@Override public void initialize(final URL url, final ResourceBundle resourceBundle) { final ObservableList<Node> children = content.getChildren(); views.addAll(children); children.removeAll(views); children.add(views.get(0)); }
public void initialize() { txtAPIKey .textProperty() .addListener( (obs, ov, nv) -> { ObservableList<String> styleClass = txtAPIKey.getStyleClass(); if (!APIKey.isValid(nv)) { styleClass.removeAll("field-ok"); if (!styleClass.contains("field-error")) styleClass.add("field-error"); } else { styleClass.removeAll("field-error"); if (!styleClass.contains("field-ok")) styleClass.add("field-ok"); } }); String apiKey = GW2Tools.inst().getAppSettings().apiKey.getValue(); if (apiKey != null && apiKey.length() > 0) { txtAPIKey.setText(apiKey); chkbxRememberKey.setSelected(true); } GW2Tools.inst().getAssets().updateGW2Assets(this); }
@Test public void testItemsRemovedAtAndBetween() { int[] indices = new int[] {1, 3, 5, 7}; indicesList.addIndices(indices); report.clear(); // new PrintingListChangeListener("Items removed at 2/4", indicesList); items.removeAll(items.get(3), items.get(6)); indices = new int[] {1, 4, 5}; assertEquals(indices.length, indicesList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { assertEquals("expected value at " + i, indices[i], indicesList.get(i).intValue()); } assertEquals(1, report.getEventCount()); assertTrue( "expected single replaced but was" + report.getLastChange(), wasSingleReplaced(report.getLastChange())); }
/** * Populate the ListView and TreeView (left and right window respectively) with content returned * by TaskieLogic. * * @param mainList ArrayList to be displayed on left window wrapped in LogicOutput class returned * by Logic * @param allList 2D ArrayList to be displayed on right window wrapped in LogicOutput class * returned by Logic */ private void populate(ArrayList<String> mainList, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> allList) { clearNode(); populateNode(overdueNode, allList.get(OVERDUE_LOGICOUT_INDEX)); populateNode(todayNode, allList.get(TODAY_LOGICOUT_INDEX)); populateNode(tomorrowNode, allList.get(TOMORROW_LOGICOUT_INDEX)); populateNode(everythingElseNode, allList.get(EVERYTHING_ELSE_LOGICOUT_INDEX)); String mainFeedback = mainList.get(FEEDBACK_LOGICOUT_INDEX); ArrayList<String> mainRemovedFirst = mainList; // Extract the first element of mainList and display it on the mainListFeedbackLabel // Display the rest of the list on mainListView mainRemovedFirst.remove(FEEDBACK_LOGICOUT_INDEX); obeservableMainList.removeAll(obeservableMainList); obeservableMainList.addAll(mainRemovedFirst); mainListFeedbackLabel.setText(mainFeedback); mainListView.setItems(obeservableMainList); }
/** Remove items in between selected. */ @Test public void testItemsRemovedBetweenReally() { int[] indices = new int[] {3, 5, 1}; indicesList.addIndices(indices); report.clear(); items.removeAll(items.get(2), items.get(4)); assertEquals(indices.length, indicesList.size()); indices = new int[] {1, 2, 3}; for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { assertEquals("expected value at " + i, indices[i], indicesList.get(i).intValue()); } assertEquals(1, report.getEventCount()); assertTrue( "expected single replaced but was" + report.getLastChange(), wasSingleReplaced(report.getLastChange())); Change c = report.getLastChange(); c.next(); assertEquals(2, c.getAddedSize()); assertEquals(c.getAddedSize(), c.getRemovedSize()); // report.prettyPrint(); }
@Test public void testItemsRemovedBeforeAndWithFirst() { int[] indices = new int[] {3, 5, 1}; indicesList.addIndices(indices); report.clear(); // new PrintingListChangeListener("Items removed at 0/1", indicesList); items.removeAll(items.get(0), items.get(1)); assertEquals(indices.length - 1, indicesList.size()); Arrays.sort(indices); indices = Arrays.copyOfRange(indices, 1, 3); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { indices[i] = indices[i] - 2; } for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { assertEquals("expected value at " + i, indices[i], indicesList.get(i).intValue()); } assertEquals(1, report.getEventCount()); assertTrue( "expected single replaced, but was " + report.getLastChange(), wasSingleReplaced(report.getLastChange())); }