public void draw(GOut g) { try { Resource res = item.res.get(); Tex tex = res.layer(Resource.imgc).tex(); drawmain(g, tex); if (item.num >= 0) { g.atext(Integer.toString(item.num),, 1, 1); } else if (itemnum.get() != null) { g.aimage(itemnum.get(),, 1, 1); } if (item.meter > 0) { double a = ((double) item.meter) / 100.0; g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 64); Coord half = Inventory.isqsz.div(2); g.prect(half, half.inv(), half, a * Math.PI * 2); g.chcolor(); } if (olcol.get() != null) { if (cmask != res) { mask = null; if (tex instanceof TexI) mask = ((TexI) tex).mkmask(); cmask = res; } if (mask != null) { g.chcolor(olcol.get()); g.image(mask, Coord.z); g.chcolor(); } } } catch (Loading e) { missing.loadwait(); g.image(missing.layer(Resource.imgc).tex(), Coord.z, sz); } }
public void draw(GOut g) { g.chcolor(0, 0, 0, 160); if (ctl == null || csz == null) { return; } g.frect(ctl, csz); g.chcolor(); cdraw(g.reclip(xlate(Coord.z, true), asz)); if (cap != null) { topless.draw(g, new Coord(0, th), sz.sub(0, th)); g.image(tleft, Coord.z); Coord tmul = new Coord(, tdh); Coord tmbr = new Coord(sz.x -, th); for (int x = tmul.x; x < tmbr.x; x += { g.image(tmain, new Coord(x, tdh), tmul, tmbr); } g.image(tright, new Coord(sz.x -, tdh)); g.image(cap.tex(), capc.sub(0,; } else { wbox.draw(g, Coord.z, sz); } /* if(cap != null) { GOut cg = og.reclip(new Coord(0, -7), sz.add(0, 7)); int w = cap.tex().sz().x; cg.image(cl, new Coord((sz.x / 2) - (w / 2) -, 0)); cg.image(cm, new Coord((sz.x / 2) - (w / 2), 0), new Coord(w,; cg.image(cr, new Coord((sz.x / 2) + (w / 2), 0)); cg.image(cap.tex(), new Coord((sz.x / 2) - (w / 2), 0)); } */ super.draw(g); }
public void draw(GOut g) { Tex at = null; if (none) { } else if (myown != null) { at = myown; } else { Gob gob = ui.sess.glob.oc.getgob(avagob); Avatar ava = null; if (gob != null) ava = gob.getattr(Avatar.class); if (ava != null) at = ava.rend; } GOut g2 = g.reclip(Window.wbox.tloff().add(unborder.inv()), asz); int yo; if (at == null) { at = missing; yo = 0; } else { g2.image(, new Coord( / 2 - asz.x / 2, 20).inv()); yo = (20 * asz.y) / dasz.y; } Coord tsz = new Coord(( * asz.x) / dasz.x, ( * asz.y) / dasz.y); g2.image(at, new Coord(tsz.x / 2 - asz.x / 2, yo).inv(), tsz); g.chcolor(color); Window.wbox.draw(g, Coord.z, asz.add(Window.wbox.bisz()).add(unborder.mul(2).inv())); }
public void draw(GOut g) { Coord c = new Coord(xoff, 0); for (Spec s : inputs) { GOut sg = g.reclip(c,; sg.image(Inventory.invsq, Coord.z); s.draw(sg); c = c.add(Inventory.sqsz.x, 0); } if (qmod != null) { g.image(qmodl.tex(), new Coord(0, qmy + 4)); c = new Coord(xoff, qmy); int mx = -1; int pw = 0; int vl = 1; for (Indir<Resource> qm : qmod) { try { Tex t = qm.get().layer(Resource.imgc).tex(); g.image(t, c); c = c.add( + 1, 0); if (c.x > mx) mx = c.x; try { Glob.CAttr attr = ui.gui.chrwdg.findattr(qm.get().basename()); if (attr != null) { pw++; vl *= attr.comp; Tex txt = attr.comptex(); g.image(txt, c); c = c.add( + 8, 0); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } catch (Loading l) { } } if (pw > 0) { g.image( Text.renderstroked( String.format("Cap: %.0f", Math.floor(Math.pow(vl, 1.0f / pw))), Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK, new Text.Foundry(Text.fraktur, 14).aa(true)) .tex(), new Coord(mx + 30, qmy)); } } c = new Coord(xoff, outy); for (Spec s : outputs) { GOut sg = g.reclip(c,; sg.image(Inventory.invsq, Coord.z); s.draw(sg); c = c.add(Inventory.sqsz.x, 0); } super.draw(g); }
