public static SnapshotMBeanServerConnection newSnapshot(MBeanServerConnection mbsc) { final InvocationHandler ih = new SnapshotInvocationHandler(mbsc); return (SnapshotMBeanServerConnection) Proxy.newProxyInstance( Snapshot.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] {SnapshotMBeanServerConnection.class}, ih); }
private static void checkStub(Remote stub, Class<? extends Remote> stubClass) { // Check remote stub is from the expected class. // if (stub.getClass() != stubClass) { if (!Proxy.isProxyClass(stub.getClass())) { throw new SecurityException("Expecting a " + stubClass.getName() + " stub!"); } else { InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(stub); if (handler.getClass() != RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.class) { throw new SecurityException( "Expecting a dynamic proxy instance with a " + RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.class.getName() + " invocation handler!"); } else { stub = (Remote) handler; } } } // Check RemoteRef in stub is from the expected class // "sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef2". // RemoteRef ref = ((RemoteObject) stub).getRef(); if (ref.getClass() != UnicastRef2.class) { throw new SecurityException( "Expecting a " + UnicastRef2.class.getName() + " remote reference in stub!"); } // Check RMIClientSocketFactory in stub is from the expected class // "javax.rmi.ssl.SslRMIClientSocketFactory". // LiveRef liveRef = ((UnicastRef2) ref).getLiveRef(); RMIClientSocketFactory csf = liveRef.getClientSocketFactory(); if (csf == null || csf.getClass() != SslRMIClientSocketFactory.class) { throw new SecurityException( "Expecting a " + SslRMIClientSocketFactory.class.getName() + " RMI client socket factory in stub!"); } }