/** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataReported parseReported(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { DataReported reported = new DataReported(); ArrayList<DataField> fieldList = new ArrayList<DataField>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { reported.setFieldList(fieldList); return reported; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "field".equals(in.getLocalName())) { fieldList.add(parseField(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "reported"); return reported; }
public void render(FacesContext context) throws FacesException { if (context.getResponseComplete()) return; Application app = context.getApplication(); ViewHandler view = app.getViewHandler(); beforePhase(context, PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE); try { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(context.getViewRoot() + " before render view"); view.renderView(context, context.getViewRoot()); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { if (sendError(context, "renderView", e)) return; throw new FacesException(e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (sendError(context, "renderView", e)) return; throw e; } finally { afterPhase(context, PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE); logMessages(context); } }
private void doPublish( String name, Object val, String src, String dpt, String textual, long updateTime, long lastChange) { JsonObject jso = new JsonObject(); jso.add("ts", updateTime).add("lc", lastChange).add("knx_src_addr", src).add("knx_dpt", dpt); if (textual != null) jso.add("knx_textual", textual); if (val instanceof Integer) jso.add("val", ((Integer) val).intValue()); else if (val instanceof Number) jso.add("val", ((Number) val).doubleValue()); else jso.add("val", val.toString()); String txtmsg = jso.toString(); MqttMessage msg = new MqttMessage(jso.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); msg.setQos(0); msg.setRetained(true); try { String fullTopic = topicPrefix + "status/" + name; mqttc.publish(fullTopic, msg); L.finer("Published " + txtmsg + " to " + fullTopic); } catch (MqttException e) { L.log(Level.WARNING, "Error when publishing message " + txtmsg, e); } }
@Override public boolean login(boolean isFail) { try { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(); if (webApp == null) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.finer("authentication failed, no web-app found"); getResponse().sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return false; } // If the authenticator can find the user, return it. Login login = webApp.getLogin(); if (login != null) { Principal user = login.login(this, getResponse(), isFail); return user != null; /* if (user == null) return false; setAttribute(AbstractLogin.LOGIN_NAME, user); return true; */ } else if (isFail) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.finer("authentication failed, no login module found for " + webApp); getResponse().sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return false; } else { // if a non-failure, then missing login is fine return false; } } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); return false; } }
public void xRequestFocus() { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { if (focusLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) focusLog.finer("XSetInputFocus on " + Long.toHexString(getWindow())); XlibWrapper.XSetInputFocus(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } }
/** Bucle principal del thread. */ public void run() { try { while (true) { mylogger.finer("Waiting for a message."); String pkt = myPP.receive(); mylogger.finer("Received message: " + pkt); if (pkt == null) break; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(pkt); int nsec = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String disp = st.nextToken(); mylogger.fine("Requesting Start to Peers (" + nsec + "," + disp + ")"); NeReDa.peers.start(this, nsec, disp, null); } else { mylogger.fine("Requesting Stop to Peers (" + nsec + ")"); NeReDa.peers.stop(this, nsec); } } } catch (Exception e) { mylogger.warning("Terminated DataAttendant: " + e.getMessage()); } try { synchronized (sock) { sock.close(); sock.notify(); } } catch (Exception e) { mylogger.warning("Closing DataAttendant socket: " + e.getMessage()); } mylogger.fine("Deregistering"); NeReDa.peers.Del(this); }
/** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataField parseField(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String label = in.getAttributeValue(null, "label"); String type = in.getAttributeValue(null, "type"); String var = in.getAttributeValue(null, "var"); DataField field = new DataField(type, var, label); ArrayList<DataValue> valueList = new ArrayList<DataValue>(); ArrayList<DataOption> optionList = new ArrayList<DataOption>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { field.setValueList(valueList); field.setOptionList(optionList); return field; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "desc".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String desc = in.getElementText(); field.setDesc(desc); skipToEnd(in, "desc"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "option".equals(in.getLocalName())) { optionList.add(parseOption(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "required".equals(in.getLocalName())) { field.setRequired(true); skipToEnd(in, "required"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "value".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String value = in.getElementText(); valueList.add(new DataValue(value)); skipToEnd(in, "value"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "field"); return field; }
/** Deserializes the object from XML */ public Serializable fromXml(XmppStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { boolean isFinest = log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST); String type = in.getAttributeValue(null, "type"); DataForm form = new DataForm(type); ArrayList<DataField> fieldList = new ArrayList<DataField>(); ArrayList<DataItem> itemList = new ArrayList<DataItem>(); ArrayList<DataInstructions> instructionsList = new ArrayList<DataInstructions>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { form.setFieldList(fieldList); form.setItemList(itemList); form.setInstructionsList(instructionsList); return form; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "field".equals(in.getLocalName())) { fieldList.add(parseField(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "item".equals(in.getLocalName())) { itemList.add(parseItem(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "reported".equals(in.getLocalName())) { form.setReported(parseReported(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "title".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String title = in.getElementText(); form.setTitle(title); skipToEnd(in, "title"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "instructions".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String value = in.getElementText(); instructionsList.add(new DataInstructions(value)); skipToEnd(in, "instructions"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } return null; }
private void processSetGet(String namePart, MqttMessage msg, boolean set) { if (msg.isRetained()) { L.finer("Ignoring retained message " + msg + " to " + namePart); return; } // Now translate the topic into a group address GroupAddressInfo gai = GroupAddressManager.getGAInfoForName(namePart); if (gai == null) { L.warning( "Unable to translate name " + namePart + " into a group address, ignoring message " + msg); return; } L.fine("Name " + namePart + " translates to GA " + gai.address); String data = new String(msg.getPayload(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); if (set) KNXConnector.doGroupWrite(gai.address, data, gai); else KNXConnector.doGroupRead(gai.address, data, gai); }
/** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataOption parseOption(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String label = in.getAttributeValue(null, "label"); DataOption option = new DataOption(label); ArrayList<DataValue> valueList = new ArrayList<DataValue>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { option.setValueList(valueList); return option; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "value".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String value = in.getElementText(); valueList.add(new DataValue(value)); skipToEnd(in, "value"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "option"); return option; }
public int run(PbTest[] tests, int timelimit, int memlimit) throws ServerException { allStdout = new ArrayList<String>(); allStderr = new ArrayList<String>(); int correct = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) { try { exec(runCmd, tests[i].in, timelimit, memlimit); allStdout.add(stdout); allStderr.add(stderr); if (!stderr.isEmpty()) { log.fine("NOK, stderr: " + stderr); continue; } if (!validator.ok(stdout, tests[i].out)) continue; log.fine("OK"); ++correct; } catch (Exception e) { // Assume incorrect. Do NOT propagate anyhing from the exception to // the client, just put it in the log. log.finer("exc: " + UtilSrv.describe(e)); } } return correct; }
