  public void testProperPropertyValueTypeExpressionConverter() throws Exception {
    ModelNode description = createDescription(ModelType.PROPERTY, ModelType.INT);
    TypeConverter converter =

    CompositeType type = assertCast(CompositeType.class, converter.getOpenType());
    Set<String> keys = type.keySet();
    Assert.assertEquals(2, keys.size());
    assertCompositeType(type, "name", String.class.getName(), "The property name");
    assertCompositeType(type, "value", Integer.class.getName(), "The property value");

    CompositeData data =
                new ModelNode().setExpression("one", "${this.should.not.exist.!!!!!:1}")));
    Assert.assertEquals(type, data.getCompositeType());
    Assert.assertEquals("one", data.get("name"));
    Assert.assertEquals(1, data.get("value"));

    data =
        new CompositeDataSupport(
            type, new String[] {"name", "value"}, new Object[] {"two", Integer.valueOf(2)});
    ModelNode newNode = converter.toModelNode(data);
    Assert.assertEquals(ModelType.PROPERTY, newNode.getType());
    Assert.assertEquals(new ModelNode().set("two", 2), newNode);

    assertToArray(converter, data);
  public void testJsonObjectInComplexValue() throws Exception {
    ModelNode description = createDescription(ModelType.OBJECT);
    ModelNode complexValueType = new ModelNode();
    complexValueType.get("value", DESCRIPTION).set("A  value");
    complexValueType.get("value", TYPE).set(ModelType.OBJECT);

    TypeConverter converter = getConverter(description);

    CompositeType type = assertCast(CompositeType.class, converter.getOpenType());
    Set<String> keys = type.keySet();
    Assert.assertEquals(1, keys.size());

    Assert.assertEquals(SimpleType.STRING, type.getType("value"));

    ModelNode node = new ModelNode();
    node.get("value", "long").set(1L);
    node.get("value", "string").set("test");

    CompositeData data = assertCast(CompositeData.class, converter.fromModelNode(node));
    Assert.assertEquals(type, data.getCompositeType());
        ModelNode.fromJSONString(node.toJSONString(false)), converter.toModelNode(data));
  public void testProperPropertyTypeConverter() throws Exception {
    ModelNode description = createDescription(ModelType.PROPERTY);
    TypeConverter converter =

    CompositeType type = assertCast(CompositeType.class, converter.getOpenType());
    Set<String> keys = type.keySet();
    Assert.assertEquals(2, keys.size());
    assertCompositeType(type, "name", String.class.getName(), "The property name");
    assertCompositeType(type, "value", String.class.getName(), "The property value");

    CompositeData data =
        assertCast(CompositeData.class, converter.fromModelNode(new ModelNode().set("one", "uno")));
    Assert.assertEquals(type, data.getCompositeType());
    Assert.assertEquals("one", data.get("name"));
    Assert.assertEquals("uno", data.get("value"));

    data =
        new CompositeDataSupport(type, new String[] {"name", "value"}, new String[] {"two", "dos"});
    ModelNode newNode = converter.toModelNode(data);
    Assert.assertEquals(ModelType.PROPERTY, newNode.getType());
    Assert.assertEquals(new ModelNode().set("two", "dos"), newNode);

    assertToArray(converter, data);
   * Adds the attribute to the given list.
   * @param mBeanAttributes The attributes
   * @param root The root attribute
   * @param value The value
  private void addAttributeRoots(
      List<AttributeNode> mBeanAttributes, AttributeNode root, Object value) {
    if (value instanceof CompositeData) {
      CompositeData compositeData = (CompositeData) value;
      CompositeType type = compositeData.getCompositeType();
      for (String key : type.keySet()) {
        AttributeNode attribute = new AttributeNode(key, root);

        addAttributeItems(attribute, compositeData.get(key));
    } else if (value instanceof TabularData) {
      TabularData tabularData = (TabularData) value;
      for (Object keyList : tabularData.keySet()) {
        Object[] keys = ((List<Object>) keyList).toArray(new Object[0]);
        AttributeNode attribute = new AttributeNode(String.valueOf(keys[0]), root);

