public Table addColumn(String headerName, String attrs, List<Object> values) { Table t = new Table(); t.startHeaders().addCell(headerName, attrs).endHeaders(); for (Object val : values) { t.startRow().addCell(val).endRow(); } return this.addTable(t); }
public Table addTable(Table t2) { Table t1 = this; Table t = new Table(); t.startHeaders(); for (Cell c : t1.getHeaders()) { t.addCell(c); } for (Cell c : t2.getHeaders()) { t.addCell(c); } t.endHeaders(); if (t1.rows.size() != t2.rows.size()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("cannot add a table with "); sb.append(t2.rows.size()); sb.append(" rows to table with "); sb.append(t1.rows.size()); sb.append(" rows"); throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } for (int i = 0; i < t1.rows.size(); i++) { t.startRow(); for (Cell c : t1.rows.get(i)) { t.addCell(c); } for (Cell c : t2.rows.get(i)) { t.addCell(c); } t.endRow(false); } return t; }