/** * Examines the contents of the string passed as a received message and checks it for problems. If * there is any reasons why the string may be considered erroneous then it is thrown out. Accepted * strings are broken into their constituent parts and stored in the back-end database and * outputted to the screen. * * <p>Checks against the contents of the received message are performed in the following order: * * <ul> * <li>Is the string greater than 33 characters? * <li>Does the string have '(', ')' or ' '? * <li>Is the first token (from the start of the string to the first space) in the format (n)? * <li>Is the token for the PSE name less than or equal to 8 characters? * </ul> * * If any of these checks fail then the string being processed is rejected and considered to be a * transmission error, error in configuration or link error. */ public void formatMessage() { log.finer("Starting processing of message: " + incomingMessage); // Trim any whitespace from the string incomingMessage = incomingMessage.trim(); if (incomingMessage.length() < 33) { // If the string is too short then throw it out return; } if (!incomingMessage.contains("(") && !incomingMessage.contains(")") && !incomingMessage.contains(" ")) { // If the string doesn't contain any brackets (parentheses) or spaces then throw it out return; } StringTokenizer stMsg = new StringTokenizer(incomingMessage); String token = ""; String nextToken = ""; String sSev = "5"; // Messages received should vary from 1-4. This is to spot problems token = stMsg.nextToken(); if (token.length() != 3 && !token.startsWith("(") && !token.endsWith(")")) { // The first token should be the severity level of the message and be in the format (n). // If it's too long or not in the right format then throw the message out. return; } else { sSev = token.substring(1, 2); } // Second token should be the PSE name token = stMsg.nextToken(); nextToken = stMsg.nextToken(); String sPSENode = ""; if (token.length() < 8) { // See if the next token is part of the PSE name. // If the total length of the two strings is 8 or less then they're part of the PSE name if ((token.length() + nextToken.length()) <= 8) { sPSENode = token + nextToken; nextToken = ""; } else { sPSENode = token; } } else if (token.length() == 8) { sPSENode = token; } else { // The value for the token is too long to be a valid PSE name so throw it out. return; } // Try and get the date. If the nextToken is blank then we need to get the // date. If not then it holds the date if (nextToken.equals("")) { token = stMsg.nextToken(); // This will put the date into the token string nextToken = stMsg.nextToken(); // This will put the time into the next string } else { token = nextToken.toString(); // Move the date into the first string nextToken = stMsg.nextToken(); // Get the time and place into the second string } String sDate = ""; String sDay = token.substring(0, 2); String sMonth = token.substring(3, 6); String sYear = token.substring(7, 11); String sHour = nextToken.substring(0, 2); String sMin = nextToken.substring(3, 5); if (sMonth.equals("JAN")) { sMonth = "01"; } if (sMonth.equals("FEB")) { sMonth = "02"; } if (sMonth.equals("MAR")) { sMonth = "03"; } if (sMonth.equals("APR")) { sMonth = "04"; } if (sMonth.equals("MAY")) { sMonth = "05"; } if (sMonth.equals("JUN")) { sMonth = "06"; } if (sMonth.equals("JUL")) { sMonth = "07"; } if (sMonth.equals("AUG")) { sMonth = "08"; } if (sMonth.equals("SEP")) { sMonth = "09"; } if (sMonth.equals("OCT")) { sMonth = "10"; } if (sMonth.equals("NOV")) { sMonth = "11"; } if (sMonth.equals("DEC")) { sMonth = "12"; } sDate = new String(sDay + "/" + sMonth + "/" + sYear + " " + sHour + ":" + sMin); sDay = null; sMonth = null; sYear = null; sHour = null; sMin = null; String sLinkID = "?"; String sError = ""; token = stMsg.nextToken(); boolean hasChannel = false; String sChannel = ""; if ((token.length() < 7) && token.contains("-")) { // We've got to pick out the link id on the PSE sLinkID = token.toString(); // Skip the next token as it's only a hyphen token = stMsg.nextToken(); } if (token.length() < 11 && token.contains("(") && token.contains(")")) { // If the code enters here then the token includes the channel number X25-nn(xx) sLinkID = token.substring(0, token.indexOf("(")); sChannel = "on channel " + token.substring(token.indexOf("(") + 1, token.indexOf(")")); hasChannel = true; // Skip the next token as it's only a hyphen token = stMsg.nextToken(); } if (token.equals("-")) { token = stMsg.nextToken(); sError = sError + token + " "; } else { sError = sError + token + " "; } while (stMsg.hasMoreTokens()) { token = stMsg.nextToken(); sError = sError + token + " "; } if (hasChannel) { sError = sError + sChannel; } sError = sError.trim(); log.finer(sSev + ", " + sPSENode + ", " + sDate + ", " + sLinkID + ", " + sError); // Severity, PSE, Link, Message, Received, Unique ID formattedMessage[0] = sSev; formattedMessage[1] = sPSENode; formattedMessage[2] = sLinkID; formattedMessage[3] = sError; formattedMessage[4] = sDate; formattedMessage[5] = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); log.entering("formatMessage", "UnformattedMessage.storeDataInDb(String)", formattedMessage); storeDataInDb(formattedMessage); log.entering( "formatMessage", "JNGui.Client.addAlarmData(String, String)", new Object[] {formattedMessage, originatingPort}); parent.addAlarmData(formattedMessage); }
public void handleClientMessage(XEvent xev) { if (eventLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { XClientMessageEvent msg = xev.get_xclient(); eventLog.finer(msg.toString()); } }
