Example #1
 private MenuBuilder(Menu menu) {
   this.items = menu.getItems();
   this.text = menu.getText();
   this.action = menu.getOnAction();
   menuObj = menu;
   ctxMenuObj = null;
  * Determines which rule is selected in the Games menu.
  * <p>Iterates through the menus in the menu bar looking for the Games menu. Once found it
  * iterates through the menu items under Games looking for radio buttons. For every radio menu
  * item it finds it checks if it's been selected. If a selected one is found strRuleName is set
  * and the whole nest is broken out of and strRuleName is returned.
  * @return
 public String getRuleName() {
   String strRuleName = null;
   for (Menu m : mb.getMenus()) {
     if (m.getText() == "Games") {
       for (MenuItem mi : m.getItems()) {
         if (mi.getClass().equals(RadioMenuItem.class)) {
           RadioMenuItem rmi = (RadioMenuItem) mi;
           if (rmi.isSelected() == true) {
             strRuleName = rmi.getText();
   return strRuleName;