Example #1
  // createPageString -
  // Create list of pages for search results
  private String createPageString(
      int numberOfItems, int itemsPerPage, int currentPage, String baseUrl) {
    StringBuffer pageString = new StringBuffer();

    // Calculate the total number of pages
    int totalPages = 1;
    if (numberOfItems > itemsPerPage) {
      double pages = Math.ceil(numberOfItems / (double) itemsPerPage);
      totalPages = (int) Math.ceil(pages);

    if (totalPages > 1) {
      for (int i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
        if (i == currentPage) {
        } else {
          pageString.append("<a href=\"" + baseUrl + i + "\" title=\"" + i + "\">" + i + "</a>");

        if (i != totalPages) pageString.append(" ");
    } else {

    return pageString.toString();
  public AnnotFloorPlan(FloorPlan fp, int ratio, int actualW, int actualH) {
    em = DatabaseService.getEntityManager();
    floorPlan = fp;
    deadPoints = new HashSet<DeadPoint>();
    this.ratio = ratio;
    this.actualW = actualW;
    this.actualH = actualH;

    // Width and height of each cell
    //        unitW = fp.getWidth() * ratio / 100;
    //        unitH = fp.getHeight() * ratio / 100;

    // Calc the number of rows and columns needed
    //        rowCount = fp.getHeight() / unitH + 1;
    //        colCount = fp.getWidth() / unitW + 1;

    rowCount = 50;
    colCount = 75;
    unitW = (int) Math.ceil(fp.getWidth() / colCount);
    unitH = (int) Math.ceil(fp.getHeight() / rowCount);
    cellContainer = new Cell[rowCount][colCount];

    // init the graph
    g = new SimpleWeightedGraph<Cell, WeightedEdge>(WeightedEdge.class);

  /** @return true if number of instances are evenly distributed across the specified containers */
  public static boolean isEvenlyDistributedAcrossContainers(
      ProcessingUnit pu, GridServiceContainer[] containers) {

    if (!isProcessingUnitIntact(pu, containers)) {
      return false;

    boolean evenlyDistributed = true;
    int numberOfInstances = pu.getTotalNumberOfInstances();
    int numberOfContainers = containers.length;
    if (numberOfInstances < numberOfContainers) {
      evenlyDistributed = false;
    } else {
      double expectedAverageNumberOfInstancesPerContainer =
          1.0 * numberOfInstances / numberOfContainers;
      int numberOfServicesPerContainerUpperBound =
          (int) Math.ceil(expectedAverageNumberOfInstancesPerContainer);
      int numberOfServicesPerContainerLowerBound =
          (int) Math.floor(expectedAverageNumberOfInstancesPerContainer);

      for (GridServiceContainer container : containers) {

        int puNumberOfInstances = container.getProcessingUnitInstances(pu.getName()).length;

        if (puNumberOfInstances < numberOfServicesPerContainerLowerBound
            || puNumberOfInstances > numberOfServicesPerContainerUpperBound) {
          evenlyDistributed = false;
    return evenlyDistributed;
Example #4
   * <br>
   * In the first round,</br> <br>
   * In the paper the server is supposed to ask sensors for uncoded data.</br> <br>
   * We sent the maximum number of bits: 63 bits = "111111"</br> <br>
   * Sensor will encode in IEEE double format</br> <br>
   * Calculates the i (number of requested bits), as given in the paper</br>
  public String sendRequest(int sensor_id) {

    if (is_first_round[sensor_id] || sensor_id == 0 || round_number < M) {

      requested_bits[sensor_id] = maximum_number_of_bits_askable;

      return "111111";

    double delta = code_book.getD();

    int i =
                        * (Math.log((sigma[sensor_id] * sigma[sensor_id]) / (delta * delta * P_e))
                            / Math.log(2.0)))
                    + 1);
    i = Math.min(i, maximum_number_of_bits_askable); // request not more that 63 bits
    i = Math.max(0, i); // request no less than 0 bits

    requested_bits[sensor_id] = i;

