public static void message(String msg, StackPane pane) { Label warningL = new Label(msg); Labels.setLabelStyle(warningL, Custom.TEXT_SIZE_LARGER, true); warningL.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER); StackPane warningPane = new StackPane(); warningPane.getChildren().add(warningL); warningPane.setStyle(Custom.WINDOW_STYLING); warningPane.setMinWidth(Custom.SCREEN_WIDTH * 95 / 100); warningPane.setMaxWidth(Custom.SCREEN_WIDTH * 95 / 100); warningPane.setMinHeight(Custom.SCREEN_HEIGHT * 2 / 5); warningPane.setMaxHeight(Custom.SCREEN_HEIGHT * 2 / 5); warningPane.setBorder( new Border( new BorderStroke( Paint.valueOf("#000000"), BorderStrokeStyle.SOLID, new CornerRadii(30), new BorderWidths(5)))); pane.getChildren().add(warningPane); PauseTransition pause = new PauseTransition(Duration.millis(1500)); pause.setOnFinished( (f) -> { pane.getChildren().remove(warningPane); goBack(); });; }
private void switchToItemList() { // Replace initial button by the item list (vbox) if (root.getChildren().contains(rootInitialBt)) { root.getChildren().remove(rootInitialBt); root.getChildren().add(super.getValueEditor()); } }
@Ignore @Test public void setCurrentPageIndexAndNavigateWithMouse() { pagination.setPageCount(25); pagination.setPageFactory( new Callback<Integer, Node>() { @Override public Node call(Integer pageIndex) { Node n = createPage(pageIndex); return n; } }); root.setPrefSize(400, 400); root.getChildren().add(pagination); show(); root.impl_reapplyCSS(); root.layout(); tk.firePulse(); assertTrue(pagination.isFocused()); double xval = (pagination.localToScene(pagination.getLayoutBounds())).getMinX(); double yval = (pagination.localToScene(pagination.getLayoutBounds())).getMinY(); scene.impl_processMouseEvent( MouseEventGenerator.generateMouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, xval + 170, yval + 380)); tk.firePulse(); assertEquals(3, pagination.getCurrentPageIndex()); }
static void display(String title) { Stage window = new Stage(); StackPane layout = new StackPane(); Scene scene = new Scene(layout, 300, 150); Button btnFile = new Button("File"); btnFile.setMaxHeight(Double.MAX_VALUE); btnFile.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); Button btnEdit = new Button("Edit"); btnEdit.setMaxHeight(Double.MAX_VALUE); btnEdit.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); Button btnSave = new Button("Save"); btnSave.setMaxHeight(Double.MAX_VALUE); btnSave.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); Button btnClose = new Button("close"); btnClose.setOnAction(e -> window.close()); VBox vBox = new VBox(); vBox.getChildren().addAll(btnFile, btnEdit, btnSave, btnClose); vBox.setVgrow(btnFile, Priority.ALWAYS); vBox.setVgrow(btnEdit, Priority.ALWAYS); vBox.setVgrow(btnSave, Priority.ALWAYS); vBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); layout.getChildren().add(vBox); window.setTitle(title); window.setScene(scene);; }
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { window = primaryStage; Label label1 = new Label("Welcome to the first scene"); Button button1 = new Button("Go to scene 2"); button1.setOnAction(e -> window.setScene(scene2)); // layout 1 - children in vertical column // spaced out by 20 pixels VBox layout1 = new VBox(20); // add to the layout layout1.getChildren().addAll(label1, button1); // create the first scene scene1 = new Scene(layout1, 200, 200); // button2 Button button2 = new Button("Go to scene 1"); button2.setOnAction(e -> window.setScene(scene1)); // layout 2 StackPane layout2 = new StackPane(); // add to the layout layout2.getChildren().add(button2); // create the scene scene2 = new Scene(layout2, 600, 300); // set default scene where to start the program window.setScene(scene1); window.setTitle("Title here");; }
