Example #1
  * Returns the name of a specific backup, or all backups found for a specific database, in a
  * descending order.
  * @param db database
  * @return names of specified backups
 public StringList backups(final String db) {
   final StringList backups = new StringList();
   final IOFile file = soptions.dbpath(db + IO.ZIPSUFFIX);
   if (file.exists()) {
   } else {
     final String regex =
         db.replaceAll("([" + REGEXCHARS + "])", "\\\\$1") + DateTime.PATTERN + IO.ZIPSUFFIX;
     for (final IOFile f : soptions.dbpath().children()) {
       final String n = f.name();
       if (n.matches(regex)) backups.add(n.substring(0, n.lastIndexOf('.')));
   return backups.sort(Prop.CASE, false);
Example #2
   * Returns the sorted names of all available databases and, optionally, backups. Filters for
   * {@code name} if not {@code null} with glob support.
   * @param db return databases?
   * @param backup return backups?
   * @param name name filter (may be {@code null})
   * @return database and backups list
  private StringList list(final boolean db, final boolean backup, final String name) {
    final Pattern pt;
    if (name != null) {
      final String nm =
              ? IOFile.regex(name)
              : name.replaceAll("([" + REGEXCHARS + "])", "\\\\$1");
      pt = Pattern.compile(nm, Prop.CASE ? 0 : Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    } else {
      pt = null;

    final IOFile[] children = soptions.dbpath().children();
    final StringList list = new StringList(children.length);
    final HashSet<String> map = new HashSet<>(children.length);
    for (final IOFile f : children) {
      final String fn = f.name();
      String add = null;
      if (backup && fn.endsWith(IO.ZIPSUFFIX)) {
        final String nn = ZIPPATTERN.split(fn)[0];
        if (!nn.equals(fn)) add = nn;
      } else if (db && f.isDir() && fn.indexOf('.') == -1) {
        add = fn;
      // add entry if it matches the pattern, and has not already been added
      if (add != null && (pt == null || pt.matcher(add).matches()) && map.add(add)) {
    return list.sort(false);
Example #3
  * Converts the specified commands into a string list.
  * @param comp input completions
  * @return string list
 private static StringList list(final Enum<?>[] comp) {
   final StringList list = new StringList();
   if (comp != null) {
     for (final Enum<?> c : comp) list.add(c.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
   return list;
Example #4
  * Adds the names of the database that has been addressed by the argument index. No databases will
  * be added if the argument uses glob syntax.
  * @param db databases
  * @param a argument index
  * @return {@code false} if database cannot be determined due to glob syntax
 protected final boolean databases(final StringList db, final int a) {
   // return true if the addressed database argument does not exists
   if (args.length <= a || args[a] == null) return true;
   final boolean noglob = !args[a].matches(".*[\\?\\*,].*");
   if (noglob) db.add(args[a]);
   return noglob;
Example #5
  * Returns the names of all backups.
  * @return backups
 public StringList backups() {
   final StringList backups = new StringList();
   for (final IOFile f : soptions.dbpath().children()) {
     final String n = f.name();
     if (n.endsWith(IO.ZIPSUFFIX)) backups.add(n.substring(0, n.lastIndexOf('.')));
   return backups;
Example #6
  * Refreshes the list of recent query files and updates the query path.
  * @param file new file
 void refreshHistory(final IOFile file) {
   final StringList sl = new StringList();
   String path = null;
   if (file != null) {
     path = file.path();
     gui.gprop.set(GUIProp.WORKPATH, file.dirPath());
     tabs.setToolTipTextAt(tabs.getSelectedIndex(), path);
   final String[] qu = gui.gprop.strings(GUIProp.EDITOR);
   for (int q = 0; q < qu.length && q < 19; q++) {
     final String f = qu[q];
     if (!f.equalsIgnoreCase(path) && IO.get(f).exists()) sl.add(f);
   // store sorted history
   gui.gprop.set(GUIProp.EDITOR, sl.toArray());
  * Converts the path to a string array, containing the single segments.
  * @param path path, or {@code null}
  * @return path depth
 public static String[] toSegments(final String path) {
   final StringList sl = new StringList();
   if (path != null) {
     final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder();
     for (int s = 0; s < path.length(); s++) {
       final char ch = path.charAt(s);
       if (ch == '/') {
         if (tb.isEmpty()) continue;
       } else {
     if (!tb.isEmpty()) sl.add(tb.toString());
   return sl.toArray();
Example #8
 public static String[] split(String s, char regex1, char regex2) {
   StringList strList = new StringList();
   while (true) {
     try {
       int index = s.indexOf(regex1);
       if (index == -1) break;
       s = s.substring(index + 1);
       String e = s.substring(0, s.indexOf(regex2));
       s = s.substring(e.length() + 1);
     } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
   return strList.toArray(new String[strList.size()]);
Example #9
   * Refreshes the view after a file has been saved.
   * @param root root directory
   * @param ctx database context
   * @throws InterruptedException interruption
  void parse(final IOFile root, final Context ctx) throws InterruptedException {
    final long id = ++parseId;
    final HashSet<String> parsed = new HashSet<>();
    final TreeMap<String, InputInfo> errs = new TreeMap<>();

