Example #1
 public static boolean nameCanBeImported(@NotNull String fqName, @NotNull PsiElement context) {
   final PsiClass containingClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(context, PsiClass.class);
   if (containingClass != null) {
     if (fqName.equals(containingClass.getQualifiedName())) {
       return true;
     final String shortName = ClassUtil.extractClassName(fqName);
     final PsiClass[] innerClasses = containingClass.getAllInnerClasses();
     for (PsiClass innerClass : innerClasses) {
       if (innerClass.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PRIVATE)) {
       if (innerClass.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PACKAGE_LOCAL)) {
         if (!ClassUtils.inSamePackage(innerClass, containingClass)) {
       final String className = innerClass.getName();
       if (shortName.equals(className)) {
         return false;
     PsiField field = containingClass.findFieldByName(shortName, false);
     if (field != null) {
       return false;
     field = containingClass.findFieldByName(shortName, true);
     if (field != null
         && PsiUtil.isAccessible(containingClass.getProject(), field, containingClass, null)) {
       return false;
   final PsiJavaFile file = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(context, PsiJavaFile.class);
   if (file == null) {
     return false;
   if (hasExactImportConflict(fqName, file)) {
     return false;
   if (hasOnDemandImportConflict(fqName, file, true)) {
     return false;
   if (containsConflictingReference(file, fqName)) {
     return false;
   if (containsConflictingClass(fqName, file)) {
     return false;
   return !containsConflictingClassName(fqName, file);
  public XmlNSDescriptor getNSDescriptor(final String namespace, boolean strict) {
    final XmlTag parentTag = getParentTag();

    if (parentTag == null && namespace.equals(XmlUtil.XHTML_URI)) {
      final XmlNSDescriptor descriptor = getDtdDescriptor(XmlUtil.getContainingFile(this));
      if (descriptor != null) {
        return descriptor;

    Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> map = initNSDescriptorsMap();
    final CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor> descriptor = map.get(namespace);
    if (descriptor != null) {
      final XmlNSDescriptor value = descriptor.getValue();
      if (value != null) {
        return value;

    if (parentTag == null) {
      final XmlDocument parentOfType = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, XmlDocument.class);
      if (parentOfType == null) {
        return null;
      return parentOfType.getDefaultNSDescriptor(namespace, strict);

    return parentTag.getNSDescriptor(namespace, strict);
  public static void fillCompletionVariants(
      CompletionParameters parameters, CompletionResultSet result) {
    if (parameters.getCompletionType() != CompletionType.BASIC
        && parameters.getCompletionType() != CompletionType.SMART) {

    PsiElement position = parameters.getPosition();
    if (psiElement(PsiIdentifier.class)
        .withParents(PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement.class, PsiTypeElement.class, PsiClass.class)
        .accepts(position)) {
      suggestGeneratedMethods(result, position);
    } else if (psiElement(PsiIdentifier.class)
        .accepts(position)) {
      PsiAnnotation annotation =
          ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(position, PsiAnnotation.class));
      int annoStart = annotation.getTextRange().getStartOffset();
              annotation.getText().substring(0, parameters.getOffset() - annoStart)),
  protected boolean preprocessUsages(Ref<UsageInfo[]> refUsages) {
    final MultiMap<PsiElement, String> conflicts = new MultiMap<PsiElement, String>();

    checkExistingMethods(conflicts, true);
    checkExistingMethods(conflicts, false);
    final Collection<PsiClass> classes = ClassInheritorsSearch.search(myClass).findAll();
    for (FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor : myFieldDescriptors) {
      final Set<PsiMethod> setters = new HashSet<PsiMethod>();
      final Set<PsiMethod> getters = new HashSet<PsiMethod>();

      for (PsiClass aClass : classes) {
        final PsiMethod getterOverrider =
                ? aClass.findMethodBySignature(fieldDescriptor.getGetterPrototype(), false)
                : null;
        if (getterOverrider != null) {
        final PsiMethod setterOverrider =
                ? aClass.findMethodBySignature(fieldDescriptor.getSetterPrototype(), false)
                : null;
        if (setterOverrider != null) {
      if (!getters.isEmpty() || !setters.isEmpty()) {
        final PsiField field = fieldDescriptor.getField();
        for (PsiReference reference : ReferencesSearch.search(field)) {
          final PsiElement place = reference.getElement();
          if (place instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) {
            final PsiExpression qualifierExpression =
                ((PsiReferenceExpression) place).getQualifierExpression();
            final PsiClass ancestor;
            if (qualifierExpression == null) {
              ancestor = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(place, PsiClass.class, false);
            } else {
              ancestor = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(qualifierExpression.getType());