/** * ****************************************************************** Miscellaneous Tests * * ****************************************************************** */ @Test public void setCurrentPageIndexAndNavigateWithKeyBoard() { pagination.setPageCount(25); pagination.setPageFactory( new Callback<Integer, Node>() { @Override public Node call(Integer pageIndex) { Node n = createPage(pageIndex); return n; } }); root.setPrefSize(400, 400); root.getChildren().add(pagination); show(); tk.firePulse(); assertTrue(pagination.isFocused()); KeyEventFirer keyboard = new KeyEventFirer(pagination); keyboard.doRightArrowPress(); tk.firePulse(); assertEquals(1, pagination.getCurrentPageIndex()); keyboard.doRightArrowPress(); tk.firePulse(); assertEquals(2, pagination.getCurrentPageIndex()); }
/** Called when ever either min, max or value changes, so thumb's layoutX, Y is recomputed. */ void positionThumb() { ScrollBar s = getSkinnable(); double clampedValue = Utils.clamp(s.getMin(), s.getValue(), s.getMax()); trackPos = (s.getMax() - s.getMin() > 0) ? ((trackLength - thumbLength) * (clampedValue - s.getMin()) / (s.getMax() - s.getMin())) : (0.0F); if (!IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { if (s.getOrientation() == Orientation.VERTICAL) { trackPos += decButton.prefHeight(-1); } else { trackPos += decButton.prefWidth(-1); } } thumb.setTranslateX( snapPosition( s.getOrientation() == Orientation.VERTICAL ? snappedLeftInset() : trackPos + snappedLeftInset())); thumb.setTranslateY( snapPosition( s.getOrientation() == Orientation.VERTICAL ? trackPos + snappedTopInset() : snappedTopInset())); }
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { ImageView us = new ImageView(new Image("File:C:/Java/site/image/us.gif")); Label lb1 = new Label("US\n50 States", us); lb1.setStyle("-fx-border-color: green; -fx-border-width: 2"); lb1.setContentDisplay(ContentDisplay.BOTTOM); lb1.setTextFill(Color.RED); Label lb2 = new Label("Circle", new Circle(50, 50, 25)); lb2.setContentDisplay(ContentDisplay.TOP); lb2.setTextFill(Color.ORANGE); Label lb3 = new Label("Rectangle", new Rectangle(10, 10, 50, 25)); lb3.setContentDisplay(ContentDisplay.RIGHT); Label lb4 = new Label("Ellipse", new Ellipse(50, 50, 50, 25)); lb4.setContentDisplay(ContentDisplay.LEFT); Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse(50, 50, 50, 25); ellipse.setStroke(Color.GREEN); ellipse.setFill(Color.WHITE); StackPane stackPane = new StackPane(); stackPane.getChildren().addAll(ellipse, new Label("JavaFX")); Label lb5 = new Label("A pane inside a label", stackPane); lb5.setContentDisplay(ContentDisplay.BOTTOM); HBox pane = new HBox(20); pane.getChildren().addAll(lb1, lb2, lb3, lb4, lb5); Scene scene = new Scene(pane, 700, 150); primaryStage.setTitle("LabelWithGraphic"); primaryStage.setScene(scene);; }
/** * Adds a "grass" component to the map, aka a null component Useful if the user wants to delete a * map component they placed in the map * * @param x the x coordinate where to add the grass * @param y the y coordinate where to add the grass * @param map the map to add the grass to * @param mapGridGUIDecorator the GUI decorator associated with this map * @param mapGridPane the gridPane that would need to be updated with the new view * @param imgView the associated image to place in the x,y cell */ private void addGrass( int x, int y, Map map, MapGridGUIDecorator mapGridGUIDecorator, GridPane mapGridPane, ImageView imgView) { Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(x, y); map.clearCell(coord); StackPane sp = mapGridGUIDecorator.redrawCell(x, y, mapGridPane); sp.setOnMouseClicked( click -> { ComponentType currentFocused = MapMakerController.getCurrentFocused(); if (currentFocused == ComponentType.INTERSECTION) { addIntersection(x, y, map, mapGridGUIDecorator, mapGridPane, intersectionImgView); } else if (currentFocused == ComponentType.ROADNS) { addRoadNS(x, y, map, mapGridGUIDecorator, mapGridPane, roadNSImgView); } else if (currentFocused == ComponentType.ROADEW) { addRoadEW(x, y, map, mapGridGUIDecorator, mapGridPane, roadEWImgView); } }); // put focus back on Grass MapMakerController.setPreviousFocused(MapMakerController.getCurrentFocused()); MapMakerController.setCurrentFocused(ComponentType.GRASS); imgView.requestFocus(); }
