private static MultiMap<Variable, Variable> surelyDifferent(DefaultRule rule) { Clause body = rule.antecedent(); Clause head = rule.consequent(); final MultiMap<Variable, Variable> different = new MultiMap<Variable, Variable>(); for (Literal literal : Sugar.union( body.getLiteralsByPredicate(SpecialBinaryPredicates.NEQ), body.getLiteralsByPredicate(SpecialBinaryPredicates.GT), body.getLiteralsByPredicate(SpecialBinaryPredicates.LT), body.getLiteralsByPredicate(SpecialVarargPredicates.ALLDIFF), head.getLiteralsByPredicate(SpecialBinaryPredicates.NEQ), head.getLiteralsByPredicate(SpecialBinaryPredicates.GT), head.getLiteralsByPredicate(SpecialBinaryPredicates.LT), head.getLiteralsByPredicate(SpecialVarargPredicates.ALLDIFF))) { for (Term a : literal.terms()) { if (a instanceof Variable) { Variable v1 = (Variable) a; for (Term b : literal.terms()) { if (b instanceof Variable) { Variable v2 = (Variable) b; if (v1 != v2) { different.put(v1, v2); } } } } } } return different; }
@Override public Expression<K> applyInternal(And<K> input) { for (Expression<K> expr : input.expressions) { if (expr instanceof Literal) { Literal l = (Literal) expr; if (l.getValue()) { return copyWithoutTrue(input); } else { return Literal.getFalse(); } } // succeed immediately if require something or its opposite if (expr instanceof Not) { Expression<K> notChild = ((Not<K>) expr).getE(); for (Expression<K> child : input.expressions) { if (child.equals(notChild)) { return Literal.getFalse(); } } } } return input; }
public static Set<DefaultRule> selectNonisomorphicDefaultRules( Iterable<DefaultRule> defaultRules) { List<Clause> candidates = new ArrayList<Clause>(); for (DefaultRule rule : defaultRules) { DefaultRule preprocessed = preprocess(rule); candidates.add( new Clause( Sugar.<Literal>iterable( preprocessed.antecedent().literals(), preprocessed.consequent().literals()))); } Matching m = new Matching(); Set<DefaultRule> retVal = new HashSet<DefaultRule>(); for (Clause c : m.nonisomorphic(candidates)) { List<Literal> head = new ArrayList<Literal>(); List<Literal> body = new ArrayList<Literal>(); for (Literal l : c.literals()) { Literal newLiteral = new Literal( l.predicate().substring(l.predicate().indexOf(":") + 1), l.isNegated(), l.arity()); for (int i = 0; i < l.arity(); i++) { newLiteral.set(l.get(i), i); } if (l.predicate().startsWith("antecedent:") || l.predicate().startsWith(SymmetricPredicates.PREFIX + "antecedent:")) { body.add(newLiteral); } else { head.add(newLiteral); } } retVal.add(new DefaultRule(new Clause(body), new Clause(head))); } return retVal; }
/** * Query SPARQL endpoint with a SELECT query * * @param qExec QueryExecution encapsulating the query * @return model retrieved by querying the endpoint */ private Model getSelectModel(QueryExecution qExec) { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Graph graph = model.getGraph(); ResultSet results = qExec.execSelect(); while (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution sol =; String subject; String predicate; RDFNode object; try { subject = sol.getResource("s").toString(); predicate = sol.getResource("p").toString(); object = sol.get("o"); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { logger.error("SELECT query does not return a (?s ?p ?o) Triple"); continue; } Node objNode; if (object.isLiteral()) { Literal obj = object.asLiteral(); objNode = NodeFactory.createLiteral(obj.getString(), obj.getDatatype()); } else { objNode = NodeFactory.createLiteral(object.toString()); } graph.add( new Triple(NodeFactory.createURI(subject), NodeFactory.createURI(predicate), objNode)); } return model; }
/** Return a list of all tests of the given type, according to the current filters */ public List<Resource> findTestsOfType(Resource testType) { ArrayList<Resource> result = new ArrayList<>(); StmtIterator si = testDefinitions.listStatements(null, RDF.type, testType); while (si.hasNext()) { Resource test = si.nextStatement().getSubject(); boolean accept = true; // Check test status Literal status = (Literal) test.getProperty(RDFTest.status).getObject(); if (approvedOnly) { accept = status.getString().equals(STATUS_FLAGS[0]); } else { accept = false; for (String STATUS_FLAG : STATUS_FLAGS) { if (status.getString().equals(STATUS_FLAG)) { accept = true; break; } } } // Check for blocked tests for (String BLOCKED_TEST : BLOCKED_TESTS) { if (BLOCKED_TEST.equals(test.toString())) { accept = false; } } // End of filter tests if (accept) { result.add(test); } } return result; }