public void draw(GOut g) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int y = 0; y < gsz.y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gsz.x; x++) { Coord p = bgsz.mul(new Coord(x, y)); g.image(bg, p); Pagina btn = layout[x][y]; if (btn != null) { Tex btex = btn.img.tex(); g.image(btex, p.add(1, 1)); if (btn.meter > 0) { double m = btn.meter / 1000.0; if (btn.dtime > 0) m += (1 - m) * (double) (now - btn.gettime) / (double) btn.dtime; m = Utils.clip(m, 0, 1); g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 128); g.fellipse(p.add(bgsz.div(2)), bgsz.div(2), 90, (int) (90 + (360 * m))); g.chcolor(); } if (btn.newp != 0) { if (btn.fstart == 0) { btn.fstart = now; } else { double ph = ((now - btn.fstart) / 1000.0) - (((x + (y * gsz.x)) * 0.15) % 1.0); if (ph < 1.25) { g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, (int) (255 * ((Math.cos(ph * Math.PI * 2) * -0.5) + 0.5))); g.image(glowmask(btn), p.sub(4, 4)); g.chcolor(); } else { g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 128); g.image(glowmask(btn), p.sub(4, 4)); g.chcolor(); } } } if (btn == pressed) { g.chcolor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128)); g.frect(p.add(1, 1),; g.chcolor(); } } } } super.draw(g); if (dragging != null) { final Tex dt = dragging.img.tex(); ui.drawafter( new UI.AfterDraw() { public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(dt,; } }); } }
public void drawicons(GOut g) { OCache oc = ui.sess.glob.oc; synchronized (oc) { for (Gob gob : oc) { try { GobIcon icon = gob.getattr(GobIcon.class); if (icon != null) { Coord gc = p2c(gob.rc); Tex tex = icon.tex(); g.image(tex, gc.sub(; } } catch (Loading l) { } } } }
public void drawmain(GOut g, Tex tex) { g.image(tex, Coord.z); if (tex != ltex) { resize(upsize(; ltex = tex; } }
public Sprite create(Owner owner, Resource res, Message sdt) { int m = sdt.uint8(); GrowingPlant spr = new GrowingPlant(owner, res); spr.addnegative(); Random rnd = owner.mkrandoom(); int n = Config.simple_plants ? 1 : num; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Coord c; if (Config.simple_plants) { c = neg.bc.add(, 5); } else { c = new Coord(rnd.nextInt(, rnd.nextInt(; } Tex s = strands[m][rnd.nextInt(strands[m].length)]; spr.add(s, 0, MapView.m2s(c), new Coord( / 2,; } return (spr); }
public void draw(GOut g) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); int t = (int) (now % 1000); int b = (int) (255 * ((t < 500) ? (t) : (1000 - t)) / 500.0f); Inventory.invsq(g, Coord.z, gsz); for (int y = 0; y < gsz.y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gsz.x; x++) { Coord p = Inventory.sqoff(new Coord(x, y)); Pagina btn = layout[x][y]; if (btn != null) { Tex btex = btn.img.tex(); if (btn.newp) { g.chcolor(b, 255, b, 255); } g.image(btex, p); g.chcolor(); if (btn.meter > 0) { double m = btn.meter / 1000.0; if (btn.dtime > 0) m += (1 - m) * (double) (now - btn.gettime) / (double) btn.dtime; m = Utils.clip(m, 0, 1); g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 128); g.fellipse( p.add(Inventory.isqsz.div(2)), Inventory.isqsz.div(2), 90, (int) (90 + (360 * m))); g.chcolor(); } if (btn == pressed) { g.chcolor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128)); g.frect(p,; g.chcolor(); } } } } super.draw(g); if (dragging != null) { final Tex dt = dragging.img.tex(); ui.drawafter( new UI.AfterDraw() { public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(dt,; } }); } }
public void draw(GOut g) { updatepos(); double now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.0; for (Buff buff : fv.buffs.children(Buff.class)) buff.draw( g.reclip( pcc.add(-buff.c.x - - 20, buff.c.y + pho -,; if (fv.current != null) { for (Buff buff : fv.current.buffs.children(Buff.class)) buff.draw(g.reclip(pcc.add(buff.c.x + 20, buff.c.y + pho -,; g.aimage(ip.get().tex(), pcc.add(-75, 0), 1, 0.5); g.aimage(oip.get().tex(), pcc.add(75, 0), 0, 0.5); } if (now < fv.atkct) { int w = (int) ((fv.atkct - now) * 20); g.chcolor(255, 0, 128, 255); g.frect(pcc.add(-w, 20), new Coord(w * 2, 15)); g.chcolor(); } Coord ca = pcc.add(-(actions.length * actpitch) / 2, 45); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { Indir<Resource> act = actions[i]; try { if (act != null) { Tex img = act.get().layer(Resource.imgc).tex(); g.image(img, ca); g.image(dyn[i] ? lframe : Buff.frame, ca.sub(Buff.imgoff)); if (i == use) { g.chcolor(255, 0, 128, 255); Coord cc = ca.add( / 2, + 5); g.frect(cc.sub(2, 2), new Coord(5, 5)); g.chcolor(); } } } catch (Loading l) { } ca.x += actpitch; } }