    // collect files to be parsed
    final ProjectCache pc = cache(root);
    final StringList mods = new StringList(), lmods = new StringList();
    for (final String path : pc) {
      final IOFile file = new IOFile(path);
      if (file.hasSuffix(IO.XQSUFFIXES)) (file.hasSuffix(IO.XQMSUFFIX) ? lmods : mods).add(path);

    // parse modules
    for (final String path : mods) {
      if (id != parseId) throw new InterruptedException();
      if (parsed.contains(path)) continue;

      final IOFile file = new IOFile(path);
      try (final TextInput ti = new TextInput(file)) {
        // parse query
        try (final QueryContext qc = new QueryContext(ctx)) {
          final String input = ti.cache().toString();
          final boolean lib = QueryProcessor.isLibrary(input);
          qc.parse(input, lib, path, null);
          // parsing was successful: remember path
          for (final byte[] mod : qc.modParsed) parsed.add(Token.string(mod));
        } catch (final QueryException ex) {
          // parsing failed: remember path
          final InputInfo ii = ex.info();
          errs.put(path, ii);
      } catch (final IOException ex) {
        // file may not be accessible
    errors = errs;
Example #10
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
    try {
      serverSocket = new ServerSocket(portNumber);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Could not listen on port");

    Socket clientSocket = null;
    while (active) {
      clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
      EchoThread t = new EchoThread(Integer.toString(counter), clientSocket);

Example #11
   * Default constructor.
   * @param main reference to the main window
  public DialogExport(final GUI main) {
    super(main, EXPORT);

    // create checkboxes
    final BaseXBack p = new BaseXBack(new TableLayout(4, 1, 0, 0));
    p.add(new BaseXLabel(OUTPUT_DIR + COL, true, true).border(0, 0, 6, 0));

    // output label
    BaseXBack pp = new BaseXBack(new TableLayout(1, 2, 8, 0));

    path = new BaseXTextField(main.gopts.get(GUIOptions.INPUTPATH), this);
    pp.add(path.history(GUIOptions.INPUTS, this));

    final BaseXButton browse = new BaseXButton(BROWSE_D, this);
        new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {

    // provide components for method and encoding
    final MainOptions opts = gui.context.options;
    final SerializerOptions sopts = opts.get(MainOptions.EXPORTER);

