public static void testBumpSubBuilders() throws Exception { File tmp = new File("tmp-ws"); if (tmp.exists()) IO.deleteWithException(tmp); tmp.mkdir(); assertTrue(tmp.isDirectory()); try { IO.copy(new File("test/ws"), tmp); Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); Project project = ws.getProject("bump-sub"); project.setTrace(true); assertNull(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); project.bump("=+0"); assertNull(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); for (Builder b : project.getSubBuilders()) { assertEquals(new Version(1, 1, 0), new Version(b.getVersion())); } } finally { IO.deleteWithException(tmp); } }
public static void testBumpIncludeFile() throws Exception { File tmp = new File("tmp-ws"); if (tmp.exists()) IO.deleteWithException(tmp); tmp.mkdir(); assertTrue(tmp.isDirectory()); try { IO.copy(new File("test/ws"), tmp); Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); Project project = ws.getProject("bump-included"); project.setTrace(true); Version old = new Version(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); assertEquals(new Version(1, 0, 0), old); project.bump("=+0"); Processor processor = new Processor(); processor.setProperties(project.getFile("include.txt")); Version newv = new Version(processor.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); System.err.println("New version " + newv); assertEquals(1, newv.getMajor()); assertEquals(1, newv.getMinor()); assertEquals(0, newv.getMicro()); } finally { IO.deleteWithException(tmp); } }
/** Check isStale */ public static void testIsStale() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); ws.setOffline(false); Project top = ws.getProject("p-stale"); assertNotNull(top);; Project bottom = ws.getProject("p-stale-dep"); assertNotNull(bottom);; long lastModified = bottom.lastModified(); top.getPropertiesFile().setLastModified(lastModified + 1000); stale(top, true); stale(bottom, true); assertTrue(top.isStale()); assertTrue(bottom.isStale()); stale(top, false); stale(bottom, true); assertTrue(top.isStale()); assertTrue(bottom.isStale()); stale(top, true); stale(bottom, false); assertTrue(top.isStale()); assertFalse(bottom.isStale()); // Thread.sleep(1000); // stale(top, false); // stale(bottom, false); // assertFalse(top.isStale()); // assertFalse(bottom.isStale()); }
/** Check if the getSubBuilders properly predicts the output. */ public static void testSubBuilders() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p4-sub"); Collection<? extends Builder> bs = project.getSubBuilders(); assertNotNull(bs); assertEquals(3, bs.size()); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (Builder b : bs) { names.add(b.getBsn()); } assertTrue(names.contains("p4-sub.a")); assertTrue(names.contains("p4-sub.b")); assertTrue(names.contains("p4-sub.c")); File[] files =; assertTrue(project.check()); System.err.println(Processor.join(project.getErrors(), "\n")); System.err.println(Processor.join(project.getWarnings(), "\n")); assertEquals(0, project.getErrors().size()); assertEquals(0, project.getWarnings().size()); assertNotNull(files); assertEquals(3, files.length); for (File file : files) { Jar jar = new Jar(file); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); assertTrue(names.contains(m.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName"))); } }
public static void testBump() throws Exception { File tmp = new File("tmp-ws"); if (tmp.exists()) IO.deleteWithException(tmp); tmp.mkdir(); assertTrue(tmp.isDirectory()); try { IO.copy(new File("test/ws"), tmp); Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); Project project = ws.getProject("p1"); int size = project.getProperties().size(); Version old = new Version(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); System.err.println("Old version " + old); project.bump("=+0"); Version newv = new Version(project.getProperty("Bundle-Version")); System.err.println("New version " + newv); assertEquals(old.getMajor(), newv.getMajor()); assertEquals(old.getMinor() + 1, newv.getMinor()); assertEquals(0, newv.getMicro()); assertEquals(size, project.getProperties().size()); assertEquals("sometime", newv.getQualifier()); } finally { IO.deleteWithException(tmp); } }
