private void onShownHandler(WindowEvent windowEvent) {
   Window parent = dialogStage.getOwner();
   dialogStage.setX(parent.getX() + parent.getWidth() / 2 - dialogStage.getWidth() / 2);
   dialogStage.setY(parent.getY() + parent.getHeight() / 2 - dialogStage.getHeight() / 2);
 /*     */ public WCRectangle getViewBounds() /*     */ {
   /*  71 */ WebView localWebView = this.accessor.getView();
   /*  72 */ Window localWindow = null;
   /*  73 */ if ((localWebView != null)
       && (localWebView.getScene() != null)
       && ((localWindow = localWebView.getScene().getWindow()) != null))
   /*     */ {
     /*  77 */ return new WCRectangle(
         (float) localWindow.getX(),
         (float) localWindow.getY(),
         (float) localWindow.getWidth(),
         (float) localWindow.getHeight());
     /*     */ }
   /*     */
   /*  81 */ return null;
   /*     */ }
   * Show this popup right below the given Node
   * @param node
  public void show(Node node) {

    if (node.getScene() == null || node.getScene().getWindow() == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Can not show popup. The node must be attached to a scene/window."); //$NON-NLS-1$

    if (isShowing()) {

    Window parent = node.getScene().getWindow();
        parent.getX() + node.localToScene(0, 0).getX() + node.getScene().getX(),
        parent.getY() + node.localToScene(0, 0).getY() + node.getScene().getY() + TITLE_HEIGHT);
 /*     */ public WCPoint windowToScreen(WCPoint paramWCPoint) /*     */ {
   /* 125 */ WebView localWebView = this.accessor.getView();
   /* 126 */ Scene localScene = localWebView.getScene();
   /* 127 */ Window localWindow = null;
   /*     */
   /* 129 */ if ((localScene != null) && ((localWindow = localScene.getWindow()) != null))
   /*     */ {
     /* 132 */ Point2D localPoint2D =
         localWebView.localToScene(paramWCPoint.getX(), paramWCPoint.getY());
     /* 133 */ return new WCPoint(
         (float) (localPoint2D.getX() + localScene.getX() + localWindow.getX()),
         (float) (localPoint2D.getY() + localScene.getY() + localWindow.getY()));
     /*     */ }
   /*     */
   /* 136 */ return new WCPoint(0.0F, 0.0F);
   /*     */ }
 /*     */ public WCPoint screenToWindow(WCPoint paramWCPoint) {
   /* 108 */ WebView localWebView = this.accessor.getView();
   /* 109 */ Scene localScene = localWebView.getScene();
   /* 110 */ Window localWindow = null;
   /*     */
   /* 112 */ if ((localScene != null) && ((localWindow = localScene.getWindow()) != null))
   /*     */ {
     /* 115 */ Point2D localPoint2D =
             paramWCPoint.getX() - localWindow.getX() - localScene.getX(),
             paramWCPoint.getY() - localWindow.getY() - localScene.getY());
     /*     */
     /* 118 */ return new WCPoint((float) localPoint2D.getX(), (float) localPoint2D.getY());
     /*     */ }
   /* 120 */ return new WCPoint(0.0F, 0.0F);
   /*     */ }
Example #6
 /** Bounds of Window on Screen. */
 public static Bounds bounds(Window window) {
   return bounds(window.getX(), window.getY(), window.getWidth(), window.getHeight());