    // method (ignore last entry)
    final StringList sl = new StringList();
    for (final SerialMethod sm : SerialMethod.values()) sl.add(sm.name());
    sl.remove(sl.size() - 1);
    method = new BaseXCombo(this, sl.finish());
    final SerialMethod sm = sopts.get(SerializerOptions.METHOD);
    method.setSelectedItem((sm == null ? SerialMethod.BASEX : sm).name());

    mparams = new BaseXTextField(this);

    final BaseXBack mth = new BaseXBack(new TableLayout(1, 2, 8, 0));

    encoding = new BaseXCombo(this, ENCODINGS);
    String enc = sopts.get(SerializerOptions.ENCODING);
    boolean f = false;
    for (final String s : ENCODINGS) f |= s.equals(enc);
    if (!f) {
      enc = enc.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
      for (final String s : ENCODINGS) f |= s.equals(enc);
    encoding.setSelectedItem(f ? enc : sopts.get(SerializerOptions.ENCODING));

    params = new BaseXTextField(sopts.toString(), this);

    pp = new BaseXBack(new TableLayout(3, 2, 16, 6)).border(8, 0, 8, 0);
    pp.add(new BaseXLabel(METHOD + COL, true, true));
    pp.add(new BaseXLabel(ENCODING + COL, true, true));
    pp.add(new BaseXLabel(PARAMETERS + COL, true, true));
    info = new BaseXLabel(" ").border(8, 0, 0, 0);

    // indentation
    set(p, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    // buttons
    pp = new BaseXBack(new BorderLayout());
    buttons = okCancel();
    pp.add(buttons, BorderLayout.EAST);
    set(pp, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

Example #12
 public static synchronized void replaceUser(String old, String s) {
   if (nameList.remove(old) == null) System.err.println("Invalid user removal");
Example #13
   * Adds items to the specified list.
   * @param value value
   * @param name name
   * @param list list to add values to
   * @throws QueryException HTTP exception
  private void strings(final Value value, final QNm name, final StringList list)
      throws QueryException {

    final long vs = value.size();
    for (int v = 0; v < vs; v++) list.add(toString(value.itemAt(v), name));
Example #14
   * Binds the annotated variables.
   * @param http http context
   * @param arg argument array
   * @throws QueryException query exception
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  void bind(final HTTPContext http, final Expr[] arg) throws QueryException, IOException {
    // bind variables from segments
    for (int s = 0; s < path.size; s++) {
      final Matcher m = TEMPLATE.matcher(path.segment[s]);
      if (!m.find()) continue;
      final QNm qnm = new QNm(token(m.group(1)), context);
      bind(qnm, arg, new Atm(http.segment(s)));

    // cache request body
    final String ct = http.contentType();
    IOContent body = null;

    if (requestBody != null) {
      body = cache(http, null);
      try {
        // bind request body in the correct format
        body.name(http.method + IO.XMLSUFFIX);
        bind(requestBody, arg, Parser.item(body, context.context.prop, ct));
      } catch (final IOException ex) {
        error(INPUT_CONV, ex);

    // bind query parameters
    final Map<String, String[]> params = http.params();
    for (final RestXqParam rxp : queryParams) bind(rxp, arg, params.get(rxp.key));

    // bind form parameters
    if (!formParams.isEmpty()) {
      if (MimeTypes.APP_FORM.equals(ct)) {
        // convert parameters encoded in a form
        body = cache(http, body);
        addParams(body.toString(), params);
      for (final RestXqParam rxp : formParams) bind(rxp, arg, params.get(rxp.key));

    // bind header parameters
    for (final RestXqParam rxp : headerParams) {
      final StringList sl = new StringList();
      final Enumeration<?> en = http.req.getHeaders(rxp.key);
      while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
        for (final String s : en.nextElement().toString().split(", *")) sl.add(s);
      bind(rxp, arg, sl.toArray());