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { tmp = IO.getFile("generated/tmp"); tmp.mkdirs(); IO.copy(IO.getFile("testdata/ws"), tmp); workspace = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); workspace.refresh(); InfoRepository repo = workspace.getPlugin(InfoRepository.class); t1 = create("bsn-1", new Version(1, 0, 0)); t2 = create("bsn-2", new Version(1, 0, 0)); repo.put(new FileInputStream(t1), null); repo.put(new FileInputStream(t2), null); t1 = repo.get("bsn-1", new Version(1, 0, 0), null); t2 = repo.get("bsn-2", new Version(1, 0, 0), null); repo.put(new FileInputStream(IO.getFile("generated/biz.aQute.remote.launcher.jar")), null); workspace.getPlugins().add(repo); File storage = IO.getFile("generated/storage-1"); storage.mkdirs(); configuration = new HashMap<String, Object>(); configuration.put( Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN, Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN_ONFIRSTINIT); configuration.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE, storage.getAbsolutePath()); configuration.put( Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA, "org.osgi.framework.launch;version=1.2"); framework = new org.apache.felix.framework.FrameworkFactory().newFramework(configuration); framework.init(); framework.start(); context = framework.getBundleContext(); location = "reference:" + IO.getFile("generated/biz.aQute.remote.agent.jar").toURI().toString(); agent = context.installBundle(location); agent.start(); thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { Main.main( new String[] { "-s", "generated/storage", "-c", "generated/cache", "-p", "1090", "-et" }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); super.setUp(); }
private static Project testBuildAll(String dependsOn, int count) throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project all = ws.getProject("build-all"); all.setProperty("-dependson", dependsOn); all.prepare(); Collection<Project> dependson = all.getDependson(); assertEquals(count, dependson.size()); return all; }
/* to maintain hashCode contract */ public int hashCode() { if (id == -1) { if (isPersistant()) { id = Workspace.makeGuid(); } else { id = Workspace.nextId(); } } return id; }
/** * Check multiple repos * * @throws Exception */ public static void testMultipleRepos() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p1"); System.err.println( project.getBundle("org.apache.felix.configadmin", "1.1.0", Strategy.EXACT, null)); System.err.println( project.getBundle("org.apache.felix.configadmin", "1.1.0", Strategy.HIGHEST, null)); System.err.println( project.getBundle("org.apache.felix.configadmin", "1.1.0", Strategy.LOWEST, null)); }
/** Duplicates in runbundles gave a bad error, should be ignored */ public static void testRunbundleDuplicates() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("p1"); top.clear(); top.setProperty("-runbundles", "org.apache.felix.configadmin,org.apache.felix.configadmin"); Collection<Container> runbundles = top.getRunbundles(); assertTrue(top.check("Multiple bundles with the same final URL")); assertNotNull(runbundles); assertEquals(1, runbundles.size()); }
/** Test 2 equal bsns but diff. versions */ public static void testSameBsnRunBundles() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("p1"); top.setProperty( "-runbundles", "org.apache.felix.configadmin;version='[1.0.1,1.0.1]',org.apache.felix.configadmin;version='[1.1.0,1.1.0]'"); Collection<Container> runbundles = top.getRunbundles(); assertTrue(top.check()); assertNotNull(runbundles); assertEquals(2, runbundles.size()); }
/** Test bnd.bnd of project `foo`: `-runbundles: foo;version=latest` */ public static void testRunBundlesContainsSelf() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("p1"); top.setProperty("-runbundles", "p1;version=latest"); top.setChanged(); top.isStale(); Collection<Container> runbundles = top.getRunbundles(); assertTrue(top.check("Circular dependency")); assertNotNull(runbundles); assertEquals(0, runbundles.size()); }
public static void testParseSystemCapabilities() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("src/test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p1"); ProjectLauncherImpl launcher = new ProjectLauncherImpl(project); launcher.prepare(); String systemCaps = launcher.getSystemCapabilities(); assertEquals( "osgi.native;osgi.native.osname:List<String>=\"Win7,Windows7,Windows 7\";osgi.native.osversion:Version=6.1", systemCaps); }
/* * Launches against the agent& main */ public void testAgentAndMain() throws Exception { Project project = workspace.getProject("p1"); Run bndrun = new Run(workspace, project.getBase(), project.getFile("one.bndrun")); bndrun.setProperty("-runpath", "biz.aQute.remote.launcher"); bndrun.setProperty("-runbundles", "bsn-1,bsn-2"); bndrun.setProperty("-runremote", "agent,main;agent=1090"); final RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin pl = (RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin) bndrun.getProjectLauncher(); pl.prepare(); List<? extends RunSession> sessions = pl.getRunSessions(); assertEquals(2, sessions.size()); RunSession agent = sessions.get(0); RunSession main = sessions.get(1); CountDownLatch agentLatch = launch(agent); CountDownLatch mainLatch = launch(main); agent.waitTillStarted(1000); main.waitTillStarted(1000); Thread.sleep(500); agent.cancel(); main.cancel(); agentLatch.await(); mainLatch.await(); assertEquals(-3, agent.getExitCode()); assertEquals(-3, main.getExitCode()); bndrun.close(); }