            final boolean isGetter = !PsiUtil.isAccessedForWriting((PsiExpression) place);
            for (PsiMethod overridden : isGetter ? getters : setters) {
              if (InheritanceUtil.isInheritorOrSelf(myClass, ancestor, true)) {
                    "There is already a "
                        + RefactoringUIUtil.getDescription(overridden, true)
                        + " which would hide generated "
                        + (isGetter ? "getter" : "setter")
                        + " for "
                        + place.getText());
    return showConflicts(conflicts, refUsages.get());
  public static PsiType getLambdaParameterType(PsiParameter param) {
    final PsiElement paramParent = param.getParent();
    if (paramParent instanceof PsiParameterList) {
      final int parameterIndex = ((PsiParameterList) paramParent).getParameterIndex(param);
      if (parameterIndex > -1) {
        final PsiLambdaExpression lambdaExpression =
            PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(param, PsiLambdaExpression.class);
        if (lambdaExpression != null) {

          PsiType type = getFunctionalInterfaceType(lambdaExpression, true, parameterIndex);
          if (type == null) {
            type = getFunctionalInterfaceType(lambdaExpression, false);
          if (type instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
            final PsiType[] conjuncts = ((PsiIntersectionType) type).getConjuncts();
            for (PsiType conjunct : conjuncts) {
              final PsiType lambdaParameterFromType =
                  getLambdaParameterFromType(parameterIndex, lambdaExpression, conjunct);
              if (lambdaParameterFromType != null) return lambdaParameterFromType;
          } else {
            final PsiType lambdaParameterFromType =
                getLambdaParameterFromType(parameterIndex, lambdaExpression, type);
            if (lambdaParameterFromType != null) {
              return lambdaParameterFromType;
    return new PsiLambdaParameterType(param);
 @Contract("_, !null -> !null")
 public PsiSubstitutor findNestedSubstitutor(
     PsiElement arg, @Nullable PsiSubstitutor defaultSession) {
   InferenceSession session =
       myNestedSessions.get(PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(arg, PsiCall.class));
   return session == null ? defaultSession : session.getInferenceSubstitution();
  private static void fixExceptions(PsiElement ref, PsiClassType[] newExceptions)
      throws IncorrectOperationException {
    // methods' throws lists are already modified, may use ExceptionUtil.collectUnhandledExceptions
    newExceptions = filterCheckedExceptions(newExceptions);

    PsiElement context = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(ref, PsiTryStatement.class, PsiMethod.class);
    if (context instanceof PsiTryStatement) {
      PsiTryStatement tryStatement = (PsiTryStatement) context;
      PsiCodeBlock tryBlock = tryStatement.getTryBlock();

      // Remove unused catches
      Collection<PsiClassType> classes =
          ExceptionUtil.collectUnhandledExceptions(tryBlock, tryBlock);
      PsiParameter[] catchParameters = tryStatement.getCatchBlockParameters();
      for (PsiParameter parameter : catchParameters) {
        final PsiType caughtType = parameter.getType();

        if (!(caughtType instanceof PsiClassType)) continue;
        if (ExceptionUtil.isUncheckedExceptionOrSuperclass((PsiClassType) caughtType)) continue;

        if (!isCatchParameterRedundant((PsiClassType) caughtType, classes)) continue;
        parameter.getParent().delete(); // delete catch section

      PsiClassType[] exceptionsToAdd = filterUnhandledExceptions(newExceptions, tryBlock);
      addExceptions(exceptionsToAdd, tryStatement);

    } else {
      newExceptions = filterUnhandledExceptions(newExceptions, ref);
      if (newExceptions.length > 0) {
        // Add new try statement
        PsiElementFactory elementFactory = JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(ref.getProject());
        PsiTryStatement tryStatement =
                elementFactory.createStatementFromText("try {} catch (Exception e) {}", null);
        PsiStatement anchor = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(ref, PsiStatement.class);
        LOG.assertTrue(anchor != null);
        tryStatement = (PsiTryStatement) anchor.getParent().addAfter(tryStatement, anchor);

        addExceptions(newExceptions, tryStatement);
        tryStatement.getCatchSections()[0].delete(); // Delete dummy catch section
  private static void fillFromSchema(PsiFile file, ElementNames names) {
    if (!(file instanceof XmlFile)) return;
    final XmlFile f = (XmlFile) file;
    final XmlDocument d = f.getDocument();
    if (d == null) return;
    final XmlTag rootTag = d.getRootTag();
    if (rootTag == null) return;