    // bind cookie parameters
    final Cookie[] ck = http.req.getCookies();
    for (final RestXqParam rxp : cookieParams) {
      String v = null;
      if (ck != null) {
        for (final Cookie c : ck) {
          if (rxp.key.equals(c.getName())) v = c.getValue();
      if (v == null) bind(rxp, arg);
      else bind(rxp, arg, v);
Example #15
   * Reads the configuration file and initializes the project properties. The file is located in the
   * project home directory.
   * @param prop property file extension
  protected synchronized void read(final String prop) {
    file = new IOFile(HOME + IO.BASEXSUFFIX + prop);

    final StringList read = new StringList();
    final TokenBuilder err = new TokenBuilder();
    if (!file.exists()) {
      err.addExt("Saving properties in \"%\"..." + NL, file);
    } else {
      BufferedReader br = null;
      try {
        br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file.file()));
        for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null; ) {
          line = line.trim();
          if (line.isEmpty() || line.charAt(0) == '#') continue;
          final int d = line.indexOf('=');
          if (d < 0) {
            err.addExt("%: \"%\" ignored. " + NL, file, line);

          final String val = line.substring(d + 1).trim();
          String key = line.substring(0, d).trim();

          // extract numeric value in key
          int num = 0;
          final int ss = key.length();
          for (int s = 0; s < ss; ++s) {
            if (Character.isDigit(key.charAt(s))) {
              num = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(s));
              key = key.substring(0, s);

          final Object entry = props.get(key);
          if (entry == null) {
            err.addExt("%: \"%\" not found. " + NL, file, key);
          } else if (entry instanceof String) {
            props.put(key, val);
          } else if (entry instanceof Integer) {
            props.put(key, Integer.parseInt(val));
          } else if (entry instanceof Boolean) {
            props.put(key, Boolean.parseBoolean(val));
          } else if (entry instanceof String[]) {
            if (num == 0) {
              props.put(key, new String[Integer.parseInt(val)]);
            } else {
              ((String[]) entry)[num - 1] = val;
          } else if (entry instanceof int[]) {
            ((int[]) entry)[num] = Integer.parseInt(val);
      } catch (final Exception ex) {
        err.addExt("% could not be parsed." + NL, file);
      } finally {
        if (br != null)
          try {
          } catch (final IOException ex) {

    // check if all mandatory files have been read
    try {
      if (err.isEmpty()) {
        boolean ok = true;
        for (final Field f : getClass().getFields()) {
          final Object obj = f.get(null);
          if (!(obj instanceof Object[])) continue;
          final String key = ((Object[]) obj)[0].toString();
          ok &= read.contains(key);
        if (!ok) err.addExt("Saving properties in \"%\"..." + NL, file);
    } catch (final IllegalAccessException ex) {

    if (!err.isEmpty()) {
Example #16
  protected final void parseArgs() throws IOException {
    ops = new IntList();
    vals = new StringList();

    final MainParser arg = new MainParser(this);
    while (arg.more()) {
      final char c;
      String v = null;
      if (arg.dash()) {
        c = arg.next();
        if (c == 'd') {
          // activate debug mode
          Prop.debug = true;
        } else if (c == 'b'
            || c == 'c'
            || c == 'C'
            || c == 'i'
            || c == 'I'
            || c == 'o'
            || c == 'q'
            || c == 'r'
            || c == 's'
            || c == 't' && local()) {
          // options followed by a string
          v = arg.string();
        } else if (c == 'D' && local()
            || c == 'u' && local()
            || c == 'R'
            || c == 'v'
            || c == 'V'
            || c == 'w'
            || c == 'x'
            || c == 'X'
            || c == 'z') {
          // options to be toggled
          v = "";
        } else if (!local()) {
          // client options: need to be set before other options
          if (c == 'n') {
            // set server name
            context.soptions.set(StaticOptions.HOST, arg.string());
          } else if (c == 'p') {
            // set server port
            context.soptions.set(StaticOptions.PORT, arg.number());
          } else if (c == 'P') {
            // specify password
            context.soptions.set(StaticOptions.PASSWORD, arg.string());
          } else if (c == 'U') {
            // specify user name
            context.soptions.set(StaticOptions.USER, arg.string());
          } else {
            throw arg.usage();
        } else {
          throw arg.usage();
      } else {
        v = arg.string().trim();
        // interpret as command file if input string ends with command script suffix
        c = v.endsWith(IO.BXSSUFFIX) ? 'c' : 'Q';
      if (v != null) {