Example #1
  // {{{ maybeReloadDirectory() method
  public void maybeReloadDirectory(String path) {
    String browserDir = browser.getDirectory();
    String symlinkBrowserDir;
    if (MiscUtilities.isURL(browserDir)) {
      symlinkBrowserDir = browserDir;
    } else {
      symlinkBrowserDir = MiscUtilities.resolveSymlinks(browserDir);

    if (MiscUtilities.pathsEqual(path, symlinkBrowserDir)) {
      loadDirectory(null, browserDir, false);

    // because this method is called for *every* VFS update,
    // we don't want to scan the tree all the time. So we
    // use the following algorithm to determine if the path
    // might be part of the tree:
    // - if the path starts with the browser's current directory,
    //   we do the tree scan
    // - if the browser's directory is 'favorites:' -- we have to
    //   do the tree scan, as every path can appear under the
    //   favorites list
    // - if the browser's directory is 'roots:' and path is on
    //   the local filesystem, do a tree scan

    if (!browserDir.startsWith(FavoritesVFS.PROTOCOL)
        && !browserDir.startsWith(FileRootsVFS.PROTOCOL)
        && !path.startsWith(symlinkBrowserDir)) return;

    if (browserDir.startsWith(FileRootsVFS.PROTOCOL)
        && MiscUtilities.isURL(path)
        && !"file".equals(MiscUtilities.getProtocolOfURL(path))) return;

  } // }}}
Example #2
  // {{{ recursive listFiles() method
  private void listFiles(
      Object session,
      Collection<String> stack,
      List<String> files,
      String directory,
      VFSFileFilter filter,
      boolean recursive,
      Component comp,
      boolean skipBinary,
      boolean skipHidden)
      throws IOException {
    String resolvedPath = directory;
    if (recursive && !MiscUtilities.isURL(directory)) {
      resolvedPath = MiscUtilities.resolveSymlinks(directory);
       * If looking at a symlink, do not traverse the
       * resolved path more than once.
      if (!directory.equals(resolvedPath)) {
        if (stack.contains(resolvedPath)) {
          Log.log(Log.ERROR, this, "Recursion in listFiles(): " + directory);

    Thread ct = Thread.currentThread();
    WorkThread wt = null;
    if (ct instanceof WorkThread) {
      wt = (WorkThread) ct;

    VFSFile[] _files = _listFiles(session, directory, comp);
    if (_files == null || _files.length == 0) return;

    for (int i = 0; i < _files.length; i++) {
      if (wt != null && wt.isAborted()) break;
      VFSFile file = _files[i];
      if (skipHidden && (file.isHidden() || MiscUtilities.isBackup(file.getName()))) continue;
      if (!filter.accept(file)) continue;
      if (file.getType() == VFSFile.DIRECTORY || file.getType() == VFSFile.FILESYSTEM) {
        if (recursive) {
          String canonPath = _canonPath(session, file.getPath(), comp);
              session, stack, files, canonPath, filter, recursive, comp, skipBinary, skipHidden);
      } else // It's a regular file
        if (skipBinary) {
          try {
            if (file.isBinary(session)) {
              Log.log(Log.NOTICE, this, file.getPath() + ": skipped as a binary file");
          } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.log(Log.ERROR, this, e);
            // may be not binary...
  } // }}}