    //noinspection unchecked
    names.dependencies.add(new NSDeclTracker(rootTag));

    try {
      final Map<String, String> namespaceDeclarations = rootTag.getLocalNamespaceDeclarations();
      final Collection<String> prefixes = namespaceDeclarations.keySet();

      //noinspection unchecked
      final Set<XmlElementDescriptor> history = new THashSet<XmlElementDescriptor>();

      final XmlElementFactory ef = XmlElementFactory.getInstance(file.getProject());
      int noSchemaNamespaces = 0;
      for (String prefix : prefixes) {
        final String namespace = namespaceDeclarations.get(prefix);
        if (isIgnoredNamespace(prefix, namespace)) continue;

        final XmlTag tag =
            ef.createTagFromText("<dummy-tag xmlns='" + namespace + "' />", XMLLanguage.INSTANCE);
        final XmlDocument document = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(tag, XmlDocument.class);
        final XmlNSDescriptor rootDescriptor = tag.getNSDescriptor(tag.getNamespace(), true);
        if (rootDescriptor == null
            || (rootDescriptor instanceof XmlNSDescriptorImpl
                && ((XmlNSDescriptorImpl) rootDescriptor).getTag() == null)
            || !rootDescriptor.getDeclaration().isPhysical()) {
          final QName any = QNameUtil.createAnyLocalName(namespace);

        //noinspection unchecked

        final XmlElementDescriptor[] e = rootDescriptor.getRootElementsDescriptors(document);
        for (XmlElementDescriptor descriptor : e) {
          processElementDescriptors(descriptor, tag, names, history);

      names.validateNames = names.elementNames.size() > noSchemaNamespaces;

      //            final QName any = QNameUtil.createAnyLocalName("");
      //            names.elementNames.add(any);
      //            names.attributeNames.add(any);
    } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {
 private static void suggestGeneratedMethods(CompletionResultSet result, PsiElement position) {
   PsiClass parent =
           ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(position, PsiClass.class)));
   if (parent != null) {
     Set<MethodSignature> addedSignatures = ContainerUtil.newHashSet();
     addGetterSetterElements(result, parent, addedSignatures);
     addSuperSignatureElements(parent, true, result, addedSignatures);
     addSuperSignatureElements(parent, false, result, addedSignatures);
Example #10
 public PomModelEvent runInner() throws IncorrectOperationException {
   final ASTNode anchor = expandTag();
   if (myChild.getElementType() == XmlElementType.XML_TAG) {
     // compute where to insert tag according to DTD or XSD
     final XmlElementDescriptor parentDescriptor = getDescriptor();
     final XmlTag[] subTags = getSubTags();
     final PsiElement declaration =
         parentDescriptor != null ? parentDescriptor.getDeclaration() : null;
     // filtring out generated dtds
     if (declaration != null
         && declaration.getContainingFile() != null
         && declaration.getContainingFile().isPhysical()
         && subTags.length > 0) {
       final XmlElementDescriptor[] childElementDescriptors =
       int subTagNum = -1;
       for (final XmlElementDescriptor childElementDescriptor : childElementDescriptors) {
         final String childElementName = childElementDescriptor.getName();
         while (subTagNum < subTags.length - 1
             && subTags[subTagNum + 1].getName().equals(childElementName)) {
         if (childElementName.equals(
             XmlChildRole.START_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(myChild).getText())) {
           // insert child just after anchor
           // insert into the position specified by index
           if (subTagNum >= 0) {
             final ASTNode subTag = (ASTNode) subTags[subTagNum];
             if (subTag.getTreeParent() != XmlTagImpl.this) {
               // in entity
               final XmlEntityRef entityRef =
                   PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(subTags[subTagNum], XmlEntityRef.class);
               throw new IncorrectOperationException(
                   "Can't insert subtag to the entity. Entity reference text: "
                       + (entityRef == null ? "" : entityRef.getText()));
             myNewElement =
                 XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, subTag, Boolean.FALSE);
           } else {
             final ASTNode child = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_END_FINDER.findChild(XmlTagImpl.this);
             myNewElement = XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, child, Boolean.FALSE);
           return null;
     } else {
       final ASTNode child = XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_START_FINDER.findChild(XmlTagImpl.this);
       myNewElement = XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, child, Boolean.TRUE);
       return null;
   myNewElement = XmlTagImpl.super.addInternal(myChild, myChild, anchor, Boolean.TRUE);
   return null;
 public void visitPyReturnStatement(PyReturnStatement node) {
   if (PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(node, ScopeOwner.class, true) == myFunction) {
     final PyExpression expr = node.getExpression();
     PyType returnType;
     returnType = expr == null ? PyNoneType.INSTANCE : myContext.getType(expr);
     if (!myHasReturns) {
       myResult = returnType;
       myHasReturns = true;
     } else {
       myResult = PyUnionType.union(myResult, returnType);
 public static PsiClass getProviderClass(final PsiElement element, final PsiClass topLevelClass) {
   final PsiAnnotation annotation = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiAnnotation.class);
   if (annotation != null) {
     final PsiAnnotationMemberValue value =
     if (value instanceof PsiClassObjectAccessExpression) {
       final PsiTypeElement operand = ((PsiClassObjectAccessExpression) value).getOperand();
       final PsiClass psiClass = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(operand.getType());
       if (psiClass != null) {
         return psiClass;
   return topLevelClass;
  public PyClass getContainingClass() {
    final PyFunctionStub stub = getStub();
    if (stub != null) {
      final StubElement parentStub = stub.getParentStub();
      if (parentStub instanceof PyClassStub) {
        return ((PyClassStub) parentStub).getPsi();

