public static Module parse(final URI descriptor, final Handler defaultHandler) throws IOException, ParseException, IllegalArgumentException { if (descriptor == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The module descriptor URI cannot be null."); // Instantiate module and load document final Module module = new Module(descriptor, defaultHandler); final Document document; try { document = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new File(descriptor)); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new ParseException("Cannot parse XML document, see inner exception for details.", e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new ParseException( "XML parser configuration invalid, see inner exception for details.", e); } // Verify root element final String moduleType = extract(document, "/module/@type", "Cannot extract module type"); if (!"JAVA_MODULE".equals(moduleType)) throw new ParseException("Module \"" + module.getName() + "\" is not a Java module."); try { module.processComponents(document); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new ParseException("Cannot parse module \"" + module.getName() + "\".", e); } return module; }
private static boolean packageResources( @NotNull AndroidFacet facet, @NotNull CompileContext context) { final Module module = facet.getModule(); try { context.processMessage( new ProgressMessage( AndroidJpsBundle.message( "android.jps.progress.packaging.resources", module.getName()))); final File manifestFile = AndroidJpsUtil.getManifestFileForCompilationPath(facet); if (manifestFile == null) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, AndroidJpsBundle.message( "android.jps.errors.manifest.not.found", module.getName()))); return false; } final ArrayList<String> assetsDirPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); collectAssetDirs(facet, assetsDirPaths); final File outputDir = AndroidJpsUtil.getOutputDirectoryForPackagedFiles(context.getProjectPaths(), module); if (outputDir == null) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, AndroidJpsBundle.message( "android.jps.errors.output.dir.not.specified", module.getName()))); return false; } final Pair<AndroidSdk, IAndroidTarget> pair = AndroidJpsUtil.getAndroidPlatform(module, context, BUILDER_NAME); if (pair == null) { return false; } final IAndroidTarget target = pair.getSecond(); final String outputFilePath = getPackagedResourcesFile(module, outputDir).getPath(); final String[] resourceDirPaths = AndroidJpsUtil.collectResourceDirsForCompilation(facet, true, context); return doPackageResources( context, manifestFile, target, resourceDirPaths, ArrayUtil.toStringArray(assetsDirPaths), outputFilePath, AndroidJpsUtil.isReleaseBuild(context)); } catch (IOException e) { AndroidJpsUtil.reportExceptionError(context, null, e, BUILDER_NAME); return false; } }
private static boolean runPngCaching( @NotNull CompileContext context, @NotNull Module module, @NotNull AndroidFileSetStorage storage, @Nullable AndroidFileSetState state) throws IOException { final AndroidFileSetState savedState = storage.getState(module.getName()); if (context.isMake() && savedState != null && savedState.equalsTo(state)) { return true; } final AndroidFacet facet = AndroidJpsUtil.getFacet(module); if (facet == null) { return true; } context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, AndroidJpsBundle.message("android.jps.progress.res.caching", module.getName()))); final File resourceDir = AndroidJpsUtil.getResourceDirForCompilationPath(facet); if (resourceDir == null) { return true; } final Pair<AndroidSdk, IAndroidTarget> pair = AndroidJpsUtil.getAndroidPlatform(module, context, BUILDER_NAME); if (pair == null) { return false; } final File resCacheDir = AndroidJpsUtil.getResourcesCacheDir(context, module); if (!resCacheDir.exists()) { if (!resCacheDir.mkdirs()) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "Cannot create directory " + resCacheDir.getPath())); return false; } } final IAndroidTarget target = pair.second; final Map<AndroidCompilerMessageKind, List<String>> messages = AndroidApt.crunch( target, Collections.singletonList(resourceDir.getPath()), resCacheDir.getPath()); AndroidJpsUtil.addMessages(context, messages, BUILDER_NAME); final boolean success = messages.get(AndroidCompilerMessageKind.ERROR).isEmpty(); storage.update(module.getName(), success ? state : null); return success; }