public static Literal allDiffLiteral(Clause c) { Literal l = new Literal(SpecialVarargPredicates.ALLDIFF, c.variables().size()); int i = 0; for (Variable v : c.variables()) { l.set(v, i++); } return l; }
public void flushCache() { super.flushCache(); constant_computed = false; constant_value = null; type_computed = false; type_value = null; }
@Override public Query apply(Function input, Context context) throws IOException { Tuple<Reference, Literal> tuple = prepare(input); if (tuple == null) { return null; } String field = tuple.v1().info().ident().columnIdent().fqn(); Literal literal = tuple.v2(); CollectionType dataType = ((CollectionType) literal.valueType()); Set values = (Set) literal.value(); DataType innerType = dataType.innerType(); BytesRef[] terms = getBytesRefs(values, TermBuilder.forType(innerType)); TermsFilter termsFilter = new TermsFilter(field, terms); return new FilteredQuery(Queries.newMatchAllQuery(), termsFilter); }
private TermsFilter termsFilter(String columnName, Literal arrayLiteral) { TermsFilter termsFilter; Object values = arrayLiteral.value(); if (values instanceof Collection) { termsFilter = new TermsFilter( columnName, getBytesRefs((Collection) values, TermBuilder.forType(arrayLiteral.valueType()))); } else { termsFilter = new TermsFilter( columnName, getBytesRefs((Object[]) values, TermBuilder.forType(arrayLiteral.valueType()))); } return termsFilter; }
@Override protected Query applyArrayReference( Reference arrayReference, Literal literal, Context context) throws IOException { QueryBuilderHelper builder = QueryBuilderHelper.forType(((CollectionType) arrayReference.valueType()).innerType()); return builder.eq(arrayReference.ident().columnIdent().fqn(), literal.value()); }
@Nullable private Function rewriteAndValidateFields(Function function, Context context) { if (function.arguments().size() == 2) { Symbol left = function.arguments().get(0); Symbol right = function.arguments().get(1); if (left.symbolType() == SymbolType.REFERENCE && right.symbolType().isValueSymbol()) { Reference ref = (Reference) left; if ( { function.setArgument( 0, new Reference(DocSysColumns.forTable(ref.ident().tableIdent(), DocSysColumns.UID))); function.setArgument( 1, Literal.newLiteral( Uid.createUid( Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE, ValueSymbolVisitor.STRING.process(right)))); } else { String unsupportedMessage = context.unsupportedMessage(; if (unsupportedMessage != null) { throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(unsupportedMessage); } } } } return function; }
private Literal getOptionalObjectLiteral( Model model, Resource subject, URI predicate, String lang) { Set<Value> objects = GraphUtil.getObjects(model, subject, predicate); Literal result = null; for (Value nextValue : objects) { if (nextValue instanceof Literal) { final Literal literal = (Literal) nextValue; if (result == null || (lang != null && lang.equals(literal.getLanguage()))) { result = literal; } } } return result; }
/** * Used to write Resources for a Subject. Resources will use "ObjectNode" method. * * @param predicate PredicateNode * @param object Literal * @param writer PrintWriter * @throws GraphException */ protected void writeStatement( Graph graph, SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, Literal object, PrintWriter writer) throws GraphException { // determine if the Literal has a datatype URI datatype = object.getDatatypeURI(); // Get the lexical form of the literal String literalObject = object.getLexicalForm(); // Create the StringBuffer to hold the resultant string StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); // Escape the XML string StringUtil.quoteAV(literalObject, buffer); if (datatype != null) { // write as: <predicateURI rdf:datatype="datatype">"Literal value" // </predicateURI> writer.println( " <" + this.getURI(predicate) + " " + RDF_PREFIX + ":datatype=\"" + datatype + "\">" + buffer.toString() + "</" + this.getURI(predicate) + ">"); } else { // write as: <predicateURI>"Literal value"</predicateURI> writer.println( " <" + this.getURI(predicate) + ">" + buffer.toString() + "</" + this.getURI(predicate) + ">"); } }
@Override protected Query applyArrayReference( Reference arrayReference, Literal literal, Context context) throws IOException { // 1 < ANY (array_col) --> array_col > 1 return rangeQuery.toQuery( arrayReference, ((CollectionType) arrayReference.valueType()).innerType(), literal.value()); }
@Override protected Query applyArrayReference( Reference arrayReference, Literal literal, Context context) throws IOException { String notLike = negateWildcard(convertWildcardToRegex(BytesRefs.toString(literal.value()))); return new RegexpQuery( new Term(, notLike), RegexpFlag.COMPLEMENT.value()); }
