@Override public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) { // TODO 自動生成されたメソッド・スタブ addOption.setOnAction( event -> { for (int i = 0; i < cmb.size(); i++) { // System.out.println(cmb.get(i).getValue()); if (cmb.get(i).getValue() == null) { break; } else if (i == cmb.size() - 1) { addTask.setDisable(false); } } }); addTask.setOnAction( event -> { try { String url = webView.getEngine().getLocation(); System.out.println(url); Document document = Jsoup.connect(url).get(); Elements input = document.select("input"); Map params = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (ComboBox cmbx : cmb) { ValuePair vp = (ValuePair) cmbx.getValue(); params.put(vp.getName(), vp.getvalue()); } // System.out.println(input.select("[name=shop_bid]").first()); // System.out.println(input.select("[name=shop_bid]").first().val()); params.put("shop_bid", input.select("[name=shop_bid]").first().val()); params.put("item_id", input.select("[name=item_id]").first().val()); params.put("__event", input.select("[name=__event]").first().val()); params.put("units", "1"); Map map = new HashMap<String, Long>(); // System.out.println(document.select("#stime").size()); if (document.select("#stime").size() != 0) { System.out.println(document.select("#stime")); map.put("stime", Long.parseLong((input.select("#stime").first().val()))); map.put("etime", Long.parseLong((input.select("#etime").first().val()))); } else { map = null; } BuyTask task = new BuyTask(url, params, map); task.call(); this.getScene().getWindow().hide(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO 自動生成された catch ブロック e.printStackTrace(); } }); }
public void open() throws IOException { paneCenter.getChildren().clear(); String station = (String) cbStations.getValue(); File f = new File("database\\" + station + "\\status.txt"); FileReader fr1 = new FileReader(f); LineNumberReader ln = new LineNumberReader(fr1); int count = 0; while (ln.readLine() != null) { count++; } ln.close(); fr1.close(); FileReader fr2 = new FileReader(f); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr2); paneCenter.add(new Label("Last seen : " + (br.readLine())), 0, 0); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { paneCenter.add(new Label(br.readLine()), 0, i); } br.close(); fr2.close(); addQuantityToCB(); }
public void addStationsToCB() throws IOException { File f = new File("config"); FileReader fr1 = new FileReader(f); LineNumberReader ln = new LineNumberReader(fr1); int count = 0; while (ln.readLine() != null) { count++; } ln.close(); fr1.close(); FileReader fr2 = new FileReader(f); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr2); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { cbStations.getItems().add(br.readLine()); } br.close(); fr2.close(); }
public void showGraph() { Stage secondaryStage = new Stage(); String quantity = (String) cbQuantity.getValue().toString(); secondaryStage.setTitle(quantity); LineChart<Long, Number> lc = null; switch (quantity) { case "Wind Speed": windSerie.add(new XYChart.Series<>("Wind Speed", windData)); lc = new LineChart<>(new DateAxis(), new NumberAxis("Value", 0, 130, 10), windSerie); break; case "Temperature": temperatureSerie.add(new XYChart.Series<>("Temperature", temperatureData)); lc = new LineChart<>(new DateAxis(), new NumberAxis("Value", 0, 50, 10), temperatureSerie); break; case "Rainfall Rate": rainfallSerie.add(new XYChart.Series<>("Rainfall Rate", rainfallData)); lc = new LineChart<>(new DateAxis(), new NumberAxis("Value", 0, 100, 10), rainfallSerie); break; case "Humidity": humiditySerie.add(new XYChart.Series<>("Humidity", humidityData)); lc = new LineChart<>(new DateAxis(), new NumberAxis("Value", 0, 100, 10), humiditySerie); break; case "Pressure": pressureSerie.add(new XYChart.Series<>("Pressure", pressureData)); lc = new LineChart<>(new DateAxis(), new NumberAxis("Value", 0, 20, 10), pressureSerie); break; } graphic = new Scene(lc, 500, 250); secondaryStage.setScene(graphic); secondaryStage.show(); }