      return null;

    final PsiElement parent = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, StubBasedPsiElement.class);
    if (parent instanceof PyClass) {
      return (PyClass) parent;
    return null;
Example #14
 public static boolean isStaticallyImported(
     @NotNull PsiMember member, @NotNull PsiElement context) {
   final PsiClass memberClass = member.getContainingClass();
   if (memberClass == null) {
     return false;
   final PsiClass containingClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(context, PsiClass.class);
   if (InheritanceUtil.isInheritorOrSelf(containingClass, memberClass, true)) {
     return false;
   final PsiFile psiFile = context.getContainingFile();
   if (!(psiFile instanceof PsiJavaFile)) {
     return false;
   final PsiJavaFile javaFile = (PsiJavaFile) psiFile;
   final PsiImportList importList = javaFile.getImportList();
   if (importList == null) {
     return false;
   final String memberName = member.getName();
   if (memberName == null) {
     return false;
   final PsiImportStatementBase existingImportStatement =
   if (existingImportStatement instanceof PsiImportStaticStatement) {
     final PsiClass importClass =
         ((PsiImportStaticStatement) existingImportStatement).resolveTargetClass();
     if (InheritanceUtil.isInheritorOrSelf(importClass, memberClass, true)) {
       return true;
   final String memberClassName = memberClass.getQualifiedName();
   if (memberClassName == null) {
     return false;
   final PsiImportStaticStatement onDemandImportStatement =
       findOnDemandImportStaticStatement(importList, memberClassName);
   if (onDemandImportStatement != null) {
     if (!hasOnDemandImportStaticConflict(memberClassName, memberName, context)) {
       return true;
   return false;
Example #15
 private static boolean nameCanBeStaticallyImported(
     @NotNull String fqName, @NotNull String memberName, @NotNull PsiElement context) {
   final PsiClass containingClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(context, PsiClass.class);
   if (containingClass == null) {
     return false;
   if (InheritanceUtil.isInheritor(containingClass, fqName)) {
     return true;
   final PsiField field = containingClass.findFieldByName(memberName, true);
   if (field != null) {
     return false;
   final PsiMethod[] methods = containingClass.findMethodsByName(memberName, true);
   if (methods.length > 0) {
     return false;
   return !hasOnDemandImportStaticConflict(fqName, memberName, context, true)
       && !hasExactImportStaticConflict(fqName, memberName, context);
  private static List<PsiClass> getInnerClassesForResolve(
      @NotNull final GrTypeDefinition grType,
      @Nullable final PsiElement lastParent,
      @NotNull final PsiElement place) {
    if (lastParent instanceof GrReferenceList
        || PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(place, GrReferenceList.class) != null) {
      return Arrays.asList(grType.getInnerClasses());