private Expression<K> copyWithoutTrue(And<K> input) { List<Expression<K>> copy = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Expression<K> expr : input.expressions) { if (expr instanceof Literal) { Literal l = (Literal) expr; if (l.getValue()) { continue; } } copy.add(expr); } if (copy.isEmpty()) { return Literal.getTrue(); } return And.of(copy); }
@Override protected Query applyArrayLiteral(Reference reference, Literal arrayLiteral, Context context) throws IOException { // col like ANY (['a', 'b']) --> or(like(col, 'a'), like(col, 'b')) BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery(); booleanQuery.setMinimumNumberShouldMatch(1); for (Object value : toIterable(arrayLiteral.value())) { booleanQuery.add( likeQuery.toQuery(reference, value, context), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } return booleanQuery; }
@Override public Query apply(Function input, Context context) { Tuple<Reference, Literal> tuple = super.prepare(input); if (tuple == null) { return null; } Reference reference = tuple.v1(); Literal literal = tuple.v2(); String columnName =; if (DataTypes.isCollectionType(reference.valueType()) && DataTypes.isCollectionType(literal.valueType())) { // create boolean filter with term filters to pre-filter the result before applying the // functionQuery. BooleanFilter boolTermsFilter = new BooleanFilter(); DataType type = literal.valueType(); while (DataTypes.isCollectionType(type)) { type = ((CollectionType) type).innerType(); } QueryBuilderHelper builder = QueryBuilderHelper.forType(type); Object value = literal.value(); buildTermsQuery(boolTermsFilter, value, columnName, builder); if (boolTermsFilter.clauses().isEmpty()) { // all values are null... return genericFunctionQuery(input, context); } // wrap boolTermsFilter and genericFunction filter in an additional BooleanFilter to // control the ordering of the filters // termsFilter is applied first // afterwards the more expensive genericFunctionFilter BooleanFilter filterClauses = new BooleanFilter(); filterClauses.add(boolTermsFilter, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); filterClauses.add(genericFunctionFilter(input, context), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); return new FilteredQuery(Queries.newMatchAllQuery(), filterClauses); } QueryBuilderHelper builder = QueryBuilderHelper.forType(tuple.v1().valueType()); return builder.eq(columnName, tuple.v2().value()); }
@Override protected Query applyArrayLiteral(Reference reference, Literal arrayLiteral, Context context) throws IOException { // col < ANY ([1,2,3]) --> or(col<1, col<2, col<3) BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery(); booleanQuery.setMinimumNumberShouldMatch(1); for (Object value : toIterable(arrayLiteral.value())) { booleanQuery.add( inverseRangeQuery.toQuery(reference, reference.valueType(), value), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } return booleanQuery; }
@Test public void testInfoStamp() { String versionString = "E3.14159", commentString = "gloopSmurfale"; String resourceString = "_x eye:assumed 'ABC'; _x eye:checked 'DEF'; _x eye:version '%v'; _x eye:comment '%c'" .replaceAll("%v", versionString) .replaceAll("%c", commentString); InfoStamp i = new InfoStamp(resourceInModel(resourceString)); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Resource root = i.stamp(now); Model stamp = root.getModel(); Literal dateLiteral = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().createTypedLiteral(now); String dateString = "'" + dateLiteral.getLexicalForm() + "'" + dateLiteral.getDatatypeURI(); String expectedFormat = "[eye:assumed 'ABC' & eye:checked 'DEF' & eye:dated <date>" + " & eye:comment '<comment>' & eye:version '<version>']"; String expectedString = expectedFormat .replaceAll("<date>", dateString) .replaceAll("<version>", versionString) .replaceAll("<comment>", commentString); Model expected = model(expectedString); assertIsoModels(expected, stamp); }
@Override protected Query applyArrayLiteral(Reference reference, Literal arrayLiteral, Context context) throws IOException { // col != ANY ([1,2,3]) --> not(col=1 and col=2 and col=3) String columnName =; QueryBuilderHelper builder = QueryBuilderHelper.forType(reference.valueType()); BooleanFilter filter = new BooleanFilter(); BooleanFilter notFilter = new BooleanFilter(); for (Object value : toIterable(arrayLiteral.value())) { notFilter.add(builder.eqFilter(columnName, value), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); } filter.add(notFilter, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT); return new FilteredQuery(Queries.newMatchAllQuery(), filter); }
