  * Parses a given list of options.
  * @param options the list of options as an array of strings
  * @exception Exception if an option is not supported
 public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {
   String optionString = Utils.getOption('A', options);
   if (optionString.length() != 0) setAlphaStar(Double.parseDouble(optionString));
   optionString = Utils.getOption('S', options);
   if (optionString.length() != 0) setSigma(Double.parseDouble(optionString));
   optionString = Utils.getOption('R', options);
   if (optionString.length() != 0) setR(Double.parseDouble(optionString));
   setUseSparseMatrix(Utils.getFlag('M', options));
Example #2
   * Parses the options for this object.
   * <p>
   * <!-- options-start -->
   * Valid options are:
   * <p>
   * <pre> -S &lt;search method specification&gt;
   *  Full class name of search method, followed
   *  by its options.
   *  eg: "weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst -D 1"
   *  (default weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst)</pre>
   * <pre> -X &lt;number of folds&gt;
   *  Use cross validation to evaluate features.
   *  Use number of folds = 1 for leave one out CV.
   *  (Default = leave one out CV)</pre>
   * <pre> -E &lt;acc | rmse | mae | auc&gt;
   *  Performance evaluation measure to use for selecting attributes.
   *  (Default = accuracy for discrete class and rmse for numeric class)</pre>
   * <pre> -I
   *  Use nearest neighbour instead of global table majority.</pre>
   * <pre> -R
   *  Display decision table rules.
   * </pre>
   * <pre>
   * Options specific to search method weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst:
   * </pre>
   * <pre> -P &lt;start set&gt;
   *  Specify a starting set of attributes.
   *  Eg. 1,3,5-7.</pre>
   * <pre> -D &lt;0 = backward | 1 = forward | 2 = bi-directional&gt;
   *  Direction of search. (default = 1).</pre>
   * <pre> -N &lt;num&gt;
   *  Number of non-improving nodes to
   *  consider before terminating search.</pre>
   * <pre> -S &lt;num&gt;
   *  Size of lookup cache for evaluated subsets.
   *  Expressed as a multiple of the number of
   *  attributes in the data set. (default = 1)</pre>
   * <!-- options-end -->
   * @param options the list of options as an array of strings
   * @throws Exception if an option is not supported
  public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {

    String optionString;


    optionString = Utils.getOption('X', options);
    if (optionString.length() != 0) {
      m_CVFolds = Integer.parseInt(optionString);

    m_useIBk = Utils.getFlag('I', options);

    m_displayRules = Utils.getFlag('R', options);

    optionString = Utils.getOption('E', options);
    if (optionString.length() != 0) {
      if (optionString.equals("acc")) {
        setEvaluationMeasure(new SelectedTag(EVAL_ACCURACY, TAGS_EVALUATION));
      } else if (optionString.equals("rmse")) {
        setEvaluationMeasure(new SelectedTag(EVAL_RMSE, TAGS_EVALUATION));
      } else if (optionString.equals("mae")) {
        setEvaluationMeasure(new SelectedTag(EVAL_MAE, TAGS_EVALUATION));
      } else if (optionString.equals("auc")) {
        setEvaluationMeasure(new SelectedTag(EVAL_AUC, TAGS_EVALUATION));
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid evaluation measure");

    String searchString = Utils.getOption('S', options);
    if (searchString.length() == 0)
      searchString = weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst.class.getName();
    String[] searchSpec = Utils.splitOptions(searchString);
    if (searchSpec.length == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid search specification string");
    String searchName = searchSpec[0];
    searchSpec[0] = "";
    setSearch(ASSearch.forName(searchName, searchSpec));
Example #3
   * Main method for testing this class.
   * @param argv should contain arguments to the filter: use -h for help
  public static void main(String[] argv) {

    try {
      if (Utils.getFlag('b', argv)) {
        Filter.batchFilterFile(new AllFilter(), argv);
      } else {
        Filter.filterFile(new AllFilter(), argv);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
Example #4
   * Parses a given list of options.
   * @param options the list of options as an array of strings
   * @exception Exception if an option is not supported
  public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {

    // Other options
    String minNumString = Utils.getOption('M', options);
    if (minNumString.length() != 0) {
      m_minNumObj = Integer.parseInt(minNumString);
    } else {
      m_minNumObj = 2;
    m_binarySplits = Utils.getFlag('B', options);
    m_useLaplace = Utils.getFlag('A', options);

    // Pruning options
    m_unpruned = Utils.getFlag('U', options);
    m_subtreeRaising = !Utils.getFlag('S', options);
    m_noCleanup = Utils.getFlag('L', options);
    if ((m_unpruned) && (!m_subtreeRaising)) {
      throw new Exception("Subtree raising doesn't need to be unset for unpruned tree!");
    m_reducedErrorPruning = Utils.getFlag('R', options);
    if ((m_unpruned) && (m_reducedErrorPruning)) {
      throw new Exception(
          "Unpruned tree and reduced error pruning can't be selected " + "simultaneously!");
    String confidenceString = Utils.getOption('C', options);
    if (confidenceString.length() != 0) {
      if (m_reducedErrorPruning) {
        throw new Exception(
            "Setting the confidence doesn't make sense " + "for reduced error pruning.");
      } else if (m_unpruned) {
        throw new Exception("Doesn't make sense to change confidence for unpruned " + "tree!");
      } else {
        m_CF = (new Float(confidenceString)).floatValue();
        if ((m_CF <= 0) || (m_CF >= 1)) {
          throw new Exception("Confidence has to be greater than zero and smaller " + "than one!");
    } else {
      m_CF = 0.25f;
    String numFoldsString = Utils.getOption('N', options);
    if (numFoldsString.length() != 0) {
      if (!m_reducedErrorPruning) {
        throw new Exception(
            "Setting the number of folds"
                + " doesn't make sense if"
                + " reduced error pruning is not selected.");
      } else {
        m_numFolds = Integer.parseInt(numFoldsString);
    } else {
      m_numFolds = 3;
Example #5
   * Parses a given list of options. Valid options are:
   * <p>-D <br>
   * Turn on debugging output.
   * <p>-S seed <br>
   * Random number seed (default 1).
   * <p>-B classifierstring <br>
   * Classifierstring should contain the full class name of a scheme included for selection followed
   * by options to the classifier (required, option should be used once for each classifier).
   * <p>-X num_folds <br>
   * Use cross validation error as the basis for classifier selection. (default 0, is to use error
   * on the training data instead)
   * <p>
   * @param options the list of options as an array of strings
   * @exception Exception if an option is not supported
  public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {

    setDebug(Utils.getFlag('D', options));

    String numFoldsString = Utils.getOption('X', options);
    if (numFoldsString.length() != 0) {
    } else {

    String randomString = Utils.getOption('S', options);
    if (randomString.length() != 0) {
    } else {

    // Iterate through the schemes
    FastVector classifiers = new FastVector();
    while (true) {
      String classifierString = Utils.getOption('B', options);
      if (classifierString.length() == 0) {
      String[] classifierSpec = Utils.splitOptions(classifierString);
      if (classifierSpec.length == 0) {
        throw new Exception("Invalid classifier specification string");
      String classifierName = classifierSpec[0];
      classifierSpec[0] = "";
      classifiers.addElement(Classifier.forName(classifierName, classifierSpec));
    if (classifiers.size() <= 1) {
      throw new Exception("At least two classifiers must be specified" + " with the -B option.");
    } else {
      Classifier[] classifiersArray = new Classifier[classifiers.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < classifiersArray.length; i++) {
        classifiersArray[i] = (Classifier) classifiers.elementAt(i);