public void addQuantityToCB() throws IOException { temperatureSerie.removeAll(); pressureSerie.removeAll(); windSerie.removeAll(); rainfallSerie.removeAll(); humiditySerie.removeAll(); cbQuantity.getItems().clear(); String station = (String) cbStations.getValue(); File f = new File("database\\" + station + "\\data.txt"); FileReader fr1 = new FileReader(f); LineNumberReader ln = new LineNumberReader(fr1); int count = 0; while (ln.readLine() != null) { count++; } ln.close(); fr1.close(); FileReader fr2 = new FileReader(f); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr2); boolean wsFlag = false; boolean prFlag = false; boolean teFlag = false; boolean huFlag = false; boolean rrFlag = false; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String line = br.readLine(); String[] words = line.split(" "); for (int j = 0; j < words.length; j++) { if (words[0].equals("") == false) { long timeValue = Long.parseLong(words[0]); if (words[j].equals("WS")) { windData.add(new XYChart.Data<Long, Number>(timeValue, Integer.parseInt(words[j + 2]))); if (wsFlag == false) { cbQuantity.getItems().add("Wind Speed"); wsFlag = true; } } else if (words[j].equals("PR")) { pressureData.add( new XYChart.Data<Long, Number>(timeValue, Integer.parseInt(words[j + 2]))); if (prFlag == false) { cbQuantity.getItems().add("Pressure"); prFlag = true; } } else if (words[j].equals("TE")) { temperatureData.add( new XYChart.Data<Long, Number>(timeValue, Integer.parseInt(words[j + 2]))); if (teFlag == false) { cbQuantity.getItems().add("Temperature"); teFlag = true; } } else if (words[j].equals("HU")) { humidityData.add( new XYChart.Data<Long, Number>(timeValue, Integer.parseInt(words[j + 2]))); if (huFlag == false) { cbQuantity.getItems().add("Humidity"); huFlag = true; } } else if (words[j].equals("RR")) { rainfallData.add( new XYChart.Data<Long, Number>(timeValue, Integer.parseInt(words[j + 2]))); if (rrFlag == false) { cbQuantity.getItems().add("Rainfall Rate"); rrFlag = true; } } } } } br.close(); fr2.close(); }
private void updateSelectedEntry() { ObservableList<PolizistDaten> Nutzerauswahl = Tabelle.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems(); if (Nutzerauswahl.size() != 1) { IM.setErrorText("Es muss genau ein Element ausgewählt werden"); return; } PolizistDaten Auswahl = Nutzerauswahl.get(0); // Jetzt erzeugen wir ein PopUp zum veraendern des Eintrags Stage PopUp = new Stage(); PopUp.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); PopUp.setTitle("Neuer Eintrag"); PopUp.setAlwaysOnTop(true); PopUp.setResizable(false); GridPane Gitter = new GridPane(); Gitter.setHgap(10); Gitter.setVgap(10); Label LabelA = new Label("PersonenID"); Label LabelAWert = new Label(Integer.toString(Auswahl.getPersonenID())); Label LabelB = new Label("Name"); TextField LabelBWert = new TextField(); Label LabelC = new Label("Geburtsdatum"); DatePicker LabelCWert = new DatePicker(); Label LabelD = new Label("Nationalität"); TextField LabelDWert = new TextField(); Label LabelE = new Label("Geschlecht"); ComboBox LabelEWert = new ComboBox(); Label LabelF = new Label("Todesdatum"); DatePicker LabelFWert = new DatePicker(); Label LabelG = new Label("Dienstgrad"); TextField LabelGWert = new TextField(); final Callback<DatePicker, DateCell> TagesZellenFabtrik = new Callback<DatePicker, DateCell>() { @Override public DateCell call(final DatePicker DP) { return new DateCell() { @Override public void updateItem(LocalDate item, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); if (item.isBefore(LabelCWert.getValue().plusDays(1))) { setDisable(true); setStyle("-fx-background-color: #ffc0cb;"); } } }; } }; LabelFWert.setDayCellFactory(TagesZellenFabtrik); LabelEWert.getItems().addAll("m", "w"); LabelEWert.setValue(Auswahl.getGeschlecht()); LabelBWert.setText(Auswahl.getName()); LabelCWert.setValue(LocalDate.parse(Auswahl.getGebDatum())); // TODO exception LabelDWert.setText(Auswahl.getNation()); if (!Auswahl.getTodDatum().isEmpty()) { LabelFWert.setValue(LocalDate.parse(Auswahl.getTodDatum())); // TODO exception } LabelGWert.setText(Auswahl.getDienstgrad()); Button ButtonFort = new Button("Fortfahren"); Button ButtonAbb = new Button("Abbrechen"); ButtonFort.defaultButtonProperty(); ButtonAbb.cancelButtonProperty(); ButtonFort.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); ButtonAbb.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); Gitter.addColumn(0, LabelA, LabelB, LabelC, LabelD, LabelE, LabelF, LabelG); Gitter.addColumn( 1, LabelAWert, LabelBWert, LabelCWert, LabelDWert, LabelEWert, LabelFWert, LabelGWert); VBox AussenBox = new VBox(10); HBox InnenBox = new HBox(); AussenBox.setSpacing(10); AussenBox.setPadding(new Insets(10)); InnenBox.setSpacing(10); AussenBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); InnenBox.setAlignment(Pos.BOTTOM_CENTER); AussenBox.getChildren().addAll(Gitter, InnenBox); InnenBox.getChildren().addAll(ButtonFort, ButtonAbb); ButtonAbb.setOnAction(event -> PopUp.close()); ButtonFort.setOnAction( event -> { String SQLString; if (LabelFWert.getEditor().getText().isEmpty()) { SQLString = "UPDATE PERSON SET Name=?, Geburtsdatum=?, Nationalität=?, Geschlecht=?, Todesdatum=NULL WHERE PersonenID = " + Auswahl.getPersonenID(); } else { SQLString = "UPDATE PERSON SET Name=?, Geburtsdatum=?, Nationalität=?, Geschlecht=?, Todesdatum=? WHERE PersonenID = " + Auswahl.getPersonenID(); } try { PreparedStatement InsertStatement = DH.prepareStatement(SQLString); InsertStatement.setString(1, LabelBWert.getText()); InsertStatement.setString(2, LabelCWert.getValue().toString()); // TODO exception InsertStatement.setString(3, LabelDWert.getText()); InsertStatement.setString(4, LabelEWert.getValue().toString()); if (LabelFWert.getValue() != null && !LabelFWert.getEditor().getText().isEmpty()) { InsertStatement.setString(5, LabelFWert.getValue().toString()); } InsertStatement.executeUpdate(); SQLString = "UPDATE POLIZIST SET Dienstgrad = ? WHERE PersonenID = " + Auswahl.getPersonenID(); InsertStatement = DH.prepareStatement(SQLString); InsertStatement.setString(1, LabelGWert.getText()); InsertStatement.execute(); IM.setInfoText("Änderung durchgeführt"); } catch (SQLException e) { IM.setErrorText("Ändern Fehlgeschlagen", e); } refreshPolizistAnsicht(); PopUp.close(); }); PopUp.setScene(new Scene(AussenBox)); PopUp.showAndWait(); }
private void insertNewEntry() { Stage PopUp = new Stage(); PopUp.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); PopUp.setTitle("Neuer Eintrag"); PopUp.setAlwaysOnTop(true); PopUp.setResizable(false); GridPane Gitter = new GridPane(); Gitter.setHgap(10); Gitter.setVgap(10); Label LabelB = new Label("Name"); TextField LabelBWert = new TextField(); Label LabelC = new Label("Geburtsdatum"); DatePicker LabelCWert = new DatePicker(); Label LabelD = new Label("Nationalität"); TextField LabelDWert = new TextField(); Label LabelE = new Label("Geschlecht"); ComboBox LabelEWert = new ComboBox(); Label LabelF = new Label("Todesdatum"); DatePicker LabelFWert = new DatePicker(); Label LabelG = new Label("Dienstgrad"); TextField LabelGWert = new TextField(); final Callback<DatePicker, DateCell> TagesZellenFabtrik = new Callback<DatePicker, DateCell>() { @Override public DateCell call(final