@Override protected Query applyArrayReference( Reference arrayReference, Literal literal, Context context) throws IOException { // 1 != any ( col ) --> gt 1 or lt 1 String columnName =; Object value = literal.value(); QueryBuilderHelper builder = QueryBuilderHelper.forType(arrayReference.valueType()); BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(); query.setMinimumNumberShouldMatch(1); query.add( builder.rangeQuery(columnName, value, null, false, false), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); query.add( builder.rangeQuery(columnName, null, value, false, false), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); return query; }
@Override protected Query applyArrayLiteral(Reference reference, Literal arrayLiteral, Context context) throws IOException { // col not like ANY (['a', 'b']) --> not(and(like(col, 'a'), like(col, 'b'))) BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(); BooleanQuery notQuery = new BooleanQuery(); String columnName = reference.ident().columnIdent().fqn(); QueryBuilderHelper builder = QueryBuilderHelper.forType(reference.valueType()); for (Object value : toIterable(arrayLiteral.value())) { notQuery.add(, value, context.indexCache.filter()), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); } query.add(notQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT); return query; }
private static Clause preprocessClause(Clause c, String prefix) { List<Literal> newLiterals = new ArrayList<Literal>(); int specialID = 0; for (Literal l : c.literals()) { String predicate = l.predicate(); if (predicate.equals(SpecialBinaryPredicates.NEQ) || predicate.equals(SpecialBinaryPredicates.EQ) || predicate.equals(SpecialVarargPredicates.ALLDIFF)) { predicate = SymmetricPredicates.PREFIX + prefix + predicate; } else { predicate = prefix + predicate; } Literal newLit = new Literal(predicate, l.isNegated(), l.arity()); for (int i = 0; i < l.arity(); i++) { newLit.set(l.get(i), i); } newLiterals.add(newLit); } return new Clause(newLiterals); }
public void flushCollectionCache() { super.flushCollectionCache(); }
public HashMap<String, Properties> generateResourceBundle(String baseName) throws GenerationException { // be sure to have at least the default URI constant settings if (uriGeneration == null) { uriGeneration = GenerationSetting.createDefault(caseFormat, "", ""); } Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(getPrefix()) + "(.+)"); HashMap<String, URI> splitUris = new HashMap<>(); for (Resource nextSubject : model.subjects()) { if (nextSubject instanceof URI) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(nextSubject.stringValue()); if (matcher.find()) { String k =; splitUris.put(k, (URI) nextSubject); } } } List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); keys.addAll(splitUris.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); HashMap<String, Properties> bundles = new HashMap<>(); // Default we have for sure bundles.put(baseName, new Properties()); for (String key : keys) { final URI resource = splitUris.get(key); // String nextKey = cleanKey(doCaseFormatting(key, uriGeneration.getCaseFormat())); for (URI p : LABEL_PROPERTIES) { for (Value v : GraphUtil.getObjects(model, resource, p)) { if (v instanceof Literal) { final Literal lit = (Literal) v; final String lang = lit.getLanguage(); final Properties bundle; if (lang == null) { bundle = bundles.get(baseName); } else if (bundles.containsKey(baseName + "_" + lang)) { bundle = bundles.get(baseName + "_" + lang); } else { bundle = new Properties(); bundles.put(baseName + "_" + lang, bundle); } if (!bundle.containsKey(nextKey + ".label")) { bundle.put(nextKey + ".label", lit.getLabel().replaceAll("\\s+", " ")); } } } } for (URI p : COMMENT_PROPERTIES) { for (Value v : GraphUtil.getObjects(model, resource, p)) { if (v instanceof Literal) { final Literal lit = (Literal) v; final String lang = lit.getLanguage(); final Properties bundle; if (lang == null) { bundle = bundles.get(baseName); } else if (bundles.containsKey(baseName + "_" + lang)) { bundle = bundles.get(baseName + "_" + lang); } else { bundle = new Properties(); bundles.put(baseName + "_" + lang, bundle); } if (!bundle.containsKey(nextKey + ".comment")) { bundle.put(nextKey + ".comment", lit.getLabel().replaceAll("\\s+", " ")); } } } } } if (getPreferredLanguage() != null) { log.debug("completing default Bundle with preferred language {}", getPreferredLanguage()); final Properties defaultBundle = bundles.get(baseName); final Properties prefBundle = bundles.get(baseName + "_" + getPreferredLanguage()); if (prefBundle != null) { for (Entry<Object, Object> key : prefBundle.entrySet()) { String nextKey = (String) key.getKey(); if (!defaultBundle.containsKey(nextKey)) { log.trace("copying {} from {} to default Bundle", nextKey, getPreferredLanguage()); defaultBundle.setProperty(nextKey, (String) key.getValue()); } } } else { log.warn("No Bundle data found for preferred language {}", getPreferredLanguage()); } } return bundles; }