    List<PsiClass> classes =
            new Computable<List<PsiClass>>() {
              public List<PsiClass> compute() {
                List<PsiClass> result = new ArrayList<PsiClass>();
                for (CandidateInfo info :
                    CollectClassMembersUtil.getAllInnerClasses(grType, false).values()) {
                  final PsiClass inner = (PsiClass) info.getElement();
                  final PsiClass containingClass = inner.getContainingClass();
                  assert containingClass != null;

                  if (lastParent == null
                      || !containingClass.isInterface()
                      || PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(containingClass, place, false)) {
                    ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(result, inner);
                return result;

    if (classes == null) {
      return Arrays.asList(grType.getInnerClasses());

    return classes;
  public static PsiType getFunctionalInterfaceType(
      PsiElement expression, final boolean tryToSubstitute, int paramIdx) {
    PsiElement parent = expression.getParent();
    PsiElement element = expression;
    while (parent instanceof PsiParenthesizedExpression
        || parent instanceof PsiConditionalExpression) {
      if (parent instanceof PsiConditionalExpression
          && ((PsiConditionalExpression) parent).getThenExpression() != element
          && ((PsiConditionalExpression) parent).getElseExpression() != element) break;
      element = parent;
      parent = parent.getParent();
    if (parent instanceof PsiArrayInitializerExpression) {
      final PsiType psiType = ((PsiArrayInitializerExpression) parent).getType();
      if (psiType instanceof PsiArrayType) {
        return ((PsiArrayType) psiType).getComponentType();
    } else if (parent instanceof PsiTypeCastExpression) {
      final PsiType castType = ((PsiTypeCastExpression) parent).getType();
      if (castType instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
        for (PsiType conjunctType : ((PsiIntersectionType) castType).getConjuncts()) {
          if (getFunctionalInterfaceMethod(conjunctType) != null) return conjunctType;
      return castType;
    } else if (parent instanceof PsiVariable) {
      return ((PsiVariable) parent).getType();
    } else if (parent instanceof PsiAssignmentExpression
        && expression instanceof PsiExpression
        && !PsiUtil.isOnAssignmentLeftHand((PsiExpression) expression)) {
      final PsiExpression lExpression = ((PsiAssignmentExpression) parent).getLExpression();
      return lExpression.getType();
    } else if (parent instanceof PsiExpressionList) {
      final PsiExpressionList expressionList = (PsiExpressionList) parent;
      final int lambdaIdx = getLambdaIdx(expressionList, expression);
      if (lambdaIdx > -1) {

        PsiType cachedType = null;
        final Pair<PsiMethod, PsiSubstitutor> method = MethodCandidateInfo.getCurrentMethod(parent);
        if (method != null) {
          final PsiParameter[] parameters = method.first.getParameterList().getParameters();
          cachedType =
              lambdaIdx < parameters.length
                  ? method.second.substitute(
                          parameters[adjustLambdaIdx(lambdaIdx, method.first, parameters)]))
                  : null;
          if (!tryToSubstitute) return cachedType;

        PsiElement gParent = expressionList.getParent();

        if (gParent instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
          gParent = gParent.getParent();

