/*.................................................................................................................*/ public void modifyTree(Tree tree, MesquiteTree modified, RandomBetween rng) { if (tree == null || modified == null) return; if (tree.getTaxa().anySelected()) { // error fixed in 1. 12 int[] terminals = tree.getTerminalTaxa(tree.getRoot()); if (terminals == null) return; int numTerminals = 0; for (int i = 0; i < terminals.length; i++) if (tree.getTaxa().getSelected(terminals[i])) numTerminals++; if (numTerminals > numExcluded) { int[] selTerminals = new int[numTerminals]; int icount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < terminals.length; i++) if (tree.getTaxa().getSelected(terminals[i])) { selTerminals[icount] = terminals[i]; icount++; } terminals = selTerminals; for (int it = 0; it < numExcluded; it++) { int taxon = -1; int count = 0; int ntries = 100000; while (terminals[taxon = rng.randomIntBetween(0, numTerminals - 1)] < 0 && count < ntries) { count++; } if (count >= ntries) discreetAlert( "ERROR: Rarefy tree failed to find taxon to delete in " + ntries + " tries."); else { int nT = modified.nodeOfTaxonNumber(terminals[taxon]); modified.deleteClade(nT, false); terminals[taxon] = -1; } } } else MesquiteMessage.warnUser( "Sorry, the tree could not be rarefied because more taxa are to be excluded than those available"); } else { int numTerminals = tree.numberOfTerminalsInClade(tree.getRoot()); if (numTerminals > numExcluded) { for (int it = 0; it < numExcluded; it++) { int taxon = rng.randomIntBetween(0, numTerminals - it - 1); int nT = modified.getTerminalNode(modified.getRoot(), taxon); modified.deleteClade(nT, false); } } else MesquiteMessage.warnUser( "Sorry, the tree could not be rarefied because more taxa are to be excluded than those available"); } }
/** monitors the run. */ public boolean monitorAndCleanUpShell() { lastModified = null; boolean stillGoing = true; if (outputFilePaths != null) { lastModified = new long[outputFilePaths.length]; LongArray.deassignArray(lastModified); } if (!StringUtil.blank( runningFilePath)) // is file at runningFilePath; watch for its disappearance while (MesquiteFile.fileExists(runningFilePath) && stillGoing) { processOutputFiles(); try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { MesquiteMessage.notifyProgrammer( "InterruptedException in shell script executed by " + name); return false; } stillGoing = watcher == null || watcher.continueShellProcess(proc); } if (outputFileProcessor != null) outputFileProcessor.processCompletedOutputFiles(outputFilePaths); return true; }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ boolean checkUsernamePassword(boolean tellUserAboutCipres) { if (StringUtil.blank(username) || StringUtil.blank(password)) { MesquiteBoolean answer = new MesquiteBoolean(false); MesquiteString usernameString = new MesquiteString(); if (username != null) usernameString.setValue(username); MesquiteString passwordString = new MesquiteString(); if (password != null) passwordString.setValue(password); String help = "You will need an account on the CIPRes REST system to use this service. To register, go to https://www.phylo.org/restusers/register.action"; new UserNamePasswordDialog( ownerModule.containerOfModule(), "Sign in to CIPRes", help, "", "Username", "Password", answer, usernameString, passwordString); if (answer.getValue()) { username = usernameString.getValue(); password = passwordString.getValue(); } ownerModule.storePreferences(); } boolean success = StringUtil.notEmpty(username) && StringUtil.notEmpty(password); if (!success && tellUserAboutCipres) { MesquiteMessage.discreetNotifyUser( "Use of the CIPRes service requires an account with CIPRes's REST service. Go to https://www.phylo.org/restusers/register.action to register for an account"); } return success; }
public boolean clipBoardHasString() { Clipboard clip = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); Transferable t = clip.getContents(this); try { String s = (String) t.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); if (s != null) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { MesquiteMessage.printStackTrace(e); } return false; }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public boolean monitorAndCleanUpShell(String jobURL) { boolean stillGoing = true; if (!checkUsernamePassword(true)) { return false; } lastModified = null; if (outputFilePaths != null) { lastModified = new long[outputFilePaths.length]; LongArray.deassignArray(lastModified); } String status = ""; while (!jobCompleted(jobURL) && stillGoing) { if (StringUtil.blank(status)) ownerModule.logln( "CIPRes Job Status: " + getJobStatus(jobURL) + " (" + StringUtil.getDateTime() + ")"); // if (jobSubmitted(jobURL)) // processOutputFiles(); try { Thread.sleep(minPollIntervalSeconds * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { MesquiteMessage.notifyProgrammer("InterruptedException in CIPRes monitoring"); return false; } stillGoing = watcher == null || watcher.continueShellProcess(null); String newStatus = getJobStatus(jobURL); if (newStatus != null && !newStatus.equalsIgnoreCase(status)) { ownerModule.logln( "CIPRes Job Status: " + newStatus + " (" + StringUtil.getDateTime() + ")"); status = newStatus; } else ownerModule.log("."); if (newStatus != null && newStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("SUBMITTED")) { // job is running processOutputFiles(jobURL); } } ownerModule.logln("CIPRes job completed."); if (outputFileProcessor != null) { if (rootDir != null) { ownerModule.logln("About to download results from CIPRes."); if (downloadResults(jobURL, rootDir, false)) outputFileProcessor.processCompletedOutputFiles(outputFilePaths); else return false; } } return true; }
/** * executes a shell script at "scriptPath". If runningFilePath is not blank and not null, then * Mesquite will create a file there that will serve as a flag to Mesquite that the script is * running. */ public boolean executeInShell() { proc = null; try { ShellScriptUtil.setScriptFileToBeExecutable(scriptPath); if (!StringUtil.blank(runningFilePath)) { if (StringUtil.blank(runningFileMessage)) MesquiteFile.putFileContents(runningFilePath, "Script running...", true); else MesquiteFile.putFileContents(runningFilePath, runningFileMessage, true); if (appendRemoveCommand && MesquiteFile.fileExists(runningFilePath)) MesquiteFile.appendFileContents( scriptPath, StringUtil.lineEnding() + ShellScriptUtil.getRemoveCommand(runningFilePath), true); // append remove command to guarantee that the runningFile is deleted // +StringUtil.lineEnding()+ShellScriptUtil.getExitCommand() } proc = ShellScriptUtil.executeScript(scriptPath, visibleTerminal); } catch (IOException e) { MesquiteMessage.warnProgrammer("IOException in shell script executed by " + name); return false; } return true; }