        addAttributeItems(attribute, tabularData.get(keys));
    } else if (value instanceof Long || value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Double) {
 /*     */ public static void validateCompositeData(CompositeData paramCompositeData) /*     */ {
   /* 122 */ if (paramCompositeData == null) {
     /* 123 */ throw new NullPointerException("Null CompositeData");
     /*     */ }
   /*     */
   /* 126 */ if (!isTypeMatched(vmOptionCompositeType, paramCompositeData.getCompositeType()))
     /* 127 */ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected composite type for VMOption");
   /*     */ }
   * Validate if the input CompositeData has the expected CompositeType (i.e. contain all attributes
   * with expected names and types).
  public static void validateCompositeData(CompositeData cd) {
    if (cd == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("Null CompositeData");

    if (!isTypeMatched(stackTraceElementCompositeType, cd.getCompositeType())) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected composite type for StackTraceElement");
Example #7
  * Recursively extracts simple numeric values from composite data objects. The map {@code values}
  * will be populated with a path to the value as the key and the simple object as the value.
 private void extractValues(String path, Map<String, Object> values, CompositeData obj) {
   for (String key : obj.getCompositeType().keySet()) {
     String newPath = (path == null) ? key : path + "." + key;
     Object value = obj.get(key);
     if (value instanceof CompositeData) {
       extractValues(newPath, values, (CompositeData) value);
     } else if (value != null) {
       values.put(newPath, value);
  private Object unmarshall(Object value) {
    if (value instanceof ObjectName) {
      ObjectName name = (ObjectName) value;

      return new MBean(_server, name);
    } else if (value instanceof ObjectName[]) {
      ObjectName[] names = (ObjectName[]) value;

      MBean[] mbeans = new MBean[names.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) mbeans[i] = new MBean(_server, names[i]);

      return mbeans;
    } else if (value instanceof CompositeData) {
      CompositeData compositeValue = (CompositeData) value;

      CompositeType type = compositeValue.getCompositeType();

      if (type != null) {
        String typeName = type.getTypeName();

        try {
          ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

          Class typeClass = Class.forName(typeName, false, loader);

          Method from = typeClass.getMethod("from", new Class[] {CompositeData.class});

          if (from != null) return from.invoke(null, compositeValue);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);

      return new CompositeDataBean(compositeValue);
    } else return value;
 public String toString() {
   return _data.getCompositeType().toString();
 public Set getKeys() {
   return _data.getCompositeType().keySet();
 public Builder add(String name, CompositeData data) throws OpenDataException {
   if (data != null) return add(name, data.getCompositeType(), data);
   return add(name, SimpleType.VOID, null);
  public void testComplexValue() throws Exception {
    ModelNode description = createDescription(ModelType.OBJECT);
    ModelNode complexValueType = new ModelNode();
    complexValueType.get("int-value", DESCRIPTION).set("An int value");
    complexValueType.get("int-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.INT);
    complexValueType.get("bigint-value", DESCRIPTION).set("A biginteger value");
    complexValueType.get("bigint-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.BIG_INTEGER);
    complexValueType.get("bigdecimal-value", DESCRIPTION).set("A bigdecimal value");
    complexValueType.get("bigdecimal-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.BIG_DECIMAL);
    complexValueType.get("boolean-value", DESCRIPTION).set("A boolean value");
    complexValueType.get("boolean-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.BOOLEAN);
    complexValueType.get("bytes-value", DESCRIPTION).set("A bytes value");
    complexValueType.get("bytes-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.BYTES);
    complexValueType.get("double-value", DESCRIPTION).set("A double value");
    complexValueType.get("double-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.DOUBLE);
    complexValueType.get("string-value", DESCRIPTION).set("A string value");
    complexValueType.get("string-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.STRING);
    complexValueType.get("long-value", DESCRIPTION).set("A long value");
    complexValueType.get("long-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.LONG);
    complexValueType.get("type-value", DESCRIPTION).set("A type value");
    complexValueType.get("type-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.TYPE);
    complexValueType.get("list-int-value", DESCRIPTION).set("An int list value");
    complexValueType.get("list-int-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.LIST);
    complexValueType.get("list-int-value", VALUE_TYPE).set(ModelType.INT);
    complexValueType.get("map-int-value", DESCRIPTION).set("An int map value");
    complexValueType.get("map-int-value", TYPE).set(ModelType.OBJECT);
    complexValueType.get("map-int-value", VALUE_TYPE).set(ModelType.INT);

    TypeConverter converter = getConverter(description);