@Override public void startup(IProgressMonitor monitor) { job = new CharsetManagerJob(); resourceChangeListener = new ResourceChangeListener(); workspace.addResourceChangeListener(resourceChangeListener, IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE); charsetListener = new CharsetDeltaJob(workspace); charsetListener.startup(); }
private void bindCheckNeedUpdate(Workspace workspace) { doUpdateCityWeather(true); workspace.setCheckNeedUpdateListener( new com.moji.mjweather.view.Workspace.OnCheckNeedUpdateListener() { public void onCheckNeedUpdate(int i) { doUpdateCityWeather(true); } }); }
public static void testRunBuilds() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); // Running a .bnd includes built bundles by default Project p1 = ws.getProject("p1"); assertTrue(p1.getRunBuilds()); // Can override the default by specifying -runbuilds: false Project p2 = ws.getProject("p2"); assertFalse(p2.getRunBuilds()); // Running a .bndrun DOES NOT include built bundles by default Project p1a = new Project(ws, new File("test/ws/p1"), new File("test/ws/p1/p1a.bndrun")); assertFalse(p1a.getRunBuilds()); // ... unless we override the default by specifying -runbuilds: true Project p1b = new Project(ws, new File("test/ws/p1"), new File("test/ws/p1/p1b.bndrun")); assertTrue(p1b.getRunBuilds()); }
@Override public void created(Project p) throws IOException { Workspace workspace = p.getWorkspace(); copy("pom.xml", "pom.xml", p); File root = workspace.getFile("pom.xml"); doRoot(p, root); String rootPom = IO.collect(root); if (!rootPom.contains(getTag(p))) { rootPom = rootPom.replaceAll( "<!-- DO NOT EDIT MANAGED BY BND MAVEN LIFECYCLE PLUGIN -->\n", "$0\n\t\t" + getTag(p) + "\n");, root); } }
public static void testParseRunProperties() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("src/test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p1"); ProjectLauncherImpl launcher = new ProjectLauncherImpl(project); launcher.prepare(); String arg = launcher.getRunVM().iterator().next(); String s = "-D" + LauncherConstants.LAUNCHER_PROPERTIES + "="; String propertiesPath = arg.substring(s.length()); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^([\"'])(.*)\\1$").matcher(propertiesPath); if (matcher.matches()) { propertiesPath =; } Properties launchProps = new Properties(); launchProps.load(new FileInputStream(new File(propertiesPath))); assertEquals( new File("src/test/ws/p1/generated/p1.jar").getAbsolutePath(), launchProps.get("launch.bundles")); }
public static void testRepoMacro() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p2"); System.err.println(project.getPlugins(FileRepo.class)); String s = project.getReplacer().process(("${repo;libtest}")); System.err.println(s); assertTrue( s.contains( "org.apache.felix.configadmin" + File.separator + "org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.2.0")); assertTrue( s.contains("org.apache.felix.ipojo" + File.separator + "org.apache.felix.ipojo-1.0.0.jar")); s = project.getReplacer().process(("${repo;libtestxyz}")); assertTrue(s.matches("<<[^>]+>>")); s = project.getReplacer().process("${repo;org.apache.felix.configadmin;1.0.0;highest}"); assertTrue(s.endsWith("org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.2.0.jar")); s = project.getReplacer().process("${repo;org.apache.felix.configadmin;1.0.0;lowest}"); assertTrue(s.endsWith("org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.0.1.jar")); }
/** * Returns the charset explicitly set by the user for the given resource, or <code>null</code>. If * no setting exists for the given resource and <code>recurse</code> is <code>true</code>, every * parent up to the workspace root will be checked until a charset setting can be found. * * @param resourcePath the path for the resource * @param recurse whether the parent should be queried * @return the charset setting for the given resource */ public String getCharsetFor(IPath resourcePath, boolean recurse) { Assert.isLegal(resourcePath.segmentCount() >= 1); IProject project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(resourcePath.segment(0)); Preferences prefs = getPreferences(project, false, false); Preferences derivedPrefs = getPreferences(project, false, true); if (prefs == null && derivedPrefs == null) // no preferences found - for performance reasons, short-circuit // lookup by falling back to workspace's default setting return recurse ? ResourcesPlugin.getEncoding() : null; return internalGetCharsetFor(prefs, derivedPrefs, resourcePath, recurse); }