DatePicker DP) { return new DateCell() { @Override public void updateItem(LocalDate item, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); if (item.isBefore(LabelCWert.getValue().plusDays(1))) { setDisable(true); setStyle("-fx-background-color: #ffc0cb;"); } } }; } }; LabelFWert.setDayCellFactory(TagesZellenFabtrik); LabelEWert.getItems().addAll("m", "w"); LabelEWert.setValue("m"); Button ButtonFort = new Button("Fortfahren"); Button ButtonAbb = new Button("Abbrechen"); ButtonFort.defaultButtonProperty(); ButtonAbb.cancelButtonProperty(); ButtonFort.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); ButtonAbb.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); Gitter.addColumn(0, LabelB, LabelC, LabelD, LabelE, LabelF, LabelG); Gitter.addColumn(1, LabelBWert, LabelCWert, LabelDWert, LabelEWert, LabelFWert, LabelGWert); VBox AussenBox = new VBox(10); HBox InnenBox = new HBox(); AussenBox.setSpacing(10); AussenBox.setPadding(new Insets(10)); InnenBox.setSpacing(10); AussenBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); InnenBox.setAlignment(Pos.BOTTOM_CENTER); AussenBox.getChildren().addAll(Gitter, InnenBox); InnenBox.getChildren().addAll(ButtonFort, ButtonAbb); ButtonAbb.setOnAction(event -> PopUp.close()); ButtonFort.setOnAction( event -> { String SQLString; if (LabelFWert.getValue() != null) { SQLString = "INSERT INTO PERSON (Name, Geburtsdatum, Nationalität, Geschlecht, Todesdatum) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } else { SQLString = "INSERT INTO PERSON (Name, Geburtsdatum, Nationalität, Geschlecht) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; } try { PreparedStatement InsertStatement = DH.prepareStatement(SQLString); InsertStatement.setString(1, LabelBWert.getText()); InsertStatement.setString(2, LabelCWert.getValue().toString()); // TODO exception InsertStatement.setString(3, LabelDWert.getText()); InsertStatement.setString(4, LabelEWert.getValue().toString()); if (LabelFWert.getValue() != null) { InsertStatement.setString(5, LabelFWert.getValue().toString()); // TODO exception } InsertStatement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet PersID = DH.getAnfrageObjekt().executeQuery("SELECT last_insert_rowid();"); if (!PersID.next()) { IM.setErrorText("Konnte Primärschlüssel nicht mehr bestimmen."); } SQLString = "INSERT INTO POLIZIST (PersonenID, Dienstgrad) VALUES (?, ?)"; InsertStatement = DH.prepareStatement(SQLString); InsertStatement.setInt(1, PersID.getInt(1)); // TODO das hier verifizieren InsertStatement.setString(2, LabelGWert.getText()); InsertStatement.executeUpdate(); IM.setInfoText("Einfügen durchgeführt"); } catch (SQLException e) { IM.setErrorText("Einfügen Fehlgeschlagen", e); } refreshPolizistAnsicht(); PopUp.close(); }); PopUp.setScene(new Scene(AussenBox)); PopUp.showAndWait(); }
@Override public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception { // ----------MENU---------- MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); Menu menuFile = new Menu("File"); MenuItem menuItemPurchase = new MenuItem("New Purchase"); MenuItem menuItemStore = new MenuItem("New Store"); MenuItem menuItemCategory = new MenuItem("New Category"); MenuItem menuItemExit = new MenuItem("Exit"); menuFile.getItems().addAll(menuItemPurchase, menuItemStore, menuItemCategory, menuItemExit); Menu menuHelp = new Menu("Help"); menuBar.getMenus().addAll(menuFile, menuHelp); // ----------TOOLBAR---------- ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar(); Button buttonPurchase = new Button(); Button buttonStore = new Button(); Button buttonCategory = new Button(); buttonPurchase.setGraphic(new ImageView("/pictures/purchase.png")); buttonStore.setGraphic(new ImageView("/pictures/store.png")); buttonCategory.setGraphic(new ImageView("/pictures/category.png")); toolBar.getItems().addAll(buttonPurchase, buttonStore, buttonCategory); buttonStore.setOnAction( new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) { Stage stage = new Stage(); try { new StoreWindows().start(stage); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); // ----------WORKSPACE---------- GridPane gridPane = new GridPane(); gridPane.