + upie);
            // But do go on, a recording without extra silence is
            // better than nothing ;)
        } else {
          // transcode vp8/rtp to vp8 (i.e. depacketize vp8)
          if (trackFormat.matches(vp8RtpFormat)) track.setFormat(vp8Format);
          else {
            logger.error("Unsupported track format: " + trackFormat + " for ssrc=" + desc.ssrc);
            // we currently only support vp8
            removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

    } else if (ev instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) {
      desc.dataSource = processor.getDataOutput();

      long ssrc = desc.ssrc;
      boolean audio = desc.format instanceof AudioFormat;

      // XXX '\' on windows?
      String filename = getNextFilename(path + "/" + ssrc, suffix);
      desc.filename = filename;

      DataSink dataSink;
      if (audio) {
        try {
          dataSink = Manager.createDataSink(desc.dataSource, new MediaLocator("file:" + filename));
        } catch (NoDataSinkException ndse) {
          logger.error("Could not create DataSink: " + ndse);
          removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      } else {
        dataSink = new WebmDataSink(filename, desc.dataSource);

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
            "Created DataSink ("
                + dataSink
                + ") for SSRC="
                + ssrc
                + ". Output filename: "
                + filename);
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to open DataSink (" + dataSink + ") for" + " SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + e);
        removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      if (!audio) {
        final WebmDataSink webmDataSink = (WebmDataSink) dataSink;
            new KeyFrameControlAdapter() {
              public boolean requestKeyFrame(boolean urgent) {
                return requestFIR(webmDataSink);

      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
            "Failed to start DataSink (" + dataSink + ") for" + " SSRC=" + ssrc + ". " + e);
        removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Started DataSink for SSRC=" + ssrc);

      desc.dataSink = dataSink;

    } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "Unhandled ControllerEvent from the Processor for ssrc=" + desc.ssrc + ": " + ev);
  /** Try matching the data formats and find common ones for concatenation. */
  public boolean tryMatch(ProcInfo pInfo[], int type, int trackID) {
    TrackControl tc = pInfo[0].tracksByType[type][trackID].tc;
    Format origFmt = tc.getFormat();
    Format newFmt, oldFmt;
    Format supported[] = tc.getSupportedFormats();

    for (int i = 0; i < supported.length; i++) {

      if (supported[i] instanceof AudioFormat) {
        // If it's not the original format, then for audio, we'll
        // only do linear since it's more accurate to compute the
        // audio times.
        if (!supported[i].matches(tc.getFormat())
            && !supported[i].getEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase(AudioFormat.LINEAR)) continue;

      if (tryTranscode(pInfo, 1, type, trackID, supported[i])) {

        // We've found the right format to transcode all the
        // tracks to. We'll set it on the corresponding
        // TrackControl on each processor.

        for (int j = 0; j < pInfo.length; j++) {
          tc = pInfo[j].tracksByType[type][trackID].tc;
          oldFmt = tc.getFormat();
          newFmt = supported[i];

          // Check if it requires transcoding.
          if (!oldFmt.matches(newFmt)) {
            if (!transcodeMsg) {
              transcodeMsg = true;

            System.err.println("- Transcoding: " + pInfo[j].ml);
            System.err.println("  " + oldFmt);
            System.err.println("           to:");
            System.err.println("  " + newFmt);

          // For video, check if it requires scaling.
          if (oldFmt instanceof VideoFormat) {
            Dimension newSize = ((VideoFormat) origFmt).getSize();
            Dimension oldSize = ((VideoFormat) oldFmt).getSize();

            if (oldSize != null && !oldSize.equals(newSize)) {
              // It requires scaling.

              if (!transcodeMsg) {
                transcodeMsg = true;
              System.err.println("- Scaling: " + pInfo[j].ml);
              System.err.println("  from: " + oldSize.width + " x " + oldSize.height);
              System.err.println("  to: " + newSize.width + " x " + newSize.height);
              newFmt =
                  (new VideoFormat(null, newSize, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, null, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED))

        return true;

    return false;