public void handleReparentNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) { if (eventLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { XReparentEvent msg = xev.get_xreparent(); eventLog.finer(msg.toString()); } }
public void setSizeHints(long flags, int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (insLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) insLog.finer("Setting hints, flags " + XlibWrapper.hintsToString(flags)); XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XSizeHints hints = getHints(); // Note: if PPosition is not set in flags this means that // we want to reset PPosition in hints. This is necessary // for locationByPlatform functionality if ((flags & XlibWrapper.PPosition) != 0) { hints.set_x(x); hints.set_y(y); } if ((flags & XlibWrapper.PSize) != 0) { hints.set_width(width); hints.set_height(height); } else if ((hints.get_flags() & XlibWrapper.PSize) != 0) { flags |= XlibWrapper.PSize; } if ((flags & XlibWrapper.PMinSize) != 0) { hints.set_min_width(width); hints.set_min_height(height); } else if ((hints.get_flags() & XlibWrapper.PMinSize) != 0) { flags |= XlibWrapper.PMinSize; // Fix for 4320050: Minimum size for java.awt.Frame is not being enforced. // We don't need to reset minimum size if it's already set } if ((flags & XlibWrapper.PMaxSize) != 0) { if (maxBounds != null) { if (maxBounds.width != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { hints.set_max_width(maxBounds.width); } else { hints.set_max_width(XToolkit.getDefaultScreenWidth()); } if (maxBounds.height != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { hints.set_max_height(maxBounds.height); } else { hints.set_max_height(XToolkit.getDefaultScreenHeight()); } } else { hints.set_max_width(width); hints.set_max_height(height); } } else if ((hints.get_flags() & XlibWrapper.PMaxSize) != 0) { flags |= XlibWrapper.PMaxSize; if (maxBounds != null) { if (maxBounds.width != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { hints.set_max_width(maxBounds.width); } else { hints.set_max_width(XToolkit.getDefaultScreenWidth()); } if (maxBounds.height != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { hints.set_max_height(maxBounds.height); } else { hints.set_max_height(XToolkit.getDefaultScreenHeight()); } } else { // Leave intact } } flags |= XlibWrapper.PWinGravity; hints.set_flags(flags); hints.set_win_gravity((int) XlibWrapper.NorthWestGravity); if (insLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) insLog.finer( "Setting hints, resulted flags " + XlibWrapper.hintsToString(flags) + ", values " + hints); XlibWrapper.XSetWMNormalHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), hints.pData); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } }
public void execute(FacesContext context) throws FacesException { boolean isFiner = log.isLoggable(Level.FINER); if (context.getResponseComplete() || context.getRenderResponse()) return; beforePhase(context, PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW); try { if (isFiner) log.finer("JSF[] before restore view"); restoreView(context); } finally { afterPhase(context, PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW); } if (context.getResponseComplete() || context.getRenderResponse()) return; UIViewRoot viewRoot = context.getViewRoot(); beforePhase(context, PhaseId.APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES); try { if (isFiner) log.finer(context.getViewRoot() + " before process decodes"); viewRoot.processDecodes(context); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); } finally { afterPhase(context, PhaseId.APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES); } // // Process Validations (processValidators) // if (context.getResponseComplete() || context.getRenderResponse()) return; beforePhase(context, PhaseId.PROCESS_VALIDATIONS); try { if (isFiner) log.finer(context.getViewRoot() + " before process validators"); viewRoot.processValidators(context); } finally { afterPhase(context, PhaseId.PROCESS_VALIDATIONS); } // // Update Model Values (processUpdates) // if (context.getResponseComplete() || context.getRenderResponse()) return; beforePhase(context, PhaseId.UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES); try { if (isFiner) log.finer(context.getViewRoot() + " before process updates"); viewRoot.processUpdates(context); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (sendError(context, "processUpdates", e)) return; } finally { afterPhase(context, PhaseId.UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES); } // // Invoke Application (processApplication) // if (context.getResponseComplete() || context.getRenderResponse()) return; beforePhase(context, PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION); try { if (isFiner) log.finer(context.getViewRoot() + " before process application"); viewRoot.processApplication(context); } finally { afterPhase(context, PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION); } }