    String bit_string =
            bits_needed_to_represent_maximum_askable); // pad it to make length 6

    return tools.reverse(bit_string);
   * counts the subintervals of the mutations in the answer object
   * @param answer an answer object that was generated through a query
   * @return Integer array holding the amount of mutations that intersect the subintervals
  public static Integer[] count_mutations(QueryAnswer answer) {
    Integer[] pos = answer.position;
    float interval_length = pos[1] - pos[0];
    int subinterval_length = answer.zoom_level;
    int number_subints = (int) Math.ceil(interval_length / subinterval_length);
    Integer[] counts = new Integer[number_subints];
    for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
      counts[i] = 0;
    int[] subint_left_boundaries = new int[number_subints];
    int left = pos[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < number_subints; i++) {
      subint_left_boundaries[i] = left + i * subinterval_length;

    for (IntervalST.Mutation mut : answer.mutations) {
      int mut_low = mut.i_Low;
      int mut_high = mut.i_High;
      int last_index = subint_left_boundaries.length - 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < last_index; i++) {
        int lower = Math.max(subint_left_boundaries[i], mut_low);
        int higher = Math.min(subint_left_boundaries[i + 1], mut_high);
        if (lower <= higher) {
      if (mut_high >= subint_left_boundaries[last_index]) {

    return counts;
Example #6
   * @param list 数据源
   * @param fieldMap 类的英文属性和Excel中的中文列名的对应关系 例:{id=编号} 如果需要的是引用对象的属性,则英文属性使用类似于EL表达式的格式
   *     如:list中存放的都是student,student中又有college属性,而我们需要学院名称,则可以这样写
   *     fieldMap.put("college.collegeName","学院名称")
   * @param sheetName 工作表的名称
   * @param sheetSize 每个工作表中记录的最大个数
   * @param os 导出流
   * @throws ExcelException @MethodName : listToExcel @Description :
   *     导出Excel(可以导出到本地文件系统,也可以导出到浏览器,可自定义工作表大小)
  public static <T> void listToExcel(
      List<T> list,
      LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldMap,
      String sheetName,
      int sheetSize,
      OutputStream os)
      throws ExcelException {

    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list)) {
      throw new ExcelException("数据源中没有任何数据");

    if (sheetSize < 1 || sheetSize > 65535) {
      sheetSize = 65535;

    WritableWorkbook wwb;
    try {
      // 创建工作簿并发送到OutputStream指定的地方
      wwb = Workbook.createWorkbook(os);

      // 因为2003的Excel一个工作表最多可以有65536条记录,除去列头剩下65535条
      // 所以如果记录太多,需要放到多个工作表中,其实就是个分页的过程
      // 1.计算一共有多少个工作表
      double sheetNum = Math.ceil(list.size() / new Integer(sheetSize).doubleValue());
      // 2.创建相应的工作表,并向其中填充数据
      for (int i = 0; i < sheetNum; i++) {
        // 如果只有一个工作表的情况
        if (sheetNum == 1) {
          WritableSheet sheet = wwb.createSheet(sheetName, i);
          // 向工作表中填充数据
          fillSheet(sheet, list, fieldMap, 0, list.size() - 1);

          // 有多个工作表的情况
        } else {
          WritableSheet sheet = wwb.createSheet(sheetName + (i + 1), i);
          // 获取开始索引和结束索引
          int firstIndex = i * sheetSize;
          int lastIndex =
              (i + 1) * sheetSize - 1 > list.size() - 1 ? list.size() - 1 : (i + 1) * sheetSize - 1;
          // 填充工作表
          fillSheet(sheet, list, fieldMap, firstIndex, lastIndex);


    } catch (Exception e) {
      // 如果是ExcelException,则直接抛出
      if (e instanceof ExcelException) {
        throw (ExcelException) e;

        // 否则将其他异常包装成ExcelException再抛出
      } else {
        throw new ExcelException("导出Excel失败");
Example #7
  public void onMessage(PlineMessage m, List<Message> out) {
    int slot = m.getSlot();
    // no check for server messages
    if (slot < 1 || slot > 6) {

    String text = m.getText();
    float charsByLine = 70;
    int lineCount = (int) Math.ceil(text.length() / charsByLine);