public List<ContainerUnit> listContainers(String applicationName, boolean withModules) throws ServiceException { List<ContainerUnit> containers = new ArrayList<>(); try { Application application = findByNameAndUser(authentificationUtils.getAuthentificatedUser(), applicationName); if (application != null) { try { // Serveurs List<Server> servers = application.getServers(); // Ajout des containers de type server for (Server server : servers) { DockerContainer dockerContainer = new DockerContainer(); dockerContainer.setName(server.getName()); dockerContainer = DockerContainer.findOne(dockerContainer, application.getManagerIp()); server = containerMapper.mapDockerContainerToServer(dockerContainer, server); ContainerUnit containerUnit = new ContainerUnit(server.getName(), server.getContainerID(), "server"); containers.add(containerUnit); } if (withModules) { // Ajout des containers de type module List<Module> modules = application.getModules(); for (Module module : modules) { // on evite de remonter les modules de type toolkit // (git, maven...) if (module.isTool()) { continue; } DockerContainer dockerContainer = new DockerContainer(); dockerContainer.setName(module.getName()); dockerContainer = DockerContainer.findOne(dockerContainer, application.getManagerIp()); module = containerMapper.mapDockerContainerToModule(dockerContainer, module); ContainerUnit containerUnit = new ContainerUnit(module.getName(), module.getContainerID(), "module"); containers.add(containerUnit); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Si une application sort en erreur, il ne faut pas // arrêter la suite des traitements logger.error(application.toString(), ex); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } return containers; }
private static Map<String, String> buildClassToSourceMap( ModuleChunk chunk, CompileContext context, Set<String> toCompilePaths, String moduleOutputPath) throws IOException { final Map<String, String> class2Src = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Module module : chunk.getModules()) { final String moduleName = module.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.US); final SourceToOutputMapping srcToOut = context.getDataManager().getSourceToOutputMap(moduleName, context.isCompilingTests()); for (String src : srcToOut.getKeys()) { if (!toCompilePaths.contains(src) && isGroovyFile(src)) { final Collection<String> outs = srcToOut.getState(src); if (outs != null) { for (String out : outs) { if (out.endsWith(".class") && out.startsWith(moduleOutputPath)) { final String className = out.substring(moduleOutputPath.length(), out.length() - ".class".length()) .replace('/', '.'); class2Src.put(className, src); } } } } } } return class2Src; }
private ProjectWrapper( final GantBinding binding, final String prjDir, final String setupScript, final Map<String, String> pathVariables, final boolean loadHistory) { affectedFiles = new HashSet<String>(); myProject = new GantBasedProject(binding == null ? new GantBinding() : binding); myProjectBuilder = myProject.getBuilder(); final File prjFile = new File(prjDir); final boolean dirBased = !(prjFile.isFile() && prjDir.endsWith(".ipr")); myRoot = dirBased ? getCanonicalPath(prjDir) : getCanonicalPath(prjFile.getParent()); final String loadPath = dirBased ? getAbsolutePath(myIDEADir) : prjDir; IdeaProjectLoader.loadFromPath( myProject, loadPath, pathVariables != null ? pathVariables : Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), setupScript); myProjectSnapshot = myHomeDir + File.separator + myJPSDir + File.separator + myRoot.replace(File.separatorChar, myFileSeparatorReplacement); try { dependencyMapping = new Mappings(getMapDir()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } backendCallback = dependencyMapping.getCallback(); for (Module m : myProject.getModules().values()) { myModules.put(m.getName(), new ModuleWrapper(m)); } for (Library l : myProject.getLibraries().values()) { myLibraries.put(l.getName(), new LibraryWrapper(l)); } myHistory = loadHistory ? loadSnapshot(affectedFiles) : null; if (loadHistory) { dependencyMapping = myHistory.dependencyMapping; } }
