Example #1
 public String det() {
   final String path = input.io().path();
   return path.isEmpty()
       ? Util.info(LINE_X, input.line())
       : Util.info(SCANPOS_X_X, input.io().path(), input.line());
Example #2
  * Shows a quit dialog for the specified editor.
  * @param edit editor to be saved
  * @return {@code false} if confirmation was canceled
 private boolean confirm(final EditorArea edit) {
   if (edit.modified && (edit.opened() || edit.getText().length != 0)) {
     final Boolean ok = BaseXDialog.yesNoCancel(gui, Util.info(CLOSE_FILE_X, edit.file.name()));
     if (ok == null || ok && !save()) return false;
   return true;
Example #3
  public final void service(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse res)
      throws IOException {

    final HTTPContext http = new HTTPContext(req, res, this);
    final boolean restxq = this instanceof RestXqServlet;
    try {
      http.log(SC_OK, "");
    } catch (final HTTPException ex) {
      http.status(ex.getStatus(), Util.message(ex), restxq);
    } catch (final LoginException ex) {
      http.status(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, Util.message(ex), restxq);
    } catch (final IOException | QueryException ex) {
      http.status(SC_BAD_REQUEST, Util.message(ex), restxq);
    } catch (final ProcException ex) {
      http.status(SC_BAD_REQUEST, Text.INTERRUPTED, restxq);
    } catch (final Exception ex) {
      final String msg = Util.bug(ex);
      http.status(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Util.info(UNEXPECTED, msg), restxq);
    } finally {
      if (Prop.debug) {
        Util.outln("_ REQUEST _________________________________" + Prop.NL + req);
        final Enumeration<String> en = req.getHeaderNames();
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
          final String key = en.nextElement();
          Util.outln(Text.LI + key + Text.COLS + req.getHeader(key));
        Util.out("_ RESPONSE ________________________________" + Prop.NL + res);
Example #4
  * Creates the error message from the specified text and extension array.
  * @param text text message with optional placeholders
  * @param ext info extensions
  * @return argument
 private static String message(final String text, final Object[] ext) {
   final int es = ext.length;
   for (int e = 0; e < es; e++) {
     if (ext[e] instanceof ExprInfo) ext[e] = chop(((ExprInfo) ext[e]).toErrorString(), null);
   return Util.info(text, ext);
Example #5
 /** Open all selected files externally. */
 private void openExternal() {
   for (final IOFile file : selectedValues()) {
     try {
     } catch (final IOException ex) {
       BaseXDialog.error(project.gui, Util.info(FILE_NOT_OPENED_X, file));
Example #6
  * Performs a search.
  * @param sc search context
  * @param jump jump to next hit
 final void search(final SearchContext sc, final boolean jump) {
   try {
     if (!sc.search.isEmpty()) gui.status.setText(Util.info(Text.STRINGS_FOUND_X, sc.nr()));
     if (jump) jump(SearchDir.CURRENT, false);
   } catch (final Exception ex) {
     final String msg = Util.message(ex).replaceAll(Prop.NL + ".*", "");
     gui.status.setError(Text.REGULAR_EXPR + Text.COLS + msg);
Example #7
 public void run() {
   try {
     for (int i = 0; i < runs; ++i) {
       Performance.sleep((long) (50 * RND.nextDouble()));
       // Return nth text of the database
       final int n = RND.nextInt() % MAX + 1;
       final String qu = Util.info(QUERY, n);
       new XQuery(qu).execute(context);
   } catch (final BaseXException ex) {
Example #8
   * Returns a keystroke for the specified string.
   * @param cmd command
   * @return keystroke
  public static KeyStroke keyStroke(final GUICommand cmd) {
    final Object sc = cmd.shortcuts();
    if (sc == null) return null;

    final String scut;
    if (sc instanceof BaseXKeys[]) {
      final BaseXKeys[] scs = (BaseXKeys[]) sc;
      if (scs.length == 0) return null;
      scut = scs[0].shortCut();
    } else {
      scut = Util.info(sc, META);
    final KeyStroke ks = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(scut);
    if (ks == null) Util.errln("Could not assign shortcut: " + sc + " / " + scut);
    return ks;
Example #9
    public void run() {
      try {
        // Perform some queries
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; ++i) {
          Performance.sleep((long) (50 * RND.nextDouble()));

          // Return nth text of the database
          final int n = RND.nextInt() % MAX + 1;
          final String qu = Util.info(QUERY, n);
          session.execute("xquery " + qu);
      } catch (final Exception ex) {
Example #10
 public final String toString() {
   return Util.info("\"%\"", string(null));
Example #11
  * Creates an exception with the specified message.
  * @param msg message
  * @param ext error extension
  * @return exception
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 QueryException error(final String msg, final Object... ext) throws QueryException {
   throw new QueryException(function.info, Err.BASX_RESTXQ, Util.info(msg, ext));
Example #12
  * Returns an error string for an unknown key.
  * @param key key
  * @return error string
 public final synchronized String unknown(final String key) {
   final String sim = similar(key);
   return Util.info(sim != null ? Text.UNKNOWN_OPT_SIMILAR_X_X : Text.UNKNOWN_OPTION_X, key, sim);
Example #13
 public String header() {
   return Util.info(S_CONSOLE_X, local() ? S_STANDALONE : S_CLIENT);