        if (gParent instanceof PsiCall) {
          final PsiCall contextCall = (PsiCall) gParent;
          final JavaResolveResult resolveResult = contextCall.resolveMethodGenerics();
          final PsiElement resolve = resolveResult.getElement();
          if (resolve instanceof PsiMethod) {
            final PsiParameter[] parameters =
                ((PsiMethod) resolve).getParameterList().getParameters();
            final int finalLambdaIdx = adjustLambdaIdx(lambdaIdx, (PsiMethod) resolve, parameters);
            if (finalLambdaIdx < parameters.length) {
              if (!tryToSubstitute) return getNormalizedType(parameters[finalLambdaIdx]);
              if (cachedType != null && paramIdx > -1) {
                final PsiMethod interfaceMethod = getFunctionalInterfaceMethod(cachedType);
                if (interfaceMethod != null) {
                  final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult cachedResult =
                  final PsiType interfaceMethodParameterType =
                  if (!dependsOnTypeParams(
                      expression)) {
                    return cachedType;
              return PsiResolveHelper.ourGuard.doPreventingRecursion(
                  new Computable<PsiType>() {
                    public PsiType compute() {
                      return resolveResult
          return null;
    } else if (parent instanceof PsiReturnStatement) {
      final PsiLambdaExpression gParent =
          PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(parent, PsiLambdaExpression.class);
      if (gParent != null) {
        return getFunctionalInterfaceTypeByContainingLambda(gParent);
      } else {
        final PsiMethod method = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(parent, PsiMethod.class);
        if (method != null) {
          return method.getReturnType();
    } else if (parent instanceof PsiLambdaExpression) {
      return getFunctionalInterfaceTypeByContainingLambda((PsiLambdaExpression) parent);
    return null;
Example #18
 public static boolean addStaticImport(
     @NotNull String qualifierClass,
     @NonNls @NotNull String memberName,
     @NotNull PsiElement context) {
   if (!nameCanBeStaticallyImported(qualifierClass, memberName, context)) {
     return false;
   final PsiClass containingClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(context, PsiClass.class);
   if (InheritanceUtil.isInheritor(containingClass, qualifierClass)) {
     return true;
   final PsiFile psiFile = context.getContainingFile();
   if (!(psiFile instanceof PsiJavaFile)) {
     return false;
   final PsiJavaFile javaFile = (PsiJavaFile) psiFile;
   final PsiImportList importList = javaFile.getImportList();
   if (importList == null) {
     return false;
   final PsiImportStatementBase existingImportStatement =
   if (existingImportStatement != null) {
     if (existingImportStatement instanceof PsiImportStaticStatement) {
       final PsiImportStaticStatement importStaticStatement =
           (PsiImportStaticStatement) existingImportStatement;
       if (!memberName.equals(importStaticStatement.getReferenceName())) {
         return false;
       final PsiClass targetClass = importStaticStatement.resolveTargetClass();
       return targetClass != null && qualifierClass.equals(targetClass.getQualifiedName());
     return false;
   final PsiImportStaticStatement onDemandImportStatement =
       findOnDemandImportStaticStatement(importList, qualifierClass);
   if (onDemandImportStatement != null
       && !hasOnDemandImportStaticConflict(qualifierClass, memberName, context)) {
     return true;
   final Project project = context.getProject();
   final GlobalSearchScope scope = context.getResolveScope();
   final JavaPsiFacade psiFacade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project);
   final PsiClass aClass = psiFacade.findClass(qualifierClass, scope);
   if (aClass == null) {
     return false;
   final String qualifiedName = aClass.getQualifiedName();
   if (qualifiedName == null) {
     return false;
   final List<PsiImportStaticStatement> imports = getMatchingImports(importList, qualifiedName);
   final int onDemandCount =
   final PsiElementFactory elementFactory = psiFacade.getElementFactory();
   if (imports.size() < onDemandCount) {
     importList.add(elementFactory.createImportStaticStatement(aClass, memberName));
   } else {
     for (PsiImportStaticStatement importStatement : imports) {
     importList.add(elementFactory.createImportStaticStatement(aClass, "*"));
   return true;
  private void checkExistingMethods(MultiMap<PsiElement, String> conflicts, boolean isGetter) {
    if (isGetter) {
      if (!myDescriptor.isToEncapsulateGet()) return;
    } else {
      if (!myDescriptor.isToEncapsulateSet()) return;

    for (FieldDescriptor descriptor : myFieldDescriptors) {
      PsiMethod prototype =
          isGetter ? descriptor.getGetterPrototype() : descriptor.getSetterPrototype();

      final PsiType prototypeReturnType = prototype.getReturnType();
      PsiMethod existing = myClass.findMethodBySignature(prototype, true);
      if (existing != null) {
        final PsiType returnType = existing.getReturnType();
        if (!RefactoringUtil.equivalentTypes(
            prototypeReturnType, returnType, myClass.getManager())) {
          final String descr =
                      | PsiFormatUtilBase.SHOW_PARAMETERS
                      | PsiFormatUtilBase.SHOW_TYPE,
          String message =
                  ? RefactoringBundle.message(
                  : RefactoringBundle.message(
          conflicts.putValue(existing, message);
      } else {
        PsiClass containingClass = myClass.getContainingClass();
        while (containingClass != null && existing == null) {
          existing = containingClass.findMethodBySignature(prototype, true);
          if (existing != null) {
            for (PsiReference reference : ReferencesSearch.search(existing)) {
              final PsiElement place = reference.getElement();
              LOG.assertTrue(place instanceof PsiReferenceExpression);
              final PsiExpression qualifierExpression =
                  ((PsiReferenceExpression) place).getQualifierExpression();
              final PsiClass inheritor;
              if (qualifierExpression == null) {
                inheritor = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(place, PsiClass.class, false);
              } else {
                inheritor = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(qualifierExpression.getType());