public void generate(String className, PrintWriter out) throws IOException, GraphUtilException, GenerationException { // be sure to have at least the uri constants generated if (stringGeneration == null && uriGeneration == null) { uriGeneration = GenerationSetting.createDefault(caseFormat, "", ""); // throw new GenerationException("no generation settings present, please set explicitly"); } log.trace("classname: {}", className); if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { name = className; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(prefix)) { throw new GenerationException("could not detect prefix, please set explicitly"); } else { log.debug("prefix: {}", prefix); } Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(getPrefix()) + "(.+)"); ConcurrentMap<String, URI> splitUris = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); for (Resource nextSubject : model.subjects()) { if (nextSubject instanceof URI) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(nextSubject.stringValue()); if (matcher.find()) { String k =; URI putIfAbsent = splitUris.putIfAbsent(k, (URI) nextSubject); if (putIfAbsent != null) { log.warn( "Conflicting keys found: uri={} key={} existing={}", nextSubject.stringValue(), k, putIfAbsent); } } } } // print // package is optional if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(packageName)) { out.printf("package %s;%n%n", getPackageName()); } // imports out.println("import org.openrdf.model.URI;"); out.println("import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory;"); out.println("import org.openrdf.model.impl.ValueFactoryImpl;"); out.println(); final URI pfx = new URIImpl(prefix); Literal oTitle = getFirstExistingObjectLiteral(model, pfx, getPreferredLanguage(), LABEL_PROPERTIES); Literal oDescr = getFirstExistingObjectLiteral(model, pfx, getPreferredLanguage(), COMMENT_PROPERTIES); Set<Value> oSeeAlso = model.filter(pfx, RDFS.SEEALSO, null).objects(); // class JavaDoc out.println("/**"); if (oTitle != null) { out.printf( " * %s.%n", WordUtils.wrap(oTitle.getLabel().replaceAll("\\s+", " "), 70, "\n * ", false)); out.println(" * <p>"); } if (oDescr != null) { out.printf( " * %s.%n", WordUtils.wrap(oDescr.getLabel().replaceAll("\\s+", " "), 70, "\n * ", false)); out.println(" * <p>"); } out.printf(" * Namespace %s.%n", name); out.printf(" * Prefix: {@code <%s>}%n", prefix); if (!oSeeAlso.isEmpty()) { out.println(" *"); for (Value s : oSeeAlso) { if (s instanceof URI) { out.printf(" * @see <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>%n", s.stringValue(), s.stringValue()); } } } out.println(" */"); // class Definition out.printf("public class %s {%n", className); out.println(); // constants out.printf(getIndent(1) + "/** {@code %s} **/%n", prefix); out.printf(getIndent(1) + "public static final String NAMESPACE = \"%s\";%n", prefix); out.println(); out.printf(getIndent(1) + "/** {@code %s} **/%n", name.toLowerCase()); out.printf(getIndent(1) + "public static final String PREFIX = \"%s\";%n", name.toLowerCase()); out.println(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); keys.addAll(splitUris.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // do the string constant generation (if set) if (stringGeneration != null) { for (String key : keys) { final Literal comment = getFirstExistingObjectLiteral( model, splitUris.get(key), getPreferredLanguage(), COMMENT_PROPERTIES); final Literal label = getFirstExistingObjectLiteral( model, splitUris.get(key), getPreferredLanguage(), LABEL_PROPERTIES); out.println(getIndent(1) + "/**"); if (label != null) { out.printf(getIndent(1) + " * %s%n", label.getLabel()); out.println(getIndent(1) + " * <p>"); } out.printf(getIndent(1) + " * {@code %s}.