private static boolean checkUpToDate( @NotNull Module module, @NotNull Map<Module, AndroidFileSetState> module2state, @NotNull AndroidFileSetStorage storage) throws IOException { final AndroidFileSetState moduleState = module2state.get(module); final AndroidFileSetState savedState = storage.getState(module.getName()); if (savedState == null || !savedState.equalsTo(moduleState)) { return false; } for (AndroidFacet libFacet : AndroidJpsUtil.getAllAndroidDependencies(module, true)) { final Module libModule = libFacet.getModule(); final AndroidFileSetState currentLibState = module2state.get(libModule); final AndroidFileSetState savedLibState = storage.getState(libModule.getName()); if (savedLibState == null || !savedLibState.equalsTo(currentLibState)) { return false; } } return true; }
public ModuleWrapper(final Module m) { m.forceInit(); myModule = m; myDependsOn = null; myTestDependsOn = null; myName = m.getName(); myExcludes = new HashSet<String>(m.getExcludes()); mySource = new Properties(m.getSourceRoots(), m.getOutputPath(), myExcludes); myTest = new Properties(m.getTestRoots(), m.getTestOutputPath(), myExcludes); myLibraries = new HashSet<LibraryWrapper>(); for (Library lib : m.getLibraries().values()) { myLibraries.add(new LibraryWrapper(lib)); } }
public void makeModules(final Collection<Module> initial, final Flags flags) { if (myHistory == null && !flags.tests()) { clean(); } new Logger(flags) { @Override public void log(final PrintStream stream) { stream.println("Request to make modules:"); logMany(stream, initial); stream.println("End of request"); } }.log(); final ClasspathKind kind = ClasspathKind.compile(flags.tests()); final Set<Module> modules = new HashSet<Module>(); final Set<String> marked = new HashSet<String>(); final Map<String, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); final Set<String> frontier = new HashSet<String>(); final Map<String, Set<String>> reversedDependencies = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); final DotPrinter printer = new DotPrinter(flags.logStream()); printer.header(); for (Module m : myProject.getModules().values()) { final String mName = m.getName(); printer.node(mName); for (ClasspathItem cpi : m.getClasspath(kind)) { if (cpi instanceof Module) { final String name = ((Module) cpi).getName(); printer.edge(name, mName); Set<String> sm = reversedDependencies.get(name); if (sm == null) { sm = new HashSet<String>(); reversedDependencies.put(name, sm); } sm.add(mName); } } } printer.footer(); // Building "upper" subgraph printer.header(); new Object() { public void run(final Collection<Module> initial) { if (initial == null) return; for (Module module : initial) { final String mName = module.getName(); if (marked.contains(mName)) continue; printer.node(mName); final List<Module> dep = new ArrayList<Module>(); for (ClasspathItem cpi : module.getClasspath(kind)) { if (cpi instanceof Module && !marked.contains(((Module) cpi).getName())) { printer.edge(((Module) cpi).getName(), mName); dep.add((Module) cpi); } } if (dep.size() == 0) { frontier.add(mName); } marked.add(mName); run(dep); } } }.run(initial); printer.footer(); // Traversing "upper" subgraph and collecting outdated modules and their descendants new Object() { public void run(final Collection<String> initial, final boolean force) { if (initial == null) return; for (String moduleName : initial) { if (!marked.contains(moduleName)) continue; final Boolean property = visited.get(moduleName); if (property == null || !property && force) { final boolean outdated = getModule(moduleName).isOutdated(flags.tests(), myHistory); if (force || outdated) { visited.put(moduleName, true); modules.add(myProject.getModules().get(moduleName)); run(reversedDependencies.get(moduleName), true); } else { if (property == null) { visited.put(moduleName, false); } run(reversedDependencies.get(moduleName), false); } } } } }.run(frontier, flags.force()); new Logger(flags) { @Override public void log(PrintStream stream) { stream.println("Propagated modules:"); logMany(stream, modules); stream.println("End of propagated"); } }.log(); if (modules.size() == 0 && !flags.force()) { System.out.println("All requested modules are up-to-date."); return; } final BusyBeaver beaver = new BusyBeaver(myProjectBuilder); myProjectBuilder.buildStart(); if (flags.tests()) { modules, new Flags() { public boolean tests() { return false; } public boolean incremental() { return flags.incremental(); } public boolean force() { return flags.force(); } public PrintStream logStream() { return flags.logStream(); } }); }, flags); myProjectBuilder.buildStop(); for (Module mod : modules) { getModule(mod.getName()).updateOutputStatus(); } }
public BuildStatus build(final Collection<Module> modules, final Flags flags) { boolean incremental = flags.incremental(); final List<ModuleChunk> chunks = myProjectBuilder.getChunks(flags.tests()).getChunkList(); for (final ModuleChunk c : chunks) { final Set<Module> chunkModules = c.getElements(); if (!DefaultGroovyMethods.intersect(modules, chunkModules).isEmpty()) { final Set<String> removedSources = new HashSet<String>(); if (incremental) { final Set<String> chunkSources = new HashSet<String>(); final Set<String> outdatedSources = new HashSet<String>(); for (Module m : chunkModules) { final ModuleWrapper mw = getModule(m.getName()); outdatedSources.addAll(mw.getOutdatedFiles(flags.tests())); chunkSources.addAll(mw.getSources(flags.tests())); removedSources.addAll(mw.getRemovedFiles(flags.tests())); } final BuildStatus result = iterativeCompile(c, chunkSources, outdatedSources, removedSources, flags); incremental = result == BuildStatus.INCREMENTAL; if (result == BuildStatus.FAILURE) { return result; } } else { new Logger(flags) { @Override public void log(PrintStream stream) { stream.println("Compiling chunk " + c.getName() + " non-incrementally."); } }.log(); for (Module m : chunkModules) { final ModuleWrapper mw = getModule(m.getName()); removedSources.addAll(flags.tests() ? mw.getRemovedTests() : mw.getRemovedSources()); } final Set<Module> toClean = new HashSet<Module>(); for (Module m : chunkModules) { if (!cleared.contains(m)) { toClean.add(m); } } if (!toClean.isEmpty() && !flags.tests()) { builder.clearChunk(new ModuleChunk(toClean), null, ProjectWrapper.this); cleared.addAll(toClean); } final Mappings delta = dependencyMapping.createDelta(); final Callbacks.Backend deltaCallback = delta.getCallback(); try { builder.buildChunk(c, flags.tests(), null, deltaCallback, ProjectWrapper.this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return BuildStatus.FAILURE; } final Set<String> allFiles = new HashSet<String>(); for (Module m : c.getElements()) { final ModuleWrapper module = getModule(m.getName()); affectedFiles.removeAll(module.getSources(flags.tests())); allFiles.addAll(module.getSources(flags.tests())); } final Collection<File> files = new HashSet<File>(); for (String f : allFiles) { files.add(new File(f)); } dependencyMapping.integrate(delta, files, removedSources); for (Module m : chunkModules) { Reporter.reportBuildSuccess(m, flags.tests()); } } } } return BuildStatus.INCREMENTAL; }
@NotNull private static File getPackagedResourcesFile(@NotNull Module module, @NotNull File outputDir) { return new File(outputDir.getPath(), module.getName() + ".apk.res"); }