    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    boolean isRateExceeded = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
      isRateExceeded = isRateExceeded || isRateExceeded(slot - 1, now);

    if (slot > 0 && isRateExceeded) {
      if ((now - lastWarning) > warningPeriod * 1000) {
        User user = getChannel().getPlayer(slot);
        out.add(new PlineMessage("filter.flood.blocked", user.getName()));
        lastWarning = now;
    } else {
   * @param gas_seq The sequence which we wish to map it against other sequence(s)
   * @param gas_targetSeqs The target sequence
  private HashMap<Integer, Integer> doMapSeq2Seq(
      GappedAlignmentString gas_seq, GappedAlignmentString[] gas_targetSeqs) {
    int N = gas_seq.gappedLength();
    // making map allocation more efficient
    int initCapacity = (int) Math.ceil(1.5 * N);
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(initCapacity);

    // When a gap position corresponds to a gap remove it from seq
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> gapped2UngappedMap_seq = gas_seq.getGapped2UngappedMap();
    Integer[] gapPositions_seq = gas_seq.determineGapPositions();
    for (Integer e : gapPositions_seq) gapped2UngappedMap_seq.remove(e);

    // When a gap position corresponds to a gap, put -1 as its value
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> gapped2UngappedMap_targetSeq =
    Integer[] gapPositions_targetSeq = gas_targetSeqs[0].determineGapPositions();
    for (Integer e : gapPositions_targetSeq) gapped2UngappedMap_targetSeq.put(e, -1);

    Integer[] gappedPositionsNoGaps_seq =
        gapped2UngappedMap_seq.keySet().toArray(new Integer[gapped2UngappedMap_seq.size()]);
    for (Integer gappedPosNoGaps : gappedPositionsNoGaps_seq) {
      Integer ungappedPos = gapped2UngappedMap_targetSeq.get(gappedPosNoGaps);
      if (ungappedPos.equals(null)) {
        ungappedPos = -1;
      map.put(gapped2UngappedMap_seq.get(gappedPosNoGaps), ungappedPos);

    return map;
  } // end of doMapSeq2Seq method
Example #9
 // Returns the distance between two planets, rounded up to the next highest
 // integer. This is the number of discrete time steps it takes to get
 // between the two planets.
 public int Distance(int sourcePlanet, int destinationPlanet) {
   Planet source = planets.get(sourcePlanet);
   Planet destination = planets.get(destinationPlanet);
   double dx = source.X() - destination.X();
   double dy = source.Y() - destination.Y();
   return (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
Example #10
  public static List<Pair<String, String[]>> sqlList(List<Integer> input, int maxArgs) {

    List<Pair<String, String[]>> ops = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String[]>>();

    // figure out how many iterations we'll need
    int numIterations = (int) Math.ceil(((double) input.size()) / maxArgs);

    for (int currentRound = 0; currentRound < numIterations; ++currentRound) {

      int startPoint = currentRound * maxArgs;
      int lastIndex = Math.min((currentRound + 1) * maxArgs, input.size());

      String ret = "(";
      for (int i = startPoint; i < lastIndex; ++i) {
        ret += "?" + ",";

      String[] array = new String[lastIndex - startPoint];
      int count = 0;
      for (int i = startPoint; i < lastIndex; ++i) {
        array[count++] = String.valueOf(input.get(i));

      ops.add(new Pair<String, String[]>(ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 1) + ")", array));
    return ops;
Example #11
  /** Applies mutation in the new poblation */
  public void mutate() {
    int posiciones, i, j;
    double m;

    posiciones = n_genes * long_poblacion;

    if (prob_mutacion > 0)
      while (Mu_next < posiciones) {
        /* Se determina el cromosoma y el gen que corresponden a la posicion que
        se va a mutar */
        i = Mu_next / n_genes;
        j = Mu_next % n_genes;

        /* Se efectua la mutacion sobre ese gen */

        /* Se marca el cromosoma mutado para su posterior evaluacion */

        /* Se calcula la siguiente posicion a mutar */
        if (prob_mutacion < 1) {
          m = Randomize.Rand();
          Mu_next += Math.ceil(Math.log(m) / Math.log(1.0 - prob_mutacion));
        } else Mu_next += 1;