%n", splitUris.get(key).stringValue()); if (comment != null) { out.println(getIndent(1) + " * <p>"); out.printf( getIndent(1) + " * %s%n", WordUtils.wrap( comment.getLabel().replaceAll("\\s+", " "), 70, "\n" + getIndent(1) + " * ", false)); } out.println(getIndent(1) + " *"); out.printf(getIndent(1) + " * @see <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>%n", splitUris.get(key), key); out.println(getIndent(1) + " */"); final String nextKey = cleanKey( // NOTE: CONSTANT PREFIX and constant SUFFIX are NOT part of caseFormatting String.format( "%s%s%s", StringUtils.defaultString(stringGeneration.getConstantPrefix()), doCaseFormatting(key, stringGeneration.getCaseFormat()), StringUtils.defaultString(stringGeneration.getConstantSuffix()))); checkField(className, nextKey); out.printf( getIndent(1) + "public static final String %s = %s.NAMESPACE + \"%s\";%n", nextKey, className, key); out.println(); } } // do the entire uri constant generation if (uriGeneration != null) { for (String key : keys) { Literal comment = getFirstExistingObjectLiteral( model, splitUris.get(key), getPreferredLanguage(), COMMENT_PROPERTIES); Literal label = getFirstExistingObjectLiteral( model, splitUris.get(key), getPreferredLanguage(), LABEL_PROPERTIES); out.println(getIndent(1) + "/**"); if (label != null) { out.printf(getIndent(1) + " * %s%n", label.getLabel()); out.println(getIndent(1) + " * <p>"); } out.printf(getIndent(1) + " * {@code %s}.%n", splitUris.get(key).stringValue()); if (comment != null) { out.println(getIndent(1) + " * <p>"); out.printf( getIndent(1) + " * %s%n", WordUtils.wrap( comment.getLabel().replaceAll("\\s+", " "), 70, "\n" + getIndent(1) + " * ", false)); } out.println(getIndent(1) + " *"); out.printf(getIndent(1) + " * @see <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>%n", splitUris.get(key), key); out.println(getIndent(1) + " */"); final String nextKey = cleanKey( // NOTE: CONSTANT PREFIX and constant SUFFIX are NOT part of caseFormatting String.format( "%s%s%s", StringUtils.defaultString(uriGeneration.getConstantPrefix()), doCaseFormatting(key, uriGeneration.getCaseFormat()), StringUtils.defaultString(uriGeneration.getConstantSuffix()))); // String nextKey = cleanKey(doCaseFormatting(key, uriGeneration.getCaseFormat())); checkField(className, nextKey); out.printf(getIndent(1) + "public static final URI %s;%n", nextKey); out.println(); } // static init out.println(getIndent(1) + "static {"); out.printf(getIndent(2) + "ValueFactory factory = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance();%n"); out.println(); for (String key : keys) { final String nextKey = cleanKey( // NOTE: CONSTANT PREFIX and constant SUFFIX are NOT part of caseFormatting String.format( "%s%s%s", StringUtils.defaultString(uriGeneration.getConstantPrefix()), doCaseFormatting(key, uriGeneration.getCaseFormat()), StringUtils.defaultString(uriGeneration.getConstantSuffix()))); out.printf( getIndent(2) + "%s = factory.createURI(%s.NAMESPACE, \"%s\");%n", nextKey, className, key); } out.println(getIndent(1) + "}"); out.println(); } // private contructor to avoid instances out.printf(getIndent(1) + "private %s() {%n", className); out.println(getIndent(2) + "//static access only"); out.println(getIndent(1) + "}"); out.println(); // class end out.println("}"); out.flush(); }
@Override protected Query applyArrayReference( Reference arrayReference, Literal literal, Context context) throws IOException { return likeQuery.toQuery(arrayReference, literal.value(), context); }
/** * Generates code for a Java expression satisfying the {@link org.eigenbase.runtime.TupleIter} * interface. The generated code allocates a {@link org.eigenbase.runtime.CalcTupleIter} with a * dynamic {@link org.eigenbase.runtime.TupleIter#fetchNext()} method. If the "abort on error" * flag is false, or an error handling tag is specified, then fetchNext is written to handle row * errors. * * <p>Row errors are handled by wrapping expressions that can fail with a try/catch block. A * caught RuntimeException is then published to an "connection variable." In the event that errors * can overflow, an "error buffering" flag allows them to be posted again on the next iteration of * fetchNext. * * @param implementor an object that implements relations as Java code * @param rel the relation to be implemented * @param childExp the implemented child of the relation * @param varInputRow the Java variable to use for the input row * @param inputRowType the rel data type of the input row * @param outputRowType the rel data type of the output row * @param program the rex program to implemented by the relation * @param tag an error handling tag * @return a Java expression satisfying the TupleIter interface */ public static Expression implementAbstractTupleIter( JavaRelImplementor implementor, JavaRel rel, Expression childExp, Variable varInputRow, final RelDataType inputRowType, final RelDataType outputRowType, RexProgram program, String