/** * Helper. Adds to the target model a translation of the given RDF list with each element replaced * according to the map. */ private Resource mapList(Model target, Resource list, Map<Resource, Resource> map) { if (list.equals(RDF.nil)) { return RDF.nil; } else { Resource head = (Resource) list.getRequiredProperty(RDF.first).getObject(); Resource rest = (Resource) list.getRequiredProperty(RDF.rest).getObject(); Resource mapElt = target.createResource(); Resource mapHead = map.get(head); if (mapHead == null) mapHead = head; mapElt.addProperty(RDF.first, mapHead); mapElt.addProperty(RDF.rest, mapList(target, rest, map)); return mapElt; } }
public void testQuintetOfQuadlets() { Resource rs = model.createResource(); rs.addProperty(RDF.type, RDF.Statement); model.createResource().addProperty(RDF.value, rs); rs.addProperty(RDF.subject, model.createResource()); rs.addProperty(RDF.predicate, model.createProperty("http://example.org/foo")); rs.addProperty(RDF.object, model.createResource()); rs.addProperty(RDF.object, model.createResource()); StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(); while (it.hasNext()) { Statement s = it.nextStatement(); assertFalse(s.getObject().equals(s.getSubject())); } }
/** Initialize the result model. */ public void initResults() { testResults = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); jena2 = testResults.createResource(BASE_RESULTS_URI + "#jena2"); jena2.addProperty( RDFS.comment, testResults.createLiteral( "<a xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" href=\"http://jena.sourceforce.net/\">Jena2</a> includes a rule-based inference engine for RDF processing, " + "supporting both forward and backward chaining rules. Its OWL rule set is designed to provide sound " + "but not complete instance resasoning for that fragment of OWL/Full limited to the OWL/lite vocabulary. In" + "particular it does not support unionOf/complementOf.", true)); jena2.addProperty(RDFS.label, "Jena2"); testResults.setNsPrefix("results", OWLResults.NS); }
public void testBackwardCompatibility() throws RegistryException { Registry rootRegistry = embeddedRegistryService.getSystemRegistry(); Resource r1 = rootRegistry.newResource(); r1.setContent("r1 content"); rootRegistry.put("/test/comments/r1", r1); rootRegistry.addComment( "/test/comments/r1", new Comment("backward-compatibility1 on this resource :)")); rootRegistry.addComment( "/test/comments/r1", new Comment("backward-compatibility2 on this resource :)")); String sql = "SELECT REG_COMMENT_ID FROM REG_COMMENT C, REG_RESOURCE_COMMENT RC " + "WHERE C.REG_COMMENT_TEXT LIKE ? AND C.REG_ID=RC.REG_COMMENT_ID"; Resource queryR = rootRegistry.newResource(); queryR.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.SQL_QUERY_MEDIA_TYPE); queryR.addProperty( RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.COMMENTS_RESULT_TYPE); rootRegistry.put("/beep/x", queryR); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("query", sql); params.put(RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.COMMENTS_RESULT_TYPE); params.put("1", "backward-compatibility1%"); Collection qResults = rootRegistry.executeQuery("/beep/x", params); String[] qPaths = (String[]) qResults.getContent(); assertEquals("Query result count should be 1", qPaths.length, 1); }
private static void addTypeToAll(Resource type, Set<Resource> candidates) { List<Resource> types = equivalentTypes(type); for (Resource element : candidates) { Resource resource = element; for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i += 1) resource.addProperty(RDF.type, types.get(i)); } }
public void testDefaultQuery() throws Exception { Resource r1 = registry.newResource(); String r1Content = "this is r1 content"; r1.setContent(r1Content.getBytes()); r1.setDescription("production ready."); String r1Path = "/c3/r1"; registry.put(r1Path, r1); Resource r2 = registry.newResource(); String r2Content = "content for r2 :)"; r2.setContent(r2Content); r2.setDescription("ready for production use."); String r2Path = "/c3/r2"; registry.put(r2Path, r2); Resource r3 = registry.newResource(); String r3Content = "content for r3 :)"; r3.setContent(r3Content); r3.setDescription("only for government use."); String r3Path = "/c3/r3"; registry.put(r3Path, r3); registry.applyTag("/c3/r1", "java"); registry.applyTag("/c3/r2", "jsp"); registry.applyTag("/c3/r3", "ajax"); String sql1 = "SELECT RT.REG_TAG_ID FROM REG_RESOURCE_TAG RT, REG_RESOURCE R " + "WHERE (R.REG_VERSION=RT.REG_VERSION OR " + "(R.REG_PATH_ID=RT.REG_PATH_ID AND R.REG_NAME=RT.REG_RESOURCE_NAME)) " + "AND R.REG_DESCRIPTION LIKE ? ORDER BY RT.REG_TAG_ID"; Resource q1 = systemRegistry.newResource(); q1.setContent(sql1); q1.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.SQL_QUERY_MEDIA_TYPE); q1.addProperty(RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.TAGS_RESULT_TYPE); systemRegistry.put("/qs/q3", q1); Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("1", "%production%"); Collection result = registry.executeQuery("/qs/q3", parameters); String[] tagPaths = result.getChildren(); assertEquals("There should be two matching tags.", tagPaths.length, 2); Resource tag2 = registry.get(tagPaths[0]); assertEquals("First matching tag should be 'java'", (String) tag2.getContent(), "java"); Resource tag1 = registry.get(tagPaths[1]); assertEquals("Second matching tag should be 'jsp'", (String) tag1.getContent(), "jsp"); }
