static synchronized void remove(LinkedList list, String name) { if (list == null) return; ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { AttributeInfo ai = (AttributeInfo); if (ai.getName().equals(name)) iterator.remove(); } }
static void writeAll(LinkedList list, DataOutputStream out) throws IOException { if (list == null) return; int n = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { AttributeInfo attr = (AttributeInfo) list.get(i); attr.write(out); } }
static int getLength(LinkedList list) { int size = 0; int n = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { AttributeInfo attr = (AttributeInfo) list.get(i); size += attr.length(); } return size; }
static AttributeInfo lookup(LinkedList list, String name) { if (list == null) return null; ListIterator iterator = list.listIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { AttributeInfo ai = (AttributeInfo); if (ai.getName().equals(name)) return ai; } return null; // no such attribute }
static LinkedList copyAll(LinkedList list, ConstPool cp) { if (list == null) return null; LinkedList newList = new LinkedList(); int n = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { AttributeInfo attr = (AttributeInfo) list.get(i); newList.add(attr.copy(cp, null)); } return newList; }
/** * Constructs a copy of <code>Code_attribute</code>. Specified class names are replaced during the * copy. * * @param cp constant pool table. * @param src source Code attribute. * @param classnames pairs of replaced and substituted class names. */ private CodeAttribute(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute src, Map classnames) throws BadBytecode { super(cp, tag); maxStack = src.getMaxStack(); maxLocals = src.getMaxLocals(); exceptions = src.getExceptionTable().copy(cp, classnames); attributes = new ArrayList(); List src_attr = src.getAttributes(); int num = src_attr.size(); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { AttributeInfo ai = (AttributeInfo) src_attr.get(i); attributes.add(ai.copy(cp, classnames)); } info = src.copyCode(cp, classnames, exceptions, this); }
void prune(ConstPool cp) { LinkedList newAttributes = new LinkedList(); AttributeInfo invisibleAnnotations = getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); if (invisibleAnnotations != null) { invisibleAnnotations = invisibleAnnotations.copy(cp, null); newAttributes.add(invisibleAnnotations); } AttributeInfo visibleAnnotations = getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); if (visibleAnnotations != null) { visibleAnnotations = visibleAnnotations.copy(cp, null); newAttributes.add(visibleAnnotations); } AttributeInfo parameterInvisibleAnnotations = getAttribute(ParameterAnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); if (parameterInvisibleAnnotations != null) { parameterInvisibleAnnotations = parameterInvisibleAnnotations.copy(cp, null); newAttributes.add(parameterInvisibleAnnotations); } AttributeInfo parameterVisibleAnnotations = getAttribute(ParameterAnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); if (parameterVisibleAnnotations != null) { parameterVisibleAnnotations = parameterVisibleAnnotations.copy(cp, null); newAttributes.add(parameterVisibleAnnotations); } AnnotationDefaultAttribute defaultAttribute = (AnnotationDefaultAttribute) getAttribute(AnnotationDefaultAttribute.tag); if (defaultAttribute != null) newAttributes.add(defaultAttribute); ExceptionsAttribute ea = getExceptionsAttribute(); if (ea != null) newAttributes.add(ea); AttributeInfo signature = getAttribute(SignatureAttribute.tag); if (signature != null) { signature = signature.copy(cp, null); newAttributes.add(signature); } attribute = newAttributes; name = cp.addUtf8Info(getName()); descriptor = cp.addUtf8Info(getDescriptor()); constPool = cp; }
private void read(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { accessFlags = in.readUnsignedShort(); name = in.readUnsignedShort(); descriptor = in.readUnsignedShort(); int n = in.readUnsignedShort(); attribute = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) attribute.add(, in)); }
void write(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.writeShort(name); // attribute_name_index out.writeInt(length() - 6); // attribute_length out.writeShort(maxStack); // max_stack out.writeShort(maxLocals); // max_locals out.writeInt(info.length); // code_length out.write(info); // code exceptions.write(out); out.writeShort(attributes.size()); // attributes_count AttributeInfo.writeAll(attributes, out); // attributes }
void write(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.writeShort(accessFlags); out.writeShort(name); out.writeShort(descriptor); if (attribute == null) out.writeShort(0); else { out.writeShort(attribute.size()); AttributeInfo.writeAll(attribute, out); } }