tag) { MemberDeclarationList memberList = new MemberDeclarationList(); // Perform error recovery if continuing on errors or if // an error handling tag has been specified boolean errorRecovery = !abortOnError || (tag != null); // Error buffering should not be enabled unless error recovery is assert !errorBuffering || errorRecovery; // Allow backwards compatibility until all Farrago extensions are // satisfied with the new error handling semantics. The new semantics // include: // (1) cast input object to input row object outside of try block, // should be fine, at least for base Farrago // (2) maintain a columnIndex counter to better locate of error, // at the cost of a few cycles // (3) publish errors to the runtime context. FarragoRuntimeContext // now supports this API boolean backwardsCompatible = true; if (tag != null) { backwardsCompatible = false; } RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = implementor.getTypeFactory(); OJClass outputRowClass = OJUtil.typeToOJClass(outputRowType, typeFactory); OJClass inputRowClass = OJUtil.typeToOJClass(inputRowType, typeFactory); Variable varOutputRow = implementor.newVariable(); FieldDeclaration inputRowVarDecl = new FieldDeclaration( new ModifierList(ModifierList.PRIVATE), TypeName.forOJClass(inputRowClass), varInputRow.toString(), null); FieldDeclaration outputRowVarDecl = new FieldDeclaration( new ModifierList(ModifierList.PRIVATE), TypeName.forOJClass(outputRowClass), varOutputRow.toString(), new AllocationExpression(outputRowClass, new ExpressionList())); // The method body for fetchNext, a main target of code generation StatementList nextMethodBody = new StatementList(); // First, post an error if it overflowed the previous time // if (pendingError) { // rc = handleRowError(...); // if (rc instanceof NoDataReason) { // return rc; // } // pendingError = false; // } if (errorBuffering) { // add to next method body... } // Most of fetchNext falls within a while() block. The while block // allows us to try multiple input rows against a filter condition // before returning a single row. // while (true) { // Object varInputObj = inputIterator.fetchNext(); // if (varInputObj instanceof TupleIter.NoDataReason) { // return varInputObj; // } // varInputRow = (InputRowClass) varInputObj; // int columnIndex = 0; // [calculation statements] // } StatementList whileBody = new StatementList(); Variable varInputObj = implementor.newVariable(); whileBody.add( new VariableDeclaration( OJUtil.typeNameForClass(Object.class), varInputObj.toString(), new MethodCall(new FieldAccess("inputIterator"), "fetchNext", new ExpressionList()))); StatementList ifNoDataReasonBody = new StatementList(); whileBody.add( new IfStatement( new InstanceofExpression( varInputObj, OJUtil.typeNameForClass(TupleIter.NoDataReason.class)), ifNoDataReasonBody)); ifNoDataReasonBody.add(new ReturnStatement(varInputObj)); // Push up the row declaration for new error handling so that the // input row is available to the error handler if (!backwardsCompatible) { whileBody.add(assignInputRow(inputRowClass, varInputRow, varInputObj)); } Variable varColumnIndex = null; if (errorRecovery && !backwardsCompatible) { // NOTE jvs 7-Oct-2006: Declare varColumnIndex as a member // (rather than a local) in case in the future we want // to decompose complex expressions into helper methods. varColumnIndex = implementor.newVariable(); FieldDeclaration varColumnIndexDecl = new FieldDeclaration( new ModifierList(ModifierList.PRIVATE), OJUtil.typeNameForClass(int.class), varColumnIndex.toString(), null); memberList.add(varColumnIndexDecl); whileBody.add( new ExpressionStatement( new AssignmentExpression( varColumnIndex, AssignmentExpression.EQUALS, Literal.makeLiteral(0)))); } // Calculator (projection, filtering) statements are later appended // to calcStmts. Typically, this target will be the while list itself. StatementList calcStmts; if (!errorRecovery) { calcStmts = whileBody; } else { // For error recovery, we wrap the calc statements // (e.g., everything but the code that reads rows from the // inputIterator) in a try/catch that publishes exceptions. calcStmts = new StatementList(); // try { /* calcStmts */ } // catch(RuntimeException ex) { // Object rc = connection.handleRowError(...); // [buffer error if necessary] // } StatementList catchStmts = new StatementList(); if (backwardsCompatible) { catchStmts.add( new ExpressionStatement( new MethodCall( new MethodCall( OJUtil.typeNameForClass(EigenbaseTrace.class), "getStatementTracer", null), "log", new ExpressionList( new FieldAccess(OJUtil.typeNameForClass(Level.class), "WARNING"), Literal.makeLiteral("java