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { primaryStage.setTitle(""); prepareMyList(); ListView<MyObject> listView = new ListView<MyObject>(); ObservableList<MyObject> myObservableList = FXCollections.observableList(myList); listView.setItems(myObservableList); listView.setCellFactory( new Callback<ListView<MyObject>, ListCell<MyObject>>() { @Override public ListCell<MyObject> call(ListView<MyObject> p) { ListCell<MyObject> cell = new ListCell<MyObject>() { @Override protected void updateItem(MyObject t, boolean bln) { super.updateItem(t, bln); if (t != null) { setText(t.getDay() + ":" + t.getNumber()); } } }; return cell; } }); StackPane root = new StackPane(); root.getChildren().add(listView); primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 300, 250));; }
private static Node createVlanNode(String nodeLabel, Pane canvas, ContextMenu contextMenu) { int infNumber = 0; if (Data.hubMap.size() == 0) { infNumber = 1; } else { for (Map.Entry<String, HUB> entry : Data.hubMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().getInfs().size() == 0) { infNumber += 1; } else { infNumber += entry.getValue().getInfs().size(); } } } int vlanHeight = ((infNumber * 100) + ((infNumber - 1) * 50)); Rectangle node = new Rectangle(Data.nodeWidth, vlanHeight); node.setFill(Color.ORANGE); Label lnodeName = new Label(nodeLabel); StackPane nodeContainer = new StackPane(); nodeContainer.getChildren().addAll(node, lnodeName); nodeContainer.relocate(Data.vlanstartPosX, Data.vlanstartPosY); return nodeContainer; }
@PostConstruct void init() { StackPane buttons = new StackPane(failed, open); buttons.getStyleClass().add("progress-icons"); this.getChildren().addAll(bar, buttons, runButton); eventStudio().addAnnotatedListeners(this); }
@Test public void testAddingEmptyChoiceBoxToLiveScene() { StackPane pane = new StackPane(); pane.getChildren().add(box); startApp(pane); assertEquals(0, box.getItems().size()); }
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { String url = handler.getConnectionUrl(); WebView browser = new WebView(); WebEngine webEngine = browser.getEngine(); webEngine.load(url); StackPane root = new StackPane(); root.getChildren().add(browser); Scene scene = new Scene(root, 650, 500); primaryStage.setTitle("Acces Token Getter"); primaryStage.setScene(scene);; primaryStage.setOnCloseRequest( new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() { public void handle(WindowEvent we) { try { String urlWithAT = webEngine.getLocation(); handler.setInputUrl(urlWithAT); handler.parseUrl(); handler.writeAccesTokenToFile(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME); System.out.print("See file: " + OUTPUT_FILE_NAME); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } } }); }
public static StackPane looKasutajaLaud() { StackPane kasutjaLaud = new StackPane(); GridPane ruudustik = looRuudustik(); // kasutjaLaud.getChildren().add(ruudustik); for (Laev laev : Laevastik.kasutajaLaevad) { double x = laev.laevaKuju .getTranslateX(); // küsin kõik laeva omadused ja annan need passiivselt edasi double y = laev.laevaKuju.getTranslateY(); double a = laev.laevaKuju.getWidth(); double b = laev.laevaKuju.getHeight(); Paint pilt = laev.laevaKuju.getFill(); Rectangle ship = new Rectangle(a, b, Color.TRANSPARENT); StackPane.setAlignment(ship, Pos.TOP_LEFT); ship.setTranslateX(x); ship.setTranslateY(y); ship.setFill(pilt); kasutjaLaud.getChildren().add(ship); for (int i = 0; i < laev.laevaPikkus; i++) { String koordinaat = laev.laevaKoordinaadid.get(i); int rida = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(koordinaat.charAt(0))); int veerg = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(koordinaat.charAt(1))); Rectangle kujund = (Rectangle) ruutLaual(ruudustik, rida, veerg); if (kujund != null) { kujund.setId("laev"); } } } kasutjaLaud.getChildren().add(ruudustik); return kasutjaLaud; }
private void resetProperties() { overlayPane.setVisible(false); contentHolder.setTranslateX(0); contentHolder.setTranslateY(0); contentHolder.setScaleX(1); contentHolder.setScaleY(1); }