/* * Launches against the agent */ public void testSimpleLauncher() throws Exception { Project project = workspace.getProject("p1"); Run bndrun = new Run(workspace, project.getBase(), project.getFile("one.bndrun")); bndrun.setProperty("-runpath", "biz.aQute.remote.launcher"); bndrun.setProperty("-runbundles", "bsn-1,bsn-2"); bndrun.setProperty("-runremote", "test"); final RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin pl = (RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin) bndrun.getProjectLauncher(); pl.prepare(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicInteger exitCode = new AtomicInteger(-1); List<? extends RunSession> sessions = pl.getRunSessions(); assertEquals(1, sessions.size()); final RunSession session = sessions.get(0); Thread t = new Thread("test-launch") { public void run() { try { exitCode.set(session.launch()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { latch.countDown(); } } }; t.start(); Thread.sleep(500); for (Bundle b : context.getBundles()) { System.out.println(b.getLocation()); } assertEquals(4, context.getBundles().length); String p1 = t1.getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println(p1); assertNotNull(context.getBundle(p1)); assertNotNull(context.getBundle(t2.getAbsolutePath())); pl.cancel(); latch.await(); assertEquals(-3, exitCode.get()); bndrun.close(); }
public void setCharsetFor(IPath resourcePath, String newCharset) throws CoreException { // for the workspace root we just set a preference in the instance scope if (resourcePath.segmentCount() == 0) { IEclipsePreferences resourcesPreferences = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES); if (newCharset != null) resourcesPreferences.put(ResourcesPlugin.PREF_ENCODING, newCharset); else resourcesPreferences.remove(ResourcesPlugin.PREF_ENCODING); try { resourcesPreferences.flush(); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { IProject project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(resourcePath.segment(0)); String message = Messages.resources_savingEncoding; throw new ResourceException( IResourceStatus.FAILED_SETTING_CHARSET, project.getFullPath(), message, e); } return; } // for all other cases, we set a property in the corresponding project IResource resource = workspace.getRoot().findMember(resourcePath); if (resource != null) { try { // disable the listener so we don't react to changes made by ourselves Preferences encodingSettings = getPreferences( resource.getProject(), true, resource.isDerived(IResource.CHECK_ANCESTORS)); if (newCharset == null || newCharset.trim().length() == 0) encodingSettings.remove(getKeyFor(resourcePath)); else encodingSettings.put(getKeyFor(resourcePath), newCharset); flushPreferences(encodingSettings, true); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { IProject project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(resourcePath.segment(0)); String message = Messages.resources_savingEncoding; throw new ResourceException( IResourceStatus.FAILED_SETTING_CHARSET, project.getFullPath(), message, e); } } }
/** * Tests the handling of the -sub facility * * @throws Exception */ public static void testSub() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p4-sub"); File[] files =; Arrays.sort(files); System.err.println(Processor.join(project.getErrors(), "\n")); System.err.println(Processor.join(project.getWarnings(), "\n")); assertEquals(0, project.getErrors().size()); assertEquals(0, project.getWarnings().size()); assertNotNull(files); assertEquals(3, files.length); Jar a = new Jar(files[0]); Jar b = new Jar(files[1]); Manifest ma = a.getManifest(); Manifest mb = b.getManifest(); assertEquals("base", ma.getMainAttributes().getValue("Base-Header")); assertEquals("base", mb.getMainAttributes().getValue("Base-Header")); assertEquals("a", ma.getMainAttributes().getValue("Sub-Header")); assertEquals("b", mb.getMainAttributes().getValue("Sub-Header")); }
public static void testOutofDate() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p3"); File bnd = new File("test/ws/p3/bnd.bnd"); assertTrue(bnd.exists()); project.clean(); File pt = project.getTarget(); if (!pt.exists() && !pt.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + pt); } try { // Now we build it. File[] files =; System.err.println(project.getErrors()); System.err.println(project.getWarnings()); assertTrue(project.isOk()); assertNotNull(files); assertEquals(1, files.length); // Now we should not rebuild it long lastTime = files[0].lastModified(); files =; assertEquals(1, files.length); assertTrue(files[0].lastModified() == lastTime); Thread.sleep(2000); project.updateModified(System.currentTimeMillis(), "Testing"); files =; assertEquals(1, files.length); assertTrue("Must have newer files now", files[0].lastModified() > lastTime); } finally { project.clean(); } }
