public void retrieveRoomsMap() { // this method retrieves the rooms to be insserted in the two rooms lists. // it deposits the retrieved data in a map where the key is the room name (String) and the value // is the corresponding entity IRI. // the above data structure will be used in passing the entity IRIs in the jess working memory // when constructing the facts // when the respective room name (String) is selected in the rooms list combo box. for (OWLSubClassOfAxiom scoAx : topIxOnt.getSubClassAxiomsForSuperClass( OWLFactory.getOWLClass( IRI.create( "")))) { String tmpS = scoAx.getSubClass().toString(); Set<OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom> tmpAnnSet = topIxOnt.getAnnotationAssertionAxioms( IRI.create(tmpS.substring(tmpS.indexOf('<') + 1, tmpS.indexOf('>')))); for (OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom aaAx : tmpAnnSet) { if (aaAx.getProperty() .toString() .equals( "<>")) { roomToIRI.put( aaAx.getValue().toString().substring(1, aaAx.getValue().toString().indexOf('^') - 1), tmpS.substring(tmpS.indexOf('<') + 1, tmpS.indexOf('>'))); } } } }
public void visit(OWLSubClassOfAxiom axiom) { addChildParent(axiom.getSubClass(), axiom.getSuperClass(), axiom); axiom.getSubClass().accept(this); axiom.getSuperClass().accept(this); }