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width) { final Insets controlInsets = control.getInsets(); final double top = snapSize(controlInsets.getTop()); final double bottom = snapSize(controlInsets.getBottom()); final Insets indicatorInsets = indicator.getInsets(); final double iLeft = snapSize(indicatorInsets.getLeft()); final double iRight = snapSize(indicatorInsets.getRight()); final double iTop = snapSize(indicatorInsets.getTop()); final double iBottom = snapSize(indicatorInsets.getBottom()); final double indicatorMax = snapSize(Math.max(Math.max(iLeft, iRight), Math.max(iTop, iBottom))); final Insets progressInsets = progress.getInsets(); final double pLeft = snapSize(progressInsets.getLeft()); final double pRight = snapSize(progressInsets.getRight()); final double pTop = snapSize(progressInsets.getTop()); final double pBottom = snapSize(progressInsets.getBottom()); final double progressMax = snapSize(Math.max(Math.max(pLeft, pRight), Math.max(pTop, pBottom))); final Insets tickInsets = tick.getInsets(); final double tTop = snapSize(tickInsets.getTop()); final double tBottom = snapSize(tickInsets.getBottom()); final double indicatorHeight = indicatorMax + progressMax + tTop + tBottom + progressMax + indicatorMax; return top + indicatorHeight /*+ textGap + doneText.getLayoutBounds().getHeight()*/ + bottom; }
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height) { final Insets controlInsets = control.getInsets(); final double left = snapSize(controlInsets.getLeft()); final double right = snapSize(controlInsets.getRight()); final Insets indicatorInsets = indicator.getInsets(); final double iLeft = snapSize(indicatorInsets.getLeft()); final double iRight = snapSize(indicatorInsets.getRight()); final double iTop = snapSize(indicatorInsets.getTop()); final double iBottom = snapSize(indicatorInsets.getBottom()); final double indicatorMax = snapSize(Math.max(Math.max(iLeft, iRight), Math.max(iTop, iBottom))); final Insets progressInsets = progress.getInsets(); final double pLeft = snapSize(progressInsets.getLeft()); final double pRight = snapSize(progressInsets.getRight()); final double pTop = snapSize(progressInsets.getTop()); final double pBottom = snapSize(progressInsets.getBottom()); final double progressMax = snapSize(Math.max(Math.max(pLeft, pRight), Math.max(pTop, pBottom))); final Insets tickInsets = tick.getInsets(); final double tLeft = snapSize(tickInsets.getLeft()); final double tRight = snapSize(tickInsets.getRight()); final double indicatorWidth = indicatorMax + progressMax + tLeft + tRight + progressMax + indicatorMax; return left + indicatorWidth + /*Math.max(indicatorWidth, doneText.getLayoutBounds().getWidth()) + */ right; }
@Override public void handle(KeyEvent event) { if (!(event.getSource() instanceof TextArea)) { return; } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCommandTime < 200) { return; } final Stage dialog = new Stage(); final StackPane pane = new StackPane(); dialog.setScene(new Scene(pane)); final VBox vbox = new VBox(); pane.getChildren().add(vbox); vbox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); vbox.getChildren().add(new Label()); vbox.getChildren().add(new Label(" hey! ツラタン... ")); vbox.getChildren().add(new Label()); final Button bottom = new Button(); bottom.setText("OK"); bottom.setOnAction( boxEvent -> { dialog.close(); }); vbox.getChildren().add(bottom); vbox.getChildren().add(new Label("")); dialog.showAndWait(); lastCommandTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