public void testWithoutTableParamsQuery() throws Exception { Resource r1 = registry.newResource(); String r1Content = "this is r1 content"; r1.setContent(r1Content.getBytes()); r1.setDescription("production ready."); String r1Path = "/c1/r1"; registry.put(r1Path, r1); Resource r2 = registry.newResource(); String r2Content = "content for r2 :)"; r2.setContent(r2Content); r2.setDescription("ready for production use."); String r2Path = "/c2/r2"; registry.put(r2Path, r2); Resource r3 = registry.newResource(); String r3Content = "content for r3 :)"; r3.setContent(r3Content); r3.setDescription("only for government use."); String r3Path = "/c2/r3"; registry.put(r3Path, r3); String sql1 = "SELECT REG_PATH_ID, REG_NAME FROM REG_RESOURCE, " + "REG_TAG WHERE REG_DESCRIPTION LIKE ?"; Resource q1 = systemRegistry.newResource(); q1.setContent(sql1); q1.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.SQL_QUERY_MEDIA_TYPE); q1.addProperty( RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.RESOURCES_RESULT_TYPE); systemRegistry.put("/qs/q1", q1); Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("1", "%production%"); Resource result = registry.executeQuery("/qs/q1", parameters); assertTrue( "Search with result type Resource should return a directory.", result instanceof org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Collection); List<String> matchingPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] paths = (String[]) result.getContent(); matchingPaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(paths)); assertTrue("Path /c1/r1 should be in the results.", matchingPaths.contains("/c1/r1")); assertTrue("Path /c2/r2 should be in the results.", matchingPaths.contains("/c2/r2")); }
public void testWithoutWhereQuery() throws Exception { Resource r1 = registry.newResource(); String r1Content = "this is r1 content"; r1.setContent(r1Content.getBytes()); r1.setDescription("production ready."); String r1Path = "/c1/r1"; registry.put(r1Path, r1); Resource r2 = registry.newResource(); String r2Content = "content for r2 :)"; r2.setContent(r2Content); r2.setDescription("ready for production use."); String r2Path = "/c2/r2"; registry.put(r2Path, r2); Resource r3 = registry.newResource(); String r3Content = "content for r3 :)"; r3.setContent(r3Content); r3.setDescription("only for government use."); String r3Path = "/c2/r3"; registry.put(r3Path, r3); String sql1 = "SELECT REG_PATH_ID, REG_NAME FROM REG_RESOURCE, REG_TAG"; Resource q1 = systemRegistry.newResource(); q1.setContent(sql1); q1.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.SQL_QUERY_MEDIA_TYPE); q1.addProperty( RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.RESOURCES_RESULT_TYPE); systemRegistry.put("/qs/q1", q1); Map parameters = new HashMap(); Resource result = registry.executeQuery("/qs/q1", parameters); assertTrue( "Search with result type Resource should return a directory.", result instanceof org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Collection); String[] paths = (String[]) result.getContent(); assertTrue("Should return all the resources", paths.length >= 3); }
private Resource createMetadata(final boolean isListEndpoint, Integer totalResults) throws URISyntaxException { Model objectModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); MergedModels mergedModels = new MergedModels(objectModel); // Model meta = mergedModels.getMetaModel(); // Resource thisMetaPage = meta.createResource("eh:/thisMetaPage"); Resource SEP = meta.createResource("eh:/sparqlEndpoint"); thisMetaPage.addProperty(API.sparqlEndpoint, SEP); Bindings bindings = new Bindings(); URI ru = new URI(thisMetaPage.getURI()); Resource uriForDefinition = objectModel.createResource(thisMetaPage.getURI()); boolean suppressIPTO = true; int page = 1, perPage = 10; boolean hasMorePages = true; Context context = new Context(); CompleteContext cc = new CompleteContext(Mode.PreferLocalnames, context, objectModel); // SetsMetadata setsMeta = new SetsMetadata() { @Override public void setMetadata(String type, Model meta) {} }; WantsMetadata wantsMeta = new WantsMetadata() { @Override public boolean wantsMetadata(String name) { return true; } }; // Map<String, View> views = new HashMap<String, View>(); Set<FormatNameAndType> formats = new HashSet<FormatNameAndType>(); // EndpointDetails details = new EndpointDetails() { @Override public boolean isListEndpoint() { return isListEndpoint; } @Override public boolean hasParameterBasedContentNegotiation() { return false; } }; // EndpointMetadata.addAllMetadata( mergedModels, ru, uriForDefinition, bindings, cc, suppressIPTO, thisMetaPage, page, perPage, totalResults, hasMorePages, CollectionUtils.list(objectModel.createResource("eh:/item/_1")), setsMeta, wantsMeta, "SELECT", "VIEW", new TestCaches.FakeSource("Nemos"), views, formats, details); return thisMetaPage; }