public Object tooltip(Coord c, Widget prev) { for (Buff buff : fv.buffs.children(Buff.class)) { Coord dc = pcc.add(-buff.c.x - - 20, buff.c.y + pho -; if (c.isect(dc, { Object ret = buff.tooltip(c.sub(dc), prevtt); if (ret != null) { prevtt = buff; return (ret); } } } if (fv.current != null) { for (Buff buff : fv.current.buffs.children(Buff.class)) { Coord dc = pcc.add(buff.c.x + 20, buff.c.y + pho -; if (c.isect(dc, { Object ret = buff.tooltip(c.sub(dc), prevtt); if (ret != null) { prevtt = buff; return (ret); } } } } Coord ca = pcc.add(-(actions.length * actpitch) / 2, 45); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { Indir<Resource> act = actions[i]; try { if (act != null) { Tex img = act.get().layer(Resource.imgc).tex(); if (c.isect(ca, { if (dyn[i]) return ("Combat discovery"); return (act.get().layer(Resource.tooltip).t); } } } catch (Loading l) { } ca.x += actpitch; } return (null); }
public void draw(GOut g) { super.draw(g); if (lvlmask != null) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now - lvltime > 1000) { lvlmask.dispose(); lvlmask = null; } else { g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 255 - (int) ((255 * (now - lvltime)) / 1000)); g.image(lvlmask, Coord.z); } } }
/* XXX: Some strange javac bug seems to make it resolve the * trans() references to the wrong signature, thus the name * distinction. */ public void _faces( MapMesh m, Tile t, int z, Surface.Vertex[] v, float[] tcx, float[] tcy, int[] f) { Tex tex = t.tex(); float tl = tex.tcx(0), tt = tex.tcy(0), tw = tex.tcx( - tl, th = tex.tcy( - tt; GLState st = stfor(tex, z, t.t != 'g'); MeshBuf buf = MapMesh.Model.get(m, st); MeshBuf.Tex btex = buf.layer(MeshBuf.tex); MeshVertex[] mv = new MeshVertex[v.length]; for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { mv[i] = new MeshVertex(buf, v[i]); btex.set(mv[i], new Coord3f(tl + (tw * tcx[i]), tt + (th * tcy[i]), 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i += 3) Face(mv[f[i]], mv[f[i + 1]], mv[f[i + 2]]); }
void rootdraw(GLState.Applier state, UI ui, BGL gl) { GLState.Buffer ibuf = new GLState.Buffer(state.cfg); gstate.prep(ibuf); ostate.prep(ibuf); GOut g = new GOut(gl, state.cgl, state.cfg, state, ibuf, new Coord(w, h)); state.set(ibuf); g.state(ostate); g.apply(); gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); gl.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); synchronized (ui) { ui.draw(g); } if (Config.dbtext) { int y = h - 150; FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "FPS: %d (%d%%, %d%% idle)", fps, (int) (uidle * 100.0), (int) (ridle * 100.0)); Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); long free = rt.freeMemory(), total = rt.totalMemory(); FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "Mem: %,011d/%,011d/%,011d/%,011d", free, total - free, total, rt.maxMemory()); FastText.aprintf(g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "Tex-current: %d", TexGL.num()); FastText.aprintf(g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "GL progs: %d",; GameUI gi = ui.root.findchild(GameUI.class); if ((gi != null) && ( != null)) { try { FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "MV pos: %s (%s)",,; } catch (Loading e) { } if ( != null) FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "Rendered: %,d+%,d(%,d)",,,; } if (Resource.remote().qdepth() > 0) FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "RQ depth: %d (%d)", Resource.remote().qdepth(), Resource.remote().numloaded()); } Object tooltip; try { synchronized (ui) { tooltip = ui.root.tooltip(mousepos, ui.root); } } catch (Loading e) { tooltip = "..."; } Tex tt = null; if (tooltip != null) { if (tooltip instanceof Text) { tt = ((Text) tooltip).tex(); } else if (tooltip instanceof Tex) { tt = (Tex) tooltip; } else if (tooltip instanceof Indir<?>) { Indir<?> t = (Indir<?