public static void testSetPackageVersion() throws Exception { File tmp = new File("tmp-ws"); if (tmp.exists()) IO.deleteWithException(tmp); tmp.mkdir(); assertTrue(tmp.isDirectory()); try { IO.copy(new File("test/ws"), tmp); Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp); Project project = ws.getProject("p5"); project.setTrace(true); Version newVersion = new Version(2, 0, 0); // Package with no package info project.setPackageInfo("pkg1", newVersion); Version version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg1"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg1", true, false); // Package with containing @Version("1.0.0") project.setPackageInfo("pkg2", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg2"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg2", false, true); // Package with containing @aQute.bnd.annotations.Version("1.0.0") project.setPackageInfo("pkg3", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg3"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg3", false, true); // Package with containing @aQute.bnd.annotations.Version(value="1.0.0") project.setPackageInfo("pkg4", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg4"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg4", false, true); // Package with containing version + packageinfo project.setPackageInfo("pkg5", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg5"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg5", true, true); // Package with NOT containing version + packageinfo project.setPackageInfo("pkg6", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg6"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg6", true, true); // Package with NOT containing version project.setPackageInfo("pkg7", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg7"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg7", true, true); newVersion = new Version(2, 2, 0); // Update packageinfo file project.setPackageInfo("pkg1", newVersion); version = project.getPackageInfo("pkg1"); assertEquals(newVersion, version); checkPackageInfoFiles(project, "pkg1", true, false); } finally { IO.deleteWithException(tmp); } }
/** #194 StackOverflowError when -runbundles in bnd.bnd refers to itself */ public static void testProjectReferringToItself() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("bug194"); top.addClasspath(top.getOutput()); assertTrue(top.check("Circular dependency context")); }
/** * Test if you can add directories and files to the classpath. Originally checked only for files */ public static void testAddDirToClasspath() throws Exception { Workspace ws = new Workspace(new File("test/ws")); Project top = ws.getProject("p1"); top.addClasspath(top.getOutput()); assertTrue(top.check()); }
public void _workspace(WorkspaceOptions opts) throws Exception { File base = bnd.getBase(); String name = opts._arguments().get(0); File workspaceDir = Processor.getFile(base, name); name = workspaceDir.getName(); base = workspaceDir.getParentFile(); if (base == null) { bnd.error( "You cannot create a workspace in the root (%s). The parent of a workspace %n" + "must be a valid directory. Recommended is to dedicate a directory to %n" + "all (or related) workspaces.", workspaceDir); return; } if (!opts.anyname() && !Verifier.isBsn(name)) { bnd.error( "You specified a workspace name that does not follow the recommended pattern " + "(it should be like a Bundle Symbolic name). It is a bit pedantic but it " + "really helps hwne you get many workspaces. If you insist on this name, use the -a/--anyname option."); return; } Workspace ws = bnd.getWorkspace((File) null); if (ws != null && ws.isValid()) { bnd.error( "You are currently in a workspace already (%s) in %s. You can only create a new workspace outside an existing workspace", ws, base); return; } File eclipseDir = workspaceDir; workspaceDir.mkdirs(); if (!opts.single()) workspaceDir = new File(workspaceDir, "scm"); workspaceDir.mkdirs(); if (!base.isDirectory()) { bnd.error("Could not create directory for the bnd workspace %s", base); } else if (!eclipseDir.isDirectory()) { bnd.error("Could not create directory for the Eclipse workspace %s", eclipseDir); } if (!workspaceDir.isDirectory()) { bnd.error("Could not create the workspace directory %s", workspaceDir); return; } if (!opts.update() && !opts.force() && workspaceDir.list().length > 0) { bnd.error( "The workspace directory %s is not empty, specify -u/--update to update or -f/--force to replace", workspaceDir); } InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/templates/"); if (in == null) { bnd.error("Cannot find template in this jar %s", "/templates/"); return; } Pattern glob = Pattern.compile("[^/]+|cnf/.*|\\...+/.*"); copy(workspaceDir, in, glob, opts.force()); File readme = new File(workspaceDir, ""); if (readme.isFile()) IO.copy(readme, bnd.out); bnd.out.printf( "%nWorkspace %s created.%n%n" // + " Start Eclipse:%n" // + " 1) Select the Eclipse workspace %s%n" // + " 2) Package Explorer context menu: Import/General/Existing Projects from %s%n" + "%n" + "", // workspaceDir.getName(), eclipseDir, workspaceDir); }
private void reportRemove(Test test) { Workspace.scheduleTask("testResult", project.getProject(), test, null); }