Example #1
  // QHandler handles incoming queries.
  public void run() {
    // hmmm.. this seems like potential bug.  I want to check that query is not in table.  But even
    // if query table contains key,
    // that does not necessarily mean it is in table, b/c two queries can have SAME HASHCODE VALUE.
    // I need to have some other means.
    // Will talk to Rusty @ this on Monday.

    if (!qt.containsKey(query)) // check that query is not already in table
      Searcher.inform(query); // Give information to the Search Monitor panel
      NetworkManager.writeButOne(query.getIP(), query); /*Query is forwarded to all connected nodes
								     except one from which query came. */
      qt.put((Packet) query, query); // add query to table, indexed by its unique MessageID
      searchResult =
          SharedDirectory.search(query.getSearchString()); // check shared directory for query match
      numHits = searchResult.getSize();

      if (numHits != 0) // package a query hit to send out if there is at least one query match
        queryID = query.getMessageID();
        port = Mine.getPort();
        myIP = Mine.getIPAddress();
        speed = Mine.getSpeed();
        serventID = Mine.getServentIdentifier();
        queryHit = new QueryHit(numHits, port, myIP, speed, searchResult, serventID, queryID);
            query.getIP(), queryHit); // send qHit back to node that sent original query