>) tooltip; Object o = t.get(); if (o instanceof Tex) tt = (Tex) o; } else if (tooltip instanceof String) { if (((String) tooltip).length() > 0) tt = (Text.render((String) tooltip)).tex(); } } if (tt != null) { Coord sz =; Coord pos = mousepos.add(sz.inv()); if (pos.x < 0) pos.x = 0; if (pos.y < 0) pos.y = 0; g.chcolor(244, 247, 21, 192); g.rect(pos.add(-3, -3), sz.add(6, 6)); g.chcolor(35, 35, 35, 192); g.frect(pos.add(-2, -2), sz.add(4, 4)); g.chcolor(); g.image(tt, pos); } ui.lasttip = tooltip; Resource curs = ui.root.getcurs(mousepos); if (curs != null) { if (cursmode == "awt") { if (curs != lastcursor) { try { setCursor(makeawtcurs(curs.layer(Resource.imgc).img, curs.layer(Resource.negc).cc)); lastcursor = curs; } catch (Exception e) { cursmode = "tex"; } } } else if (cursmode == "tex") { Coord dc = mousepos.add(curs.layer(Resource.negc).cc.inv()); g.image(curs.layer(Resource.imgc), dc); } } state.clean(); GLObject.disposeall(state.cgl, gl); }
public class MenuGrid extends Widget { public static final Tex bg = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/invsq"); public static final Coord bgsz =, -1); public static final Pagina next = new Glob.Pagina(Resource.local().loadwait("gfx/hud/sc-next").indir()); public static final Pagina bk = new Glob.Pagina(Resource.local().loadwait("gfx/hud/sc-back").indir()); public static final RichText.Foundry ttfnd = new RichText.Foundry(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "SansSerif", TextAttribute.SIZE, 10); private static Coord gsz = new Coord(4, 4); private Pagina cur, pressed, dragging, layout[][] = new Pagina[gsz.x][gsz.y]; private UI.Grab grab; private int curoff = 0; private int pagseq = 0; private boolean loading = true; private Map<Character, Pagina> hotmap = new TreeMap<Character, Pagina>(); @RName("scm") public static class $_ implements Factory { public Widget create(Widget parent, Object[] args) { return (new MenuGrid()); } } public class PaginaException extends RuntimeException { public Pagina pag; public PaginaException(Pagina p) { super("Invalid pagina: " + p.res); pag = p; } } private boolean cons(Pagina p, Collection<Pagina> buf) { Pagina[] cp = new Pagina[0]; Collection<Pagina> open, close = new HashSet<Pagina>(); synchronized (ui.sess.glob.paginae) { open = new LinkedList<Pagina>(); for (Pagina pag : ui.sess.glob.paginae) { if (pag.newp == 2) { pag.newp = 0; pag.fstart = 0; } open.add(pag); } for (Pagina pag : ui.sess.glob.pmap.values()) { if (pag.newp == 2) { pag.newp = 0; pag.fstart = 0; } } } boolean ret = true; while (!open.isEmpty()) { Iterator<Pagina> iter = open.iterator(); Pagina pag =; iter.remove(); try { AButton ad = pag.act(); if (ad == null) throw (new PaginaException(pag)); Pagina parent = paginafor(ad.parent); if ((pag.newp != 0) && (parent != null) && (parent.newp == 0)) { parent.newp = 2; parent.fstart = (parent.fstart == 0) ? pag.fstart : Math.min(parent.fstart, pag.fstart); } if (parent == p) buf.add(pag); else if ((parent != null) && !close.contains(parent) && !open.contains(parent)) open.add(parent); close.add(pag); } catch (Loading e) { ret = false; } } return (ret); } public MenuGrid() { super(bgsz.mul(gsz).add(1, 1)); } @Override protected void attach(UI ui) { super.attach(ui); Glob glob = ui.sess.glob; ObservableCollection<Pagina> p = glob.paginae; p.add(glob.paginafor(Resource.local().load("paginae/custom/plant-tree"))); p.add(glob.paginafor(Resource.local().load("paginae/custom/fill-trough"))); p.add(glob.paginafor(Resource.local().load("paginae/custom/fill-coop"))); p.add(glob.paginafor(Resource.local().load("paginae/custom/fill-tarkiln"))); p.add(glob.paginafor(Resource.local().load("paginae/custom/pick-mussels"))); p.add(glob.paginafor(Resource.local().load("paginae/custom/fill-smelter"))); p.add(glob.paginafor(Resource.local().load("paginae/custom/arrow-autoloader"))); } private static Comparator<Pagina> sorter = new Comparator<Pagina>() { public int compare(Pagina a, Pagina b) { AButton aa = a.act(), ab = b.act(); if (( == 0) && ( > 0)) return (-1); if (( > 0) && ( == 0)) return (1); return (; } }; private void updlayout() { synchronized (ui.sess.glob.paginae) { List<Pagina> cur = new ArrayList<Pagina>(); loading = !cons(this.cur, cur); Collections.sort(cur, sorter); int i = curoff; hotmap.clear(); for (int y = 0; y < gsz.y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gsz.x; x++) { Pagina btn = null; if ((this.cur != null) && (x == gsz.x - 1) && (y == gsz.y - 1)) { btn = bk; } else if ((cur.size() > ((gsz.x * gsz.y) - 1)) && (x == gsz.x - 2) && (y == gsz.y - 1)) { btn = next; } else if (i < cur.size()) { Resource.AButton ad = cur.get(i).act(); if ( != 0) hotmap.put(Character.toUpperCase(, cur.get(i)); btn = cur.get(i++); } layout[x][y] = btn; } } pagseq = ui.sess.glob.pagseq; } } private static Text rendertt(Resource res, boolean withpg) { Resource.AButton ad = res.layer(Resource.action); Resource.Pagina pg = res.layer(Resource.pagina); String tt =; int pos = tt.toUpperCase().indexOf(Character.toUpperCase(; if (pos >= 0) tt = tt.substring(0, pos) + "$b{$col[255,128,0]{" + tt.charAt(pos) + "}}" + tt.substring(pos + 1); else if ( != 0) tt += " [" + + "]"; if (withpg && (pg != null)) { tt += "\n\n" + pg.text; } return (ttfnd.render(tt, 300)); } private static Map<Pagina, Tex> glowmasks = new WeakHashMap<Pagina, Tex>(); private Tex glowmask(Pagina pag) { Tex ret = glowmasks.get(pag); if (ret == null) { ret = new TexI( PUtils.glowmask( PUtils.glowmask(pag.res().layer(Resource.imgc).img.getRaster()), 4, new Color(32, 255, 32))); glowmasks.put(pag, ret); } return (ret); } public void draw(GOut g) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int y = 0; y < gsz.y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gsz.x; x++) { Coord p = bgsz.mul(new Coord(x, y)); g.image(bg, p); Pagina btn = layout[x][y]; if (btn != null) { Tex btex = btn.img.tex(); g.image(btex, p.add(1, 1)); if (btn.meter > 0) { double m = btn.meter / 1000.0; if (btn.dtime > 0) m += (1 - m) * (double) (now - btn.gettime) / (double) btn.dtime; m = Utils.clip(m, 0, 1); g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 128); g.fellipse(p.add(bgsz.div(2)), bgsz.div(2), 90, (int) (90 + (360 * m))); g.chcolor(); } if (btn.newp != 0) { if (btn.fstart == 0) { btn.fstart = now; } else { double ph = ((now - btn.fstart) / 1000.0) - (((x + (y * gsz.x)) * 0.15) % 1.0); if (ph < 1.25) { g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, (int) (255 * ((Math.cos(ph * Math.PI * 2) * -0.5) + 0.5))); g.image(glowmask(btn), p.sub(4, 4)); g.chcolor(); } else { g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 128); g.image(glowmask(btn), p.sub(4, 4)); g.chcolor(); } } } if (btn == pressed) { g.chcolor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128)); g.frect(p.add(1, 1),; g.chcolor(); } } } } super.draw(g); if (dragging != null) { final Tex dt = dragging.img.tex(); ui.drawafter( new UI.AfterDraw() { public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(dt,; } }); } } private Pagina curttp = null; private boolean curttl = false; private Text curtt = null; private long hoverstart; public Object tooltip(Coord c, Widget prev) { Pagina pag = bhit(c); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((pag != null) && (pag.act() != null)) { if (prev != this) hoverstart = now; boolean ttl = (now - hoverstart) > 500; if ((pag != curttp) || (ttl != curttl)) { curtt = rendertt(pag.res(), ttl); curttp = pag; curttl = ttl; } return (curtt); } else { hoverstart = now; return (""); } } private Pagina bhit(Coord c) { Coord bc = c.div(bgsz); if ((bc.x >= 0) && (bc.y >= 0) && (bc.x < gsz.x) && (bc.y < gsz.y)) return (layout[bc.x][bc.y]); else return (null); } public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int button) { Pagina h = bhit(c); if ((button == 1) && (h != null)) { pressed = h; grab = ui.grabmouse(this); } return (true); } public void mousemove(Coord c) { if ((dragging == null) && (pressed != null)) { Pagina h = bhit(c); if (h != pressed) dragging = pressed; } } private Pagina paginafor(Resource.Named res) { return (ui.sess.glob.paginafor(res)); } private void use(Pagina r, boolean reset) { Collection<Pagina> sub = new LinkedList<Pagina>(), cur = new LinkedList<Pagina>(); cons(r, sub); cons(this.cur, cur); if (sub.size() > 0) { this.cur = r; curoff = 0; } else if (r == bk) { this.cur = paginafor(this.cur.act().parent); curoff = 0; } else if (r == next) { if ((curoff + 14) >= cur.size()) curoff = 0; else curoff += 14; } else { r.newp = 0; use(r); if (reset) this.cur = null; curoff = 0; } updlayout(); } public boolean use(Pagina r) { String[] ad = r.act().ad; if ((ad == null) || (ad.length < 1)) { return false; } if (ad[0].equals("@")) { usecustom(ad); } else { wdgmsg("act", (Object[]) ad); } return true; } private void usecustom(String[] ad) { if (ad[1].equals("plant-tree")) { if (ui != null && ui.gui != null) { ui.gui.add(new TreePlantTool(ui.gui), 300, 200); } } else if (ad[1].equals("fill-trough")) { ui.gui.tasks.add(new FeedEdiblesTask("trough")); } else if (ad[1].equals("fill-coop")) { ui.gui.tasks.add(new FeedEdiblesTask("chickencoop")); } else if (ad[1].equals("fill-tarkiln")) { ui.gui.tasks.add(new FeedBlocksTask("tarkiln")); } else if (ad[1].equals("pick-mussels")) { ui.gui.tasks.add(new Forager(200, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "mussels")); } else if (ad[1].equals("fill-smelter")) { ui.gui.tasks.add(new FeedCoalTask("smelter", 11)); } else if (ad[1].equals("arrow-autoloader")) { Config.enableAutoloader = !Config.enableAutoloader; ui.gui.msg( String.format("Autoloader is now turned %s", Config.enableAutoloader ? "on" : "off")); } } public void tick(double dt) { if (loading || (pagseq != ui.sess.glob.pagseq)) updlayout(); } public boolean mouseup(Coord c, int button) { Pagina h = bhit(c); if ((button == 1) && (grab != null)) { if (dragging != null) { ui.dropthing(ui.root,, dragging.res()); dragging = pressed = null; } else if (pressed != null) { if (pressed == h) use(h, false); pressed = null; } grab.remove(); grab = null; } return (true); } public void uimsg(String msg, Object... args) { if (msg == "goto") { String resnm = (String) args[0]; if (resnm.equals("")) { cur = null; } else { Resource.Named res = Resource.remote().load(resnm, (Integer) args[1]); cur = paginafor(res); } curoff = 0; updlayout(); } } public boolean globtype(char k, KeyEvent ev) { if ((k == 27) && (this.cur != null)) { this.cur = null; curoff = 0; updlayout(); return (true); } else if ((k == 8) && (this.cur != null)) { this.cur = paginafor(this.cur.act().parent); curoff = 0; updlayout(); return (true); } else if ((k == 'N') && (layout[gsz.x - 2][gsz.y - 1] == next)) { use(next, false); return (true); } Pagina r = hotmap.get(Character.toUpperCase(k)); if (r != null) { use(r, true); return (true); } return (false); } }
public void dispose() { if (tex != null) tex.dispose(); }
public class Window extends Widget implements DTarget { private static final Tex tleft = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/wnd/tleft"); private static final Tex tmain = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/wnd/tmain"); private static final Tex tright = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/wnd/tright"); public static final BufferedImage[] cbtni = new BufferedImage[] { Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/wnd/cbtn"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/wnd/cbtnd"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/wnd/cbtnh") }; public static final BufferedImage[] lbtni = new BufferedImage[] { Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/wnd/lbtn"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/wnd/lbtnd"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/wnd/lbtnh") }; public static final BufferedImage[] rbtni = new BufferedImage[] { Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/wnd/rbtn"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/wnd/rbtnd"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/wnd/rbtnh") }; public