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); gridPane.setVgap(10); gridPane.setHgap(10); gridPane.setPadding(new Insets(0, 25, 25, 0)); Label storeLabel = new Label("Store: "); storeLabel.setId("simpleLabel"); gridPane.add(storeLabel, 0, 1); final ComboBox<String> stores = new ComboBox<String>(); gridPane.add(stores, 1, 1); Label categoryLabel = new Label("Category: "); categoryLabel.setId("simpleLabel"); gridPane.add(categoryLabel, 2, 1); final ComboBox<String> categories = new ComboBox<String>(); gridPane.add(categories, 3, 1); Button bCount = new Button("Count"); HBox hBox = new HBox(10); hBox.setAlignment(Pos.BOTTOM_RIGHT); hBox.getChildren().add(bCount); gridPane.add(hBox, 4, 1); FlowPane flowPane1 = new FlowPane(); flowPane1.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); flowPane1.setPadding(new Insets(10, 25, 25, 10)); final Text spentTitle = new Text("SPENT: "); spentTitle.setId("headline"); flowPane1.getChildren().add(spentTitle); // ----------DATABASE---------- Label statusLabel = new Label(); DaoFactory daoFactory = new MySQLDaoFactory(); try { Connection connection = daoFactory.getConnection(); statusLabel.setText("Database connection: success"); StoreDao storeDao = new MySQLStoreDao(connection); ArrayList<Store> storeList = (ArrayList) storeDao.getStores(); for (Store store : storeList) { stores.getItems().add(store.getName()); } CategoryDao categoryDao = new MySQLCategoryDao(connection); ArrayList<Category> categoryList = (ArrayList) categoryDao.getCategories(); for (Category category : categoryList) { categories.getItems().add(category.getTitle()); } } catch (SQLException e) { statusLabel.setText("Database connection: failed"); } FlowPane footer = new FlowPane(); footer.setPadding(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10)); footer.getChildren().add(statusLabel); bCount.setOnAction( new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) { try { PurchaseDao purchaseDao = new MySQLPurchaseDao(new MySQLDaoFactory().getConnection()); spentTitle.setText( "SPENT: " + purchaseDao.showSpent(stores.getValue(), categories.getValue())); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); // ----------VIEW---------- Scene scene = new Scene(new VBox(), 800, 600); scene.getStylesheets().add("css/style.css"); ((VBox) scene.getRoot()).getChildren().addAll(menuBar, toolBar, gridPane, flowPane1, footer); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setTitle("Cash Organizer"); stage.getIcons().add(new Image("pictures/icon.png")); stage.show(); }
/* ADMIN SCENE */ public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { /** Done by Marco */ primaryStage.setTitle("PubFinder"); primaryStage.setResizable(false); PubDataAccessor.PubDataAccessor(); /*Welcome scene*/ WelcomeScene.welcomeScene(); welcomeScene = WelcomeScene.welcomeScene; /*Welcome scene*/ /** End of Marcos Work */ /** Done by Shafiq and Anotnino */ /* Admin add scene*/ AdminAddScene.adminAddscene(); adminAddScene = AdminAddScene.adminAddScene; /* Admin add scene*/ /*Admin login scene*/ AdminLoginScene.adminloginscene(); adminLoginScene = AdminLoginScene.adminLoginScene; /*Admin login scene*/ /*Admin choice scene*/ AdminChoiceScene.adminchoicescene(); adminChoiceScene = AdminChoiceScene.adminChoiceScene; /*Admin choice scene*/ /* Admin Edit Scene*/ adminEditScene = AdminEditScene.editScene; /* Admin Edit Scene*/ /** End of Shafiq and Anotonino's Work */ /*Pub button scene*/ pubLayout = new StackPane(); /** Done by Ahmad */ searchNameInput = new TextField(); searchNameInput.setId("search-field"); searchNameInput.setPromptText("NAME"); /** End of Ahmad's Work */ searchStreetInput = new TextField(); searchStreetInput.setId("search-field"); searchStreetInput.setPromptText("STREET"); searchAgeInput = new TextField(); searchAgeInput.setId("search-field"); searchAgeInput.setPromptText("AGE"); /** Done by Aseel */ CheckBox searchStudentDiscount = new CheckBox("DISCOUNTS"); CheckBox searchBySpecialEvents = new CheckBox("EVENTS"); CheckBox searchWithoutFees = new CheckBox("NO FEES"); searchStudentDiscount.setId("check-search"); searchBySpecialEvents.setId("check-search"); searchWithoutFees.setId("check-search"); ComboBox searchByRating = new ComboBox( FXCollections.observableArrayList( "\uF005", "\uF005\uF005", "\uF005\uF005\uF005", "\uF005\uF005\uF005\uF005", "\uF005\uF005\uF005\uF005\uF005")); searchByRating.setTooltip(new Tooltip("RATING")); searchByRating.setPromptText("RATING"); searchByRating.setId("combo-search"); ComboBox searchByArea = new ComboBox( FXCollections.observableArrayList( "All", "Avenyn", "Linné", "Haga", "Järntorget", "Magasinsgatan", "Vasastaden", "Gamlestaden", "Heden", "Masthugget", "Stigberget", "Other")); searchByArea.setTooltip(new Tooltip("AREA")); searchByArea.setPromptText("AREA"); searchByArea.setId("combo-search"); /** End of Aseel's Work */ /** Done by Marco */ pubLayout.setId("pubs"); search = new Button("SEARCH"); search.setId("button-search"); GridPane inputGrid = new GridPane(); inputGrid.setMaxHeight(100); inputGrid.setHgap(10); inputGrid.setVgap(10); inputGrid.setId("searchGrid"); StackPane.setAlignment(inputGrid, Pos.TOP_LEFT); StackPane.setAlignment(search, Pos.TOP_RIGHT); /** End of Marco's Work */ search.setOnAction(e -> searchForPubs()); /** Done by Ahmad */ searchNameInput.setOnKeyReleased( event1 -> { if (event1.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) { searchForPubs(); } }); /** End of Ahmad's Work */ /** Done by Marco */ searchStreetInput.setOnKeyReleased( event2 -> { if (event2.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) { searchForPubs(); } }); /** End of Marco's Work */ /** Done by Ahmad */ searchAgeInput.setOnKeyReleased( event3 -> { if (event3.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) { searchForPubs(); } }); /** End of Ahmad's Work */ /** Done by Shafiq & Anotnino */ searchStudentDiscount.setOnAction( event4 -> { if (searchStudentDiscount.isSelected()) { discount = 1; } if (!searchStudentDiscount.isSelected()) { discount = 0; } }); searchWithoutFees.setOnAction( event5 -> { if (searchWithoutFees.isSelected()) { fee = 0; } if (!searchWithoutFees.isSelected()) { fee = 1; } }); searchBySpecialEvents.setOnAction( event6 -> { if (searchBySpecialEvents.isSelected()) { searchEvent = true; } if (!searchBySpecialEvents.isSelected()) { searchEvent = false; } }); searchByRating.setOnAction( event7 -> { if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(0)) { numberOfStars = 1; } else if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(1)) { numberOfStars = 2; } else if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(2)) { numberOfStars = 3; } else if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(3)) { numberOfStars = 4; } else if (searchByRating.getSelectionModel().isSelected(4)) { numberOfStars = 5; } }); /** End of Shafiq and Anotino's Work */ /** Done by Aseel and Antonino */ searchByArea.setOnAction( event8 -> { if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(0)) { area_checker = 2; } if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(1)) { area = 0; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(2)) { area = 2; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(3)) { area = 3; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(4)) { area = 4; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(5)) { area = 5; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(6)) { area = 6; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(7)) { area = 7; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(8)) { area = 8; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(9)) { area = 9; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(10)) { area = 10; area_checker = 1; } else if (searchByArea.getSelectionModel().isSelected(11)) { area = 11; area_checker = 1; } }); /** End of Aeel and Antonino's Work */ /** Done by marco */ ScrollPane pubScroll = new ScrollPane(); pubScroll.setId("scroll"); pubScroll.setHbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED); pubScroll.setVbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); pubs = new GridPane(); pubScroll.setContent(pubs); pubs.setId("pub-grid"); pubs.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); pubLayout.getChildren().add(pubScroll); inputGrid.add(searchNameInput, 1, 1); inputGrid.add(searchStreetInput, 2, 1); inputGrid.add(searchAgeInput, 3, 1); inputGrid.add(searchByRating, 4, 1); inputGrid.add(searchByArea, 5, 1); inputGrid.add(searchStudentDiscount, 6, 1); inputGrid.add(searchBySpecialEvents, 7, 1); inputGrid.add(searchWithoutFees, 8, 1); pubLayout.getChildren().add(inputGrid); pubLayout.getChildren().add(search); noPub = new Label("No pubs found"); searchForPubs(); pubScene = new Scene(pubLayout, 1000, 600); pubScene.getStylesheets().addAll(this.getClass().getResource("style.css").toExternalForm()); /*Pub button scene*/ /*Pub scene*/ ScrollPane pubPageLayout = new ScrollPane(); pubPageLayout.setHbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); pubPageLayout.setVbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); pubPageLayout.setFitToWidth(true); pubPageLayout.setContent(xPane); xPane.setId("pubScene"); pubPageLayout.setId("gej"); star.setId("starButton"); eventLabel.setId("eventLabel"); /*Items*/ xPane.add(back, 1, 1); back.setId("button-logout"); back.setOnAction( (event) -> { primaryStage.setScene(pubScene); xPane .getChildren() .removeAll(description, rating, overlay, pubName, map, star, rates, events); descriptionGrid .getChildren() .removeAll(age, open, address, type, discountForStudents, entranceFees); events.getChildren().removeAll(eventDescriptionGrid); eventDescriptionGrid.getChildren().removeAll(eventLabel, eventPane); eventPane.getChildren().removeAll(eventGrid); eventGrid.getChildren().removeAll(eventName, eventDescription); star.setText("0 \uF08A"); star.setStyle( "#starButton{-fx-text-fill: #fff;} #starButton:hover{-fx-text-fill: #fff;}"); }); /** End of Marco's work */ /** Done by Shafiq & Antonino */ star.setOnAction( event -> { int rate = PubDataAccessor.checkRate(this.id); int rateUpdate = rate + 1; /** End of Shafiq & Antonino's Work */ /** Done by marco */ star.setText((rateUpdate) + " \uF004"); PubDataAccessor.updateRate(this.id); star.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: #731a2b;"); }); overlay.setHeight(header.getFitHeight()); overlay.setWidth(header.getFitWidth() + 24); overlay.setX(0); overlay.setY(0); overlay.fillProperty().set(javafx.scene.paint.Color.rgb(115, 26, 43, 0.3)); pubPage = new Scene(pubPageLayout, 1000, 600); pubPage.getStylesheets().addAll(this.getClass().getResource("style.css").toExternalForm()); /*Pub scene*/ primaryStage.setScene(welcomeScene); primaryStage.show(); Main.primaryStage = primaryStage; /** End of Marcos work */ }