    Mu_next -= posiciones;
Example #12
 private void populatePosPreferences() {
   for (Question q : posPref.keySet()) {
     if (adversaryType == AdversaryType.INNER) {
       int filled = (int) Math.ceil((double) posPref.get(q).length / 2.0) - 1;
       int pieces = 2 * (int) Math.pow(2, filled) - 1;
       for (int i = 0; i <= filled; i++) {
         double prob = ((double) 1 + i) / (double) pieces;
         posPref.get(q)[i] = prob;
         int j = posPref.get(q).length - i - 1;
         if (posPref.get(q)[j] == UNSET) posPref.get(q)[j] = prob;
         else posPref.get(q)[j] += prob;
     } else {
       for (int optionPos = 0; optionPos < posPref.get(q).length; optionPos++) {
         switch (adversaryType) {
           case UNIFORM:
             posPref.get(q)[optionPos] = (1.0 / (double) posPref.get(q).length);
           case FIRST:
             if (optionPos == 0) posPref.get(q)[optionPos] = 1.0;
             else posPref.get(q)[optionPos] = 0.0;
           case LAST:
             if (optionPos == posPref.get(q).length - 1) posPref.get(q)[optionPos] = 1.0;
             else posPref.get(q)[optionPos] = 0.0;
 private void updateEstimatedCompactionsByTasks(List<List<SSTableReader>> tasks) {
   int n = 0;
   for (List<SSTableReader> bucket : tasks) {
     if (bucket.size() >= cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold())
       n += Math.ceil((double) bucket.size() / cfs.getMaximumCompactionThreshold());
   estimatedRemainingTasks = n;
Example #14
  static int distance(int[] pointA, int[] pointB) {

    return (int)
        Math.ceil( //
            Math.sqrt( //
                (Math.pow(pointB[0] - pointA[0], 2) //
                    + Math.pow(pointB[1] - pointA[1], 2))));
 public int minkeys() {
   // if node is the root, minkey is 1
   if (getParent() == null) {
     return 1;
   } else {
     return (int) (Math.ceil(degree / 2.0) - 1);
   * Sets image to be processed.
   * @param xsize width of image
   * @param ysize height of image
   * @param buf pixel data
   * @param rect the bounding rectangle defines the region of the image to be recognized. A
   *     rectangle of zero dimension or <code>null</code> indicates the whole image.
   * @param bpp bits per pixel, represents the bit depth of the image, with 1 for binary bitmap, 8
   *     for gray, and 24 for color RGB.
  private void setImage(int xsize, int ysize, ByteBuffer buf, Rectangle rect, int bpp) {
    int bytespp = bpp / 8;
    int bytespl = (int) Math.ceil(xsize * bpp / 8.0);
    api.TessBaseAPISetImage(handle, buf, xsize, ysize, bytespp, bytespl);

    if (rect != null && !rect.isEmpty()) {
      api.TessBaseAPISetRectangle(handle, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
  * Compute the bitfield byte array from the isComplete BitSet
  * @return byte[]
 public byte[] getBitField() {
   int l = (int) Math.ceil((double) this.nbPieces / 8.0);
   byte[] bitfield = new byte[l];
   for (int i = 0; i < this.nbPieces; i++)
     if (this.isComplete.get(i)) {
       bitfield[i / 8] |= 1 << (7 - i % 8);
   return bitfield;
  protected ArrayList<SquareZone> createSquaresGrid(
      int UTMZone,
      String hemisphere,
      Sector UTMZoneSector,
      double minEasting,
      double maxEasting,
      double minNorthing,
      double maxNorthing) {
    ArrayList<SquareZone> squares = new ArrayList<SquareZone>();
    double startEasting = Math.floor(minEasting / ONEHT) * ONEHT;
    double startNorthing = Math.floor(minNorthing / ONEHT) * ONEHT;
    int cols = (int) Math.ceil((maxEasting - startEasting) / ONEHT);
    int rows = (int) Math.ceil((maxNorthing - startNorthing) / ONEHT);
    SquareZone[][] squaresArray = new SquareZone[rows][cols];
    int col = 0;
    for (double easting = startEasting; easting < maxEasting; easting += ONEHT) {
      int row = 0;
      for (double northing = startNorthing; northing < maxNorthing; northing += ONEHT) {
        SquareZone sz =
            new SquareZone(UTMZone, hemisphere, UTMZoneSector, easting, northing, ONEHT);
        if (sz.boundingSector != null && !sz.isOutsideGridZone()) {
          squaresArray[row][col] = sz;