private static boolean doPackagingForModule( @NotNull CompileContext context, @NotNull Module module, @NotNull AndroidFileSetStorage apkFileSetStorage, @NotNull AndroidApkBuilderConfigStateStorage apkBuilderConfigStateStorage, boolean release) throws IOException { final AndroidFacet facet = AndroidJpsUtil.getFacet(module); if (facet == null || facet.isLibrary()) { return true; } final String[] sourceRoots = AndroidJpsUtil.toPaths(AndroidJpsUtil.getSourceRootsForModuleAndDependencies(module)); final ProjectPaths paths = context.getProjectPaths(); final File outputDir = AndroidJpsUtil.getOutputDirectoryForPackagedFiles(paths, module); if (outputDir == null) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, AndroidJpsBundle.message( "android.jps.errors.output.dir.not.specified", module.getName()))); return false; } final Pair<AndroidSdk, IAndroidTarget> pair = AndroidJpsUtil.getAndroidPlatform(module, context, BUILDER_NAME); if (pair == null) { return false; } final Set<String> externalJarsSet = AndroidJpsUtil.getExternalLibraries(paths, module); final File resPackage = getPackagedResourcesFile(module, outputDir); final File classesDexFile = new File(outputDir.getPath(), AndroidCommonUtils.CLASSES_FILE_NAME); final String sdkPath = pair.getFirst().getSdkPath(); final String outputPath = AndroidJpsUtil.getApkPath(facet, outputDir); if (outputPath == null) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "Cannot compute output path for file " + AndroidJpsUtil.getApkName(module))); return false; } final String customKeyStorePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(facet.getCustomDebugKeyStorePath()); final String[] nativeLibDirs = collectNativeLibsFolders(facet); final String resPackagePath = release ? resPackage.getPath() + RELEASE_SUFFIX : resPackage.getPath(); final String outputApkPath = release ? outputPath + UNSIGNED_SUFFIX : outputPath; final String classesDexFilePath = classesDexFile.getPath(); final String[] externalJars = ArrayUtil.toStringArray(externalJarsSet); final AndroidFileSetState currentFileSetState = buildCurrentApkBuilderState( context.getProject(), resPackagePath, classesDexFilePath, nativeLibDirs, sourceRoots, externalJars, release); final AndroidApkBuilderConfigState currentApkBuilderConfigState = new AndroidApkBuilderConfigState(outputApkPath, customKeyStorePath); final AndroidFileSetState savedApkFileSetState = apkFileSetStorage.getState(module.getName()); final AndroidApkBuilderConfigState savedApkBuilderConfigState = apkBuilderConfigStateStorage.getState(module.getName()); if (context.isMake() && currentFileSetState.equalsTo(savedApkFileSetState) && currentApkBuilderConfigState.equalsTo(savedApkBuilderConfigState)) { return true; } context.processMessage( new ProgressMessage( AndroidJpsBundle.message( "android.jps.progress.packaging", AndroidJpsUtil.getApkName(module)))); final Map<AndroidCompilerMessageKind, List<String>> messages = AndroidApkBuilder.execute( resPackagePath, classesDexFilePath, sourceRoots, externalJars, nativeLibDirs, outputApkPath, release, sdkPath, customKeyStorePath, new MyExcludedSourcesFilter(context.getProject())); AndroidJpsUtil.addMessages(context, messages, BUILDER_NAME); final boolean success = messages.get(AndroidCompilerMessageKind.ERROR).isEmpty(); apkFileSetStorage.update(module.getName(), success ? currentFileSetState : null); apkBuilderConfigStateStorage.update( module.getName(), success ? currentApkBuilderConfigState : null); return success; }
private static boolean doResourcePackaging( @NotNull CompileContext context, @NotNull Collection<Module> modules, @NotNull Map<Module, AndroidFileSetState> resourcesStates, @NotNull Map<Module, AndroidFileSetState> assetsStates) throws IOException { boolean success = true; final File dataStorageRoot = context.getDataManager().getDataStorageRoot(); final boolean releaseBuild = AndroidJpsUtil.isReleaseBuild(context); AndroidFileSetStorage resourcesStorage = null; AndroidFileSetStorage assetsStorage = null; try { final String resourcesStorageName = releaseBuild ? "resources_packaging_release" : "resources_packaging_dev"; resourcesStorage = new AndroidFileSetStorage(dataStorageRoot, resourcesStorageName); final String assetsStorageName = releaseBuild ? "assets_packaging_release" : "assets_packaging_dev"; assetsStorage = new AndroidFileSetStorage(dataStorageRoot, assetsStorageName); final Set<Module> modulesToUpdateState = new HashSet<Module>(); for (Module module : modules) { final AndroidFacet facet = AndroidJpsUtil.getFacet(module); if (facet == null) { continue; } boolean updateState = true; if (!facet.isLibrary() && !