/** * Adds a section of road with 2 lanes that travels in the directions east and west * * @param x the x coordinate where to add the road * @param y the y coordinate where to add the road * @param map the map to add the road to * @param mapGridGUIDecorator the GUI decorator associated with this map * @param mapGridPane the gridPane that would need to be updated with the new view * @param imgView the associated image to place in the x,y cell */ private void addRoadEW( int x, int y, Map map, MapGridGUIDecorator mapGridGUIDecorator, GridPane mapGridPane, ImageView imgView) { Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(x, y); Road road = new Road(coord, coord); try { road.addLane(new Lane(coord, coord, MapDirection.EAST)); road.addLane(new Lane(coord, coord, MapDirection.WEST)); map.addRoad(road); StackPane sp = mapGridGUIDecorator.redrawCell(x, y, mapGridPane); sp.setOnMouseClicked( click -> { ComponentType currentFocused = MapMakerController.getCurrentFocused(); if (currentFocused == ComponentType.INTERSECTION) { addIntersection(x, y, map, mapGridGUIDecorator, mapGridPane, intersectionImgView); } else if (currentFocused == ComponentType.ROADNS) { addRoadNS(x, y, map, mapGridGUIDecorator, mapGridPane, roadNSImgView); } else if (currentFocused == ComponentType.GRASS) { addGrass(x, y, map, mapGridGUIDecorator, mapGridPane, grassImgView); } }); // put focus back on RoadEW MapMakerController.setPreviousFocused(MapMakerController.getCurrentFocused()); MapMakerController.setCurrentFocused(ComponentType.ROADEW); imgView.requestFocus(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@PostConstruct public void onStartPerspective( PerspectiveLayout perspectiveLayout, FXComponentLayout layout, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) { // Top Buttons component StackPane topPane = new StackPane(); // Center Component StackPane centerPane = new StackPane(); centerPane.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); // Bottom Component bottomPane = new StackPane(); bottomPane.setAlignment(Pos.BOTTOM_CENTER); // Bottom Bar Component bottomBar = new StackPane(); bottomBar.setAlignment(Pos.BOTTOM_CENTER); // Attach to PERSPECTIVE mainSplit = constructSplitPane(constructScrollPane(centerPane), bottomPane); mainPane = constructMainPane(mainSplit, bottomBar); perspectiveLayout.registerTargetLayoutComponent(GuiConfig.TARGET_CONTAINER_TOP, topPane); perspectiveLayout.registerTargetLayoutComponent(GuiConfig.TARGET_CONTAINER_ABOUT, centerPane); perspectiveLayout.registerTargetLayoutComponent(GuiConfig.TARGET_CONTAINER_PANE, bottomPane); perspectiveLayout.registerTargetLayoutComponent(GuiConfig.TARGET_CONTAINER_BAR, bottomBar); // Define main pane borderPane = constructBorderPane(perspectiveLayout, topPane, mainPane); }
// REMOVE ME public static Node createIconContent() { StackPane sp = new StackPane(); BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane(); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(62, 62, Color.LIGHTGREY); rectangle.setStroke(Color.BLACK); borderPane.setPrefSize(rectangle.getWidth(), rectangle.getHeight()); Rectangle recTop = new Rectangle(62, 5, Color.web("#349b00")); recTop.setStroke(Color.BLACK); Rectangle recBottom = new Rectangle(62, 14, Color.web("#349b00")); recBottom.setStroke(Color.BLACK); Rectangle recLeft = new Rectangle(20, 41, Color.TRANSPARENT); recLeft.setStroke(Color.BLACK); Rectangle recRight = new Rectangle(20, 41, Color.TRANSPARENT); recRight.setStroke(Color.BLACK); Rectangle centerRight = new Rectangle(20, 41, Color.TRANSPARENT); centerRight.setStroke(Color.BLACK); borderPane.setRight(recRight); borderPane.setTop(recTop); borderPane.setLeft(recLeft); borderPane.setBottom(recBottom); borderPane.setCenter(centerRight); sp.getChildren().addAll(rectangle, borderPane); return new Group(sp); }
private void initComponents() { Platform.runLater( () -> { myPane = new StackPane(); myWebComponent = new WebView(); myEngine = myWebComponent.getEngine(); if (myShowProgress) { myProgressBar = makeProgressBarWithListener(); myWebComponent.setVisible(false); myPane.getChildren().addAll(myWebComponent, myProgressBar); } else { myPane.getChildren().add(myWebComponent); } if (myLinkInNewBrowser) { initHyperlinkListener(); } Scene scene = new Scene(myPane); myPanel.setScene(scene); myPanel.setVisible(true); updateLaf( LafManager.getInstance().getCurrentLookAndFeel() instanceof DarculaLookAndFeelInfo); }); add(myPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); }