    // Keep track of neighbors
    for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
      for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
        SquareZone sz = squaresArray[row][col];
        if (sz != null) {
          sz.setNorthNeighbor(row + 1 < rows ? squaresArray[row + 1][col] : null);
          sz.setEastNeighbor(col + 1 < cols ? squaresArray[row][col + 1] : null);

    return squares;
   * @param container - the container for which planned min number of instances is requested
   * @param approvedContainers - the containers approved for deployment for the specified pu
   * @param pu - the processing unit
   * @return the planned minimum number of instances for the specified container
  public static int getPlannedMaximumNumberOfInstancesForContainer(
      GridServiceContainer container,
      GridServiceContainer[] approvedContainers,
      ProcessingUnit pu) {

    int max = 0;
    if (Arrays.asList(approvedContainers).contains(container)) {
      max = (int) Math.ceil(getAverageNumberOfInstancesPerContainer(approvedContainers, pu));
    return max;
Example #20
 String visualize() {
   int ubDepth = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(size) / Math.log(m_order)) * elemHeight;
   int ubWidth = size * elemWidth;
   java.io.StringWriter sw = new java.io.StringWriter();
   java.io.PrintWriter pw = new java.io.PrintWriter(sw);
   visualize(root, pw, 0, 0, ubWidth, ubDepth);
   return sw.toString();
Example #21
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    double delta = 0.0001;
    double sigma = 0.005;
    double P_e = 0.01;

    int i =
                (0.5 * (Math.log((sigma * sigma) / (delta * delta * P_e)) / Math.log(2.0))) + 1);
    i = Math.min(i, 63); // request not more that 63 bits
    i = Math.max(0, i); // request no less than 0 bits
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
    // br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("in.txt"));
    // out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("out.txt"));

    l = readInt();
    x = readInt();

    out.println((int) Math.ceil(round(l * x / (1.0 / (1.0 - 1.0 / x)))));
Example #23
  public RTree(boolean linear, int m_order, int dimension)
      throws DimensionalException, FileNotFoundException {
    this.linear = linear;
    M_order = m_order;
    m_order = (int) Math.ceil(M_order / 2.0);
    this.dimension = dimension;
    root = makeRoot(true);
    visitedNodes = BigInteger.ZERO;

    file = new RandomAccessFile("archivo.bin", "rw");
Example #24
     * Creates a new LRU cache.
     * @param cacheSize the maximum number of entries that will be kept in this cache.
    public LRUCache(int cacheSize) {
      this.cacheSize = cacheSize;
      int hashTableCapacity = (int) Math.ceil(cacheSize / hashTableLoadFactor) + 1;
      map =
          new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(hashTableCapacity, hashTableLoadFactor, true) {
            // (an anonymous inner class)
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;

            protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K, V> eldest) {
              return size() > LRUCache.this.cacheSize;
Example #25
   * This is a callback to be executed before resampleSingle is executed. The bilinear interpolation
   * coefficients are computed here and vary with the single, active slice. The offset into the
   * intermediate image is also computed since this also varies with the active slice. If encoding
   * of transparent data has occurred in the renderer constructor, then the current slice of the
   * encoding table is initialized for use by resampleSingle.
  protected void beforeResampleSingle() {

    // compute the 0-direction index ranges and weighting factors
    float fMin = (m_afShear[0] * m_iSlice) + m_afOffset[0];
    m_afA[0] = fMin - (float) Math.floor(fMin);
    m_afB[0] = 1.0f - m_afA[0];

    int iMin0 = (int) Math.ceil(fMin);

    // compute the 0-direction index ranges and weighting factors
    fMin = (m_afShear[1] * m_iSlice) + m_afOffset[1];
    m_afA[1] = fMin - (float) Math.floor(fMin);
    m_afB[1] = 1.0f - m_afA[1];

    int iMin1 = (int) Math.ceil(fMin);