(context.isMake() && checkUpToDate(module, resourcesStates, resourcesStorage) && checkUpToDate(module, assetsStates, assetsStorage))) { updateState = packageResources(facet, context); if (!updateState) { success = false; } } if (updateState) { modulesToUpdateState.add(module); } } for (Module module : modules) { final boolean updateState = modulesToUpdateState.contains(module); resourcesStorage.update(module.getName(), updateState ? resourcesStates.get(module) : null); assetsStorage.update(module.getName(), updateState ? assetsStates.get(module) : null); } } finally { if (resourcesStorage != null) { resourcesStorage.close(); } if (assetsStorage != null) { assetsStorage.close(); } } return success; }
/** * Remove an application * * @param application * @param user * @return * @throws ServiceException */ @Override @Transactional public Application remove(Application application, User user) throws ServiceException, CheckException { try {"Starting removing application " + application.getName()); // Delete all modules List<Module> listModules = application.getModules(); for (Module module : listModules) { try { moduleService.remove(application, user, module, false, application.getStatus()); } catch (ServiceException | CheckException e) { application.setStatus(Status.FAIL); logger.error( "ApplicationService Error : failed to remove module " + module.getName() + " for application " + application.getName() + " : " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } // Delete all alias List<String> aliases = new ArrayList<>(); aliases.addAll(application.getAliases()); for (String alias : aliases) { removeAlias(application, alias); } // Delete all servers List<Server> listServers = application.getServers(); for (Server server : listServers) { serverService.remove(server.getName()); if (listServers.indexOf(server) == listServers.size() - 1) { hipacheRedisUtils.removeRedisAppKey(application); applicationDAO.delete(server.getApplication()); portUtils.releaseProxyPorts(application); } }"ApplicationService : Application successfully removed "); } catch (PersistenceException e) { setStatus(application, Status.FAIL); logger.error( "ApplicationService Error : failed to remove " + application.getName() + " : " + e); throw new ServiceException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (ServiceException e) { setStatus(application, Status.FAIL); logger.error( "ApplicationService Error : failed to remove application " + application.getName() + " : " + e); } return application; }
public static void main(String[] args) { Module sw = new Module("Software Workshop", "Jon Rowe"); System.out.println(sw); System.out.println(sw.getName()); System.out.println(sw.getLecturer()); System.out.println("changing lecturer"); sw.setLecturer("Martin Escardo"); System.out.println(sw); Student alf = new Student("Alfred Smith", 12345); Student bob = new Student("Bob Mascheranas", 24680); System.out.println(alf); System.out.println(alf.getName()); System.out.println(alf.getId()); System.out.println("changing id"); alf.setId(54321); System.out.println(alf); alf.setModule(0, sw); alf.setModule(1, new Module("Foundations", "Dan Ghica")); alf.setModule(2, new Module("Intro to AI", "Volker Sorge")); bob.setModule(0, sw); bob.setModule(1, new Module("Foundations", "Dan Ghica")); bob.setModule(2, new Module("Intro to AI", "Volker Sorge")); TutorGroup TG = new TutorGroup("Nick Hawes"); System.out.println("Does sw = sw?"); System.out.println(sw.equals(sw)); System.out.println("Is alf on sw?"); System.out.println(alf.onModule(sw)); System.out.println("Check: TutorGroup toString()"); System.out.println(TG); System.out.println("Check: TutorGroup getStudents()"); System.out.println(TG.getStudents()); System.out.println("Check: TutorGroup addStudent()"); TG.addStudent(bob); System.out.println(TG.getStudents()); System.out.println("Check: TutorGroup setTutor()"); TG.setTutor("Achim Jung"); System.out.println(TG); System.out.println("Check: TutorGroup getTutor()"); System.out.println(TG.getTutor()); // System.out.println(alf.getModule(1)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { System.out.println(alf.getModule(i)); } }