static final Color cc = new Color(248, 230, 190); public static final Text.Furnace cf = new Text.Imager(new Text.Foundry(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 15), cc).aa(true)) { protected BufferedImage proc(Text text) { return (rasterimg(blurmask2(text.img.getRaster(), 1, 1, Color.BLACK))); } }; public static final IBox fbox = new IBox("gfx/hud", "ftl", "ftr", "fbl", "fbr", "fl", "fr", "ft", "fb"); public static final IBox swbox = new IBox("gfx/hud", "stl", "str", "sbl", "sbr", "sl", "sr", "st", "sb"); public static final IBox wbox = new IBox("gfx/hud/wnd", "tl", "tr", "bl", "br", "vl", "vr", "ht", "hb"); private static final IBox topless = new IBox(Tex.empty, Tex.empty, wbox.cbl, wbox.cbr,,, Tex.empty,; private static final int th =, tdh = th -, tc = tdh + 18; private static final Coord capc = new Coord(20, th - 3); public Coord mrgn = new Coord(5, 5); protected Text cap; private boolean dt = false; protected boolean dm = false; public Coord ctl, csz, atl, asz, ac; protected Coord doff; protected final IButton cbtn; private final Collection<Widget> twdgs = new LinkedList<Widget>(); // ****************************** private static final String OPT_POS = "_pos"; // static Tex bg = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/bgtex"); // static Tex cl = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/cleft"); // static Tex cm = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/cmain"); // static Tex cr = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/cright"); public Coord tlo, rbo; public boolean justclose = false; protected final String name; @RName("wnd") public static class $_ implements Factory { public Widget create(Coord c, Widget parent, Object[] args) { if (args.length < 2) return (new Window(c, (Coord) args[0], parent, null)); else return (new Window(c, (Coord) args[0], parent, (String) args[1])); } } public Window(Coord c, Coord sz, Widget parent, String cap) { super(c, new Coord(0, 0), parent); if (cap != null) { this.cap = cf.render(cap); name = cap; } else { this.cap = null; name = null; } resize(sz); setfocustab(true); parent.setfocus(this); cbtn = new IButton(Coord.z, this, cbtni[0], cbtni[1], cbtni[2]); cbtn.recthit = true; addtwdg(cbtn); loadOpts(); } public Coord contentsz() { Coord max = new Coord(0, 0); for (Widget wdg = child; wdg != null; wdg = { if (twdgs.contains(wdg)) continue; if (!wdg.visible) continue; Coord br = wdg.c.add(; if (br.x > max.x) max.x = br.x; if (br.y > max.y) max.y = br.y; } return (max.sub(1, 1)); } protected void placetwdgs() { int x = sz.x - 5; for (Widget ch : twdgs) ch.c = xlate(new Coord(x -= + 5, tc - ( / 2)), false); } public void addtwdg(Widget wdg) { twdgs.add(wdg); placetwdgs(); } public void resize(Coord sz) { IBox box; int th; if (cap == null) { box = wbox; th = 0; } else { box = topless; th =; } sz = sz.add(box.bisz()).add(0, th).add(mrgn.mul(2)); = sz; ctl = box.btloff().add(0, th); csz = sz.sub(box.bisz()).sub(0, th); atl = ctl.add(mrgn); asz = csz.sub(mrgn.mul(2)); ac = new Coord(); // ac = tlo.add(wbox.btloff()).add(mrgn); placetwdgs(); for (Widget ch = child; ch != null; ch = ch.presize(); } public Coord xlate(Coord c, boolean in) { if (in) return (c.add(atl)); else return (c.sub(atl)); } public void cdraw(GOut g) {} public void draw(GOut g) { g.chcolor(0, 0, 0, 160); if (ctl == null || csz == null) { return; } g.frect(ctl, csz); g.chcolor(); cdraw(g.reclip(xlate(Coord.z, true), asz)); if (cap != null) { topless.draw(g, new Coord(0, th), sz.sub(0, th)); g.image(tleft, Coord.z); Coord tmul = new Coord(, tdh); Coord tmbr = new Coord(sz.x -, th); for (int x = tmul.x; x < tmbr.x; x += { g.image(tmain, new Coord(x, tdh), tmul, tmbr); } g.image(tright, new Coord(sz.x -, tdh)); g.image(cap.tex(), capc.sub(0,; } else { wbox.draw(g, Coord.z, sz); } /* if(cap != null) { GOut cg = og.reclip(new Coord(0, -7), sz.add(0, 7)); int w = cap.tex().sz().x; cg.image(cl, new