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { // creating Layout final Group root = new Group(); Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400); primaryStage.setScene(scene); primaryStage.setResizable(false); StackPane waitingPane = new StackPane(); final ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar(); Label load = new Label("loading things..."); progress.setTranslateY(-25); load.setTranslateY(25); waitingPane.getChildren().addAll(new Rectangle(400, 400, Color.WHITE), load, progress); root.getChildren().add(waitingPane); // Task for computing the Panels: Task<Void> task = new Task<Void>() { @Override protected Void call() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(1000)); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } final double prog = i * 0.05; Platform.runLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { progress.setProgress(prog); } }); } return null; } }; // stateProperty for Task: task.stateProperty() .addListener( new ChangeListener<Worker.State>() { @Override public void changed( ObservableValue<? extends State> observable, State oldValue, Worker.State newState) { if (newState == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) { loadPanels(root); } } }); // start Task new Thread(task).start();; }
@Override public Point2D _getMidpoint() { StackPane tabRegion = getTabRegion(); Bounds boundsInParent = tabRegion.getBoundsInParent(); double x = boundsInParent.getWidth() / 2; double y = boundsInParent.getHeight() / 2; return tabRegion.localToParent(x, y); }
@Test public void testSelectingItemBeforeFirstShow() { StackPane pane = new StackPane(); pane.getChildren().add(box); box.getItems().addAll("Apple", "Orange", "Banana"); box.getSelectionModel().select("Orange"); startApp(pane); assertEquals(1, box.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex()); }
private void bindSizeTo(StackPane track, ScrollBar scrollBar) { if (scrollBar.getOrientation() == Orientation.VERTICAL) { widthProperty().bind(track.widthProperty()); heightProperty().bind(thickness); } else { widthProperty().bind(thickness); heightProperty().bind(track.widthProperty()); } }
@Override public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception { StackPane sp = new StackPane(); sp.getChildren().add(createDemoNode()); Scene scene = new Scene(sp, 768, 512); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setTitle("Orson Charts:");; }
protected Node buildtoolsFiltroAlumno(boolean index) { HBox hBox = new HBox(10); hBox.setMaxHeight(maxHeightCabezera); hBox.setMaxWidth(DefaultAncho); hBox.setMinWidth(DefaultAncho); hBox.setPadding(new Insets(10, 10, 5, 10)); hBox.setStyle("-fx-background-color:black"); hBox.getChildren().add(txtFiltroTitulo); hBox.getChildren() .add( TextBuilder.create() .text("|") .fill(Color.WHITE) .font(Font.font("MS UI Gothic", FontWeight.BOLD, 28)) .build()); hBox.getChildren().add(txtFiltroAutor); hBox.getChildren() .add( TextBuilder.create() .text("|") .fill(Color.WHITE) .font(Font.font("MS UI Gothic", FontWeight.BOLD, 28)) .build()); hBox.getChildren().add(txtFiltroEditorial); hBox.getChildren() .add( TextBuilder.create() .text("|") .fill(Color.WHITE) .font(Font.font("MS UI Gothic", FontWeight.BOLD, 28)) .build()); hBox.getChildren().add(txtRanking); hBox.getChildren() .add( TextBuilder.create() .text("|") .fill(Color.WHITE) .font(Font.font("MS UI Gothic", FontWeight.BOLD, 28)) .build()); // Agregando el Efecto Bloom Bloom bloom = BloomBuilder.create().threshold(0f).build(); hBox.setEffect(bloom); if (index) { StackPane agrupador = new StackPane(); agrupador.getChildren().add(hBox); agrupador.getChildren().add(imgIndex); StackPane.setAlignment(imgIndex, Pos.BOTTOM_RIGHT); StackPane.setMargin(imgIndex, new Insets(0, -6, -17, 0)); return agrupador; } else { return hBox; } }
private void initChangeListeners() { overlayCloseProperty() .addListener( (o, oldVal, newVal) -> { if (overlayPane != null) { if (newVal) overlayPane.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, closeHandler); else overlayPane.removeEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, closeHandler); } }); }