              if (InheritanceUtil.isInheritorOrSelf(inheritor, myClass, true)) {
                    "There is already a "
                        + RefactoringUIUtil.getDescription(existing, true)
                        + " which would be hidden by generated "
                        + (isGetter ? "getter" : "setter"));
          containingClass = containingClass.getContainingClass();
  private static PsiExpression createDefaultValue(
      JavaChangeInfo changeInfo,
      final PsiElementFactory factory,
      final JavaParameterInfo info,
      final PsiExpressionList list)
      throws IncorrectOperationException {
    if (info.isUseAnySingleVariable()) {
      final PsiResolveHelper resolveHelper =
      final PsiType type = info.getTypeWrapper().getType(changeInfo.getMethod(), list.getManager());
      final VariablesProcessor processor =
          new VariablesProcessor(false) {
            protected boolean check(PsiVariable var, ResolveState state) {
              if (var instanceof PsiField
                  && !resolveHelper.isAccessible((PsiField) var, list, null)) return false;
              if (var instanceof PsiLocalVariable
                  && list.getTextRange().getStartOffset() <= var.getTextRange().getStartOffset())
                return false;
              if (PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(var, list, false)) return false;
              final PsiType varType = state.get(PsiSubstitutor.KEY).substitute(var.getType());
              return type.isAssignableFrom(varType);

            public boolean execute(PsiElement pe, ResolveState state) {
              super.execute(pe, state);
              return size() < 2;
      PsiScopesUtil.treeWalkUp(processor, list, null);
      if (processor.size() == 1) {
        final PsiVariable result = processor.getResult(0);
        return factory.createExpressionFromText(result.getName(), list);
      if (processor.size() == 0) {
        final PsiClass parentClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(list, PsiClass.class);
        if (parentClass != null) {
          PsiClass containingClass = parentClass;
          final Set<PsiClass> containingClasses = new HashSet<PsiClass>();
          while (containingClass != null) {
            if (type.isAssignableFrom(factory.createType(containingClass, PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY))) {
            containingClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(containingClass, PsiClass.class);
          if (containingClasses.size() == 1) {
            return RefactoringUtil.createThisExpression(
                    ? null
                    : containingClasses.iterator().next());
    final PsiCallExpression callExpression =
        PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(list, PsiCallExpression.class);
    final String defaultValue = info.getDefaultValue();
    return callExpression != null
        ? info.getValue(callExpression)
        : defaultValue.length() > 0 ? factory.createExpressionFromText(defaultValue, list) : null;
  public static Set<LookupElement> processJavaReference(
      PsiElement element,
      PsiJavaReference javaReference,
      ElementFilter elementFilter,
      JavaCompletionProcessor.Options options,
      final PrefixMatcher matcher,
      CompletionParameters parameters) {
    final Set<LookupElement> set = new LinkedHashSet<LookupElement>();
    final Condition<String> nameCondition =
        new Condition<String>() {
          public boolean value(String s) {
            return matcher.prefixMatches(s);

    PsiMethodCallExpression call =
        PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiMethodCallExpression.class);
    boolean checkInitialized =
        parameters.getInvocationCount() <= 1
            && call != null
            && PsiKeyword.SUPER.equals(call.getMethodExpression().getText());

    final JavaCompletionProcessor processor =
        new JavaCompletionProcessor(
            element, elementFilter, options.withInitialized(checkInitialized), nameCondition);
    final PsiType plainQualifier = processor.getQualifierType();
    PsiType qualifierType = plainQualifier;