Coord((sz.x / 2) - (w / 2) -, 0)); cg.image(cm, new Coord((sz.x / 2) - (w / 2), 0), new Coord(w,; cg.image(cr, new Coord((sz.x / 2) + (w / 2), 0)); cg.image(cap.tex(), new Coord((sz.x / 2) - (w / 2), 0)); } */ super.draw(g); } public void uimsg(String msg, Object... args) { if (msg == "pack") { pack(); } else if (msg == "dt") { dt = (Integer) args[0] != 0; } else { super.uimsg(msg, args); } } public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int button) { parent.setfocus(this); raise(); if (super.mousedown(c, button)) return (true); if (c.y < tdh && cap != null) return (false); if (button == 1) { ui.grabmouse(this); dm = true; doff = c; } return (true); } public boolean mouseup(Coord c, int button) { if (dm) { canceldm(); storeOpt(OPT_POS, this.c); } else { super.mouseup(c, button); } return (true); } public void canceldm() { if (dm) ui.grabmouse(null); dm = false; } public void mousemove(Coord c) { if (dm) { this.c = this.c.add(c.add(doff.inv())); } else { super.mousemove(c); } } public void wdgmsg(Widget sender, String msg, Object... args) { if (sender == cbtn) { if (justclose) ui.destroy(this); else wdgmsg("close"); } else { super.wdgmsg(sender, msg, args); } } public boolean type(char key, java.awt.event.KeyEvent ev) { if (super.type(key, ev)) return (true); if (key == 27) { if (justclose) ui.destroy(this); else wdgmsg("close"); return (true); } return (false); } public boolean drop(Coord cc, Coord ul) { if (dt) { wdgmsg("drop", cc); return (true); } return (false); } public boolean iteminteract(Coord cc, Coord ul) { return (false); } public Object tooltip(Coord c, Widget prev) { Object ret = super.tooltip(c, prev); if (ret != null) return (ret); else return (""); } protected void storeOpt(String opt, String value) { if (name == null) { return; } Config.setWindowOpt(name + opt, value); } protected void storeOpt(String opt, Coord value) { storeOpt(opt, value.toString()); } protected void storeOpt(String opt, boolean value) { if (name == null) { return; } Config.setWindowOpt(name + opt, value); } protected Coord getOptCoord(String opt, Coord def) { synchronized (Config.window_props) { try { return new Coord(Config.window_props.getProperty(name + opt, def.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { return def; } } } protected boolean getOptBool(String opt, boolean def) { synchronized (Config.window_props) { try { return Config.window_props.getProperty(name + opt, null).equals("true"); } catch (Exception e) { return def; } } } protected void loadOpts() { if (name == null) { return; } c = getOptCoord(OPT_POS, c); } }
public Object tooltip(Coord mc, Widget prev) { Resource tres = null; Coord c; if (qmod != null) { c = new Coord(xoff, qmy); try { for (Indir<Resource> qm : qmod) { Tex t = qm.get().layer(Resource.imgc).tex(); Coord sz =; try { Glob.CAttr attr = ui.gui.chrwdg.findattr(qm.get().basename()); if (attr != null) { sz = sz.add(attr.comptex().sz().x + 8, 0); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } if (mc.isect(c, sz)) return (qm.get().layer(Resource.tooltip).t); c = c.add(sz.x + 1, 0); } } catch (Loading l) { } } find: { c = new Coord(xoff, 0); for (Spec s : inputs) { if (mc.isect(c, { tres = s.res.get(); break find; } c = c.add(31, 0); } c = new Coord(xoff, outy); for (Spec s : outputs) { if (mc.isect(c, { tres = s.res.get(); break find; } c = c.add(31, 0); } } Resource.Tooltip tt; if ((tres == null) || ((tt = tres.layer(Resource.tooltip)) == null)) return (null); if (lasttip != tres) { lasttip = tres; stip = ltip = null; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean sh = true; if (prev != this) hoverstart = now; else if (now - hoverstart > 1000) sh = false; if (sh) { if (stip == null) stip = Text.render(tt.t); return (stip); } else { if (ltip == null) { String t = tt.t; Resource.Pagina p = tres.layer(Resource.pagina); if (p != null) t += "\n\n" + tres.layer(Resource.pagina).text; ltip = RichText.render(t, 300); } return (ltip); } }