    // offset into intermediate image of rendered voxel data
    m_iInterOffset = iMin0 + (m_iInterBound * iMin1);

    if (m_bDoEncodeSkip) {
      m_aasSliceEncode = m_aaasVolumeEncode[m_iSlice];
   * Is this read poorly modelled by all of the alleles in this map?
   * <p>A read is poorly modeled when it's likelihood is below what would be expected for a read
   * originating from one of the alleles given the maxErrorRatePerBase of the reads in general.
   * <p>This function makes a number of key assumptions. First, that the likelihoods reflect the
   * total likelihood of the read. In other words, that the read would be fully explained by one of
   * the alleles. This means that the allele should be something like the full haplotype from which
   * the read might originate.
   * <p>It further assumes that each error in the read occurs with likelihood of -3 (Q30 confidence
   * per base). So a read with a 10% error rate with Q30 bases that's 100 bp long we'd expect to see
   * 10 real Q30 errors even against the true haplotype. So for this read to be well modelled by at
   * least one allele we'd expect a likelihood to be >= 10 * -3.
   * @param read the read we want to evaluate
   * @param log10Likelihoods a list of the log10 likelihoods of the read against a set of
   *     haplotypes.
   * @param maxErrorRatePerBase the maximum error rate we'd expect for this read per base, in real
   *     space. So 0.01 means a 1% error rate
   * @return true if none of the log10 likelihoods imply that the read truly originated from one of
   *     the haplotypes
  protected boolean readIsPoorlyModelled(
      final GATKSAMRecord read,
      final Collection<Double> log10Likelihoods,
      final double maxErrorRatePerBase) {
    final double maxErrorsForRead =
        Math.min(2.0, Math.ceil(read.getReadLength() * maxErrorRatePerBase));
    final double log10QualPerBase = -4.0;
    final double log10MaxLikelihoodForTrueAllele = maxErrorsForRead * log10QualPerBase;

    for (final double log10Likelihood : log10Likelihoods)
      if (log10Likelihood >= log10MaxLikelihoodForTrueAllele) return false;

    return true;
Example #27
    /** @param dis - Data input stream to be used to fetch header data. */
    public Header(DataInputStream dis) {

      // We are allocating 1 bit per slot, storing data for 32 slots in one integer.
      int numHeaderInts = (int) Math.ceil((float) numSlots / 32);
      header = new int[numHeaderInts];

      try {
        for (int index = 0; index < numHeaderInts; ++index) {
          header[index] = dis.readInt();
      } catch (IOException e) {
Example #28
  private void initState() {

    int numNodes = state.getNodeMap().size();
    int numSlots = numNodes * slotsPerNode;

    this.legend = new Legend(null, null, 0);

    int latSides = (int) Math.ceil(Math.pow(numNodes, 1 / 3.0));
    log.info("Lattice of " + numNodes + " requires " + latSides + " per side");
    this.lattice = new Lattice<Lattice<Void>>(latSides);

    List<String> nodeNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<Lattice<Void>> nodeLatti = new ArrayList<Lattice<Void>>();
    for (GridNode node : state.getNodeMap().values()) {
      Lattice<Void> nodeLattice = new Lattice<Void>(nodeLatSides);

      List<String> slotNames = new ArrayList<String>();
      List<Void> slots = new ArrayList<Void>();
      for (int i = 0; i < slotsPerNode; i++) {
        slotNames.add("" + i);
      nodeLattice.addItems(slotNames, slots);

      // log.warn("Adding lattice for node "+node.getShortName());

    lattice.addItems(nodeNames, nodeLatti);

