private void buildPropertyMap(QueryBuilderScopeContext qb) { if (!collectProperties) { return; } for (QueryBuilderJoin join : qb.getJoinMap().values()) { String className = join.getResolvedClass(); if (className != null) { PhpClass phpClass = PhpElementsUtil.getClassInterface(project, className); if (phpClass != null) { qb.addPropertyAlias( join.getAlias(), new QueryBuilderPropertyAlias( join.getAlias(), null, new DoctrineModelField(join.getAlias()) .addTarget(phpClass) .setTypeName(phpClass.getPresentableFQN()))); // add entity properties for (DoctrineModelField field : EntityHelper.getModelFields(phpClass)) { qb.addPropertyAlias( join.getAlias() + "." + field.getName(), new QueryBuilderPropertyAlias(join.getAlias(), field.getName(), field)); } } } } }
private void collectSelects( QueryBuilderScopeContext qb, MethodReference methodReference, String name) { if (!Arrays.asList("select", "addSelect").contains(name)) { return; } // $qb->select('foo') PsiElement psiElement = PsiElementUtils.getMethodParameterPsiElementAt(methodReference, 0); String literalValue = PhpElementsUtil.getStringValue(psiElement); if (literalValue != null) { qb.addSelect(literalValue); return; } // $qb->select(array('foo', 'bar', 'accessoryDetail')) if (psiElement instanceof ArrayCreationExpression) { for (PsiElement arrayValue : PsiElementUtils.getChildrenOfTypeAsList( psiElement, PlatformPatterns.psiElement(PhpElementTypes.ARRAY_VALUE))) { if (arrayValue.getChildren().length == 1) { String arrayValueString = PhpElementsUtil.getStringValue(arrayValue.getChildren()[0]); if (arrayValueString != null) { qb.addSelect(arrayValueString); } } } } }
private void collectJoins( QueryBuilderScopeContext qb, MethodReference methodReference, String name) { if (!collectJoins || !Arrays.asList("join", "leftJoin", "rightJoin", "innerJoin").contains(name)) { return; } String join = PsiElementUtils.getMethodParameterAt(methodReference, 0); String alias = PsiElementUtils.getMethodParameterAt(methodReference, 1); if (join != null && alias != null) { qb.addJoin(alias, new QueryBuilderJoin(join, alias)); } }
private void collectSelectInForm( QueryBuilderScopeContext qb, MethodReference methodReference, String name) { // $qb->from('foo', 'select') if (!"from".equals(name)) { return; } PsiElement psiElement = PsiElementUtils.getMethodParameterPsiElementAt(methodReference, 1); String literalValue = PhpElementsUtil.getStringValue(psiElement); if (literalValue != null) { qb.addSelect(literalValue); } }
private void collectParameter( QueryBuilderScopeContext qb, MethodReference methodReference, String name) { if (!collectParameter || !Arrays.asList("where", "andWhere").contains(name)) { return; } String value = PsiElementUtils.getMethodParameterAt(methodReference, 0); if (value != null) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(":(\\w+)", Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(value); while (matcher.find()) { qb.addParameter(; } } }
public QueryBuilderScopeContext collect() { QueryBuilderScopeContext qb = new QueryBuilderScopeContext(); // doctrine needs valid root with an alias, try to find one in method references or scope Map<String, String> map = this.findRootDefinition(methodReferences); if (map.size() > 0) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry = map.entrySet().iterator().next(); qb.addTable(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } for (MethodReference methodReference : methodReferences) { String name = methodReference.getName(); if (name != null) { collectParameter(qb, methodReference, name); collectJoins(qb, methodReference, name); collectSelects(qb, methodReference, name); collectSelectInForm(qb, methodReference, name); } } // first tableMap entry is root, we add several initial data if (qb.getTableMap().size() > 0) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry = qb.getTableMap().entrySet().iterator().next(); String className = entry.getKey(); PhpClass phpClass = PhpElementsUtil.getClassInterface(project, className); // add root select fields if (phpClass != null) { qb.addPropertyAlias( entry.getValue(), new QueryBuilderPropertyAlias( entry.getValue(), null, new DoctrineModelField(entry.getValue()) .addTarget(phpClass) .setTypeName(phpClass.getPresentableFQN()))); List<QueryBuilderRelation> relationList = new ArrayList<QueryBuilderRelation>(); // qb.addRelation(entry.getValue(), attachRelationFields(phpClass)); for (DoctrineModelField field : EntityHelper.getModelFields(phpClass)) { qb.addPropertyAlias( entry.getValue() + "." + field.getName(), new QueryBuilderPropertyAlias(entry.getValue(), field.getName(), field)); if (field.getRelation() != null && field.getRelationType() != null) { relationList.add(new QueryBuilderRelation(field.getName(), field.getRelation())); } } qb.addRelation(entry.getValue(), relationList); } QueryBuilderRelationClassResolver resolver = new QueryBuilderRelationClassResolver( project, entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), qb.getRelationMap(), qb.getJoinMap()); resolver.collect(); } // we have a querybuilder which complete known elements now // se we can builder a property (field) map table from it this.buildPropertyMap(qb); return qb; }