public void createFixture(JavaClassGenerator classGen) {
    MethodGen methodGen =
        new MethodGen(
            Constants.ACC_PUBLIC | Constants.ACC_STATIC, // public and static
            org.apache.bcel.generic.Type.VOID, // return type
            new org.apache.bcel.generic.Type[] // parameters
            null, // parameters names: we do not care
            "fixture" + fixtureNum, // method's name
            classGen.getClassName(), // defining class
            classGen.generateJavaBytecode(getCode()), // bytecode of the method
            classGen.getConstantPool()); // constant pool

    // we must always call these methods before the getMethod()
    // method below. They set the number of local variables and stack
    // elements used by the code of the method

    // we add a method to the class that we are generating
  public INVOKESTATIC createINVOKESTATIC(JavaClassGenerator classGen) {

    return (INVOKESTATIC)
                getDefiningClass().toBCEL().toString() + "Test", // name of the class
                "fixture" + fixtureNum, // name of the method or constructor
                getReturnType().toBCEL(), // return type
                new org.apache.bcel.generic.Type[] {
                }, // parameters types
                Constants.INVOKESTATIC); // the type of invocation (static, special, ecc.)