    CompositeType type = assertCast(CompositeType.class, converter.getOpenType());
    Set<String> keys = type.keySet();
    Assert.assertEquals(11, keys.size());
    assertCompositeType(type, "int-value", Integer.class.getName(), "An int value");
    assertCompositeType(type, "bigint-value", BigInteger.class.getName(), "A biginteger value");
    assertCompositeType(type, "bigdecimal-value", BigDecimal.class.getName(), "A bigdecimal value");
    assertCompositeType(type, "boolean-value", Boolean.class.getName(), "A boolean value");
    assertCompositeType(type, "bytes-value", byte[].class.getName(), "A bytes value");
    assertCompositeType(type, "double-value", Double.class.getName(), "A double value");
    assertCompositeType(type, "string-value", String.class.getName(), "A string value");
    assertCompositeType(type, "long-value", Long.class.getName(), "A long value");
    assertCompositeType(type, "type-value", String.class.getName(), "A type value");
    assertCompositeType(type, "list-int-value", Integer[].class.getName(), "An int list value");
                type, "map-int-value", TabularType.class.getName(), "An int map value", false)),

    ModelNode node = new ModelNode();
    node.get("bytes-value").set(new byte[] {4, 5});
    node.get("map-int-value", "one").set(11);
    node.get("map-int-value", "two").set(12);

    CompositeData data = assertCast(CompositeData.class, converter.fromModelNode(node));
    Assert.assertEquals(type, data.getCompositeType());
    Assert.assertEquals(node, converter.toModelNode(data));

    // Another test testing missing data in fromModelNode();
    node = new ModelNode();
    data = assertCast(CompositeData.class, converter.fromModelNode(node));
    Assert.assertEquals(node, converter.toModelNode(data));

    // And another test testing missing data in fromModelNode();
    node = new ModelNode();
    data = assertCast(CompositeData.class, converter.fromModelNode(node));
    Assert.assertEquals(node, converter.toModelNode(data));
  * create result as property with name from property prefix When result is an array and
  * isSeparateArrayResults is true, resultproperty used as prefix (<code>
  * resultproperty.0-array.length</code> and store the result array length at <code>
  * resultproperty.length</code>. Other option is that you delimit your result with a delimiter
  * (java.util.StringTokenizer is used).
  * @param propertyPrefix
  * @param result
 protected void createProperty(String propertyPrefix, Object result) {
   if (propertyPrefix == null) propertyPrefix = "";
   if (result instanceof CompositeDataSupport) {
     CompositeDataSupport data = (CompositeDataSupport) result;
     CompositeType compositeType = data.getCompositeType();
     Set<String> keys = compositeType.keySet();
     for (Iterator<String> iter = keys.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
       String key = iter.next();
       Object value = data.get(key);
       OpenType<?> type = compositeType.getType(key);
       if (type instanceof SimpleType<?>) {
         setProperty(propertyPrefix + "." + key, value);
       } else {
         createProperty(propertyPrefix + "." + key, value);
   } else if (result instanceof TabularDataSupport) {
     TabularDataSupport data = (TabularDataSupport) result;
     for (Iterator<Object> iter = data.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
       Object key = iter.next();
       for (Iterator<?> iter1 = ((List<?>) key).iterator(); iter1.hasNext(); ) {
         Object key1 = iter1.next();
         CompositeData valuedata = data.get(new Object[] {key1});
         Object value = valuedata.get("value");
         OpenType<?> type = valuedata.getCompositeType().getType("value");
         if (type instanceof SimpleType<?>) {
           setProperty(propertyPrefix + "." + key1, value);
         } else {
           createProperty(propertyPrefix + "." + key1, value);
   } else if (result.getClass().isArray()) {
     if (isSeparatearrayresults()) {
       int size = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(result); i++) {
         if (setProperty(propertyPrefix + "." + size, Array.get(result, i))) {
       if (size > 0) {
         setProperty(propertyPrefix + ".Length", Integer.toString(size));
   } else {
     String delim = getDelimiter();
     if (delim != null) {
       StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(result.toString(), delim);
       int size = 0;
       for (; tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
         String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
         if (setProperty(propertyPrefix + "." + size, token)) {
       if (size > 0) setProperty(propertyPrefix + ".Length", Integer.toString(size));
     } else {
       setProperty(propertyPrefix, result.toString());