    // Initialize actors from the grid state
    for (GridNode node : state.getNodeMap().values()) {

      int s = 0;
      for (GridJob job : node.getSlots()) {
        if (job == null) continue;
        String slotName = s + "";
        JobActor jobActor = createJobActor(job);
        jobActor.pos = getLatticePos(node.getShortName(), slotName);
            "Starting job {} on slot: {}",
            node.getShortName() + "#" + slotName);
        addJobActor(job.getFullJobId(), jobActor);
Example #29
 //	http://jira.dotmarketing.net/browse/DOTCMS-2178
 public static String getsize(File fileName) {
   String finalVal;
   long filesize = fileName.length();
   BigDecimal size = new BigDecimal(filesize);
   BigDecimal byteVal = null;
   BigDecimal changedByteVal = null;
   finalVal = "";
   if (filesize <= 0) {
     finalVal = "";
   } else if (filesize < MEGA_BYTE) {
     byteVal = new BigDecimal(KILO_BYTE);
     if (size != null) {
       changedByteVal = size.divide(byteVal, MathContext.UNLIMITED);
       finalVal = Long.toString(Math.round(Math.ceil(changedByteVal.doubleValue()))) + " KB";
   } else if (filesize < GIGA_BYTE) {
     byteVal = new BigDecimal(MEGA_BYTE);
     if (size != null) {
       changedByteVal = size.divide(byteVal, MathContext.UNLIMITED);
       finalVal = Long.toString(Math.round(Math.ceil(changedByteVal.doubleValue()))) + " MB";
   } else if (filesize < TERA_BYTE) {
     byteVal = new BigDecimal(GIGA_BYTE);
     if (size != null) {
       changedByteVal = size.divide(byteVal, MathContext.UNLIMITED);
       finalVal = Long.toString(Math.round(Math.ceil(changedByteVal.doubleValue()))) + " GB";
   } else {
     byteVal = new BigDecimal(TERA_BYTE);
     if (size != null) {
       changedByteVal = size.divide(byteVal, MathContext.UNLIMITED);
       finalVal = Long.toString(Math.round(Math.ceil(changedByteVal.doubleValue()))) + " TB";
   return finalVal;
Example #30
   * Generates a synthetic network for provided vertices in the given graphh such that the provided
   * expected number of communities are generated with the specified expected number of edges.
   * @param graph
   * @param vertices
   * @param expectedNumCommunities
   * @param expectedNumEdges
   * @return The actual number of edges generated. May be different from the expected number.
  public int generate(
      Graph graph, Iterable<Vertex> vertices, int expectedNumCommunities, int expectedNumEdges) {
    if (communitySize == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Need to initialize community size distribution");
    if (edgeDegree == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Need to initialize degree distribution");
    int numVertices = SizableIterable.sizeOf(vertices);
    Iterator<Vertex> iter = vertices.iterator();
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Vertex>> communities =
        new ArrayList<ArrayList<Vertex>>(expectedNumCommunities);
    Distribution communityDist = communitySize.initialize(expectedNumCommunities, numVertices);
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      int nextSize = communityDist.nextValue(random);
      ArrayList<Vertex> community = new ArrayList<Vertex>(nextSize);
      for (int i = 0; i < nextSize && iter.hasNext(); i++) {
      if (!community.isEmpty()) communities.add(community);

    double inCommunityPercentage = 1.0 - crossCommunityPercentage;
    Distribution degreeDist = edgeDegree.initialize(numVertices, expectedNumEdges);
    if (crossCommunityPercentage > 0 && communities.size() < 2)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have cross links with only one community");
    int addedEdges = 0;

    // System.out.println("Generating links on communities: "+communities.size());

    for (ArrayList<Vertex> community : communities) {
      for (Vertex v : community) {
        int degree = degreeDist.nextValue(random);
        degree =
            Math.min(degree, (int) Math.ceil((community.size() - 1) / inCommunityPercentage) - 1);
        Set<Vertex> inlinks = new HashSet<Vertex>();
        for (int i = 0; i < degree; i++) {
          Vertex selected = null;
          if (random.nextDouble() < crossCommunityPercentage
              || (community.size() - 1 <= inlinks.size())) {
            // Cross community
            ArrayList<Vertex> othercomm = null;
            while (othercomm == null) {
              othercomm = communities.get(random.nextInt(communities.size()));
              if (othercomm.equals(community)) othercomm = null;
            selected = othercomm.get(random.nextInt(othercomm.size()));
          } else {
            // In community
            while (selected == null) {
              selected = community.get(random.nextInt(community.size()));
              if (v.equals(selected) || inlinks.contains(selected)) selected = null;
          addEdge(graph, v, selected);
    return addedEdges;