calc exception"), new FieldAccess("ex"))))); } else { Variable varRc = implementor.newVariable(); ExpressionList handleRowErrorArgs = new ExpressionList(varInputRow, new FieldAccess("ex"), varColumnIndex); handleRowErrorArgs.add(Literal.makeLiteral(tag)); catchStmts.add( new VariableDeclaration( OJUtil.typeNameForClass(Object.class), varRc.toString(), new MethodCall( implementor.getConnectionVariable(), "handleRowError", handleRowErrorArgs))); // Buffer an error if it overflowed // if (rc instanceof NoDataReason) { // pendingError = true; // [save error state] // return rc; // } if (errorBuffering) { // add to catch statements... } } CatchList catchList = new CatchList( new CatchBlock( new Parameter(OJUtil.typeNameForClass(RuntimeException.class), "ex"), catchStmts)); TryStatement tryStmt = new TryStatement(calcStmts, catchList); whileBody.add(tryStmt); } if (backwardsCompatible) { calcStmts.add(assignInputRow(inputRowClass, varInputRow, varInputObj)); } StatementList condBody; RexToOJTranslator translator = implementor.newStmtTranslator(rel, calcStmts, memberList); try { translator.pushProgram(program); if (program.getCondition() != null) { // TODO jvs 8-Oct-2006: move condition to its own // method if big, as below for project exprs. condBody = new StatementList(); RexNode rexIsTrue = rel.getCluster() .getRexBuilder() .makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.isTrueOperator, program.getCondition()); Expression conditionExp = translator.translateRexNode(rexIsTrue); calcStmts.add(new IfStatement(conditionExp, condBody)); } else { condBody = calcStmts; } RelDataTypeField[] fields = outputRowType.getFields(); final List<RexLocalRef> projectRefList = program.getProjectList(); int i = -1; for (RexLocalRef rhs : projectRefList) { // NOTE jvs 14-Sept-2006: Put complicated project expressions // into their own method, otherwise a big select list can easily // blow the 64K Java limit on method bytecode size. Make // methods private final in the hopes that they will get inlined // JIT. For now we decide "complicated" based on the size of // the generated Java parse tree. A big enough select list of // simple expressions could still blow the limit, so we may need // to group them together, sub-divide, etc. StatementList projMethodBody = new StatementList(); if (errorRecovery && !backwardsCompatible) { projMethodBody.add( new ExpressionStatement( new UnaryExpression(varColumnIndex, UnaryExpression.POST_INCREMENT))); } ++i; RexToOJTranslator projTranslator = translator.push(projMethodBody); String javaFieldName = Util.toJavaId(fields[i].getName(), i); Expression lhs = new FieldAccess(varOutputRow, javaFieldName); projTranslator.translateAssignment(fields[i], lhs, rhs); int complexity = OJUtil.countParseTreeNodes(projMethodBody); // REVIEW: HCP 5/18/2011 // The projMethod should be checked // for causing possible compiler errors caused by the use of // variables declared in other projMethods. Also the // local declaration of variabled used by other proj methods // should also be checked. // Fixing for backswing integration 14270 // TODO: check if abstracting this method body will cause // a compiler error if (true) { // No method needed; just append. condBody.addAll(projMethodBody); continue; } // Need a separate method. String projMethodName = "calc_" + varOutputRow.toString() + "_f_" + i; MemberDeclaration projMethodDecl = new MethodDeclaration( new ModifierList(ModifierList.PRIVATE | ModifierList.FINAL), TypeName.forOJClass(OJSystem.VOID), projMethodName, new ParameterList(), null, projMethodBody); memberList.add(projMethodDecl); condBody.add(new ExpressionStatement(new MethodCall(projMethodName, new ExpressionList()))); } } finally { translator.popProgram(program); } condBody.add(new ReturnStatement(varOutputRow)); WhileStatement whileStmt = new WhileStatement(Literal.makeLiteral(true), whileBody); nextMethodBody.add(whileStmt); MemberDeclaration fetchNextMethodDecl = new MethodDeclaration( new ModifierList(ModifierList.PUBLIC), OJUtil.typeNameForClass(Object.class), "fetchNext", new ParameterList(), null, nextMethodBody); // The restart() method should reset variables used to buffer errors // pendingError = false if (errorBuffering) { // declare refinement of restart() and add to member list... } memberList.add(inputRowVarDecl); memberList.add(outputRowVarDecl); memberList.add(fetchNextMethodDecl); Expression newTupleIterExp = new AllocationExpression( OJUtil.typeNameForClass(CalcTupleIter.class), new ExpressionList(childExp), memberList); return newTupleIterExp; }