public void testRemoveAnnotatino() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test5.RemoveAnnotation"); AnnotationsAttribute aa = (AnnotationsAttribute) cc.getClassFile().getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); assertTrue(aa.removeAnnotation("test5.RemoveAnno1")); AttributeInfo ai = cc.getClassFile().removeAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); assertEquals(ai.getName(), AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); CtMethod foo = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); AnnotationsAttribute aa2 = (AnnotationsAttribute) foo.getMethodInfo().getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); assertTrue(aa2.removeAnnotation("test5.RemoveAnno1")); CtMethod bar = cc.getDeclaredMethod("bar"); AnnotationsAttribute aa3 = (AnnotationsAttribute) bar.getMethodInfo().getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); assertFalse(aa3.removeAnnotation("test5.RemoveAnno1")); assertTrue(aa3.removeAnnotation("test5.RemoveAnno2")); AttributeInfo ai2 = bar.getMethodInfo().removeAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); assertEquals(ai2.getName(), AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); CtMethod run = cc.getDeclaredMethod("run"); AttributeInfo ai3 = run.getMethodInfo().removeAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); assertNull(ai3); CtField baz = cc.getDeclaredField("baz"); AttributeInfo ai4 = baz.getFieldInfo().removeAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); assertEquals(ai4.getName(), AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "run")); }
CodeAttribute(ConstPool cp, int name_id, DataInputStream in) throws IOException { super(cp, name_id, (byte[]) null); int attr_len = in.readInt(); maxStack = in.readUnsignedShort(); maxLocals = in.readUnsignedShort(); int code_len = in.readInt(); info = new byte[code_len]; in.readFully(info); exceptions = new ExceptionTable(cp, in); attributes = new ArrayList(); int num = in.readUnsignedShort(); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) attributes.add(, in)); }
void renameClass(String oldname, String newname) { AttributeInfo.renameClass(attributes, oldname, newname); }
/** * Copies all constant pool items to a given new constant pool and replaces the original items * with the new ones. This is used for garbage collecting the items of removed fields and methods. * * @param cp the destination */ void compact(ConstPool cp) { name = cp.addUtf8Info(getName()); descriptor = cp.addUtf8Info(getDescriptor()); attribute = AttributeInfo.copyAll(attribute, cp); constPool = cp; }
/** * Appends an attribute. If there is already an attribute with the same name, the new one * substitutes for it. * * @see #getAttributes() */ public void addAttribute(AttributeInfo info) { if (attribute == null) attribute = new LinkedList(); AttributeInfo.remove(attribute, info.getName()); attribute.add(info); }
/** * Returns an Exceptions attribute. * * @return an Exceptions attribute or null if it is not specified. */ public ExceptionsAttribute getExceptionsAttribute() { AttributeInfo info = AttributeInfo.lookup(attribute, ExceptionsAttribute.tag); return (ExceptionsAttribute) info; }
/** * Returns a Code attribute. * * @return a Code attribute or null if it is not specified. */ public CodeAttribute getCodeAttribute() { AttributeInfo info = AttributeInfo.lookup(attribute, CodeAttribute.tag); return (CodeAttribute) info; }
/** Removes an Exception attribute. */ public void removeExceptionsAttribute() { AttributeInfo.remove(attribute, ExceptionsAttribute.tag); }
/** * Adds a stack map table. If another copy of stack map table is already contained, the old one is * removed. * * @param smt the stack map table added to this code attribute. If it is null, a new stack map is * not added. Only the old stack map is removed. */ public void setAttribute(StackMapTable smt) { AttributeInfo.remove(attributes, StackMapTable.tag); if (smt != null) attributes.add(smt); }
/** * Adds a stack map table for J2ME (CLDC). If another copy of stack map table is already * contained, the old one is removed. * * @param sm the stack map table added to this code attribute. If it is null, a new stack map is * not added. Only the old stack map is removed. * @since 3.12 */ public void setAttribute(StackMap sm) { AttributeInfo.remove(attributes, StackMap.tag); if (sm != null) attributes.add(sm); }
/** Sets <code>code[]</code>. */ void setCode(byte[] newinfo) { super.set(newinfo); }
/** * Returns the attribute with the specified name. If it is not found, this method returns null. * * @param name attribute name * @return an <code>AttributeInfo</code> object or null. */ public AttributeInfo getAttribute(String name) { return AttributeInfo.lookup(attributes, name); }
void getRefClasses(Map classnames) { AttributeInfo.getRefClasses(attributes, classnames); }
void renameClass(Map classnames) { AttributeInfo.renameClass(attributes, classnames); }
void write(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException { super.write(out); }
/** Removes a Code attribute. */ public void removeCodeAttribute() { AttributeInfo.remove(attribute, CodeAttribute.tag); }
/** * Returns the length of this <code>attribute_info</code> structure. The returned value is <code> * attribute_length + 6</code>. */ public int length() { return 18 + info.length + exceptions.size() * 8 + AttributeInfo.getLength(attributes); }