Example #1
   * Returns an point which has been adjusted to take into account of the desktop bounds, taskbar
   * and multi-monitor configuration.
   * <p>This adustment may be cancelled by invoking the application with
   * -Djavax.swing.adjustPopupLocationToFit=false
  Point adjustPopupLocationToFitScreen(int xPosition, int yPosition) {
    Point popupLocation = new Point(xPosition, yPosition);

    if (popupPostionFixDisabled == true || GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
      return popupLocation;

    // Get screen bounds
    Rectangle scrBounds;
    GraphicsConfiguration gc = getCurrentGraphicsConfiguration(popupLocation);
    Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    if (gc != null) {
      // If we have GraphicsConfiguration use it to get screen bounds
      scrBounds = gc.getBounds();
    } else {
      // If we don't have GraphicsConfiguration use primary screen
      scrBounds = new Rectangle(toolkit.getScreenSize());

    // Calculate the screen size that popup should fit
    Dimension popupSize = JPopupMenu.this.getPreferredSize();
    long popupRightX = (long) popupLocation.x + (long) popupSize.width;
    long popupBottomY = (long) popupLocation.y + (long) popupSize.height;
    int scrWidth = scrBounds.width;
    int scrHeight = scrBounds.height;
    if (!canPopupOverlapTaskBar()) {
      // Insets include the task bar. Take them into account.
      Insets scrInsets = toolkit.getScreenInsets(gc);
      scrBounds.x += scrInsets.left;
      scrBounds.y += scrInsets.top;
      scrWidth -= scrInsets.left + scrInsets.right;
      scrHeight -= scrInsets.top + scrInsets.bottom;
    int scrRightX = scrBounds.x + scrWidth;
    int scrBottomY = scrBounds.y + scrHeight;

    // Ensure that popup menu fits the screen
    if (popupRightX > (long) scrRightX) {
      popupLocation.x = scrRightX - popupSize.width;
      if (popupLocation.x < scrBounds.x) {
        popupLocation.x = scrBounds.x;
    if (popupBottomY > (long) scrBottomY) {
      popupLocation.y = scrBottomY - popupSize.height;
      if (popupLocation.y < scrBounds.y) {
        popupLocation.y = scrBounds.y;

    return popupLocation;
Example #2
 private static JButton getButton(JList list, Point pt, int index) {
   Container c =
           list.getCellRenderer().getListCellRendererComponent(list, "", index, false, false);
   Rectangle r = list.getCellBounds(index, index);
   // c.doLayout(); //may be needed for mone LayoutManager
   pt.translate(-r.x, -r.y);
   Component b = SwingUtilities.getDeepestComponentAt(c, pt.x, pt.y);
   if (b instanceof JButton) {
     return (JButton) b;
   } else {
     return null;