    PsiType runtimeQualifier = getQualifierCastType(javaReference, parameters);
    if (runtimeQualifier != null) {
      PsiType composite =
          qualifierType == null
              ? runtimeQualifier
              : PsiIntersectionType.createIntersection(qualifierType, runtimeQualifier);
      PsiElement ctx = createContextWithXxxVariable(element, composite);
      javaReference =
                  .createExpressionFromText("xxx.xxx", ctx);
      qualifierType = runtimeQualifier;


    final PsiTypeLookupItem castItem =
        runtimeQualifier == null
            ? null
            : PsiTypeLookupItem.createLookupItem(
                runtimeQualifier, (PsiReferenceExpression) javaReference);

    final boolean pkgContext = inSomePackage(element);

    final Set<PsiMember> mentioned = new THashSet<PsiMember>();
    for (CompletionElement completionElement : processor.getResults()) {
      for (LookupElement item : createLookupElements(completionElement, javaReference)) {
        item.putUserData(QUALIFIER_TYPE_ATTR, qualifierType);
        final Object o = item.getObject();
        if (o instanceof PsiClass && !isSourceLevelAccessible(element, (PsiClass) o, pkgContext)) {
        if (o instanceof PsiMember) {
          if (isInExcludedPackage((PsiMember) o, true)) {
          mentioned.add(CompletionUtil.getOriginalOrSelf((PsiMember) o));
                castQualifier(item, castItem, plainQualifier, processor),

    if (javaReference instanceof PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement
        && !((PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) javaReference).isQualified()) {
      final StaticMemberProcessor memberProcessor = new JavaStaticMemberProcessor(parameters);
          new PairConsumer<PsiMember, PsiClass>() {
            public void consume(PsiMember member, PsiClass psiClass) {
              if (!mentioned.contains(member)
                  && processor.satisfies(member, ResolveState.initial())) {
                set.add(memberProcessor.createLookupElement(member, psiClass, true));

    return set;
  private static PsiSubstitutor inferNested(
      final PsiTypeParameter[] typeParameters,
      @NotNull final PsiParameter[] parameters,
      @NotNull final PsiExpression[] arguments,
      final PsiSubstitutor partialSubstitutor,
      @NotNull final PsiCall parent,
      @NotNull final ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy,
      final MethodCandidateInfo.CurrentCandidateProperties properties,
      final InferenceSession parentSession) {
    final CompoundInitialState compoundInitialState = createState(parentSession);
    InitialInferenceState initialInferenceState = compoundInitialState.getInitialState(parent);
    if (initialInferenceState != null) {
      final InferenceSession childSession = new InferenceSession(initialInferenceState);
      final List<String> errorMessages = parentSession.getIncompatibleErrorMessages();
      if (errorMessages != null) {
        return childSession.prepareSubstitution();
      return childSession.collectAdditionalAndInfer(
          parameters, arguments, properties, compoundInitialState.getInitialSubstitutor());

    // we do not investigate lambda return expressions when lambda's return type is already inferred
    // (proper)
    // this way all calls from lambda's return expressions won't appear in nested sessions
    else {
      PsiElement gParent = PsiUtil.skipParenthesizedExprUp(parent.getParent());
      // find the nearest parent which appears in the map and start inference with a provided target
      // type for a nested lambda
      while (true) {
        if (gParent instanceof PsiReturnStatement) { // process code block lambda
          final PsiElement returnContainer = gParent.getParent();
          if (returnContainer instanceof PsiCodeBlock) {
            gParent = returnContainer.getParent();
        if (gParent instanceof PsiLambdaExpression) {
          final PsiCall call = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(gParent, PsiCall.class);
          if (call != null) {
            initialInferenceState = compoundInitialState.getInitialState(call);
            if (initialInferenceState != null) {
              final int idx = LambdaUtil.getLambdaIdx(call.getArgumentList(), gParent);
              final PsiMethod method = call.resolveMethod();
              if (method != null && idx > -1) {
                final PsiType parameterType =
                        method.getParameterList().getParameters(), idx, true);
                final PsiType parameterTypeInTermsOfSession =
                final PsiType lambdaTargetType =
                return LambdaUtil.performWithLambdaTargetType(
                    (PsiLambdaExpression) gParent,
                    new Producer<PsiSubstitutor>() {
                      public PsiSubstitutor produce() {
                        if (call.equals(PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(parent, PsiCall.class, true))) {
                          // parent was mentioned in the top inference session
                          // just proceed with the target type
                          final InferenceSession inferenceSession =
                              new InferenceSession(
                          inferenceSession.initExpressionConstraints(parameters, arguments, parent);
                          return inferenceSession.infer(parameters, arguments, parent);
                        // one of the grand parents were found in the top inference session
                        // start from it as it is the top level call
                        final InferenceSession sessionInsideLambda =
                            startTopLevelInference(call, policy);
                        return inferNested(
            } else {
              gParent = PsiUtil.skipParenthesizedExprUp(call.getParent());
    return null;